Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 04, 1911, Image 1

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    Evening Herald.
volume XVIII
> —
•Mr. W. F. Eaton was in Savannah
yesterday perfecting the arrange-
incuts for the meeting of the Shriners
i'ere Thursday.
informs us that the official di-
The plan of Cleaning-ITp" is bein£
carried out in a most systematic man
ner by Marshal Colley and his forces,
they are gratified at the help
* 1 - I
^.van has Just secured new robes at j they are getting from the citizens.
an enormous cost. These will be i There are now three Inspectors at
seen in the parade. Also that it take ; v.’ork each accompanied by a man
an exva baggage car.to carry their v.ith rake and broom, they are visit-
paraphanelia for initiation ceromo-jing every house! inspecting it thor-
E. P.
Professor A. E. Pound has just re
turned from a most interesting meet
inc at Macon, the occasion was a Joint
rally of the various Macon churches
to pay tribute to the memory of our
good citizen K. P. Peabody, who has
been called to his reward. • The oc
casion brought out wonderous testi
mony to the esteem in which this
The next Lyceum number,
vill be the tenth number o
mes. This car will arrive in advance ■ oughly, and on blanks prepared make | rood
of the team, with,their special elec-! a complaint report on each house j him.
trician, Mr. J. S. Tyson, who is a | they visit. j the i
member. Recorder R. P. Axson will j The inspectors requiure that each j P>a ’
man was bold brail who knew
As a result of the meeting and
lovement on foot all over Qeor-
vhere he was known, nearly
also arrive on the early train and go { tenant shall clean up the premises ^ have already been subscribed to
to his apartments at the LaGrande J thoroughly and where disenfectants I build a memorial to his memory, in
to receive the applications and sell j are needed same arc used. j the shape of an addition to *bp Or-
"white" cards to the members who
have not already secured same.
Appreciating the fact that our Il
lustrious Pontentate, E. A. Cutts, has
done so much tp advertise our Magic
City by getting up a beautiful litho
graph, showing the faces of so many
of our beautiful children, we wish
to have as many of our Waycross
babies to meet him in Phoenix Park
at 4:30 Thursday evening. He will
present to one of them a beautiful
Fulton baby carriage, this carriage
is now on display in the window of
the Singleton Furniture Co. See this i
carriage and secure a icket number J
for your baby, for they are all fine j
and beautiful. Every baby coming!
two years and under will be given a j
present, and one will secure the car
riage. ;
The Waycross Shriners. '
Where they find a woman or sdme ( Phan’s
Home. A cause in which l.o
unable to do the work, then the j v ’os so deeply Interested. In a meet-
r.;an with their, docs It. and each day] in* in Waycross a few days ntoce.. ^ attrac||on w „ b Apr| , 24
a full and complete report of condl-i without Canvass, voluntary offerings j ■
of more than 2500 was contributed j
to llils fund.
Alderman John W. Moore, will, it
stated, push vigorously the ques-
courso will be given next Tuesday jtfon of the Auto Fire Wagon and h
evening April 11, by Walden & Co., j \ v m endeavor to overrule the veto of *
Magicians. Walden who is one of. Mayor Cox. The city is much divld-jl
the greatest magicians of the age t ,i j„ opinion on this matter, j
comes with his company t odellght j cognizing the need for more fir
ail who attend. He is noted through- J tectfon, but many take the position
out the country and does many things ' (h£t Mayor Cox’s position is correct
which not dniy attracts the attention r lt ibis time, and that the finances
hut which mystify and utterly delude, of the city cannot stand the outlay
It is thought that this will be uiic oi ^ just now. It is stated that some of
the most entertaining numbers of the | the Aldermen have changed their
j course. views along these lines and an in-
The eleventh number will be De^tfresting discussion will be brought
Koven Male Quartette. The date of, out.
tions found is made..
In a few days the inspectors covet
same route again to see if instruc
tions have been carried out and a
second report is made and failure to
act on instructions for complete
cleaning will entail an interview with
the-Mayor. The plan is working splen
didly and wo arc going to have a
clean city.
Deputy Sheriff Cason was the popu
lar sentre of a big crowd at the Court
House this morning and the bids were
spirited for the land sold for taxes.
The most interest was shown In
the bidding for some 40 lots said to
be the property of Ensign Lumber‘Co.
After steady competiton the vast
tract finally sold for $375 to C. J.
Col. John Walker as attorney for
administrator sold stock and personal j
property of A. W. Lang, the price ob-j “The Texas Quartette,” at the Ma-
tained was $627, by W. W. Sharpe,.jostle this week opened up last night
Jr. and pleased very largo audiences.
The show is one of the best possible i
DON'T FORGET THE GREAT j 011 " ,0 a"' 1 "10 management
EASTER SALE, BEGINS WEDNES- 19 lo 1,0 congratulated on securing
CAY A. M., APRIL 5, FOR 10 DAYS, | s "ch high class show. The black-face
A-f^HURCHWELL BROS., COME! j commedlan of the show Is very sood.
— - i iii ii —— And the other three members of tho
-j troop is certainly worth many times
tbe admission price. t
To Close at
J§3.@® A
Worth From
S4cOO to $6.00
H. C. Seaman
m n
Judge W. A. McDonald. Judge H. W
Wilson and Ordinnry n. H. Thomas
arc at outs with each other, the Judge
charge that Ordinary Thomas is mak
ing too low a cut in prices for wed
dings and hurting their business
An attempt will he made, it is said,
to introduce a resolution to enforce
the cow ordinance and banish tnera
from our city streets. But it is doubt
ful if the City Fathers will take any
rrtion' on the matter at the present
The grounds taken by the cow op
fonents is that the resuit of tho eloc*
t’on was influenced by unlquo meth
ods nrouml the poles. Some of tho
Aldermen favor action, but at future
date, ns they claim, they recognize
rentlment Is steadily setting in
gainst tho cow.
Alderman Dunn will bo present to
push into execution hir» plans
street Improvements and ho . scorns
determined to make things hum along
that Hne.
The report of tho Special Auditor
v ill probably bo ready for presenta
tion tonight.
Alderman Calvin Parker has sev
eral matters to bring forward of pub
lic interest. And Alderman Jas.
Sinclair and others are getting their
heads very close together, which
probably means that there Is going
j to bo something doing that will bo
worth hearing.
In view of recent criticism the re
port of the Health Officer is expect
ed to bo both interesting and spicy.
Quito n good crowd of colored cit
izens gathered at. Galno’s Chapel A.
enuo last
thereby. The Joke is on the Ordinary
After performing a wedding ceremony
In ns Judge McDonald says, his im-
piesslvo hardshell ceremony, tho gen
erous bridegroom asked what wub the
cost, with his usual beaming smile
the Ordinary said. Oh ! make no re- Church on Knight
gular charge, just whatever you think n| S M ,Q ,ll “ nu “ 8 tl10 “ClWOlM-Up
la right, and the bridegroom dipped "cok" movement. In response lo
his hand Into his pocket and with * Iinlr re 1 ue “- Co >- »■ »■ Uo< " 1 - Dr -
grave face handed the astonished odl- JX Fleming and Jasper Wyldlntf,
dal 25 cents. No wonder the Judges (Waycross Horld), nltendcd and ad-
are kicking dressed them on tho subject. En-
i deavoring to stir up tho colored peo*
! pic to take interest in this impor-
j tnnt matter for tho sako of the
! h'-alth of the city. The colored foiks
Savannah .News.
For the purpose of inspecting the
new automobile equipment of the Sa
vannah fire department, Fire Chief
j. M. Joyner of Waycross visited Sa
vannah yesterday and expressed him
self us greatly pleased with the ap-
recently installed here.
Chief Joyner Is another warm ad
vocate of the automobile fire appara?
tus, as the most up-to-date und effi
cient machines for fighting fl.-, and
s working hard to secure for his de
partment fit least one of n make
similar to No. 3 auto combination
t* uck. For some time Chief Joyner
Las been working for this and se
cured the voto of the Waycros* City
Council for tho purchase of one, only
to have the measure vetoed by the
The recent fire which destroyed
considerable property in Waycross
reyived interest In tho matter con-’
siderabiy, and public sentiment is
strong in favor of the installation of
cno or more of these machines, it is
said. A meeting of Waycross Coun
cil will bo held tonight, and with this
in mind Chief Joyner made his visit
to Savannah, He had a‘long talk
vith Chief Engineer Rallnntyno of
tho local department and with the
foreman and crew of tho new auto
truck at No. 3 fire stntion and on his
return to Waycross will put tho
nmttor up Btrongly to tl|o City Coun
cil with cbnfldenco that • they will
override the Mnyor’s veto.
Like Chief Engineer Bjillantyne,
Chief Joyner believes firmlfr. in tho
motor-driven firc-flghtlng apparatus *
and says in his opinion it Is tihTy a
question of time when all tho up-to-
dute flro department will be thor
oughly equipped with nutomoblles. W
regard t othe movement on foot In
Savannah to do nvvay practically al
together, with the exception of the %
trucks, ho said he considered It a
siep in the right direction nnd com
mended Chief Dallnntyno for his en*
ergy in advocntlng this action.
The Musous and tholr families aro
cordially Invited to attend a barbecuu
to be givon on Cherokee Heights at
o’clock Thursday, AprilGth; 1911.
Secure your badges from any of the
following committee :Dr. J. H. Lati
mer. J. Mitt Wells, W. 1). O’QuInn, R.
L. Singleton or E. J. Berry. 3 3t
Tho management of the Airdome ^ became enthusiastic on the matte,
certainly made good last night and j and took Immediate steps, under he
leadership or Rev. T. M, Williamson
and Rev. W. H. Wells, to arrange nnd
call another big meeting at samo
place on Wednesday night. The
cleanliness of the houses of the col-
nothing but commendation was heard
on every side.
It is raro that you get to see such
an act as that of Corbett and For
rester. This is the class of act that
one only sees In the big cities, for cred people is of grave Importance to
they command a salary that Is sel- the health of our homes, as It W
dom “coughed up” by managers of i from these places we pet our serv-
smaller theaters. But Manager Da?-fonts and the nurses that attend our
enport says Waycross is entitled to j children—and any effort to Inspiro
as good things as any other city and j them to clean up and Improve their
his judgment must be right, Judging ■ sanitary condition Is a good effort,
by the great crowds at tho Airdome I —
last night. Somo who saw the show If Alderman Dunn and bis Streets
actually went up town nnd brought j and line’s Committee had Joined the
others back to see the second show, i party who meandered the streets last
Such theatrical enterprise as is man
ifested at the Airdome Is bound to
win. If It continues warm the top
ot the Airdome will'be lifted tonight
[and perfect comfort assured. The
rrogram tonight will please as well as
last nl^ht, it Is promised.
■ght, looking for the mass meeting
place, he would have gathered great
Inspiration and argument In favor
of his movement for more atreot and
feidewalk improvement—“more and
lets more” was the song the deputa
tion sang.
for you are not likely to get aucb an
other real estate opportunity again
in a hurry.
you are after, and are prepared to
tell it to you for a really low price
and on the most liberal terms. Don’t
delay coming to see us about It, or
piompter buyers will snap up the
best bargains.
A. M. Kmgkt
and Son .*