Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 04, 1911, Image 8
• J It is of course impose!!)-> to form AUTthir* like a correct opinion of the outlook, facing the various teams. But from the general observance of the historical makeup of the bunches at the various points, we have formed an idea that Albany, Savannah and Macon will be found in the high col umn at cb se nf first half. There lunge for cross be and city Ware m officials of Way ,{ ball in Wuy- ui nty offldftls and The. sporting editor, will sue suggest a lineup fo lor consideration. next is- till Hides They’re off in the Hallle league yisterday in four cities. In the South Atlantic League the voice of the umpire sounded for the start of the game. MO games will be played 1 for the season. President Joyner is taking every precaution to avoid the pitfnllB and troubles of last year. Ho Is endeavoring to lift up the League onto n higher plane and demands /’lean ball and good behavior. Ills umpiring stnff have been se lected with usual care and instruct ed to enforce discipline at nil haz ards. And It looks like a good ball reason is ahead of us. RESULTS YESTERDAY: Savannah .1, Charleston 4. Augusta 11, Columbia 2. Columbus 2, Macon 2. (12 innings.) Albany 1'). Jacksonville 2. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY: Savannah At Charleston. Augusta at Columbia. Macon at ('nJu’nbiis, . Jacksonville at Albany. “UNCLE” CHARLIE a proof that tlie City Fath an business nbout the much tn of cleaning matter, they have i at the beginning bv liming clad in stio CENTRAL BAPTIST TABERNACLE OPENING SERVICE THURSDAY NIGIIT APRIL GTH Bible Reading at Tabernacle 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. Song and Praise Service, 7:00 Preaching at 7:30 o’clock. GOOD CHORUS CHOIR £ Powerful Gospel Preaching. Come and Bring Your Friends. MR. CHAS. BUTLER who has been sing ing with the Evan gelists Torrey and Broughton for years, is now connected with E vangelist Phillips and will have charge of the music. «r fiVANOKUST J. B. PHILLIPS not lies aad c They look so 'and attract visitors as we" Hr city folks. Summer time is fust,: ppioachlug and 1« now just across j = CE WHEELS OF CONGRESS ARE TURNING NOW—MANY CHANGES, Washington, D. C., April 4. representatives of the party which is to gathrr up the House reins. if x. S - $.1 ?$ $ JLcAJtiaii 4Ju* Homers, that it is enough to ituiko one hungry. My! M>! What a rplcndhl idea! Why bless your life Marshall Fol ly bad the carts out and loaded this morning at early Invar, before Homo of the loafers Were out of bod, Cud some of the energotic ladles were in their back yards with rake or broom in hand moving trash be fore time to give out dinner. Yes. it takes tin* women folk to do things 1'lc-nie Park tilled n the U it. Y. M. Ml KIM the s and rite that right. get met as well as trash. Just keep your eyes on the city and the cleaners this week, and •re if all sore ones are not well by rent. It t* to he hoped that after Caun- wcilman Parker has the beautiful oaks nnd other trees clothed !n their pret ty white and heaLhy suits o? lime ct cetera, no one will dare hitch a horse, mule or ox to one of them. Should any man do such a thin*, let* dub him "JACtvA&t*!*’ What any you? When the pretty little pools and founts in Beauty Park and Plant Park are thoroughly cleaned and refilled with pure clean water, and the pools are covered with a good wire netting so that naughty people can’t throw cans, empty bottles and trash of every kind into them, the writer promisee to try to secure a variety of fidh to put (n them to am- are put In posi tion there for the young peoples' amusement, if ho has to go around begging for what sponk the city can’t donate in that direction. Don't call me a dreamer please, >ou who read this, for, for I, perhaps, know the City Fathers better than come of you do, and I know they arc going to do Just what is written j above. Now, don't you? Chas. H. Redding. * j leg to consider a Taft administrative . j measure directs unusual attention to! ow me space in your ! {he convening of the Sixty-second, j to make one appeal ? Congress in exraordinary session at j Aldermen, Board of j noon today. * in general in behalf; The political complexions of the i re and children, and j two branches of Congress will bo as! last, hut by no means h ast, for th * I fellows: improvement of the city, namely, u! Hours—Democrats, 228; Ropublr-j SILENT FIRE ALARM, before any jeans. 1G0; Socialist, 1; vacancies, 2, j auto lire truck! Speak of improve-j the Ninth Iowa and Second Pcnpayl-j ania districts. I ; l-.'tiiior Herald 1 Will you ul i \n Liable pupe tot he Mayor, j Trade nnd clt ! or the mot In MEN: Fcr tender lace and neck after chaving, fer :$fm?!ba, b! |sk heads, dandruff cr any skin or scalp dio- coses use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all foreness an/1 itching. The soap Is i art of the treatment,—best for all toflet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and !n \Vayeros8 by The Seals Pharma- j ry. 4-4-4 AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR | Who does not know of the value of sago and sulphur for keeping the hair I dark soft glossy and in good eondl- | tion? As a matter of tact, sulphur is a natural element of hair, and a de- ! flclency of it in the hair is held by | many scalp specialists to be connected with loss of color and vitality of tho hair. Unquestionably, there is no better remedy for hair and scalp troubles, especially premature grny- nesa, than sage and sulphur, If prop erly prepared. Tho Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put up ah ideal remedy of this kind called Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy and authorise druggists to sell It under guarantee that tho money will be re funded If it fails to do exactly as ren-e £ -entcd. This preparation Is offered to the public at f.fty cents a bottle and la recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY. r.ents, this is one of the most need c-d! The idea of a city of 15,000 peo ple. with a wildcat blast, frightening the children into hysterics, running nnd screaming to mother, though it may be a (rath pile after it is over,* mother and children wrecks. Marshal Colley has now three White Win-zs” on the streets dress- Senate—Republicans, 50; Demo crats, 41; vacancies. 1—from Colo- to in clean white linen and busy at rn j 0 | u ork cleaning up, they look well. Some Big Changes i The roil call in the two brau;*«w i The A. W. Lang stocks was nervous , V( .in ^Low some remarkable changes j bought In this morning by W. W. ft cm the last session. In the House: Sharpe. Jr., and will he sold at once So 1 plead with the Mayor and Al- ! j 1c Lcmorrats will show a gain of 54 ! cheap fo regsh. The stock Includes dormen to take this matter up, and members and the Republicans a loss sSewing Machines prgans, phonographs PUSH IT, and drup the auto for : of - 5 The Socialist member, Victor j Pn <* records and phonograph cabinets a while. J Forger of Milwaukee, accounting tor j sewing machine attachments and I know that my view* are the views ll)e difference in the equation. i numerous other things. of thousands of mothers in the city, j Bv rea son of the change resulting j " nnd if the city fathers experience f , om the election last November, new j L00K F0R THE BEE HIVE, what T have experienced, and did f aceg w jjj Been no t only in the 1 On the package when yon buy Fol 1 f ~> 8rRE w * membership of the House, but In the S would soon have an Improved fire ixole organisation. Bee Hive. Remember the name, Fo • h ™‘ Republican employe, In proa, uum- *&££?£* ^“V* 1 ** A Mother. t. cr will go out and’their places will ■ - - • ■ ■ ■— ■ l y filled by Democrats. Choice rooms j OON*T FORGET THE GREAT Cabbage Plants at 30 Reed street, in the Capitol and the Houae offleej EASTER SALE, BEGINS WEDNES- Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per hun- tuilding, long controlled by the Re-^ DAY, A. M., APRIL 5, FOR 10 DAYS, dred. _ publtcan.. will be .urrendered to the AT CHURCHWELL BROS, COME! All-Around Flour Light, wholesome bread—flaky pastry—cake that melts in your, mouth—all out of one sack I That’s William Tell Flour—equally good for every baking need. William Tell is the most economical flour, too—it makes more loaves to the sack than ordinary flour. That is because it is made from Ohio Red Winter Wheat—richest in bread making qualities. Order a sack from your grocer today. William Tell Flour If your grocer cannot supply Wil liam Tell, phone THORPE & CO., 24« Whole sale Dlstrioutorf and they will see that you g't it roiEYSKnwiya ■In Bmu«mi KioMUAi*e&uNM vsm