Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 05, 1911, Image 1

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The Masons and their famltlee ere
cordially Invited to attend a barbecue
to be given on Cherokee Helghte at
one o'clock Thursday, AprllGtb, 1911.
Secure your badgafl from any of the
following committee :Dr. J. H. Lati
mer, J. Mitt Welle, W. D. O’Quinn, It.
I.. Singleton or E. J. Berry. 1 St’
AND go into
V Everything Is in readiness for the
y ceremonial session of Alee Temple of
< tte Mystic Shrlnera for tomorrow
end they are expecting several hun
dred visiting Nobles, representing
various temples throughout theUnltl
el Btates.
The parade will be a novel feature
and should be wlnessed by all who
can, it begins at 5 p. m., starting on
Pendleton street and goes from tbero
ti Albany Ave, to Plant to Gilmore
to Howe to Brunei to Plant to Tebeau
around LoGrande hotel to Pendleton
to T.i M. C. A., and disbands there.
Tbe council chamber was grnceo
by the presence of a number of la
dies last night, and their presence
somewhat {restrained the bolstrous
processings. Mr. W. W Sharpe,
Mrs. J. M. Cox, Mrs J. S. Singleton,
E. Wadley, Mrs P. A. Bates
and M'S. P. A. Hay, were the delegat
es and they appeared In Interest of
KJugs 1 Daughters Hospital and to re
quest sewerage connection with that
building. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe intro
duced In a few words Mrs Singleton,
who in appropriate terms, exlalned
tie need and necessity for the sew-
eiage connection.
Dr. Fleming alio spoke, stating that
present conditions were a \hcnaco to
health of city and made some very]
The babies should all be at Phoenix I , lroDg Iemarks on the condltlon of
New York, April 4.—A committee
from a half dozen welfare, organiza
tion*, with tbe secretary of the Al
lied Building Trades to represent un
ion labor, has undertaken the organ
ization f here of a permanent society,:
analogous to the Society for
Prevention of Cruelty to Children and
the Society for the Prevention of
Vice, to prevent Infraction of the
building laws, and the repetition of
such disasters as the Triangle Waist
Company Are,
Alderman J. W. Moore fulfilled his
vow and carried the motion that the
city buy an "Auto Chemical Truck”
over the Mayor's veto.
With but very little discussion the
matter was brought before Council
and he vote showed 4 to 2 against.
The result was received with strong
marks tof disapproval by the c^|i-
Last night witnessed one of the
l’veliest council meetings held in
Waycross for sometime. Many ques
tions of grave interest to the city
came up for discussion, nnd feeling
ai times ran very high, in fact sev
eial times passed the bounds of
luncheon in honor Op am*
Tokio, April 4.*-Ratlflcatlons of the
American-Japanese commercial treaty
were exchanged t.bis afternoon fot-
Park ep 4:30 p. m., with tholr number,
r Illustrious Potentate Cutts Is
to bo shown some of the finest babies
he ever saw, and all the babies in
.Waycross should be there
Following Is the program for tomor
row April 6:
Morning, Nobles meeting visiting
Nobles—Headquarters at LaG$ande
1 p.m.—Official Divan arrives, key
cf the city turned over to Illustrious
Potentate Cutts by Mayor . M. cox.
1:30 p.m—Barbecue at College Hill
4*30 p. m.—Waycross Babies to meet
Potentate Cutts at Phoenix Park.
5 p. m.—Parade, Forming at Y. M. C.
A Bldg.
Ceremonial session immediately af
ter parade.
tbJ cax.nl.
At the request of Alderman Dunn
all tile ladies rose, and in earnest
gra.’-tful language plead the cause
they represented. Mrs. J. M. Cox,
with t'Otp.tuous loyalty to the city,
emphasized the fact that tne city
was in a splendidly clean condition,
but that the sewerage connection
vould materially improve health con
diilons. The ladies then retired and
the debate waxed eloquent and at
times became very heated. Practi
cally every Alderman speaking from
three to ten times on the question
During the debate the location of
hospital # was severely censured and
10:30 p. m.—Traditional Banquet at
I aQarande Hotel.
the statement made that it would
cost the city $20,000 to complete'.all
the requirements needed out there,
Another took the position that health
was more valuable than money and
that they must do what was needed
for the hospital If It bankrupted the
city to do it It Is Impossible in space
to note the. numerous motions made,
It was during this hot debate that
the worst scene of the evening oc
Finally on motion it waa decided
io carry the sewerage through Gil
christ Park down Lewis to King
sreet. And later on in the evening
a motion was carried, leaving It to
discretion of Chairman of water
works as to whether the extension
should be Included In one bid or
whether two bids should be asked
fdr. one to hospital and other to car
ry out to end o! proposed route.
personalities of a very objectionable
zens present. A motion was -then I character. Wo have no desire to
carried instructing Fire and Police select any special official for con-
Oimmlttce to secure bids'and spec- e’emnation, but believe nnd venture
n ero argument and descended into} lowing a luncheon given at the palace
by Emperor Mutauhito in honor of
American Ambassador O'Brien. Pro*
ifientions and submit to next mect-
iLg of Council.
In an interview with Mayor Cox
he states that he still holds the po
sition that the action of Council in
this matter is unwise, but bows to
will of majority. Asked if he would
again veto It, he stated he would not,
and left the matter up to the citi
zens to act on. A movement is all
ready under way to find legal means
to prevent the purchase at this time
Up*to-Date Line of Women and Childrens’
H. C. Seaman
A very serious complaint was made
against the competency of Dr. D. G.
Bradley, the City Health Officer, and
a number of alleged cases of grave
negligence nr duty, etc., wero quoted.
The paper was signed by, Dr. M. M.
Johnson, Dr. K. P. Ixlar, Dr. T. J.
CarswCU, Dr. J. L. Walker, Dr. J.
T. Beaton, Dr. A. Fleming, Dr. Rip-
pard. Dr. Bradley entered a strong
reply, denying the correctness of the
statements, and charging ths|t the
entire matter was Inspired by politi
cal feeling of candidates he had de
feated for office.
Various Aldermen spoke In (he de
fense of the city official, but the
Council recognising the gravity of the
to express our candid opinion that
scenes of the character seen at our
council meeting last night are a re
proach to our city and should bo
strongly condemned.
Mayor Cox was suffering from se
vere sickness, and held out through
(he long six hours session with great
difficulty; his position Is a very try
ing one at the present time and ho
should be sustained by a thoughtful
conservative board, but Instead of re
ceiving assistance, It seems to be tbe
plan, of course, unthoughtedly of the
toard -to wrangle and dispute and
mnke the task of keeping thlnga go
ing straight as difficult as possible.
Without question, every member of
the Board Is absolutely honest and
sincere In their desire to promote the
v.iy best Interests of the city, there
is absolutely no doubt about that.
But the Interests and credit of the
city, demands better methods
transacMng the city buslnes and more
order and dignity In an oiaomblage
of such Importance.
Counell arranged for a aeries of
weekly band concert! for-entertain-
nent of the people and ‘ the hand
will abortly aecure a line set of new
tnstrumehts and commonce to play
each Saturday night on city band
A number of Interesting questions
niter Katsura and Foreign Mlnlstrt
Komura wero present at the lunch
eon preceding which the emperor re
celved Mr. O'Brien In private nudk.
I n uumuvi ut iuioivdiiiia ijucbhuiip
wero discussed, which we will more
tie health of the entire city, and If
false Dr. Bradley would be due vin
dication, referred the matter for thor
ough investigation to a commlteo to
report by writing at next meeting.
The committee were empowered to Fund Boftn j
fully detail in next issue. Amongst
them wero: "
Passage of Pawnbroker ordinance.
Garbage Can ordinance.
Providing for formation of Sinking
Resolutlop, Council to meet first
I *
Investigate each case charged and to
interview the physicians and get full' thlrtl T „ 0 „ aay of flach mon ,h.
Information. The committee consists
of C. W. Parker, Fred Brewer and C.
Ordinance, prohibiting W. IS. L. &
P. Co., for requiring deposit bofore
connecting up electric lights, was de
Fire and Pollco Committee to at
Special to The Herald. once have shoot Iron, buildings ro-
Seattle, Wash., April S.—Colonel moved off cross property opposite
Roosevelt wIlll spend tomorrow af- water tower,
ternoon and tomorrow night In 8eat- Persons selling the second hand
tie, and oxtonalvo arrangements have array rlllcs to pay a license of 11,001).
been perfected- for his reception and Boarding iiouse-kcepers to ho re-
Intertalnraent. He Is scheduled to qulred to keep a'register of all board
make two public addresses while In ora open to Inspection of chief of
tnls city, one before the students of police.
Appreciating the fact that our It-
tuarloua Potentate, E. A. Cutts, has
dune so much to advertise our Maglo
City by getting up e beautiful litho
graph, showing the faoes of so many
of our beautiful children, wo wish
to have as many of our Waycross
babies to meet him In Phoenix Park
nt 4:30 Thursday evening. He will
present to one of them a beautiful
Fulton baby carriage, this carriage
Is now on display In the window of
the Singleton Furniture Co. See this
carriage and secure a ticket number
for your baby, for they are all lino
and beuutlful. Every ibaby jpomlng
two years and under will be given
a present, and one will secure the
The Waycross Shrlncrs. ' ’
A complete change of program Is
announced for tonight st the Alrdome.
A good time Is In store for all those
who attend. Those who- have seen
‘ho show the past two night will
not want to miss tonight, for tbe Alr
dome Is giving sound show this week.
the University of Washington and the
oilier'at a mooting to be hold undol
:> auspices of the - Seattle Municipal
Southern Educational Conftrancs
Special to The Herald.
Jacksonville, FIs., April 5.—Prob
lems of agricultural cooperation, tbo
redirection of elementary and high
school education, sanitation and
health, better and more prodnetlv*
and more profitable farming, and Im
provement of the home and church
will forr. the leading topics for dis
cussion st the Conference for Educa
tion In the South to be held hors
this month.
Every Southern Stats will bo rep
resented st the conference. The
nioet of th esesslons will be devoted
to discussing the better adaption of
all education and educational agen
cies of the South to the needs of
rural llfp.and conditions In this sec
tion of flie.coumrj.
Resolution to prohibit convicts
working on the building of private
Alderman C. W. Parker Introduced
the motion. It was lost. We will
have more to say In Ibis matter to
Question of Are escapes on our
three storied buildings came up and
nlficers and committee Instructed to
enforce the law at onco. Especial
attention be called to the Burnt-Bell
Institute, tbo'upper story being oc
cupied by s number of yoong ladles.
Special to The Herald.
Portland, Ore., April 6.—Upon his
errlvSI In Portland this afternoon
former President Roosevelt faced s
frrmldahle programme of public melt
ings and roceptlons that promised
Mm few leisure moments until his
departure from tho city nt midnight.
reception committee, of public
officials nnd representative business
iien was on hand to greet him at tbo
station and many of tho hotels and
business housos displayed flogs and
hunting In honor of tho distinguished
guest. Leaving Portland shortly af
ter midnight tonight Colonel Roose
velt will spend tomorrow forenoon In
Tacoma nnd from that city he will
or need to Seattle.
for you are not likely to.gst snob an
other real eatato opportunity again-
tu a'hnrry. • t
you are after, and are prepared to-,
tell It to yon for a -really. low prlco
and on the most llbarst terms. Don’t
dolay coming to see us about It, or
piomptsi- buyers will snap up the
belt bargains.
A. M. Knigfkt
and Son