Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 01, 1911, Image 6
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD .sJ BAD COLDS ARE THE MOST COMMON AILMENT KNOWN TO MAN AND THE MOST DANGEROUS, FOR THEY ARE LIABLE TO DE- VELOP INTO A SERIOUS ILLNESS OR EVEN TUBERCULOSIS, WHICH ALWAYS START WITH A COLD AND IS RESPONSIBLE IN SOME FORM FOR ONE DEATH IN EVERY FIVE. FROM THE STANDPOINT OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND ECONO- MV IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP O NE OF OUR ..'DIES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. SOME MEMBER OF THE FAMIL IS SURE TO NEED IT. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Might sooo oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo OWN A HOME we LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD, PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI VVaycross Savings anil Triiot Co* Vo*o<x>oooooooo4<>* ooooo oooooooooooo «rgs3szrafl jj PlFESSBi. eCHLR mbM o o <>00000000 O MARVIL&O QUINN O Formally Lott, Fain & Co 4 O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND 4 O EMBALMERS. O Telephone 500 Day or Nght 4 I'rivute Chapel and Morgue 4 D OO OOOOOOOO oooooooooo WL HINSON & CO UNDERTAKERS AND , 4 EMBALMERS. Phone 91 and 153. 4 OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO O WILSON o BENNETT ° & LAMBDIN 0 O Attorneys <SL Counselors At Law O OOOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOO o ANDREW B ESTES ° ATTORNEY AT LAW O O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O Way cross, Ga. O OOOOOOOOOO o O OOOOOOOOOO o DEEN& BURNETT <> ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O Room 3C8 La Grande Bldg. O Way cross, Ga. O OOOOOOOOOOo VETERAN AND WIFE SPEND HONEYMOON ON AUTO TOUR Savannah, Ga., March HI. —CoVnrj A. Sollhlay of Watertown, Win., 70 years old, and a veteran of two warn, has smashed the order of things that a man in good for nothing after GO, by making a record run in an auto mobile from Chicago to Jackso*. In twelve days, meeting, wooing nnn wedding a .voting woman there also In record time, and Ih now enjoying a honeymoon return trip with his bride be*do him. Col. Holliday will ot attempt to break any record In the return trip. Yfc Is making the honeymoon n' pleasant as possible. Mrs. Holiday appears to he us FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are toulc In action, quick in re suits. A special medlcino for all kidney and bladder disorder?.. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeuoro, N. II., /invs: "I was afflicted with a bad case of rheu matism, due to uric acid that my kid neys failed to clear out of my blood. I was so lame In my feet, joints, ami back that It was agony for mo ro step. I used Foley Kidney Pills’for three days when l w,»s able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. This great change Jn condition I owe to Foley Kidney IMUs and re commend them to anyone suffering as I have." Gem Pharmacy. SAVES TWO LIVES. OOOOOOOOOO o W J GASSETT o CONTRACTOR & BUILDER O • Resdence 48 Margaret Street O Phone 103 Waycross, Ga.. .O OOOOOOOOOOo O OOOOOOOOOO o 0 T J CARSWELL <>! O PH. G., M. D. o’ O Diseases of Children; O j O Diseases of Women; OJ O Obsterics. OJ ‘TtieTstai 8CHE Northboum • firs©i d ol Excellence in Passenger Service.” ..IS EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 1911. Southbound: O Residence ICG Plant Ave. O O Phone 5i6. O O Office In Walker Building O O * Phone 528. O OOOOOOOOOOO0 7:20 8:00 9:20 11:00 12:05 am am am am pm C:06 6:40 8:00 9:40 10:45 pm Lv. Brunswick Ar. Lv. Tbalmau Ar Lv. Waycross Ar. Lv. Douglas Ar Ar) Fitzgerald Lv. 8:10 7:25 6:10 4:35 3:30 pm pm pm pm pm 10:45 10:00 8:45 7:10 6:05 am am am am am B F HEARN 8:20 am 7:15 pra Lv. Tbomasvllle Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 9:25 am 8:22 pm Lv. Moultrie Ar. 5:33 pm 8:05 am No. 14 Brewer Street. Phone No. 683 10:35 am 9:30 pm Lv. Tilton Ar. 4:30 pm 7:05 am Be sure you are right, then go ahead and Jet me figure on doing your wild- 12:15 pm 10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pm 6:00 am ing. All work guaranteed to give per- 1:40 pm 12:15 am Lv. Cordele Lv. 2:05 pm 4:40 am feet satisfaction. Best of references 2:01 pm 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm 4:14 am furnished It required. 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv Montezuma Lv. 12:50 pm 3:30 am ... — —»• - 2:56 pm 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am C A- DOWNEY M- D V- 4:32 pm 2:58 am Lv. Talbott on Lv. 11:10 am 2:00 a v VETENARIAN 5:15 pm 3:40 am Ar Manchester Lv. 10:30 am 1:20 am 19 Albany Avenue Waycross, Ga. hm 1:15 Oay and Night Phone 696. 5:20 pm 3:45 Lv. Manchester Ar. 10:25 am pm 5:41 pm 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Lv. 10:04 am 12:52 am W. R. THOMAS. M. D. 6:34 pm 4:59 am Lv. Senola Lv 9:09 am 11:54 pm PHY8ICIAN SURGEON. S:15 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv. 7:30 am 10:15 pm Office In LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Postoffice. 10:45 am 3:50 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:30 pm 12:45 am Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 11:55 am 4:50 am Lv. La Grange Ar. 3:25 pm 11:45 pm and 8 p. m. 3:50 pm 8:45 am Lv. Talladega Ar. 11:30 am 7:45 pm 6:55 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. - 8:30 am 4:45 pra PEPSICOLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER. SLEEP BETTER, LOOK BET TER. Red heen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA BOTLHfG WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night trains between Thomas- I vllle and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy I at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all J Incoming trains at Atlanta, including the South Atlantic Limited from Cln» I clnnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. Louis. Connections at other junction points are well adjusted and are shown In the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention is called to the establishment ot connection’s at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving j Atlanta at 6:45 am., for .Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving 1 Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. J W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt. E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Pass AgL Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, Travelln g Passenger Agent OOOOOOOOOO G R LOVELACE <> DENTIST Office In Redding Block, Over Star Clothing Store OOOOOOOOOO Neither my sister nor myself might ho living today, If It had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery.” writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C., U. F. D., No. 8. "For we both had frightful coughs that no roraedy could help. Wo wero told my Bister had consumption. Sho was very weak ptoud of her distinguished Junking,and had night swents but your won- ' derful medldue completely cured us both. It is the best I evor used or husband n» he Is of her. The cou ple left Jacksonville Immediately af ter their marriage. They are taking their long Journey In easy stages with numerous Btops by the way. They will go from Sn\annah to At hunt a beard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, lagrlppe, asthma, hay fever, crodp. whooping cough,— all bronehical iron hies,—Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 60c and $1.00. Guar anteed by All Druggists. UNIQUE EASTER LUNCHEON GIVEN BY ALA3AMA HOSTESS A nost attractive luncheon was end in; THE LAST DEATH MAKES THE NUMBER 144. New York, March 31.—'The death today of Sarah Kupln. a ttl-year-old girl, who Jumped from the cl;ht!l floor of the Aseh buUditt; during Sat urday’s horror, brmnh't the list of victims up to 11 total of 111. The girl’s back was broken and she had been unconscious ever since the fatal leap. The identification of another girl's body by a strange arrangement of buttons on her dress brought the list ot unnamed down to fourteen. There seems little chance of further Identi fication and the charities hoard has made arrangements to bury them in j j on ed of a smart little stra the Cemetery of the Evergreens. In Lf whoso crown, bloomed * OOOOOOOOOO J B BAGLEY M D ‘ - PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 4 Office n Southern Building 4 OFFICE HOURS. 4 > 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. 4 OOOOOOOOOO FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. L. McConnell, Catherine, St., El mira, N. Y., writes: “I wish to express my appreciation ot the great good I derived from Foley’s Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt It Is the most re liable kidney medicine I have ever taken." Gem Pharmacy. For First-Class JOB Try THE HERALD OOOOOOOOOO o A FLEMING M D <> ► Office over Gem Pharmacy O > In Southern Building. O OOOOOOOOOO o >n in a charmln •ated affair, and the Fas- ailed In all the appoint- men:*. The decorations of the table v.x* :• not lavish, but most tasteful ami el c? ant. The Easter bonnet which Is the uu>st absorbing topic of the moment to our Lady Modish, was the hos tess’ Inspiration. In the center of the table, was nil overturned hat filled with the lovil est of multi colored sweet peas. At each cover was a place favor fash- hat. out *et peas, A plot owned by the city. land when caught in the corsage of Contributions to the relief fund to-: each guest, was a becoming. French tailed more than $58,000 up to last beuquet. fllCkf* The mints were molded In the form * * —— — jof hats—each little ehaplean. perfect, “SWEEETST ROSE IN jp»d of a form ami fashion, altogeth THE SPRINGTIME.’ (A Georgia Love Song.I When tienlc time Is cornin' rouu ’ An’ v*»r gal is a peach in 1 lue WMI. .* »vM* n h *** *■ r a nice young man. Ac’ the nice young man is—you! T en Its "Come, nty honey. With the rose in y»r Van’. Y**u’iO the sweetes* rose In the Snrtagtlmo Isn.!" T^treer. :b.:y tow on the w. y :!$? fee*— '■’he 1 're raidin' "Howdy-do." Ac' ! think 1 know er attractive. j This entertainment was considered | to he one of the most unique of Its | kind, ever given In Alabama. j First week in April is "Cleaning* | Lp Week" In the city. Get busy! | Why the birds sing sty— | For the dream in the drees o’ blue! ! Oh. it, "Com*, my honey, b With tfco rtfs* in yer han,’ You r* Ih* «we*t*»- row j la Ih* Sprfargllme Ian,!" | —F. I* S. OOO'-'.- 0000000 o CL REDDING <> O ATTORNEY AT LAW. O O Upstairs Redding Block. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O o ooooo ooooo o . OOOOOOOOOO o O JOHN S WALKER <> <> Attorney and Counselor At O O Law. O O Office up-stairs Southern O O Hotel. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO o O OOOOOOOOOo o byck Electric • o supply co O All Kinds of Electrical Work 4 O and Supplies. 4 O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 4 O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. 4 OOOOOOOOOOO \ OOOOOOOOOOOo Benj. J. Parks Harry D. Reed PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotel Building. WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. 0 OOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOOOO O DR LEWIS o o JONATHAN BURCH 0 PRAViATICE LIMITED TO O Eye* Ear, Noset Throat and O Chronic Diseases. O Residue 166 Plant Are. O office Redding Building. O Office Hours: S to IS a. m. O 2 to 5 p. m. colored people. O OOOOOOOOOOo Subsc ip.- icr the 0*0 r>U*hu« Waycross Evening Herald. HOW CAN | MAKE MONEY WITH MY MONEY? THE SAFEST AND SUREST WAY IS TO BU YLOTS IN RIVERSIDE PARK. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! OUR OFFICE IS LOCATED AT 406 LA GRANDE BLOCK. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER.