Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 08, 1911, Image 2
Mmm Remember our store is only Thirty Days Old so is bur mam moth stock of first-class mer chandise. Therefore when you buy from us you get only Tins Season* Merchandise. ifyaatLSSi WILKES The New Store With the New Goods HI ESI Si! We Buy for iasl and for less We Sell For Cash And For it We are putting forth every effort to make this the largest bargain feast ever held in Waycross. In giving you these great reductions please remember we are only able to do so by having the ready cash to purchase OuT goods, and by OUr buying and selling for cash only wiL explain our reason for giving you such great; values at un heard of low prices. We have no shelf-worn goods to offer you but good up-to-date seasonable merchandise bought by the buyers of the Wilkes chain of stores for this season with the* ready cash for less£han regular pric# There is nothing fakeyor questionable in our advertising. ^ < I