Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 05, 1911, Image 5
>0000000000000000 Ian argument If you are not buying : your groceries from us you are making a mis take, for we are offer ing big inducements for the economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the lowest cut prices. Read our advertisements; give us one month’s ac count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at Sc pound. C h i ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. itwmrco W. M. WILSON, Mgr. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦<>♦00000000000^0# PERSONAL AND LOCAL TO THE PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR. At Presbyterian xliurch 7:30 p. m. It is very urgent that every one who will give their voices to the Lord lor the service of Song be present at the church tomorrow night for prac tice. We wish to perfect our Easter Tn.isic and arrange our program for next Sabbath &r/ J. C. Rippard, Director. Rev. R. A. Brown, Pastor. Every mother i nthe city with baby not over two years of age is invited to see. Mr. R. L. Singleton and eecore a ticket ror t^ baby car riage which will be given the. baby holding the number drawn-tomorrow olernoon at the park. Mothers a’:>o requested to have the babies at j Phoenix Park at 4:30 tomorrow. Ev ery kioy in the city is invited. Many a man who swears at a big monopoly is nourishing a little one. T. H. BUZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, 8AUSAGE, FRESH SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, F0WL8, SKINNED HAMS, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAt/- 8AGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEE8E, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FI8H AND OYSTERS. 7. H. Blizzard, ~ 108 PLANT AVENUE. U H. BARNHILL, Local AganL Waycrofi, Ga. 108 Plant Ara. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. THE POST OFFICE CLOSING QUE8TI0N. The Board of Trade will call a meeting this week, probably Friday, to discuss and decide as to the ad- vif-ability of closing the carriers and general delivery windows at the post office on Sundays. This question is being agitated and in some of our larger cities the ques-' th n has been disposed of; some cloa j fng the-post offices, while others nd- here to the old Sunday rules. The Postofflce Department has adopted the plan of permitting the local Post- ir.aster/'the casting vote, but In no ctse does the department make de cision. The Waycross decision being left to Postmaster Murphy to decide, has requested the Board of Trade as perhaps the most represen tative body to decide the matter for him; this being, in Mr. Murphy’s opinion the nearest approach to the majority view. Mr. Murphy Informs us that If It Is'decided to close the windows of delivery on Sundays, that all box mrll will be put up and holders of boxes will see no change of the pres ent plan as to box mall. We trust that the meeting of the Board of Trade will be largely.^- t< nded and that this question receives earnest consideration. The Herald Is willing to abide Mr. Murphy’s conclusion. There will be services tonight at 7:30 in Grace Episcopal church, Ci.oir practice immediately .thereaf ter. Services tomorrow at 7:30 and 10.30 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Friday and Saturday at 7:30 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. On Sunday night, Mr. Daniel whl give his fifth organ recital with selections taken entirely from Stain er's Crucifixion. See tho change program Airdome tonight. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD FOR RESULTS. Some women are good to look ar hut bad to be tied to. AT the MAJESTIC That Texas Quartette "Nufl Sed” CATARRH 18 SURELY A DANGEROUS DIEASE, Thousands of people allow catarrh to slowly undermine tho whole sys tem until a serious disease develops— sometimes consumption. People who have catarrh should uso every effort to get rid of it, should above all adopt a sensible method. Stomach dosing, sprays and douch es won’t cure catarrh because It is a germ disease, and the gorms must be destroyed before the disease can be conquered. HYOMEI is the one sensible cure fer catarrh because it reaches every fold, crevice and nook In the mucous membrane and gets where the germs are. You breathe HYOMEI and i passes over the Inflamed membrane and destroys the germs. A complete KYOMEI outfit costs 11.00. This consists of a bottle of HYOMEI and a hard rubber inhaler Pour a. few drops of HYOMEI Into the Inhaler and breathe it a few min utes each day, that’s all you have to do. It is guaranteed by G. R. Brin son Co., nnd druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coaghs, colds and sore throat or money back. Extra bottle 4>f HYOMEI costs 60 cents. Free tvlal samplo on request from Booth’s Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 13, 24 3 CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch cov; must be gentle, and flesh In milk. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, 46 Gilmore street. If tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Eggs, Thoroughbred, Ilymouth Rock and S. C., Rhode Is- lend Reds, 61.00 for 15. Also day old chickens. Address Box 4^54 Way- cross 20 13t FOR SALE—I hare a good horse and buggy for sale. A bargain. Rich ard Scruggs. 24 tf Complete change of program at he Airdome tonight. CASTOR IA for Infants and QhMws, Tin Kind Yoi Han Alwqs Bought Bears the Signature of >sm»mmss«s» Prescriptions J know that it Is not always con venient for your doctor to drive en tirely out of hi* way to leave your inscription at our store, and for your convenience we have a quick messen ger who will cell for your prescrip tion at all times. - r - WE HAVE THE GOODS AND THE SERVICE. TELEPHONE IS. Central Pharmacy. ~ YoMS'lsberlsM Pn« Co., Prop. .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms at 22 Gllmoro atreet. 25 tf FOR SALE—5 50-Horse Boilers; 6 Engines, of different-sizes; 1 Steam Skldder; 1 Planer, double aurfacer; U Log Carte, and other eaw mill machinery. Will sell cheap. Hlcox Lumber Co.,' Hlcox, Ga. , 31 Gt LOST—Bunch of Ijeye taken from office door Sunday afternoon. Liber al reward will be paid for their re turn to undersigned. Been Realty & Imp. Co., Geo. W. Been, LeGrende Building. 3 tf FOR.SALE—My household and kitch en furniture—5 room*—at a bargain; am going to board j.'aleo 40 head of chickens, cheap. Apply Box 36, Way- cross. * 3 It WANTED—Another bicycle messen ger boy, apply Central Pharmacy. 3 It WANTED—Meesenger boy; good salary and good piece for a good boy. Apply Poetel Telegraph Co. 3 3t LOST—Bunch of keys on streets, between postofflce and Col. Benett't residence on Williams street. Flndef please return to Col. Bennett. I 3t FOR SALE—Full blooded Plymouth hone end two roosters, at ope dollar a piece. Mr*. T. H. Grave*, Ware*- boro. 4 3t Mother and Daughter Die Together. Valdosta, Ga.. April 5.—The funer- nl of Mrs. John B. Griffin nnd her daughter, Miss Pnulino Griffin, 14 years of nge, occurred this morning alCat Creek Cemetery, both of them having died Monday within a few hours. Mrs. Griffin had been sick 4 weeks with typhoid pneumonia and the daughter was sick 5 weeks with the same Illness. The mother con tracted her sickness while waiting on her daughter. Another, member of the family was expected to die, but later reports say that he Is better. Mr. Griffin Is a well known mer chant and was formerly postmaster at Cat Creek. * WHEN .YOUR MONEY b in a IT) SAFE UNDER D: GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION Copyright 1909, br C. B. Zimmerman Co.—No. 37N BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESEN FA-1 TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT! Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and in addition ittf the surplus fund and undivided profits which stand between our deport* tors and any possibility of loss, there Is OUR CAPITAL STOCK . .... *200,000.00 jjf | STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY ....1200,000.00 ; ! TOTAL SECURITY TO BEP08ITOR8 IN THIS — j BANK ..... 6400,000.00 ! Here is the real strength of a bank and upon this item end its raft* of deposlto, we Invite comparison with any other bank In thla section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. .... . Georgia TRV THE WANT ADS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦os, WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY K V 81 ALBANY AVE... PHONE— APPRECIATES THE bUSINEBS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED Hltyf GRADE MARBLE. OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US A^D ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND OIVE YOUR INTEREST H|S PER80HAV„^TT?NTI0N. THE BE8T MATERIAL^ THE- BEST WORK. THE BEST PB,CK - , . \ ‘ - J M Clark, general Manager# »♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦»>♦♦♦•»•»♦♦»!»♦»♦♦»»♦' FOR SALE-^BIue-fleme oil «tove, cheep. Phone 686. 4 It WANTED—A well : located 7 to 10 room residence; or s good unimproved lot. Apply: J. Ludlera, Hortense, Ce. 4 6t LOST—On streets, out of trap, two uetrimmed hats In Bon Ton paper seeks. Finder plees* return to Her ald oMce or H. Murphy’s residen ce.-:’- ~ 4 3t BENTON’S SPECIALS, READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now filled with New Spring Ready- to-Wear Garments. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect the many new styles in Coat Suits, Skirts, One Piece Dress and Waists. SECOND FLOOR. SECOND FOOOR. New Spring Coat Suits made of light weight wool MATERIALS. Special $22.50 Linen Coat Suits IN TAN, NAVY, .ETC. MADE OF LINEN, RAJAH AND CRASH. Special $9.00 Wash Coat Suits MADE OF LINONBTTE, COLORS BLUE AND WHITE. Special $6.00 New Spring Skirts FLACK VOILE SKIRTS, MADE PLAIN AND TRIMMED WITH. SAT IN, -SILK AND BRAID. PRICES PANGE FROM $5- 98 to $I8°° Summer Wool Skirts NAVY, TAN, BLACK, CRAY, PLAIN COLOR, SHEPHERD PLAIDS AND FANCY STRIPES. SPECIAL S3- 50 to $12 S0 Wash Skirts MADE OF BROWN LINEN, WHITE REP, LINEN BTTE AND INDIAN HEAD. SPECIAL VALUES $|-5o to $400 One-Piece Dresses BEAUTIFULLY MADE. LARGE 018- FLAY ON SECOND FLOOR. LADIES ONE PIECE DRESSES MADE OP COLORED LINENS TRIMMED WITH Colored reps to match. CROWN LINEN DRESSES BRAIDED AND TRIMMED WITH LINEN IN SERTION. SPECIAL VALUES $2- 25 to $8w CHILDRENS AND MISSES WASH DRESSES, ALL SIZES. - $2°° to $4 ( y Muslin Underwear SPECIAL VALUE* IN SKIRT*, GOWNS, CHEMEBE, CORSET COV ERS, COMBINATION SUITS AND DRAWERS 25c to $l-5o -