Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 01, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALB A Good Mineral Water; Is No Longer a Luxury, But a Necessity of Vital Importance. Your health depends largely upon the water you are drinking; more sickness is caused by impure water than through any other channel. Be on the Safe Side—-DRINK Ddwden Lifhia. WATER" "The Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters’’ It’s prescribed by most eminent physicians with unerring effect in the treatment of the following diseases: in disorders caused by Uric Acid, Rheumatism, Kidney and Blad der affections, Gout Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bottled Only at the Springs- "Douglas County, Ga. Bowden Lithia Water is a delightfully palatable TABLE WATER. Drink it freely—it is healthful all the time. Order oi us direct, to be shipped to you from the Springs the day order is received, or order front your druggist or grocer. PIES. TAFI AND Large BoitSss (F. 0. B. XiiSa Springs, 6a.) ( ;? 5fl| t.'eIl.co t:i IS, «s:i tstrn. r:tS!ta CnU tssurtas) cite. A Sweet Water Park Hotel, Lithia Springs, Cc., will open May 1st. BOWDEty LITHIA SPRINGS WATER CO. 132 Peachtree Si. Atlanta, Georgia For Frr^t-Class JOB WORK Try • THE ERALD OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00-000000000000000, Valuable Book Free! WHAT PIANO WILL YOU BUY FOR YOUR CHILD TO BEGIN MU' 10 ON? YOUR CHILD'S PR0GRE8 WILL BE DETERMINED BY YOUR ANSWER. YOU WISH TO'KI^pW WHAT IS THE BEST PIANO TO GUY, LET US KNOW AND WE WILL SEND YOU POST PAID. FREE, A LARGE COOK CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF EVERY PIANO ON THE MAR KET, GIVING THEIR STANDING, GRADE, QUALITY, AND STORES OF VALUED INFORMATION FOR THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER. WE SELL THE CELEBRATED CHICKERINO, MC PH AIL, LAFFAR. GUE, BREWSTER, HENRY F. MILLER, BU8H & LANE, FOSTER CAM. BRIDGE, AN DOTHER PIANOS. BUT THIS BOOK WILL TELL YOU OF EVERY PIANO MADE AND MAY SAVE YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA. C. C. Cocroft MusicCo. - „> A President Sends Message To Italians Upon Opening of Giant Ex position. Washington, March of.—An ex change of ivesanges between Presi dent Taft and King Vi .tor Emmnjiuel of Italy on the occasion of the open ing of the expodtion nt Rome was made public at the White House to day. In his telegram to the king the president said: “I desire, on behalf of the govern ment and people of the United States of America, to offer to your majesty and to the government and .people of Italy on the occasion of the opening o? the exposition at Romo at which, in virtue of the action of Hie con gress of the United States, this gov ernment is represented, my sincere congratulation on the fitting com .emoratlon of the noth anniversary of Italian unity and my best wishes foi the welfare of your majesty the prosperity of the people of th kingdom of Italy. •‘I trust that as a result of the ex- 'osltion held at Turin and Romo ou countries will be united still inor closely by the fraternal ties «on erce. literature and nrt.” King Victor’s reply, rccoived today as follows: "I thank, you heartily for your fe Hcltations and wishes. They have Leen particularly gratifying to me and so they will be to the Italian people, ns being the expression of the cordial sentiment’ which unite our two nations." look for the bee hive. On the package when you buy Fol ey’s Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without the Pee Hive. Remember the name, F» ley’s Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gera Pharmacy. DfeATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are cau* ed that make a quick need for Buck len’s Arnica Salvo, the quickest, sun ost cure for burns, wounds, bruises, bolls, sores. It subdues inflamatlon. tt kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25o at All Druggists. furniture Repairing and Upholstering, We are still doing business at the same old stand, 22 Brew er 8treot near the Court House. Wo will repair—clean up and rcvarnlsb your old furniture, and mnke It new—-V/e also do all kinds of upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. _ All our work Is strictly cash when finished—No work deliv ered without the money—Work loft In the shop thirty days af ter It is finished will have stor- age charges added and will be Jkblc to be sold for charges. J. I. Waiie & Son. Phone 294 52 Brtw-' *t. UTTER ONE WORD ond If that word 1, "laimdrjr" It will be a tender lubject to many. It'a because they're not satisfied with the work they're bavin* done. Why not change? We will warrant yon that LAUNDRY wonk done, by us will make you smile all over. A single trial , Mil convince you, and slve perfect satisfaction. Cti7 customers never leave us PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN" Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga., Jas. A. Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es in New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for tha Wesleyan Female College, Macon. Tuner nnd repairer for the Bessie Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1900. Endorsed ns a viojinlst and tuner by the press, artists and musicians from New York to Texas. “A tuner who tunes.”—Frederick Reddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. “Not only a fine violinist, but also one of the most expert pnTTo tuners In the United States.”—MusIcT rades, New York. “I commend him as able to satisfy the moBt exacting demands as piano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. S, Jackson. President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. Those desiring the services of ar artistic workman, will do well to secure the services of Mr. Pickens while in Waycross. CABLE. PIANO COMPANY. LaGrande Building. Waycross, Georgia. N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will recolve prompt aBd care ful attention. Y/ilson STEAM LAUNDRY SUB. <x>000000000000000 OOOOOOOOCOOOOCO'J J 00<XX>00^'<XX>000<XX> . _ r. hWOWhOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARRIAGE PAINTER * y 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 l Carriage and Automobile Painting o NEATLY EXECUTED 9 F.O. SMITH, 6 ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER JN TOWN. OOQOPOOOOOOOOOO per tooth SOr ,aX>— 7 Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted: 1 when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. AH other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed]] OR. DANIEL The Dentist Folks’ Block Uncle Sam Is Proud OF many of HIS P08ESSI0NS, AND HE HAS GOOD REASON TO BE PROUD OF THE HARNESS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE HANDLING ONLY THE BEST SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUOLE HARNESS, ALL WELL MADE AND HANDSOME. THE BEST MATER- IAL3 AND WORKMANSHIP CHAR ACTERIZE THIS HARNESS, AND IT CIVES EVERY 8ATISFCTI0N TO THE PURCHASER. PRICES ARE ADMITTEDLY REASONABLE. ALSO A LINE OF RUNABOUTS, OPEN TOP BUOQIES, SPRING AND ARM WAGONS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. [JONES BUGGY CO. s.- - ‘ ‘ ' Waycross, Georgia