Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 05, 1911, Image 7
WE TEACH YOU BOOKKEEPING AN# . 'ALL BRANCHES. - . - • -- : ‘ 1 If yon can't attend per tonally «t bate an excellent mall l- | count that fully prepare* yon In any of theta department*. WAVCROSS LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECONO AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 7:3C P. M. All Matone Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. * W. J. CLARK, SEC. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College COROELE, GEORGIA. WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST. CLASS AT J. T. MeOEE'S SHOP ON ALBANY AVENUE. 19 tf epeclltcatlone. A certified check made payable to IS. J. Berry, the Clerk of eald Commit tlonere for Twenty Fire Hundred Hol- lare (12,900.00) mutt accompany each bid, before the tame will be conula- ertd, and to all uniutccetifni bidden, the tame will be returned. The chock of tht tuccettful bidder will be re tained by the Commlatlonert mtll tuch bidder bat made a good and infflclent bond with approved tecvrl- ty, guaranteeing the completion of the contract In the terms of bit Sid. Upon hit failure to comply with tbit requirement at to giving bond within ten dayt after the awarding of the contract, the tame will be forfeited to the county. Bldt will 1m received up to neon of April toth, 1911, at which time the tame will be opened and considered by said commltltonen; with the right reserved to reject any and. it WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. V KNIOHTB OF PYTltAB. t Meets ever Moaday . evening at ':I0 la \ Cattle H*r . Tlant ava j Members I- requested to attend, aed visiting Kolghtt are matt -or llally Invited to meet with ua CHAS. E. CASON, 0. C. r. II. Mllltr, K. of R. ft 9. ft M. of F. & Southern For either acute *: hroci. kiJne> disorder!, for tnney nl ’sm.'n. uri nary lrregularltlet, fake *V>I y Hl.'ney Plllt. An honest and effective edi- due for kidney and bladder jltor- Travel -Comfortably AND < CONVENIENTLY , ' la Parlor Dining Cara on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. 1N CONNECTION WITH THE GEOR2IA, SOUTHWESTERN ft GULF RAILROAD BETWEENATLANTA AND ALBANY. Hells served any time enroute, at reataonble prices. Schedules: Southbound; Northbound: Lv. Atlanta 7:45 am Lv. Albany 12:10noen Ar. Cordele 2:00 pin Lv. Cnrdda 1:40 pm At. Albany 2:40 pm Ar. Atlanta 7:4$ pm THESE ARE THE FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quickest Tim e. * T yit. Bift ~ Service. <r. rH. Leahy, Gen. Pan. Agt Atlanta, Georgia. •- PERSONAL. Wa will pay yon ten cent* each for ntw names end sdditsse* of amstrnr photographers. Carver, Box 104, Wa ter loo Iowa. • tf WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. St. dr. ft U. A. M. Meets ertry Monday svsnlag la Bed Wea’e Hall, Lott-Hltch building at S ft m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to most with ‘ta Bhsrod Collins. L. Ctrl Collins. RtfrBsety. Couaclloi Honey and Tar fullllls tbit condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8tb SL, Easton, P*., states: . “Several members of my family have been cur ed of bed cough* and colds by tbs ose of Foley's Honty and Tar and I am ntver without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieve* the irritation In the throat and loosens up the cold. I have tlways found It a reliable cough cure.”. Gem Pharmacy. It la contemplated that thla cor, tract will exceed the turn of- lire Thousand Dollar*, and notloa la gtrwn In accordance with the provlrjoni si New Goods Are Arriving Daily WILKES Next to P. N Harley Hardware Co. THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Good? Are Arriving Daily LADIES we wish to call - your attention to our line of GOODS = which are up-to-date in every particular. We have all the latest Fabrics, such as Satin, Foulards, Taffettas, Marquisettes, San Toys, Messolines. Etc., that are BEING SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES DRY GOODS Good qualit, 40 in White Lawn, special price per d 9c Extra Good Quality 40 in. White Lawn, very sheer quality, worth 15c yd. Special Price 121c Per yard Lonsdale Cambric, yard wide, best grade, special Good as Gold Bleaching, Standard 10c grade, special price QQ r 10 yards See our line of Curtain Swiss, Scrims, Draperies, Etc. Muslin Underwear The prettied line of skirts, corset covers, edt., are shown here to go at special prices. Men's Suits and Odd Pants Our line of Suits and Odd Pants are up-to-date in every detail, made up with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants. We also carry a full line of Mohair suits. WILKES The Progressive Store. SHOES! SHOES!! We have Shoes to fit every member of the family. We carry the celebrated Todd & Hunt Club line of ladies shoes in velvet, suedes, patent and kid leathers. Our line of soil soles baby strap oxfords are by far the snappiest line of chil drens shoes ever shown in Way- cross. We carry Digg’s, Vannerman’s and Hunt Club Shoes for men. Every pair guaranteed for service and for &yle.j. 200 pairs of Ladies Silk $1.25 values to go as long as they la& per pair . . Hose 97c BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF JAIL State of Georgia, County of Wore: The Commloalonert of Rood! and Revenues tor the County of Ware in vite bids for the construction and erection of a modern Jail and Jailor* borne, the building thereof to bo-con- •trncted either of'brick or reinforced concrete, according to the plana and specifications now on Ble In the nth- coo of old Commissioner*. - The terms of payment to be made at follows: One half U-2) of the contract price to be paid at tbe work progresses, (be remaining one half (1-2) to be paid twelve (12) month! from the completion and acceptance of same, and the deferred payment to bear Intereat at tbe rate of six per centtum per annum. A certiaed check for Twenty live Dollars ($25) will be required to bv mtde payable to end deposited with < l. K. J. Berry, Clerk of the Coumlls- 1 'tlonert, from all prospective bidders who obtain a copy of the plans and specifications, tbe same to be return- ed upon tbe return of the plan* dnd vlded. A’l blda ahould be addressed to S. J. Berry, Clerk of the Commissioners sf Rond and Revennee of Ware Coun ty, with tbe words -Bids for const: ac tion of Jail” written -to the margin of the envelope. This March 3rd, lilt. B. H. Thomas, Chairman. J. F. Tuylur. D. J. Mllltr. J. J. Murray. . Commissioners'of Roads and Revenues for Ware Com*/, Georgia. I 41 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP HI Meets first and third Thursday >a each month. Masonic Hall Richard L, Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. THE State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAPOLIg, INDIANA. Depoelte With State for Guarantee of Policies, .... $8,000,000hO Surplus to Polley Holden, .... $1,171,909.0* Security fa a Ufa Insurance Policy Is the principal thing. Ons wants protection that protects without regard to general financial condltlooaTbe STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of nil Ita policy holders, tb* eptlrs cash value of every outstanding policy. At tbit time the company b*> on deposit with the State, In first etnas ssourt- tits, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OP ENG LAND. I have been with this good company seventeen years and throjgh Its agency hnv* paid man, thousands ot dr'lara to beneficiaries, "^ak*T^b!Inc#"w!tii your life polloy buTteTm^foP “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." V.L. STANTON, Manager. WAYCROSB, GEORGIA. loan money In Wsyerot*. Tbe more money yon want tb* better w* Ilk* It. No red tape—Just money. Thnt’s all. See BUCHANAN ft SHARPE. > U 41$ LaGrand* Building R. R. CO. Schedules of Train* Effective January ft 1911. Notice:—Tht arrival and departure* *r# given as Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. L Mile* Station 0 HebardvIIIe, Ga. Lv. i:$t am S Waycrota (Albany nve) 5:35 am S Lavtnla g-to an 10 Freds! Ar. B:6S am Northbound Train No. t. - 10 Fredc! 2:45 pa J Lavlnla 2:50 pn. * Waycrota (Albany avs) 2:95 pm OHebtrdrills 3:10 p m Train* No. 1 and No. 2, dally, et cept Sunday. Jno. y. He,kins. tJu.-erlntcndsoL FE5SB