Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 03, 1911, Image 3
WAYCKOSS EVENING HERALD New Goods I Are Arriving Daily v| WILKES Next to P. N Harley Hardware Co. THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Goods 4re Arriving Daily LADIES we wish to call your attention to our line of DRESS GOODS which are up-to-date in every particular. We have all the latest Fabrics, such as Satin, Foulards, Taffettas, Marquisettes, San Toys, Messolines. Etc., that are BEING SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES DRY GOODS I Good quality, 40 in White Qp Lawn, special price per yd Extra Good Quality 40 in. White Lawn, very sheer quality, worth 15c yd. Special Price *1 Ol/-* Per yard . . Lonsdale Cambric, yard wide, best grade, special Good as Gold Bleaching, Standard 10c grade, special price OQ r 10 yards . . See our line of Curtain Swiss, IS crims, Draperies, Etc. Muslin Underwear The prettiest line of skirts, corset covers, edt., are shown here to go at special prices. Men's Suits and Odd Pants Our line of Suits and Odd Pants are up-to-date in every detail, made up with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants. We also carry a full line of Mohair suits. WILKES The Progressive Store. SHOES! SHOES!! We have Shoes to fit every member of the family. We carry the celebrated Todd & Hunt Club line of ladies shoes in velvet, suedes, patent and kid leathers. Our line of soft soles baby strap oxfords are by far the snappiest line of chil drens shoes ever shown in Way- cross. We carry Digg’s, Vannerman’s and Hunt Club Shoes for men. Every pair guaranteed for service and for ^tyle. 200 pairs of Ladies Silk $1.25 values to go as long as they la^t per pair . . Hose 97c WE TEACH YOU BOOKKEEPING AND ALL ATTENDANT BRANCHES. WE TEACH YOU 8H0RTHAND AND ALL NECESSARY BRAN- E8 - ' ii WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT B00K8. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE AB8TRACT OF LAND TITLES. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL 8ERVICE EXAMINA- y \ TION8. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU v- THE EXAMINATION HERE UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT. If you can’t attend personally we have an excellent mall course that fully prepare! you In any of these departments. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. IN CON Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC A RAILROAD. imwti GULF HON WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN rAILROAD BETWEENATLANTA AND ALBANY. Heals served any time enroute, at reasonable prices. Schedules: Southbound: Northbound: I.T. A'liWta 7:45 am Lr. Albany 12:10 noon Art Cofthle 2:00 pm Lr. Cordcle 1:40 pm AT. Albany 0:40 pm Ar. Atlanta * 7:45 pm THEBE ARE THE FINEST PARLOR CAR8 OPERATED IN THE SOUTH! Quickest Tims. Try it BeA Service. VV. H. Leahy, Gen. Pass. Avi ACtats. C-cr;Ii. , BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF JAIL State of Georgia, County of Ware: The Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of Ware In vite bids for the construction and erection of a modern Jail and jailors home, the building thereof to be con structed either of brick or reinforced concrete, according to the plans and specifications .now on file In the offl- ces of aid Commissioners. The terms of payment to be made as follows: One half (1-2) of the contract price to be paid as the work progresses, the remaining one half (1-2) to be paid twelve (12) months from the completion and acceptance of same, and the. deferred payment to bear interest at the rate of six per centtum per annum. A certified check for Twenty Five Dollars ($25) will bo required ti bt mado payable to and deposited ivlth K. J. Derry, Clerk of tho Cora sloncrs, from all prospective bid who obtain a copy of the plans specifications, the same to bo re ed upon the return of the plans specifications. A certified check made payat E. J. Berry, tho Clerk of said Cc sloncrs for Twenty Five Ilundre lars .(12,500.00) must accompany each bid, before the same will be connla- ered, and to all unsuccessful bidders, the same will be returned. The check of tlie successful bidder will be re tained by the Commissioners us til such bidder has made a good and sufficient bond with approved seerri- ty, guaranteeing the completion of the contract In the terms of Us bid. Upon his failure to comply with this requirement as to giving bojd within ten days after the awarding of the contract, the same will be forfeited to the county. Bids will be received up to noon of April 20tb, 1911, at which time the same will be opened and considered by said Commlslsoners, with the right reserved to reject any and tlf bids. It is contemplated that this i.w- tract will exceed the suji of Il-e Thousand Bollai., ,d notice la gi n ( ln accordance with the irovltloni of the law in such cases mado and P’O vlded. A’l bids should be addressed to K. J. Berry, Clerk et the Commissioners of Road and Revenues of Ware Coun ty, with the words "Bids for const: ac tion of jail” wrlttun -an the margin of tho envelope. This March 3rd, 1(11. B. H. Thomas, Chairman. J. F. Tayljf. D. J. Miller. J. J. Murray. Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Ware Covn'y, Georgia, t WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 161 Meets first and third Thursday >n each month, Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton. 0. 0. W. J. CLARK, SEC. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 2T KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Meet! avfry Uoaday evening at ':80 In i>1 Caatle Hat ?lant ave. ,/i~l Membera a— requeated ifr!/ to attend, aad visiting Knight* are most '.or- dially invited to meet with us. CHAB. E. CASON, C. C. T. II. Miller, K. of R. ft 9. A M. of F. A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE Is n valuable family friend. Foley’a Honey and Tar fulfill* thla condition exactly. Mra. Charles Kline, N. 8th St., Easton, I’a., states: -Several membera of my family have been cur ed of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am naver without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieve! the Irritation In the throat and loosens up the coM. I have always found It a reliable cough cure.” Gem Pharmacy RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. THE State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, Dapoalta With 8tate for Guar antes of Policies, Surplus to Policy Holders, . 18,000,000.00 $1,174,600.05 Security l D a Life Insurance Policy la the principal thing. One wants protection that protect: without regard to general financial condttlona.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all Its policy holders, the entire cash value of evory outstanding policy. At this time the company has on deposit with .the Stato, In first dais securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. IT8 POLICIES ARE AS SECURE A8 THE BANK OF ENG- ! LAND. I have been with thla good company seventeen years and through lta agency have paid many thousands of dvMars to beneficiaries Take n 0 chance with your life policy but *eo me for "INSURANCE THAT IN8URE8." \. L, STANTON, Manager. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. , £,• WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLASS AT J. T. McGEE’B SHOP ON ALBANY AVENUE. 15 M For either acute pr lirouu’ kidney disorders, for auncy and -.ralnAL uri nary Irregularities, fake Fol .} KV.nJy Pills. An honest and effective edi- clne for kidney and bladder jlsor- dors. Gera Pharmacy. PERSONAL. We will pay yon tan.cants each for new names and add: esses of smatsar photographers. Carver, Box 604, Wa tarloo Iowa. tf 21. WAYCR08S COUNCIL NO. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday evening In Red Men’s Hall, Lott-HItcb building at I p. m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to meet with ns. Shared Collins, L. Carl Colltoa. Rec-Becty. Councilor DON'T GET EXLTTEOI We hav* made arrangements loan money In Wayeroa*. The more money you want the better we like It No red tspa—Just money. That’* all. Sec BUCHANAN 41 SHARPE. 3 tf ' 412 LaOrand* Building; — • i Waycross & Southern R. R'. co. Bchadults of Trains Effaotlva January 2, 1111. Notice:—Th* arrival anti departure* art glvtn as Information and ore not gnarantaad. ; Southbound Train No. L MU** Station ; 0 Hebardvllle, Ga. Lr. 6:20 am 2 Waycroas (Albany nvo) 5:25 am 8 Lav toll- i:50 am 10 Freds! Ar. 0:65 an* 'Northbound Train No. >. 10 Freds! 2;45 pm J Lavlnla * 8:50 pm 2 Waycross (Albany art) 2:05 pm OHebardvtlle 2:10 pm In* No. 1 and No. 2, dally, ax- Sunday. Jno. M. Hcfklns. Sa.’erlnlcndcnL '