Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 03, 1911, Image 4

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' WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Paine’s | COMPOUND LAXATIVE SYRUP A Painless, Pure Panacea for Stomache Troubles 25c the Bottle. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. Chickens Chickens Ju^l Lots of Chickens and Eggs at HARDY BROS ii [Personal Mitt Carrie Perham Social Editor Mr. X. L. Morgan of Nahunta was a visitor In our city yesterday. Mr. John W. Booth, the popular young business man, is now with the Waycross Bakery. Don't forget it is "Cleaning-up- Week". It starts today. Lets all help to make It a success. Mrs. , Springs Eves. T. Halkom of DeFumak in the city visiting rela- 70 SHOW YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo fio.rding, Livtry end Silt, steblee. Tebenu :!t Waycroii, Oa. PHONE NO. «J. AFTER ALL THERE IS NOTHING *0 PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT 8ER. VILE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY Q^ Bell ■ Eddio illioup ditute Parnell entertained [! Miss Ham of Bunn- *r rday. Have you r leaned up your yard yet? nd the Irr.e behind your house. If ot why not do it right now. SPEED UP THE ROAD OF 8UCCESS By Inking a course in our college, and you are bound to WIN! Our courses Include every study tfcnt one might desire in aiding him tc success. The graduates from our BUSINESS COLLEDE demand good pay, because they are ct mpetenl. Improve your opportunities by on- tolling at once. YVnycnss Business College Waycror.*. Ca. It. F. Zcigier, Prea shipt Oysters for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. They are good any time. TELEPHONE 62 Bros. Hardy The Pure Food Store. Friends of little JSuieo Padgett are pleased to learn that she is impro< ir.g after an Illness of some days. CATARRH IS SURELY A DANGEROUS DIEA8E. Thousands of peoplo nliow catarrh tc slowly undermine the whole sys tem until a serious disease develops— sometimes consumption. People who linvo catarrh should use every effort to got rid of it, but should above all ndopt a sensible method. Stomach dosing, sprays and douch es won’t cure catarrh because It Is a germ disease, and the germs must bo destroyed before the disease can bo conquered. HYOMKI Is the one sensible cure fer '’aturrh because It reaches every fold, crcvlco and nook in the mucous j membrane and gets whero the germs arc. You breathe IlYOMKI and us it passes over the inflamed membrane! and destroys the germs. A complete HYOMKI outfit costs Yer Best Smokers”, r°Tl ot ^ T‘ , of ' HYOMKI and a hard rubber Inhaler Pour a few drops of HYOMKI Into the Inhaler and breathe it a few min utes each day, that's nil you have to do. It is guaranteed by Cl. It. Brin- fon Co., und druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and sore throat or money back. Kxtra bottlo of HY’OMKl costs 60 cents. Free tiinl sample on request from Booth’s Hyomel Co., Buffalo, X. Y. 13, 24 3 Mi s O’Quinn, of Valdosta; is in the city is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W P '» ynurd on Jane street. Mrs. Rousseau of Savannah arriv ed last night and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dickins. Have you seen “The White-lorngs” on our street today, busy at work t'eaning up. They look clean and city-like.’ Miss Addle Belle Lowther sang a very sweet solo at Central Baptist Tabernacle last night. Miss Addle Belle has a beautiful soprano voice. > ooooooooo^ooooooo MILLINERY OPENING THE LADIES ARE INVITED TO v CUR MILLINERY OPENING NEXT Tuesday and Wednesday March 28th and 29th $ WE WILL 8HOW THE LARGEST 0 DISPLAY OF PATTERN HATS, ^ RIBBONS AND PLUMES TO BE q FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR- 0 DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. § HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY. The Georgians will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 with the Misses Perham on Reed street. Every mem ber is urged to come. Mrs. it. A. Young will entertain the Presbyterian Indies Aid Society to morrow nfternoon at 3:30 at the home tf Mrs. \V. X. Jones on Isabella street, j Little Warren Langston Is reported very much better todny. It Is sincerely oped by numbers of friends that his condition will continue to improve nnd that he will soon be well again. The Bnraca class of Central Bap tist Tabernacle Is requested to meet *•• the home If Judge and Mrs. H. P. Brewer Tuesday night to attend to Important business. 500000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 l STILL ON DUTY. o’clock at Masonic Hall. All Wood- Only a pretty girl has any chance 1 will bo on duty as inspector of fci iili/eiB ?n Annling. Wayne, Pierce and Ware counties until May 1st. Drop me a postal card if you need men are cordially invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost.-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clerk. of looking fit In the things, but any old girl lias a chance of being looked nt as she passes. —Florida imes-Union. me. A. P. Perham, Sr. The Herald's Job office is running on full time. We have new type and ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. Waycross, Ga. new material and we propose to turn out satisfactory work at reasonable PARK MOR RAND CO. VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 prices. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 *«• TRY THF. WANT ADS ■» Lott-Hitch Building. RE-INFORCED Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Cle.ir Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured in Waycross, B. PUTMAN CIGAR CO Tom j toes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI CES REDUCED 50c to 35c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT 25c. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA BLES AND FRUITS, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY BY CALL- mo PHONE 522, GOODS DELIVER ED BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. N. A. Joseph, NO. 52 ANDSt PLANT AVENUC. Foley Kidney PlUa ar<* tonle In a< lion, quick In rwsuiis. amt restore Vj natural action of t&e kidney* un madder. TTie.v correct Irrcgu’^rUic Gem Pharmacy. Mr. R. M. Shaffncr, a popular young [ coppersmith at A. C. L. shops, was cnlled yesterday, by telegram to Bur- : ngton. X. C., to the beside of his father, who, it stated, was dying. The fire department requests citl- r.enn who are cleaning up their prem ises not to burn the trash on windy days. There is great danger of the fire getting out nnd doing serious damage. DICKINS 6 & 8 Plant Ave. Queen Quality and Boston Favorites Slippers for Ladies Below you will find a few of our arrivals for Easter Trading. HATS Mens’ Summer weight Underwear Cluett Peabody and Chatham Shirts. 50c t» $1 50 Men’s Sox 10c to 50c LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On (|i» imckiMce when yon buy Fob Mist wa» r'. Honey nnd Tar (or cough, nnd I „„„ , ert lce. colds. None genuine without the! Bee Hive. Remember the name, F» | kins and Miss Rose Hardw sang a The special music at First Mel*. unsunlly flno yesterday Mrs. John T. Hop- ley’s Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. very sweet duet and Mr. John T. Hop* kins a solo. At the evening service Cabbage Plants at 30 Ueed street, a quartette, by Mrs. Seals, Mrs. How- Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per bun- e., Mrs. Sinclair and Miss Kate Wit- dred. ! sen was beautifully rendered. SEEDS! SEEDS! . Let us sell you your garden nnd flower seeds and your garden will be success. SCihTIIE SEALS PHARMACY • Til K HEX At. I-STORK Misses and Childrens Velvet Pumps All Sizes Mod's Suspenders 25cand 5Cc We have just re ceived a new line of Spring Hats for Men, Women and Children Prices to suit you. Shoes You can make no mistake in making us your headquar ters for shoes, A customer pleased is a customer gained. Our Queen Quality S p r ing Ties and Slippers are here. Better let us show you them; it costs nothing to look. We have a com plete line of Dry Goods and Notions. DICKINS 6 & 8 (Plant Ave. Handsome Easter Neckwear 25c and 50c Arrow Brand Collars 15c or 2 for 25c Nettleton and Crawfords Oxfords for Men Buster Brown Shoes and Slippers r For Children^ McCalVs Patterns, LaGrande Block ! ♦OBOOOBOtO^'^OSO'l S0*0«<>«O«Y*O*OK>« 6 and 8 Plant \ve. Phone \iy