Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 06, 1911, Image 5

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WAVOtOSS EVENTM HERALD 2 ' ' \ AN ARGUMENT TO THE PUBLIC. If you are not buying your groceries from us you are making a mis take, for we are offer ing big inducements for the economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the lowest cut prices. Read our advertisements; give us one month’s ac count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at 5c pound. Chi ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. W. M. WILSON, Mgr. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦osoooooooock>o*oS We have opened a drug store a No. 11 Lott street in the Souther building, and will appreciate a shar of your patronage. Our stock is tirely new drugs of the best and pur est quality. Our prescription depart ment is in charge of Dr. R. L. Wee who comes to us very highly reconi mended, and any business entruste< to him will receive prompt and car f nJ attention. We are receiving i complete line of toilet articles an druggist sundries. We have the agei for the alegretta lino of candies md a new and up-todate soda foun* Is enroute and will be installed soon I We will be open Sunday’s from i to 10 a. ra., and from 4 to 6 p. m., foi the sale of drugs. Thanking you for a share of your business, we are yours to serve, j RED CROSS PHARMACY... 6 6t Phone 440. TWO SICKLY CHILDREN T. H. BLiZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAU8AGE, FRESH SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, SKINNED HAM8, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FISH AND OY8TER8. 7. H. Blizzard, L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. JVaycroas, Oa. 108 Plant Are. machine on exhibition. Made w#i| By Vino!—Letters From j Grateful Mother*. ! New Haven, Conn.—“My little girl over since her birth was frail and sickly and nothing seemed to do her any good, until we tried your cod liver and Iron tonic, Vinol. As soon as she commenced to take It, I notic ed an Improvement in her health and appearance. She has now taken three bottles of Vinol and from the good It bas done her I can say it will do all you claim for It in building up and srengthening frail and delictnte chil dren.” (Name furnished on request.) Another mother of Chicago, Ill., writes: “My little girl was thin, run down, pale and without apppet/lte. \inol gave her a good apetlte—3he tas rosy cheeks and has gained rap idly in flesh and strength. “I cannot say too much In praise of Vinol for delicate, ailing children.” We ask every mother of a frail, sickly or ailing child In this vicinity to try Vinol r- our agreement to re turn their money If It does not do all we claim. The Seals Pharmacy. Makes the most nutri tious food and the most dainty and delicious* ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook’s success. Royal Cook Book—800 Receipts—Fra. Send None and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWPCR CO., NSW YORK, WHEN YOUR MONEY J5 IN A " " ' rr$ safe UNDER D GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION Coprrisht 1909, by C. B. Zimmerman Co.-No. 37 X BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and In addition t. the surplus fund and undivided profile which etand Between our deptMt- turn and any possibility of loss, there li CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch coat; must be gentle, and fiesh In milk. Mrs.- W. W. Sharpe, 46 Gilmore street. it it F-OR SALE—Cabbages. $1.80 per crate; greens, $1.40, per 70 pound sack. Freshly cut and packed, only uhen ordered. Stock tender and de- rable. .T. Scarborough & Son, Sa- annah, Ga. * 4-6-law 3w AT THE MAJESTIC That Texas Quartette "Nutt Sed” .A Prescriptions T know that it la not alwaya con venient for your doctor to drive en tirely out of hla way to leave your prescription at our store, and for your convenience we have a nulck messen ger who will call for ycur prescrip tion at all timea. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND THE SERVICE. TELEPHONE 95. Central Pharmacy. Yonng Bobcrlson Drag Co., Prog. r>r *R 9 ALE FOR SALE—Eggs, Thoroughbred, Hymouth Rock and S. C., Rhode Is- Jrnd Reds, $1.00 for 15. Also day old chickens. Address Box 454 Way- cross 20 13t FOR SALE—I have a good horse and buggy for sale. A bargain. Rich ard Scruggs. 24 tf FOR RENT—Newly furnished roome at 22 Gilmoro street. 25 tf FOR SALE—5 50-Horse Boilers; 6 Engines, of different sizes; 1 Steam Skldder; 1 Planer, double surfacer; 11 Log Carts, and other saw mill machinery. Will sell cheap. Htcox Lumber Co., Hlcox, Ga. 31 6t LOST—Bunch of keys taken from office door Sunday afternoon. Liber- cj reward will be paid for their re turn to undersigned. Deen Realty & Imp. Co., Geo. W. Deep. LaGrande Building. * *. • FOR 8ALE—My household and kltch- er. furniture—5 rooms—at a bargain; am going to board; ala? 40 head of chickens, cheap. Apply Box 32, Way- cross. 3 3t 8PECIAL NOTICE. Appreciating the fact that our II- lusrious Potentate, E. A. Cutta, has dune so much to advertise our Magic City by getting up a beautiful litho graph, showing the faces of so many of our beautiful children, we wish to have ae many of our Waycrose babies to meet him In Phoenix Park nt 4:30 Thursday evening. He will present to one of them a beautiful Fulton baby carriage, this carriage Is now on display in the window of the Singleton Furniture Co. See this carriage and secure a ticket number for your baby, for they are all fine and beautiful. Every Tbaby joining i.wo years and under will be given n present, and one will secure the carriage. The Waycrosa Shrlners. OUR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER'S LIABILITY $200,000.00 TOTAL SECURITY TO BIR08ITOR8 IN THIS — BAN *< 9400,000.00 Here is the real atrength of a bank and upon this Item and lta rail* of deposits, we invite comparison with any other bank In this section. First National OF WAYCROSS Bank Waycross, Georgia « TRV THE want ads » WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 61 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND O NE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION.' THE DE3T MATERIAL. THE BE8T WORK. THE' BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. ♦ ♦♦ ♦ » »♦♦♦♦ ♦»♦»»♦»»♦»♦»»» M m M WANTED—Another bicycle tneiaen- jter boy, apply Central Pharmacy. 3 It WANTED—Moaaenger boy; good salary and good place for a good boy. Apply Poatal Telegraph Co. 3 3t LOST—Bunch of keya on itreeta, between poatofilce and Col. Benett'a residence on Williams street. Finder please return to Col. Bennett. ' 3 3t FOR SALE—Full blooded Plymouth hens and two rooatero, at on. dollar a piece. Mr». T. H. Graves, Warea- boro. 4 3t FOR SALE--Blue-flame oil stove, cheap. Phone 589. 4 3t . WANTED—A well located 7 to 10 room residence; or a good unimproved lot. Apply; J. Ludlam, Hortenae, Ga. 4 3t LOST—On streets, out of trap, two untrlmmed beta In Bon Ton paper sacks. Finder please return to Her ald o3ci or H. Mor?b)'s residen ce. ' 4 3t ftjL 'sKumrPir sWAJINfcMMs** eMWV* BENTON’S SPECIALS, READY-TO-WEAR DEPT- 2ND FLOOR BENTON’S Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now filled with New Spring Ready- to-Wear Garments. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect the many new styles in Coat Suits, Skirts, One Piece Dress and Waists. SECOND FLOOR. SECOND FOOOR. a New Spring Coat Suits MADE OF LIGHT WEIGHT WOQL Special $22.50 Linen Coat Suits IN TAN, NAVY, .ETC, MADE OF LINEN, RAJAH AND CRASH. Special $9.00 Wash Coat Suits MADE OF LINONETTE, COLORS BLUE AND WHITE. Special $6.00 New Spring Skirts FLACK VOILE SKIRTS, MADE PLAIN AND TRIMMED WITH SAT* IN, SILK AND BRAID. PRICES RANGE FROM $5- 98 to $18«° Summer Wool Skirts NAVY, TAN, BLACK, ORAY, PLAIN COLOR, SHEPHERD PLAIDS AND FANCY STRIPES. SPECIAL S3- 50 to $12-50 Wash Skirts MADE OP BROWN LINEN, WHITE REP, LINENETTE AND INDIAN HEAD. SPECIAL VALUES $1-50 to $4®» One-Piece Dresses BEAUTIFULLY MADE. LARGE DIS PLAY ON SECOND FLOOR. LADIES ONE PIECE PRESSES MADE OP COLORED LINENS TRIMMED WITH COLORED REPS TO MAjTCH. GROWN LINEN DRES8E8 BRAIDED AND TRIMMED WITH LINEN IN* 3F.RTION. SPECIAL VALUES $2-» to $8# CHILDRENS AND MISSES WASH DRESSES, ALL SIZES. $2-«# to U» Muslin Underwear SPECIAL VALUES IN SKIRTS, GOWNS, CHEME8E, CORSET COV ERS, COMBINATION SUITS AND DRAWERS 25c to $|-5o r: H. J. Benton & Co.