Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 06, 1911, Image 8

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SAVES TWO L'VES. ".Wither ojp «l«ter nor mrnll might be living today. It It had not been for Dr. Kins'* New Dlacorery.” write* D. McDonald..of Fayetteville. N. a. R. F. D., No. g. “For we both had frightful cough* tbgt no remedy could helfi. We were told my ilater had consumption. She wan very weak and hat night sweat* but your won derful medicine completely cured us For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD both. It I* the best I ever used or Vsr.l rf." Fn* sore Inner., conche cold*, hemorrhage, lagrlnpe. asthma hay-fever, croup, whooping couch.— all bronchlcn) Double*.—It* noproim*. Trial bottle free. SOc and $1.00. Cuar- vnteed by All Druggist*. Nervous? Are You What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your, womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don't keep this up! Take Cardul, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from purely vegetable ingredients. It ads gently on the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. LARDUi Woman’sTonic Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardul. This is what she say3 about it: <: i was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardul, for 1 know It saved my life." It is the best tonic for women. Do you suffer from any of the pain-. p-r-'V women? Take Cardui. It will help you. Ask you. u.uggist Write to; Ladles* Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooca. Ttan., lor Special Instruction*, and M-cuie book,‘Hone Treatment lor Women." tent free. J BO THE CITY’S EEALTH CANS FOR CITY The Herald did not publish Jo full charges msdo sgalast our city Alderlfc „ n Ca , vla ,. arker carr | eJ Mesltb .OBIcer. Dr. llr.dley, and hi. throU)!h „„ ord|nanc „ call , ng for tbe reply, a. we think It Is always ndvl*-! of gorbage canB on t!le .Me for the clt, to purify their soil-„ cctloa 0( our , treeti( and ed lingerie In their own heck y«rd.| |( , f nQW 4 , aw and un .| ght „ apd But In view of .he fact th.t to some j 1(J)cal)|lar)r drJ( good , bMOT; mult l.e replaced by n uniform can for the reception of traah in the business portion of our town. This will make a great Improve- m it alight degree U has beemne public I ptoperty, It )• now open to public com meat. A great responsibility rests vpon the committee charged with the work of investigating the matter. There must be no whitewashing done, tut complete and searching investi gation made. Dr. Bradley is a city officer, and as such is entitled to the loyal support of. the citizens, Just so long ss he does his full duty. But tho personal ity of Dr. Bradley does not enter Into the question. It Is the health of the , city and the protection of the health of our famlllea that Is Involved. Tpo charge against the efficiency of Dr. Bradley in his capacity as Health Officer, aro made over the signature cf aomo of the most reputable m#« it n.edlcal circles in our community, Mid cannot be trrated lightly. If the charges aro true the Health Officer bar recklessly Imporrllled the health of the whole city and is proven unfit | n ent in the appearance of our main streets, and we congratulate Aider- man Parker on his ordinance and hope be will see that it Is rigidly en forced, for the sake of the health and beauty of our city. HERALD MAKES A CORRECTION Judgo Perham:— Kindly correct part of item In yes terday’s paper concerning tiiv closing ct postofficc on Sunday’s. You say |'the tlnai vote in tho matter Is left for the offico he holds. If the •w.s.r.v i to the postmaster”, cr are not true, then tho fncts should J The Postmaster has no voice In Ve ascertained and published In vln- t thc matter, tho facts and conditions dlutUon of J)r. Bradley and tho satis-'ns they exist are submitted to the faction of the city, j Department at Washington, who in- The public, will not be satisfied with j struefs the office what to do fn the anything less thnn a thorough Impar-! matter. The calling of Governors tia! and complete investigation orjand members of Chamber c C - ^these grave charges that carry with 1 merer mu! such clixens who are Jn- them a menace to the very life of i terested, together on Friday, at 3 our city. We believe the commute*.,! Is to get nn expression of their tie jonsistlng of Aldermen Moore, I.o-; tdres, that 1 may submit to the De- Count ntul Brewer, will do their full | partment. duty fn this matter. C. E. Murphy. IF I HAD ECZEMA I'd wash it away with that mild soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bot tle, 25c. Relieves all kinds of skin trouble, cleansing away the impuri ties snd clearing up the complexion as nothing else can. Yes. If I had any kind of skin trou ble I’D USE D. D. D. H. S. Redding. B F HEARN - CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. •No. 14 Brewer Street Phone No. 683 Be sure you are right, then go ahead and let me figure on doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. Best of references furnished if required. ** ** LOCAL FIRM WILL CONTINUE VALUABLE AGENCY. Tho Seals Pharmacy of this city have just closed a deal whereby they will continue to be agents for ZEMO —the well known remedy for Eczema, Dandruff, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. The extraordinary leap that this clean liquid external treatment for sklu affections has made Into public favor in the lost few years proves its wonderful curative properties and makes It Indeed a valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial agents carried by The Seals Pharmacy.. They have a limited supply of sam ples. One of which will be given free to any skin sufferer who wishes to test the merit of the medicine. A booklet "How To Preserve Tho Skin,” ill also be given t othose interested. 3-24-11. 1 C A- DOWNEY* M- D V VETENARIAN 10 Albany Avenue Waycross, G* Day and Night Phone 596 First week in April is ^‘Cleaning- Up Week” in the city. Get busy! a 50c per tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted? j when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed j Folks’ Block OR. DANIEL The Dentist show at the Alrdome tonight. AT THE CENTRAL BAPTIST TABERNACLE TONIGHT New show at the Alrdome tonight. $ ckx>oooooooock>oooo ooooooooooooooooo OWN A HOME WE LOAN VOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIV YEARS! MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI Waycross Savings and Tru& Col 00000.0. OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO 1 )0000000000000000000000000000000000 CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. 0. SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. wc.vnN’S beauty Imperfec Digestion Causes Bad Com plexion and Dull Eyes. Tho color In your cheeks won’t fade, tho brightness In your eyes won’t vanish, if you keep your Btom* nch tn good condition. Belching of gas; heaviness, sour taete In mouth, dizziness, billiousess imd nausea occur simply because the stomach is not properly digesting the fcod. MI-O-XA stomach tablets give In etant relief to upset stomachs, but they do more; they put strength into the stomach and build It up so that it can easily digest a hearty meal. ”1 had stomach trouble for six years—for days at a time could eat nothing at all. After taking Ml-O-NA treatment I am In perfect health ana con cat anything."—E. M. Campbell, 120C S. Prospect St., Sedalia. Mo. MI-O-NA Is sold by O. B. Brinson Co., and druggists everywhere at 60 cents a large box. It is guaranteed tc cure indigestion and all stomach Xllbtress, or money back. 16, *8 6