Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 01, 1911, Image 5
'xx>oooooc><x><x>oc>oo ^AN ARGUMENT! If you are not buying your groceries from us you are making a mis- ’ take, for we are offer- I ing big inducements for : the economical house- ■ wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES PtRSBll Si LOCAL “ ,ke! **• 1 Mr FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. i Gilmore and Reed Streets. ; Osgood F. Cook, Preacher In Charge. | Services at 11 a. m„ and 7:30 p. m. ► j In the morning the pastor will preach short sermon and administer the ! sacrament of tho Lord's supper. ! Preaching at the evening service by pastor. The members of the church are expected to be present and all without other church engage- ^ 1 ments are earnestly invited and prom and at lower than the % ,s<,|i !ln l«tere»tln* ami profltablo rjtfnie. Ci The Sunday School will meet at C.3-30 In the afternoon. Special pro- * I vision is made for strangers and $ visitors in the adult Bible class of * which Prof. E. A. Pound Is teacher. *;HIb lectures are most Instructive and helpful. ! ► The stewards will meet on Monday I j night at 7:30 o’clock. >1 The Epworth League will have an * evening with the Wesleys on Tues- j 'jday «t 7:30 p. m. A very attractive ; •; program has been arranged. j The prayer luting 'which is held every Thursday 30 p. m., is being I largely attended. > I ’ lowest cut prices. Read pur advertisements; give us one month’s ac- ' count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at 5c pound. C h i ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. WILSON GROCERY CO W. M. WILSON, Mgr. | Wilson Block. Phone 128 404<X>0000<>000040< POWDER Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made from Royal Grape Dream of Tartar NO alum.no lime phosphate WARE SCHOOLS ON IIP GRADE The Ware county school corn mis- ?ner, j. ft. nourn, raukes a fine re- The Junior Ep*kh league will p , rt tod#y on condlt|on of War0 county schools. There are today, 25 country schools meet Friday afternoon at 3:30. . T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. central BAPTIST CHURCH The regular services at the Central Baptist church tomorrow. Sunday, in active operation, ns against 10 in previous years In session at this time, ft has been customary to have 0EIB00D FARMS Quite a number of the northern farmers who have located on Been- wood farms are in the city today do ing their trading, among the number rre Mr. S, E. Couch, J. E, Weaver, B E. Mudge, W. E. Macey and L. C. Honk. Theso energetic men ex* press great enthusiasm and confiden ce in tho outlook for their future farm work at Wareboro. Mr. W. E. Macey was enthusiastic in Ills praise of tho land and its possibilities. One L liner has already got Alfalfa, clover Barley and Timothy growing luxuri antly. Mr. Macey expects his brothei ; here from Colorado in a few days and has plans underway for the stumpage oi a large tract to be devoted o the cultivation of Alfalfa. It does oni good to rub Bladders with these ener | fcetlc fellows and we prognosticate that their energy and capacity will revolutionise farming conditions In Wore county. A great, settlement of tneso men with their thrifty wives will he a mighty hlessng t*> Wnycross nnd the Herald bids them hdhrty greeting and a warm and cor dial welcome to our community nnd the best we have to give them. WHEN YOUR MONEY” 15 IN JT> SAFE UNDER O GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION morning and evening. Superinten* only summer sessions In most of the dent E. D. Carswell a/sks for a large 1 schools and this increase In length attendance at Sunday school In af-*cf. terms show a great improvement ternoon. Rev. W. H. Scruggs will preach at both services. Choir practice on Saturday night, when it is hoped that there will be a large number present to practice special music and the songs that will be used at Dr. Phillips meetings which will commence on Thursday night April 6th. A; SMOKED pork, sausage, fresh SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWL8, SKINNED HAMS, BREAKFAST BA* CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU- * Rev. ,T. R PMtlips will in here on CAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM ^ Thursdi y to ' rt his greaM^jeetlng ■on Thur'Yay *' ht. It was expected j to start cn M ..;day, but Dr. Phillips • rreeflnr r.t Milieu ia so successful. | that he feels he cannot close It until Wednesday night. j Mr. Butler, the beautiful singer, and J his wife will arrive here on Wednes* I flay. CHEE8E, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH F|8H AND 0YSTER8. 7. H. Blizzard, *108 PLANT AVENUE. ■II along the line. Said Mr. Bourne: “Ware county it. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. Waycross, Ga. 108 Plant Ava. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. The editor of The Herald having recovered his health to some extent will he on the road part of the time during the next month looking after the interest of the farmers in the mat ter of fertilizers. CASTOR IA Vor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Prescriptions J know that it is not always con venient for your doctor to drive en tirely out of his way to leave your prescription at our store, aud for your convenience we have a oulek messen ger who will call for ycur prescrip tion at all times. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND THE 8ERVICE. TELEPHONE 95. Central Pharmacy. VopnF.RolerlsOb Drug Co., Prop. AT THE MAJESTIC THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, <( The Harvey’s” (Man and Woman.) IN A FINE MU8ICAL SINGING AND DANCING ACT. This Is a high- class show, don't miss it! Matinee Every Afternoon. Prices: Mainee 6c and 10c Night 10c and 16c THE DIXIE AIRD0ME TONIGHT ALL NEW ACTS! 3—BIG ACTS—3 ABSOLUTELY GOOD MOTION PICTURES. DON’T MI8S TONIGHTS PROGRAM. BESIDES THE FACT Thu A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over uur notes nnd securities! twice each year, and In addition to the surplus fund and undivided prof) In which aland Between our tlcpoal- tors and any possibility of loss, there la OUR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY ....$200,000.00 TOTAL 8ECURITY TO DEPOSITORS IN THI8 BANK $400,000.00 Here la the real strength of a hunk and upon till. Item and Its rati* of deposits, we invite comparison wllh any other bank In this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. Georgia CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch cow must be gentle, and fresh In milk, Mu. W. W. Sharpe, 40 Gilmore street 18 tf. WANTED—Rugs and Art Squares to clean; hats to clean and reflnlsh T. 8. Avorlll, No. 64 Reed street. Will care for work and return it. 29 8t FOR SALE FOR SALE—Eggs, Thoroughbred, Plymouth Rock and 8. C., Rhode Is lend Reds, $1.00 for 15. Also day old chickens. Address Box 454 Way- cross 20 13t FOR SALE—I have a good horse and buggy for sale. A bargain. Rich ard Scruggs. 24 tf FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms at 22 Gilmore street. 25 tf FOR RENT—Furnished room at 51 Paralell street. 30 3t FOR SALE—3 50-Horse Boilers; 6 Engines, of different sizes; 1 Steam Skidder; 1 Planer, double surfaccr li Log Carts, and other saw mill n'ficWoery. Will sell cheap. IJicox Lumber Co., Hfcox, Ga. 31 6t LOST—One light hay or yellow mare mule, about 6 or 7 years olo, weight about 800 or 900 pounds, rath er thin, hair little long. We swapped I for this mule from W. T. Duncan, j who has only been here for a short j while. This mule came from Broxton ! Ga. \To v.il! satisfy any one who will driver tbit mule to us at J. A. , Zonez* ; ‘able or or Mcorc’t or Mayo’s livery ttahlo. J. W. Hogan. 11) has better schools and bc*ttor teach ers at work today than at any tinio In her history.” The children of today are the lead ers of tomorrow nnd good schools promises greater things for Ware county’s future than any thing else wt can plan or devise and the conn-, ty school hoard and commissioner deserve great, commendation. WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINE8S GIVEN, AND |F YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND ONE OP THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HI8 PER30NAL ATTENTION. THE BE8T MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. ^ J M Clark, General Manager. BENTON’S SPECIALS, READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR BENTON’S Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now filled with New Spring Ready- to-Wear Garments. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect tne many new styles in Coat Suits, Skirts, One Piece Dress and Waists. SECOND FLOOR. SECOND FOOOR. New Spring Coat Suits MADE "OF LIGHT WEIOHT WOOL MATERIALS. Special $22.50 , Linen Coat Suits IN TAN, NAVY, .ETC., MADE OF LINEN, RAJAH AND CRASH. Special $9.00 Wash*Coat Suits MADE OF LINONETTE, COLOR8 BLUE AND WHITE. Special $6.00 New Spring Skirts CLACK VOILE SKIRT8, MADE rLAIN AND TRIMMED WITH 8AT. IN. SILK AND BRAID. PRICES RANGE FROM $5- 98 te $18°° Summer Wool Skirts NAVY, TAN, BLACK, GRAY, PLAIN COLOR, SHEPHERD PLAIDS AND FANCY 8TRIPE8. SPECIAL S3- 50 1# SI2- 50 Wash Skirts MADE OF BROWN LINEN, WHITE REP, LINENETTE AND INOIAN HEAD. 8PECIAL VALUES $P 10 $4'°° One-Piece Dresses BEAUTIFULLY MADE. LARGE DIS PLAY ON SECOND FLOOR. LADIES ONE PIECE DRE8SES MADE OF COLORED LINENS TRIMMED WITH COLORED REPS TO MATCH. CROWN LINEN DRES8E8 BRAIDED AND TRIMMED WITH LINEN IN SERTION. SPECIAL VALUES $2 25 to $8-°° CHILDRENS AND MISSES WASH DRE88E8, ALL 6IZE8. $2-°° to $4-o°' Muslin Underwear SPECIAL VALUES IN SKIRTS, GOWNS, CHEME8E, CORSET COV ERS, COMBINATION SUITS AND DRAWERS 25c to SI “ H. J. Benton & Co.