Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 05, 1911, Image 8

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Special to The Herald. Iowa City, la., April 5.—Today «aw the ^departure of the most important •elenttflc expedition ever anet out by the State University of Iowa. The expedition consists of a party of four, (pleaded by Prof, Homer D. Dill. The 4Dl>jcc!i e point (s the Laysan Island* located 800 mllet southwest of the Hawaiian group. The party will re- xnaln ou the island three months col Meeting scientific material relative to the study of bird life. j3b<* material secured will be brought tc tbe university, mounted and as sembled In a realistic reproduction «» cyclorama of tbe scene of Layfan. .Afore than 400 mounted birds will be used in the reproduction, with count leu others painted on the scenery Terming the background. The under taking Is believed to be the largest »nd most important of its kind ever attempted by any American educa- ttcnal institution. MORE HONORS FOR PEARY. Bpeclal to The Herald. New York, April 5.—In honor of Hear Admiral Robert E. Peary, U. J>. N., the Brooklyn Institute and the Peary Artie Club, of this city, will atslst In th ecelebration of the sec ond anniversary of the discovery of ♦?,*» North' Pole, tomorrow evening In tbe Academy of Music in Brooklyn. Gen. Thomas Hubbard, president of Ibe Peary Artie Club, will pareslde and Rear Admiral Peary will be pres ent to receive the honorary mem bership to be conferred upon him by the Brooklyn Institute. PALLING TREE KILLS AUTOI8T8. Ocala, Fla., April 4.—Mrs. John AfcDtiwell of Gainesville was killed end Mrs. L. C. Lynch of Gainesville waa probably fatally Injured, when a was blown dojvn across the au- A SLIPPERY TRUST. Mr. Roosevelt, while presiding o\ er the destinies of the United Stat es, categorized the trusts into twt classes, the good and the bad trusts. The most powerful magnifying glass of political economy, as applied tc the combinations of capital, has yel fa\ed to reveal an Instance when he consolidations of wealth were en gaged in any altruistic enterprise, unless the ever increasing accumuia tion of money should be so constru- One of the cei-iike sort of capital istic consorts Is the meat trust whose habitat Is In Chicago. This concern (It Ik alleged to be a syndicate of concerns), having ramifications al) over the country, monopolizing not .ly the supply of beef and other food cattle at home, but abroad as well, lips rested complacently on its haunches In the course of various government prosecutions In the past, virtually repeating the old Vander bilt contempt and the Boss Tweed challenge, "the public be dnmned," and "What are you going to do about It?" But the latest indictment of tbe beef packers In the United Sttaes cir cuit court in Chlcngo has placed a sort of vice-like grip on the ee!e> body of the combination. For the time being it cannot squirm out of responding to allegations of lawless in its business procedure, in tin sale of Its products, in the methods It has pursued to stifle competition and-Az prices a a point which Insures THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE 'MADE FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. "HE PRICE 18 »1 TO 110. WE RE COMMEND THE $3 TO (3 COR8ET8 JUST AS MUCH A8 WE DO THE 810 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUNli WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SON’S LEADING FASHIONS IN VIEW. Sold In Waycfots Exclusive iy By. Miss Eddie Parnell f*t dividends, without regard to the purchasing power of the public and ill utter violation to the laws of sup- p’y and demand. The trust has been prosecuted un der various aliases for a number of years past and has uniformly escap ed punishment. It is to be hoped, In the Interest of the general public that the present criminal prosecution against it will- result in something more than a fine—to be paid by the consumer in tbe end. This monopoly, controlling one of the chief food supplies of the people of tbe United States, ha« metamor phosed Itself conveniently upon court decisions decreeing dissolution. The principles involved are tbe same as those in the Standard Oil and tobao co trust cases, which tbe supremi court of the United States will pass upon early in April. For the relief of the public It is to be hoped that the decrees to be banded down by supreme law tribunal of the country will be effective to preclude the Ingenuity of attorneys to reinvest tho corporate corps with life, under a fresh disguise. The big combines are simply playing into the hands of their antipodal enemies, the Social ists. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result frdm tbe wortc of fire bugs but often sovere burns are cane ed that make a quick need for Buck len’s Arnica Salve, tbe quickest, sun est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, bolls, sores. It subdues lnflamatlon. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers ot piles. Only 25c at All Druggists. ' MEN: For tender face and neck after shaving, for pimples, bl^ek heads, dandruff or any akin or scalp dl» ecses use ZEMO and ZEMO 80AP. ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all soreness and Itching. The soap Is rart of the treatment,—best for all toilet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and !n Waycross by The Seals Pharma- 4-44 Cabbage, Plants at 30 Reed street, Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per hun dred. HUMAN HAIR ROOT Showing Dandruff Germs At Work WYETH’S saGE-’SULPKur Large Solid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut. THIS ROUKER 18 GUARANTEED TO BE ENTIRELY MADE OF OAK IT IS EXTRA LARGE, AND VERY STRONGLY MADE, THE ARMS BE. ING BOLTED TO THE SEAT, AND A HEAVY STRETCHER CONNECTS THE ARMPOSTS UNDER THE SEAT. DON’T PAY $3.50 FOR THI8 ROCKER. We sell it for 50c per week. 1.98 Step Ladder 48 Cents Four Feet High. BEFORE YOU BUY THAT NEW TABLE, LET U8 SHOW YOU OUR LINE. WE HAVE THE Greatest [Values EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. OUR NO. 803 PEDESTAL EXTEN SION TABLE IS THE GREATEST TABLE VALUE EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. IT HA8 A 42 INCH TOP WHE NCLOSED, EXTENDS TO S r£ET, HAS COVERED PEDESTAL S INCHES IN DIAMETER, EXTRA LARGE CLAW FEET. THIS TABLE IS MADE OF THE FINEST THOR. OUGHLY SEASONED OAK, FINISHED GOLDEN. COMPARE THE QUALITY, THE FINISH, THE 8IZB AnB THE PRICE8. THESE ARE THE -ESSENTIAL* POINTS, AND W'WILL SELL YOU THE TABLE. Our Price $13.75 1-3 Cat h} ba30, 60 and90 days ISf walk by the store, we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. HAIR REMEDY Kills the Dandruff Germ and Makes the Hair Grow Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color CEW people are (ware of the number of DendrulT Germ, that infest the human hair and scalp. The germs which locate themselves in the follicle or sack which envelopes tbe root or the hair, spend a lazy existence in sucking up tbe 11 .venu a uzy existence in sucking up tbe I ulces which should go to keep life and strength in the hair. These germs cannot be seen by the naked eye, but with a magnifying glass of from 300 to 400 diameters the spores the hair ” de,,royer may bc ,cen * n m * M cs, dinging to DANDRUFF, ITCHING OF THE SCALP AND FALLING HAIR ARE A SURE SIGN OF DESTRUCTIVE GERMS. . TXf ,h !* S ** e ,nd Sulfibur Hstr Remedy not only kills the dandruff germs and prevents bald ness, but It also restores laded and gray hair (o selural color. Don’t Experiment With Old Fashioned Hair Dyes but save your hair and restore It to natural color and luxuriance by using Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Druggists are authorized to sell Sage and Sulphur under guaran tee that the money will be refunded tr it faila to do exactly u represented. He’s the finest slecpme- ter made—die best looking —the best built—die best running. You needn’t take our word for it, we keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. . $2.50 This is the dock they art fctm- the M( Eiptlaw Little & Odom, Jewelers and OpticiaLS. PRICE 600 AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS •WYETH CHEMIQAL COMPANY, 74 CORTLANOT STREET. NEW YORK rnrr A *** «$» ■••wy**-. c..>«**.1,1.0.t.u.is~,m. rnrr who wm send u. Ihi* .4v.rtlitn.ent with toe in at.mu.tocovercoK mLL 01 o-r.polnj and malllnt th. .oap. con CHEROKEE PHARMACY. MASSACHUSETTS G. A. P. Special to The Herald. Boston, Mats., April 5.—With Com mander-In-Chief John E. Oilman and hi. •tntt at meats of honor, the De partment ot Massachusetts, Grand Army ot the Republic, began lta for ty-fifth annual encampment today tn Faneull Hall. Department Common- del Granville C. Flake called the gath ertng to order at TO o'clock this morning and the greater part ot the 'ay was devoted to the annual re porta and other business ot a ron- line nature. Tho Woman's Relief Corps and other nnxlllnry organtr- n-iont are alto In annual session. The proceedings will continue over tometnm. PRINCESS ureas Carpets anc WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF THE8E FAMOUS RUGS IN ALL SIZES AND PATTERNS, AT PRICES THAT WILL 8AVE YOU MONEY, DRESSERS—WE HAVE JU8T RE CEIVED A BEAUTIFUL LINE. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUES. THE ONE 8HOWN HERE 18 MADE OF SOLID OAK, FINISHED GOLDEN IN AMERICAN QUARTERED OAK, HAS 18x30 FRENCH FLATE MIR- POR. WE SELL IT FOR $12.00 1-3 CASH, BALANCE, 30, 60 AND 90 DAYS. Saves Ice Bills DON'T BLAME THE ICE MAN IF YOUR ICE BILLS ARE TOO HEAVY. BUY A GOOD REFRIGERATOR, THEY COST NO MORE. GET THE COLD CLEAN KIND THAT GIVES THE BE8T 8ERVICE WITH THE LEAST ICE. Get the Gurney Saves Dactor’s Bills WHAT DO YOU FIND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR REFRIGERATOR? 8WEET CLEAN, WHOLESOME FOOD, OR PARTLY 8POIL.' ED FOOD, MOISTURE AND UNPLEA8ANT ODOR87 IF YOU FIND THE LATTER YOU HAV. ENT GOT The Gurney 50c per week Exactly like Mgcuta.:g One of Our GREAT VALUES Exactly like cut. Finished in 4 coats best white enamel $8.00 50c per week The Store of Great Vaises, Where Your Credit is Good 106 PEANT AVE. - TELEPHONE 4W. ' f