Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 04, 1911, Image 5
( •iMf ARGUMENT If you are not buying your groceries from us you are making a mis take, for we are offer ing big inducements for the economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the ! lowest cut prices. Read 1 our advertisements; ' givp ns one month’s ac- { count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds $i Rice going at Sc pound. C h i ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where .you find everything except high prices. PERSONAL AND LOCAL j Miss Della King is be!n;$ entertain ed -very charmingly as tile guast ol ; Miss Tebcau at Cuthbert. The fal lowing notice was clipped from the .Cuthbert Leader: In Honor of Miss King. A pleasant event of last week was a “42 party" given by Miss Oda Ten- fceau in honor of her guest. Miss jKingj of Waycross. j After an exciting game the prize, a “Book of Fair Women", was awar ded Mrs. A. H. McCoy, who. in her usual graceful manner, presented it to the guest of honor. A delicious ice and salad course was served after the game. Makes Home Baking Easy DIAMONDS GALORE. Pew Fad Adopted In Waycross— Everybody Is Wearing Diamonds. ' ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD FOR RESULTS. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY. fi WILSON GROCERY CO ; W. M. WILSON, Mgr. Wilson Block. Phone 128 >0*0000000000«404 T.H.BLIZZ4RD 7 S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAUSAGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWL8, 8KINNED HAMS, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU- SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, 8ALT MACKERAL, FRESH jFISH AND OV8TER8. 7. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. In speaking of another's faults. Pray don’t forget your own; Remember, those with homes of glass Should seldom throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do ' 'Bui talk of those *.vho sin, ’Tis better we commence at home And from that point begin. POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar NO alum.no lime phosphate - AT THE MAJESTIC That Quartette ’Null Sed” CLASSIFIED j ; We have no right to judge a man Until he> fairly tried; Should we not like his company, I We know the world Is wide, i Some men have faults, and who lin I not. ‘ I The old as well as young; Perhaps we may, for ought we know. Have fifty to. their one; I’ll tell you of a better plan, And find it works full well. To try our own defects to cure j WANTED—First ciase milch cov; Before of others tell. • must be gentle, and f:esh In milk. And though I sometimes hope to he Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, 40 Gilmore street. No more than some I know, i? tf. My own shortcomings bids me let j The faults of others go. I cvSt^ FOR SALE—Eggs, Thoroughbred. Then Irt us al’ when we commence Plymouth Rock and S. C., Rhode Ts- Tc slander C: • d or foe, lrnd Reds, 81.00 for 15. Also day old Think *.r the nn one word will do chickens. Address Box 45.4 Way- 20 13t More people are wearing diamonds j Way cross just ynv than ever he- j fore and people who never were able : before to own a diamond. The In troduction of the new stone, the Radium Diamond, hns created a fad in the city which ts having quite a run. - I The attractive window display of • ti’ore sparkling tenia at r, it. Brin- , sen Drug Company store is very beau- 1 1'fill, ft if a fad. but a fad that has 11: ken among all classes. During the I first business day a number of party favors have been supplied from the {display of Radium ami the hit anionx . the social set has bpen a decided on<*. J A Radium Diamond lias not been se cured. according to the best obtain able information, but it has given sur prising satisfaction. An incident during the first busi ness day of the introduction of the Radium Diamond In Waycross, was a challenge passed between two pop ular young men of the city, last night, when one of the two offered the other a scarf pin from the selection, if he could distinguish the true stone from the Radium. To prove the challenge the challenger took a diamond pin from his scarf in the absence of his companion, put It In a tray with sev- • ral similar Radium pins nnd then the companion was* asked to select the real dfnmond on tfie proposition that If he did.do so lie could keep ti.o pin. The companion is wearing a Radium now, and the real stone Is !n, the scarf of Us original possessor. The display spoken of Is to ho seen In the window at O. R. Brinson Co., drug store on the square, where they holding a special demonstration Mile of these beautiful Rndiutn Dia monds which regularly sells front $.1.00 to $8.00. Your choice for one dollar. This Includes every piece In the display. Today la the only day cf this sale. WHEN YOUR MONEY 15 IN A jVATIO nAL IT'S SAFE UNDER D1REC GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION , BESIDES THE FACT Tint A REPRESEN TA TI VE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Dot’s over our notes anil securities twice each year, and In addition to the surplus fund und undivided profits which stand Between our depoll, tors and any possibility of loss, there Is OUR CAPITAL STOCK *200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY *200,000.00 TOTAL SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS IN THIS *400,000.00 Hero Is the real strength of a bank nnd upon this Item snd Its rmtto of deposits, wo Invito comparison with any other bank In this section. First National Bank OFWAYCROSS Waycross. Georgia L. H. BARNHILL, Loesl Agent JPbjcrota, Ga. 108 Plant Art. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. FOR 8ALE—I have a good horse and buggy for sole. A bargain. Rich ard Scruggs. 24 tf To those we little know. Remember, curses sometimes like Our chickens, roost at home Don’t speak of others faults until We have none of our own. —Compliments of V. L. Stanton. —We will tell on Brother Stanton, ! FOR RENT—Newly furnished room* about that Atlanta trip, If he does at 22 Gilrnoro street. 23 tf. not "practice what he preach." * .. FOR SALE—5 fiO-Horse Boilers; C DON’T FORGET THE GREAT Engines, of different sizes; I Steam TASTER SALE, BEGINS WEDNE8- Skldder;, 1 Planer, double surfacer; tiAY, A. M„ APRIL 5 FOR 10 DAYS,! It I-og Curts, nnd other saw mill AT CHURCHWELL BROS., COME) j machinery; Will sell cheap. Hlcox 31 Ct ADVERTISE I FOR RESULT8. THE HERALD WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY SI ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENT8, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION. . THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Lumber Co., Hlcox, Ga. Bears the Signature of Prescriptions ! know that It Is not always con venient for your doctor to drive en tirely out of his way U leave your {rescriptIon at our store, and for your convenience we have a nulck messen ger who will call for ycur prescrip tion at nil times. WE HAVE THE aOODS AND THE SERVICE. TELEPHONE *9. Central Pharmacy. Younfl-fiobfrtson Drag Co., Prop. LOST—Bunch ati&eys taken from office door Sundf^^fctfnoon. Liber al reward will be paid for their re- ’ turn to undersigned. Doen Realty A: Imp. Co., Goo. W. Been, Laflrandn | Building. i FOR SALE—My hou»ehold and kltch- lor. furniture—5 rooms—at a bargain; 1 am going to hoard; also 40 head of * chickens, cheap. Apply Box 32, Way- I cross. 3 3t I | WANTED—Another bicycle messen ger hoy, apply Central Pharmacy. 3 It j WANTED—Messenger hoy; good j salary and good place for a good hoy. J Apply Postal Telegraph Co. 3 3t | LOST—Bunch of Jteys on streets, ■ between post office and Col. Benett’a 1 residence on Williams street. Flndet j please return to Col. Bennett. 3 3t FOR 8ALE—Full blooded Plymouth hens and two roosters, at one dollar a piece. Mrs. T. H. Graves, Wares* boro. 4 3t FOR 8ALE--Blue-flame oil stove, cheap. Phone 589. 4 3t | WANTED—A well located 7 to 10 room residence; or a good unimproved lot. Apply: J. Ludlara, Hortens?. Ga. 4 3t LOrT—On rtreets, out of trap, two nntrl^xed hats In Bon Ton paper srr’ r. Finder nicer* rotnrn to Her ald c~ce or H. Murphy’s residen ce. • • it SPECIALS, READY-TO-WEAR DEPT- 2ND FLOOR BENTON’S Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now filled with New Spring Ready- to-Wear Garments. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect the many new styles in Coat Suits, Skirts, One Piece Dress and Waists. SECOND FLOOR. New Spring Coat Suits MADE OF LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL MATERIALS. Special $22.50 Linen Coat Suits l*i TAN, NAVY, .ETC., MADE OF LINEN, RAJAH AND CRASH. Special $9.00 Wash Coat Suits MADE OF LINONETTE, COLORS BLUE AND WHITE. Special $6.00 New Spring Skirts CLACK VOILE SKIRTS, MADE TLAIN AND TRIMMED WITH SAT IN, SILK AND BRAID. PRICES RANGE FROM $5 ’* to $18 «» Summer Wool Skirts NAVY, TAN, BLACK, GRAY, PLAIN COLOR, SHEPHERD PLAIDS AND FANCY STRIPES. SPECIAL SECOND FOOOR. Wash Skirts MADE OF BROWN LINEN, WHITE REP, LINENETTE AND INDIAN HEAD. SPECIAL VALUES $l-5« to $4°° One-Piece Dresses BEAUTIFULLY MADE. LAROE DIS PLAY ON SECOND FLOOR. LADIES ONE PIECE DRESSES MADE OF COLORED LINENS TRIMMED WITH COLORED REPS TO MATCH. CROWN LINEN DRESSES BRAIDED AND TRIMMED WITH LINEN IN SERTION. SPECIAL VALUES $2 25 to $8’°° CHILDRENS AND MISSES WASH DRESSES, ALL SIZES. $2-oo to $4-00