Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 07, 1911, Image 5
^YCROSS EV*N mi VFXALB AN ARGUMENT If you are not buying your groceries from us you are making a mis take, for we are offer ing big inducements for the economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the ' PERSONAL AW LOCAL r" TO THE PUBLIC. | We have opened a drug store at , No. II Lott street An the Southern .building, and will appreciate a share of your patronage. Our stock is en tirely new drugs of the best and pur est (quality. Our prescription depart ment is In charge of Dr. R. L. Weed who comes to us very highly recom mended, and any business entrusted to him will receive prompt and care ful attention. We are receiving complete line of toilet articles ana drugglsr sundries. We have the a gen cy for the alegretta line of candles, lowest cut prices. Read tn<1 a a8Br aad u[l l0(la,e 6 ° <la fou ‘ B our advertisements; give us one month’s ac count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at Sc pound. Chi ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. WILSON GROCERY CO W. M. WILSON, Mgr. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ►0400000000000404 is enroute and will be installed sown, ' We will be open Sunday's from 8 to 10 a. in., and from 4 to 6 p. tn., for the ’**!e of drugs. Thanking you for a share of your business, we are yours to serve, RED CROSS PHARMACY... 6 6t Phone 440. ATTENTIONl Can save you big money on Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Musical In- ^ atruments. Have bought the A. W. j Lang stock and intend converting it Into cash quick as possible. Bargains, —greater than you have ever had of fered you before. See W. W. Sharpe, Jr. A. W. Lang's old stand. 6 3t T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, 8AU8AGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, SKINNED HAMS, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOQNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, E0Q8, CREAM CHEE8E, 8ALT MACKERAL, FRE8H FISH AND OVSTERS. * 7. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AYENUE. L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. ’aycroM, Ga. 108 Plant Avs. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. PUBLICATIONS AT BOARD OF TRADE. The Boards of Trade is now receipt Ing regularly many of the Industrial publications and practically all the state papers, and parties Interested are cordially Invited to call at the rooms of the organization. The pub lications are for the use of the mem bers or vi8'tors, and will be on file daily. The Manufacturers Record, The Tradesman, The. Industrial Index of Alabama and Georgia, government and state bulletins, Georgia and Flor- da newspapers, and other periodicals can be found at the Board of Trade. AT THE MAJESTIC That Texas Quartette "Null Sed” SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. very successful operation for adenoids was performed yesterday by Lectors' Burch and Walker, on the little daughter of Mr. Charley Harper. The Tittle patient is all right today. O NE of the little points of excellence that has made the fame of Nunnally's Candy is the careful, dainty packing. Ranged inside the air-tight box are the pieces, each in its own dainty cup. It means more than just appearance; ijt I really adds to the taste-delight . LA ORANDE PHARMACY. 5( T LIFE. John Dyer. Life is a race where some succeed, While others are beginning; Tis luck ,in some, in others speed, That gives an early winning; But if you chance to fall behind, Ne’er slacken your endeavor; Just keep this wholesome truth in mind; ’Tis better late than never. Interesting letter 1 f PROM “UNCLE” CHARLIE. hauter Herald:— J Apr »j.os of cleaning up week in WaycroM I read la yesterday after noon's Hera'd, the following taken Jrom J’he savrnab News; “After bit. maybe, the tcurist will stick his head out of the car window and ask ‘What is this, n city of barbershops And then somebody who knows will answer, ‘Oh, no; this is only Way cross, Georgia; they are merely going ir. for colors." N’ow, this reads like a little joke on Waycross, at first though, doesn' it? Then let us get at the real meaning of tiio colors proposed for the electric light poles, tho tree* and the tele poles in Waycross, and not only ihe tourists will appreciate thte a! meaning of the red, white and blue but the Savannah News will coni meui us for giving them the colors of “old glory.” What does a barbershop si ggest; a shave, a shine and a bath, does It not? What do the colors in cld glory, when scattered throughout n city signify or suggest to all In telligent tourists and the public In general? Patriotism, do they not? Well, then, when the tourist reach es Waycross and sees so much lndt* cation of cleanliness and patriotism won’t he naturally think and muttet to himself; "This is he place for me, I'll go no further for aught to see, for cleanliness is next to Godliness, and my country, 'tis only (Waycross) of thee, I'll sing.” “Uncle" Charlie. A BUSINESS CHANGE. The Young-Roberson Drug Company ve bought the controlling Interest In Seals Pharmacy, and Dr. Smith, lately with LaGrande Pharmacy, will be associated with Dr. Seals In the future management of tho well known drug store. We wish the newly or ganized company full success. Mr. Charles Butler sang several songs at Central Baptist Tabernacle last night. Mr. Butler’s voice Is one of the moyfbeautiful ever heard here and as he sings the beautiful gospel songs the congregation is fairly swept off its feet. advertise in the x herald FOR RE8ULT8, TDIEYSKF^VTOS lv ta * \ i / Prescriptions ! know that It la not always con- v talent tor your doctor to drive en tirely out ot his way to leave your [rescript ion at our atore, and tor yonr convenience we have a nutek messen ger who will call for ycur prescrip tion at all times. WE HAVE THE GOODS AI^D THE 8ERVICE. TELEPHONE 9«. Central Pharmacy. Yonng-Roberlson Drng Co., Prop. ‘What is woman?” asked tho speak er "Woman,” replied a man in the au- VUenco—a married man—“Is an ani mate being, with the power of speech atr.ormally developed, and entirely surrounded, by a dress that buttons up tho baefc.”—The Sufferer. CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch cow; must be gentle, and fresh In milk. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, 16 Gilmore street. 16 tf. WANTED—Four regular boarders,, at 18 Brunei street 1 it WANTED—At. once, Squabs. Rev. Whitley IKingston. L , 7 3t STATE-WIDE LAW IS RAPPED IN ALABAMA Montgomery, Ala., April 7.—State wide prohibition In Alabama was giv en a knockout blow yesterday, when both branches of the legislature adop ted the Smith Liquor regulation bill. This provides that 45 per cent of the voters of a county may petition for an election to determine whether liquor shall be sold In that bounty, cither by saloons, dispensary or oth erwise. Each county is thereby giv en full power to regulate its liquor traffic. IEY ILL GROW AND SO ILL MONEY IN OUR BANK CoprrUht !«w, br C. E. 2li PROVIDE FOR YOUR BABIES BY PUTTING MONEY IN OUR SAV INGS DEPARTMENT. WE PAY 4 PERCENT INTEREST, COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY, AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION MAK ES IT ABSOLUTELY SECURE. CAPITAL . 8200,000 DEPOSITS 8410,000 RESOURCES 8700,000 First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross, Georgia WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY SI ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE WARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHCiiilE UB AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE FOUR INTEREST HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. FOR RENT—Nearly., furnished room* at 22 Gilmore street, 25 tf FOR 8ALE—5 50-Hor*e Boilers; 6 Engines, of different sizes; 1 Steam Skldder; 1 Planer, double surtacer; 11 Log Carts, and other saw mill machinery. Will sell cheap. Hicox Lumber Co., Hicox, Ga. .31 64 FOR SALE—Cabbages, $U0 crate; greens, $1.40, per 70 pound Mack, Freshly cut and packed, only when ordered. Stock tender and de- a rable. J. Scarborough & Sfon, Sa vannah, Ga. % 4-6-law 3w FOR SALE—Full blooded Plymouth hftns and two roosters, at one dollar a piece. Mrs. T. H. Graves,' Wares- boro. 4 3t FOR SALE*-Blue-flame oil a(ove, cheap. Phone 589. 4 3t WANTED—A well located-7 to 10 room residence; or a good unimproved lot. Apply: J. Ludlam, Horrense, Ga. 4 3t , LOST—On streets, out of trjip, two untrlrr.r M hats in Bon Ten paper sack?. r 'rider p’oazo rotura to Her- rid or II. Morph?’s residen ce. > 4 3t l 1 BENTON’S SPECIALS, READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR Our Ready-to-Wear Department is now filled with New Spring Ready- to-Wear Garments. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect the many new styles in Coat Suits, Skirts, One Piece Dress and Waists. ' ^ SECOND FLOOR. SECOND FOOOR. .. New Spring Coat Suits MADE OF LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL MATERIALS. Special $22.50 Linen Coat Suits IN TAN, NAVY, .ETC, MADE OF LINEN, RAJAH AND CRASH. Special $9.00 Wash Coat Suits MAOE OF LINONETTE, COLOR8 BLUE AND WHITE. Special $6.00 New Spring Skirts FLACK VOILE SKIRT8, MADE PLAIN AND TRIMMED WITH SAT. IN, SILK A NO BRAID. PRICES RANGE FROM S5- 98 to SIS 00 Summer Wool Skirts NAVY, TAN, BLACK, GRAY, PLAIN COLOR, SHEPHERD PLAIOS ANO FANCY 8TRIPE8. SPECIAL S3- 50 to $|2'5» Wash Skirts MADE OF BROWN LINEN, WhlTE REP, LINENETTE ANO INDIAN HEAD. SPECIAL VALUE8 $P to $4-°* One-Piece Dresses BEAUTIFULLY MADE. LARGE DIB- ,FLAV ON SECOND FLOOR. LADIES ONE PIECE DRESSES MADE OF COLORED LINENS TRIMMED WITH COLORED REPS TO MATCH. CROWN LINEN DRESSES BRAIDED AND TRIMMED WITH LINEN IN SERTION. SPECIAL VALUES $2- 25 to $8 °°: ' CHILDRENS AND MISSES WASH DRE88E8, ALL SIZES. $2.oo ip ftp Muslin Underwear 8PECIAL VALUES IN SKlrtTS, GOWNS, CHEME8E, CORSET COV ERS, COMBINATION SUITS AND DRAWERS 25c to $3-50 H. J. Benton & Co