Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 07, 1911, Image 6
- The Wnycrosg Herald founded in 1885. The Daily Herald founded in 1892 by A. P. Pcrbam, Sr. lbont this fjtieH Telephone* Businus Office 25 EditoriaJ Offlo 25 Residence 268. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Yea |5.«J SPECIAL NOTICE Alt obituary notices, cards of tbanks, resolution* nnd notices of entertain ments, where charges are made, .will *»c charged at advertising rates of 6 cents a line. 1. The Telegraph believes the measles! the boll wee- tin Its course, as did the n of the latter sixties and Rome figures ob it in Texas, where pea red, only 80 per -.n verities, t tfhow t v 11 first i r cotton field Is now infec- in Louisiana 100 per t ®d Of *be state- later at- cent. Oklahoma 35, and These figures hear out that the weevil In time vlll run Ifn flleted now >7 r \ Abf’OilOL 3 yt:\l CENT. /iNcfjcialiteProp-jTtfionCjfAs similmiagUeFwilaiKlto'ula in^ilie Slostacte ardBowascf §j Signature ISFASn/CmiDR Promotes Di^csIionGiecitt ness and Kest.ContainsM'ite Opiirai.Morplurie nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. iiapt rfMustTajnam Herein Seed- jUx Smm *■ JbMcSdU- jt'iiscSnd ♦ hir.nSrrd- wilt nthrr. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this Is tbo only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District ot Georgia. WAYCROS8. GA., APRIL 7, 1911. The Herald goes to the- people and they rend It—That's tio Joke. -* The Democrats have taken full pos- .(torsion of the House, and are await ing the President’s message. The harem skirt has been In our jiidst, hut as yet no man or near- man has dared appear on the streets of Jacksonville wearing velvet cuffs on the lower exromltles of his pants.— Jacksonville Metropolis. —+—• that tilts el ion ENAKE8 BROUGHT THE RAIN. A correspondent from llahlra writes to The Times to say that one of his neighbors killed several snak es, as was suggested by The Times two weeks ago and that they were hanged up on a limb where the sun could strike them. The correspon dent rays that he Is mm fa what brought the rain, i Iso that tills was the hoi that has fallen la that years. He declares that one man soys that the water was so high that tie caught 9 lar.te trout on his cloth os line nnd that he found two large wall mullet In a ditch trying to get to town llahira usually sands near the head of tl " Mst In everything that happens and trie correspondent who sends in tlir story Is entitled to he at the head of the list of weather prevarica tors. ‘Valdosta Times. THE WEEVILS ARE COMING! The Mexican boll weevil has os tahlihhed an advance picket line in Pout hern Alabama TliD line will cpu>s Into West Floirdn this year and * will doubtless reach Decatur county, la this state, next year. Within thro years this horde will penetrate to th heart of Georgia. That Ip. If it keep i,p its march of about sixty miles rod, and meanwhile Georgia must pan- for Hu- lean years which will last i.o one knows how long. Our opinio is hat we must rnlae more of llv stock, grain and fruits, and vegeta bles and poultry—make market pro ducts of them. It will he a mistake to wait for the loan years to come before we begin to lay store away against its cotnlgn. —Telegraph. Aperferi Remedy forConsfipa l ion, Sour Stomadi.Dlarrtoca Worms .Convulsions .ftvcrisii ness andLosS OF Sl,H!P. In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TNK «Mf»W MMMRf, Nf* TORS tITT. For tender face and neck after shaving, for ffimples, bl^ck heads, dandruff or any skin or scalp die- e.-ses use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ZEMO Ib guaranteed fo relieve all soreness nnd itching. The soap Is I art of the treatment,—best for all toilet purposes. Sold by druggists everywhere and !n Waycr.n- by The Seals Pharma cy. 4-4-4 DON'T GET eXUlTEDJ We have made arrangements loan money In Waycros*. The more money you want the better we like No red tape—Just money. That's See BUCHANAN & SHARPE. 1 it 412 LaGrnnde Building Wavcross& Southern R. r. co. Schedules of Trains Effective January 2, 1011. Notice:—The arrival and departures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 1. Miles Station 0 llebnrdvllle, Ga. Lv, 5:30 am 2 ^Vaycross (Albany ave) 5:35 am 8 Lnvtnia 5:50 am 10 Fredol Ar. 5:55 Northbound Train No. 10 Frcdel 2:45 pm 8 Lavlnla 2:50 nm 2 Wnycross (Albany ave) 3:05 pm CHebardvIllo 3:10 pm Trains No. 1 and No. 2, daily, ex cept Sundnx. Jno. V. Hopkins. $n c*:atendonL NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS! We would appreciate it a favor If any of our subscribers who fall to get their paper regularly, WOULD AT ONCE, let us know, either by card or phone No. 26, and we will Imme diately Investigate and try to reme dy It. In view of our rapidly Increas ing circulation and the big issue wo now send out dally, this Is the only way we can know whether our car rier hoys aro doing their duty, and we are very anxious that every NEW and OLD subscriber should get their paper with utmost regularity for their snkew nnd our own. As we know whnt It means to miss to read The Herald If only for one day. 28 3t The Circulation Manager. 6 or G doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25 cents. 21 tf FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND 8TUFFY COLDS. Take Foley’s <Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains no opiates, is safe and sure. Gem Phar macy CLEAN CUT In appearance are our patrons be cause they always wear the finest laundered linen. No tears, smudges “fringes" on the laundry work that s send homo. But there IS always fine gloss and a brilliant whiteness that pleases every patron. And our refutation for prompt delivery, caer in the handling and positive economy I flfi made this laundry the most pop ular In town. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY The pest * d.» and cute covered Tex DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are oau* ed that make a quick need for Buck hor-» ,on * Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur \ est cure for bums, wounds, bruises, il Texas in 1892. It lias { bolls, sores. It subdues lnflam&tton. , Lotiisaiia. the south- j ,l kl,, » . 11 soothes nnd heals. ed the Me cio counties in Mississippi and Wash lag ton, Mobile min Baldwin couuties In AUMiinn. It is sure to reach Florida and Georgia ns time marches on. What is being done in Georgia to fT.cct this dreaded foe? Drive* off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at All Drugglati. HALF PRICE FOR GUARANTEED PLANTS. We No will ship Express Charges Pre paid to your nearest express office Ihoil ot Ooatro.vlns the pest j #nU Ou»rnntM aood order delivery, been found A l.oul«lan» | Fro.t Froof Cabbage Plant., at the following prices: 500 for 75c, 1000 for 95c, 2000 or more at 85c per 1000, pro viding this card and cash Is sent with order, not otherwise. The cold and <;*t weather In Jan. and Feb. has des- plant or, J. W. Vogler. of Alexandria, La.. Abo has operated In exas and W1 at Is the Use? The Kind You Hove Always Bough! Bears the Why ml ogling along- with dim, wat hat blow out or Into the t^-!ns, when the wind blows. If they c'on’t do that, they do use up all the pood air in the room and endangers your health. use Electric Lights? It's not expensive. It's convenient. It'h^ safe. With the new MAZDA LAMP you pet a* soft. Waite.' brilliant light, that doesn’t hurt your eyes if >ou want to work or read. Investigate the PRESENT PRICES of Electric Light. Investigate the LAMP. MAZDA The Ware County Light and Power Company. A JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "WEH AVE THEM” HOUSE Letter Loek Boxes With Clip For Papers. The very thing you have been wanting for years; fastens on the house. The mail carrier (will always have a place to put your letters and papers. Prices Are Reasonable 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Watt Hardware Co. ’ooooooooooooooo^o ooooo oooooooooooo W. H. ULMER, VUieelwriyhi and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing A Specialty. * Next to Wilson Laundry, just in rear of Singleton iFurniture’Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PEOPLE REALIZE MORE ANO MORE EVERY YEAR THAT ALL WORK IS NOT GQOD FOR ANYBODY. K „ THE PROPER RECREATION IS LIKE 6lLING* A MACHINE. IT KEEPS YOU FROM WEARING OUT, MAKES YOU DO BETTER WORK. Ixmlslaua. claims tim. h md by experiment* th. It g will abate the r»i». cultural experts employe eminent do not seem t umck In this claim. Th ie to be trie dout furl lie a as discin'- late plant- take i»d about half of the ca ho Southern States. Plants set If you work from the neck up. htat is. do brain work, you need to keep your body in good condition, or sooner or later you will suffer from it. If you work from the neck down, you will do better work and enjoy it more. BIG STOCK OF BASEBALL GOODS AND FISHING TACKLE. Thera i iiivooatos of early plai hr.il free us bbage Plar. . March 27 P. N. Harley Hardware Co 0 44 Plant Ave. Phene 1;6 PARK PLACE 4. High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. & W. D. Morton, Agt- R00M NO. 4 Seuihern Eolel Blfcf ' '•! yasss^st stscsxaz