Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 01, 1911, Image 8

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GRACE episcopal church. Mary and Pendleton Streets. The Rev, Wnt. Hirst Heigharn. Rector Fifth (Passion) Sunday In Lent. /prll 2. 1011. Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. tn. Litany and Holy Eucharist, 11 a. m Sunday School, 3 p. m. Even In;; Prayer, 7:30 p. tn. Mr. John L. Eckersley Daniel will. give his fourth organ recital at the ■ Sunday night servl"-. All lovers of. *ood muilc are cordially Invited. "Weekday servlres: Monday. 7:30 a. m.. 4:3° P- ">•: i Tuesday, 7:110 and 10:30 a. m„ 4:80 i j>. m.; Wednnaday, 7:30 a. m., 4:30| and 3:30 p. m;Thurerlny, 7:30 a. in., I 10:30 am. in... 4:30 p. m.: Friday., 7:30 a. m . b:30 p. m.;.Saturday 7:30 a m., b:30 p. m. At the evealai! service Mr. John I,. T. Daniel will render the fourth of a perlea of organ reeitala which lie has lieen giving Sunday cvdnlngs durlna Jaml, the program II he a» follow*: Fanlaaln Virion Relnberger. ♦Crivory" Rodney. Canlllene. (Ily requeat)... ..Marebant. Morel) Clarke At the recital on Palm Sunday eve ning all acleetlonB will lie from Stain- rt't "Crucifixion.". Theee reeitala given hy Mr. Daniel have been great ly enjoyed and are looked forward to vlth pleaaure. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Idvlne services and preaching at 11 a. oi., ami 7:30 p. m. Sahhath School at 9:45 a. in. The Sacrament or the laird's Sup per will he administered at 11 a. m. She pastor will preach from Rom. ! f .3.7., , t t night. The public Is cordial- } .y Invited to worship with us. I Rev. R. A. Drown, Pastor. M/JYOR J. M. COX MAKES STATEMENT. (Continued from Page 1.) r,:her Manufacturers. I would not personally buy a $5,500,00 Machine on the basis that Council proposed buying this, neither will I approve of buying the city one on any such bas is, hence my veto to the resolution. John M. Cox, Mayor. Colored people Alive. Rev. T. M. Williams, Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church and editor of the Waycross News and quite a leader among the colored clilr.cn call ed In at the Herald office today, to Inform us that the colored pastors ol Hit City were going to do all they could to enthuse I heir people to take deep Interest In this "Cleanlng-up- i week." STRICKLAND MAKES FIN] REPORT TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Thrasher will be in his pulpit at both morning and evening brura tomorrow. The public Is most cordially Invited to attend. Our efficient county tax collector, Strickland, makes an unusually fine showing for first quarter of 1911. His report shows $3,620.00 collected In "specific taxes". A great and unus ual Increase over amounts collected a. this time from that source during past years. A splendid testimonial to the won derful growth and development of V/aycross and Ware county. The ta* dodger has to hide deep to miss Strickland. A FALSE RUMOR. Wild statements are being made all over town and rumors and countei- j Tumors, stating that an epidemic oi Typhoid Fever exists In our town. A very prominent citizen stated to The Herald this morning that a fam ily have Just arrived In city from Savannah and were very much alarm ed, statements having been made to them of a vast number of cases. At Ms request The Herald has investigat ed, and finds there is ABSOLUTELY no FOUNDATION for the STATE MENTS. As far a« can be ascer tained there are not more than 10 cases of Typhoid In the entire city and several of those are convalescent. A number, far below the normal, in a city of 15.000 people at this 1 season of the year. Who starts these j outrageous statements, Its hard to say. What motive can Inspire such dis loyalty to our city is Incomprehensi ble. Its unjust to the administration, unjust to our health officers and Is harmful to the city’s welfare, and should he condemned by all good citizens. Its not true!— —"My husband has given uio a diamond neckluce.’' Cabbage Plants at 30 Reed street, Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per hun dred. Large Solid Oak Rocker 48c Each Four Feet High. Exactly Like Cut. THIS ROCKER IS GUARANTEED TO BE ENTIRELY MADE OF OAK IT IS EXTRA LARGE, AND VERY STRONGLY MADE, THE ARMS BE ING BOLTED TO THE SEAT, AND A HEAVY STRETCHER CONNECTS THE ARMPOSTS UNDER THE SEAT. DON'T PAY $3.50 FOR THIS ROCKER. We sell it for 50c per week. 1.98 THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE price, by anybody anywhere. "HE PRICE IS SI TO HO. WE RE- COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 CORSETS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALLROUND WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SON'S LEADING FASHIONS IN VIEW. Sold In Waycross Exclutlvs ly By. Miss Eddie Parnell —“Ila!" shouted the rich man, peer Ing cautiously over the stairway, want you!" "Well," chuckled the burglar, rear Ing for the silver. "I* mat your serv Ice.”—Columbia Jester. Sunday School Teacher: "If you are a good hoy, Willie, you will go to heaven ami have a sold crown on your head. BEFORE YOU BUY THAT NEW TABLE, LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE. WE HAVE THE Greatest Values EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. "potter & McMAHAN TAILORS and BARBERS. ■ Tailoring At;ReasoRhble l’Jices, THE LA GRANDE BARBER SHOP 10 Plan. A vc. LaGrandeTBldg. OUR NO. 803 PEDESTAL EXTEN SION TABLE IS THE GREATEST TABLE VALUE EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. IT HAS A.42 INCH TOP WHE NCLOSEO. EXTENDS TO 8 INCHES m D°AMETER P EXTRA LARGE CLAW FEET. THIS TABLE IS MADE OF THE FINEST THOR* OUGHLY SEASONED OAK, FINISHED GOLDEN. COMPARE THE QUALITY, THE FINISH, THE SIZE THESE ARE THE "ESSENTIAL" POINT8. AND WEWILL SELL YOU THE TABLE. N EXT time you walk by the store, I we wish you’d stop a I minute and take a look i at Big Ben Oil'll T.OF D. & 0. LOTT REAL ESTATE & INS. CO. Waycross, Ga., 3-28 ’ll DEA ,g TstEAO OF "PAYING RENT" AND GETTING IN EXCHANGE. PECEIPTS OF NO PERMANENT VALUE, YOU W °^ L ° ^ y ■ OWN YOUR OWN HOME" AFTER HAVING MADE A REAS °" A ° SMALL ADVANCED RENTAL PAYMENT AND A REGULAR MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENT FOR A DEFINITE PERIOD WITHOUT «"«»“*• TMEN WE INVITE YOU TO CALL TO SEE US, OR PHONE OR WRI AND WE WILL CALL TO SEE YOU AND EXPLAIN THOROUGHLY THr GILCHRIST Tl pARK. A SUBDIVISION, WITH 20 MILES OF GRADED STREETS oL SHADE TREES PLANTED: MORE THAN 100 NEAT 4. S ANoTRO^ ONE AND TWO STORY. WELL DESIGNED DWELL- W|XH PLASTERED WALLS; A SUBDIVISION HAVING OIL- riORE AVENUE the BEST RES,DENT STREET OF WAYCROSS WITH 600 YARDS OF CEMENT SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE, AND ^^ $2,000,000.00 A. c. L. RAILROAD SHOPS ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE; a SUBDIVISION RECENTLY INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND NOW EJOYINO THE •* R 'VL , G« OF TH^ 1N THE WAY OF STREETS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS; CITY ARTE WATER C*TY FIRE. POLICE AND SANITARY PROTECTION Relocation of the proposition we offer you upon a '* whereby you pay no more rent, if as much, as is paid 1 L " , HOUSES ELSEWHERE in WAYCROSS, AND SET A «ED FREE AT THE END OF A DEFINITE NUMBER OF RENTAL ISSsai vou T0 C0ME T0 SEE us AND LET 08 8H0W vou ‘ VERY TRULY YOURS, He’s die finest sleepme- . -r rnade—die best looking 11 the best built—the best running. You necdn t rake our word font, we keep him in die window; you can see for yourself. $2.50 This It the dock they «* Little & Odom, Jewelers and Opticiats. w feltloVSBWttvAAC* We have Just received a car of ear corn that is sound and free of huja and Insects. We shell and grind this torn as needed, which insure* our customers fresh MEAL slid FEED STI FF. Our GROCERIES^ are alto fresh and our PRICES sire RIGHT. Try ua for your nest lioaths GRO CERIES. MAY’S MILL ANO FEED STORE. m Phoac No. $. | Store ol Gres! Values, Where YourCredit is Good IK PEANT AVE, TELEPHONE 499.