Newspaper Page Text
Published By
A. P. Perham, 8r.
A. P. Perham, Jr.
Editors and Proprietors.
Miss Carrie Perham ;
Personal, Society and Local,
The Waycrosg Herald founded in
1885. The Dally Herald founded In
1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr.
BusintJs Office 25
Editorial Offie 25
Residence 263.
Every Afternoon t£xeept 8unday.
Office No. 8 Jane Street.
Month | .45
Months $1.26
Months $2.60
Year $5.00
All obituary notices, cards of thanks,
resolutions and notices of entertain
ments, where charges are mnde, will
be charged at advertising rates of 5
cents a lino.
Subscribers to The Herald that, do
cot receive the paper promptly and
•arfy will please rfng-up the Circula
tion Manager and report the trouble
to him, a" this is the only means that
we can assure you prompt and early
Official Organ of the United States
Court of the Southern District of
The west Is leading the east. .Near
ly every city in California has the
1:i<»fatlve, referendum and recall.
— —
"Lady had it [It of hysterica In n
newspaper office the other day.
“vVell. what happened?” "Sure any
fool would giteas that. They took
ter to the composing room."—Balti
more American.
"I took the canal zone and Jet con
gress debate," says Roosevelt. This
Is a candid conieasion, tut complete
ly at variance with Mr. Roosevelt's
previous utterances, when he careful
ly demurred to the lawlessness which
l.e now admits. In his message to
(congress of Dec. 5, 1908, he Mated
j that the "congress toog the action
I It did after a minute and most ex
hausted examination, and the execu
the carried out the direction of con
gress to the letter. Every act of this
.'.overnment, every act for which this
government had the slightest respon-
Ubility, was In pursuance of the act
e.f the congress h^re.” At tlx* time
Mr. Roosevelt was anxious to shield
himself from criticism which the
v* hole unsavory transaction, still
I resit In the minds of the people,
i rought out. Now. however, the !r- i
responsible ego comes fully Into tlmj
imelight. Having been good enough
o admit that much Mr. Roosevelt
Mgiif as well have told the whole
truth about the canal zone deal; '*ow
a lobylst ran the whole thing in the
Interest of the French syndicate in
eider to sell its property to this
(oun'ry. bow this lobbyist was per-
ciltted to Mock legislation In con
gress until his plans were fully mn
hired, how the revolution on the 1sth
rails was prearranged and American
forees used to prevent Columbia from
putting down the uprising, and how
the United States paid $40,000,000 l
the Interests this lobbyist represet
ted and another $10,000,000 to th<
psuedo Republic of Panama. Ml
Roosevelt might as well unfold the
•/hole cloth.. Snipping a piece from
lie edge is merely tantalizing.
large niunbei
foe proof a gi death-proof bilildlnvB.
'7 was ever.- thus always locking the
Stable do«»r after the steed Is stolen,
—CoIua-lAis Enquirer-Sun.
Fannie Crosby, tho famous 1
rilqr, who has just readied her
nf and possesses excellent he
message tn
•yone strive
little happtei
si nds this he
country: "I/et
make Hits wo
other people. That Is the best sen
timent and the truest gospel that I
cm vjlvo you."
Little by little the
road prlvliges, growt
proportion, is being t
Interstate Commerce <
abuse of rail-
to enormous
Immed by tho
ommlssion. Its
Tho Ineoinc tax amendment to the
constitution Is bound to come. It Is
Just, and Is constantly growing :n
popular support. It has already been
favorably acted upon by the legisla
tures of 26 stales, and but nine more
Mates are required to make the
amendment part of the constitution.
There is a reckoning coming for
the owners of the New York building
in which 150 persons, mostly young
women, lost their lives a few days
ago. Tho place was a lire trap. In-
i.dequately provided with tire escap-
<ej and safety appliances. Such slim
means c»f exit had been partitioned
eft or boarded up. It seems Incon
ceivable that in the chief city of the
country, which prides Itself on Its
government, such a condition of af
fairs could be permitted to exist. A
rigid Investigation Is promised—after
U»0 lives have paid the penalty for i
some one’s criminal rarele<>sr.£ss.
—+— i
One of the great benems to come
to the farmer from Canadian recip
rocity will be In the cheapening of
materials which go to the making of
hi* home. Lumber is the most im-. PaUI to your nearest express office
portant commodity‘upon which du-1 R nd Guarantee good order delivery.
t:es have been lowered. Rough lutn-1 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants, at the
her Is made entirely free. It Is following prices: 500 for ?5c, 1000 for
tfmated that on the flS.0O0.000 of . 9”*c, 2000 or more at 85c per 1000, pro
lumber which the United States pur- j vidlng this card nnd cash is sent with
chases from Canada each year duties | oi’der, not otherwise. Tho cold and
uncut decision requiring tho road a
to stop discrimination in coal carry
r.g rates is a gratifying evidence of
progression toward fair and Impartial
treatment of all shippers.
Cured Or Money Back.
Don’t worry a rainuto longer; it’s
easy to get rid of Indigestion nowa
days. Bo if you have gastritis, ca-
turh of tho stomach or simply for-
meant ion of food, cheer up for G. R.
llrmson Co., has a prescription called
MI-O-NA that turns old stomachs Into
sweet ones Jn a few days or money
There’s happy days ahead for you
nnd for your poor flabby, tired out
stomach If you won't bo obstinate.
Just lay down 60 conts and say :
want a box of MI-O-NA tablets
They are made from the formula of
the most successful prescription for
indigestion, catarrh of the stomach
nnd nil stomach distress ever known.
Take ono or two tablets with or
after meals for a few days nnd then
If you don’t ngree with tin that Mr-
O-NA Is a marvelous prescription you
can have your money back. We’ll
leavo It to your good sense of fair
ness whether that’s a square deal or
MI-O-NA stomach tablets promptly
relieve belching, heaviness, pain In
stomach, heartburn, sour stomach,
full breath coated tongue; dizziness,
nervousness, sick headache nnd sleep
lessness. MI-O-NA Is eolff by G. R.
Brinson Co., and leading druggists
everywhere. Mch 14, 23, Apr. 4
Irt 7 c Sclabte PrepsraHori (crAs-
sljnilaiing tteFootoilto^
i in# litc Siosedis cad&wefe et
Promotes Di&slionCkaM
"ess and Ifest-Ccnlohis ptSto
;num.Morphine nor&sraf.
: Narcotic.
/ / fOMDcS&ZmilUZA
itstftif bed-
jBuJtna *
Jtorr&td *■
fter.ii Sent-
CfmlM &yor .
nmtiryeai /fer.vt
Anerfcct Remedy for Consul'
l Ion. Sour Slonuicli.niarrlKia
Worms ,t'om’jUioiis.tcKris!i
ness oral Loss or Sleep.
Far Si:v.:'c Signa:ure of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
We would appreciate it a favor if
any of our subscribers who fail to get
their paper' regularly, WOULD AT
ONCE, let us know, either by card
or phone No. 25, and we will imme
diately investigate nnd try to reme-
ly it. In view of our rapidly increas
ing circulation nnd the big issue we
tow send out daily, this is the only
*ay we can know whether our car-
ier boys arc doing their duty, nnd
are very anxious that every NEW
and OLD subscriber should get their
paper with utmost regularity for their J In appearance are oar patrons bo-
pnkes nnd our own. As we know cause they always wear the finest
hat it moans to miss to read Thee laundered linen. No tears, smudges
Herald if only for one day. 1 "fringes" on the laundry work that*
28 3t The Circulation Manager, v© send home. But there IS always
a fine gloss and a brilliant whiteness
that pleases every patron. And our
6 doses “666” will cure any j
After March tenth, 1911, this eompany will sell Incandescent
Electric Lamps at cost to us, which is as follows, upon the ertura
of the old lamps:
8 Candle Power, 30 watt 15c each
16 Candle Power, 60 watt 15c each
32 Candle Power 120 watt ..25c each
GEM (MetaJized Filament; LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 50 watt 20c each
32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each
40 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c each
MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 25 watt 60c each
32 Candle Power, 40 watt 65c each
48 Candle Power, 60 watt 90c each
80 Candle Power, 100 Watt $1.20 each
We recommend the use of the “GEM” to replacp the common
carbon lamp, as it is more economical in the consumption of cur*
rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being
as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp.
The Ware County
Light and Power
case of Chills and Fever. Price 25
reputation for prompt delivery,
21 tff * n handling and positive economy
j l as mude this laundry the most pop*
Take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It
gives quick relief and erpels the cold
from your system. It contains no
cplates, is safe and sure. Qem Phar
ular in town.
With Clip For Papers.
The very thing you have been wanting for
years; fastens on the house. The mail
carrier will always have a place to put ■ f
your letters and papers. * A
Prices Are Reasonable
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Watt Hardware Co.
We will ship Express Charges Pre-
Wheelwright and Blacksmith/
Horseshoeing A Specialty.
Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rear of
Singleton iFurniture’Company.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
amounting to over $1,250,000 win be
saved to home builders. Slate, shin*
^ V.Ies, manufactures of asbestos, var
ious classes of building stone and
gypsum, entering largely in the man-
i.tacture of cement, and oxide of Iren,
nsecf for making paint—all these are
0.1 the lowered duty or free list. How
ridiculous tt the claim that the farm* ‘
er will be Injuriously affected by the * Yongea Island. 8. C., March 27. 191L
treaty will thus be made plain. _ 28 it
ary weather In Jan. and Feb. has des
troyed about half of tho cabbage crop
In the Southern States, plants set
row to mature after your earlier plan
‘ngs are harvested, will certainly be
; < eft table.
Youra rery truly,
William C. Creaty Ca.
The Cabbage Plant Men.
N OT the old fashioned heavy,
cumbersome, drudgery kind
that makes your arms ache
and your back tired and have driv
en many a boy from the farm, but
the light, strong, sharp, steel kind
that make gardening the pleasure
it should be.
T HERE is usually •-> good garden where
there are good garden tools. Buy
thorn NOW and get the full use of them
this season.
P. N. Harley Hardware Co.
44 PiantJAve. Pfeoae 184
High class Subdivis
ion for white people
only, on easy terms,
close to A.C.L. Shops.
W. D. Norton, Agt.
Southern Hotel Bluff