Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 08, 1911, Image 8
AN ELEGANT Tilt- K.-l Cio 8 fiotiln* in building, just • ler tower, and tin- inter the apptarain-e of one of and best MtiKKfd I'h.itnn city. .Mr. .1. I*. Lido, ho to all marine. of the hURfncH prescript I* ter by Dr many yeai Living; toil while t looked WAYCROSS PLEASED ! THE SUBS ’ f-OTLNTATE CUTT8 PRAISES WAYCROSS. ! C-ci.e es the People T‘*ere ArePubli Spirited. emonial h held Tin ,, ~Jl '■%,& J? - - ff/'*-.. *r i- . s%. J,. Weed, who fo van The ahow t design the h;ol cl tv will he an unique design 1 '*< when the other fixture# , harherue that have been delayed In transit ar- j»« iktteiul rlvc, the store will be an extremely , babies. ai attractive place, to visit. Hhrin ANOTHER TIGER CAGED. fared al f'nIon I before .1 ml ae .1 ( day. with peddlln the babies Invited • .;i» host to the rled off thej^bonorH in hi* usual pleasing style. A hand some baby rarrlage was presented me of the youngsters. , under coi.-| That Waycross has a great future enriched byjln the opinion of Mr. Cutts. The "Tiger” cap-1people are public-spirited, he says, iml charged, rnd believe strongly In Waycross. He Me r >01 whiski aid. at dope: says there Ih no t j should not think the they WALK-P! OVER SHOES 3.50, 4.00 and 4.50 Oiurdtwell Bros. l c-%v , ;y^i i- i; \ Sy^[‘'y ■ \ r • ;; r ^ ^ the KV« rente nine «•<! the latter punishment, at once adorn the “stripes onvlrted Tiger." id j\V.~ of Thi Lit tic Klsle—Wliat Is the d«-a<» l<* A RUNAWAY; CHILD IN GREAT DANGER. of Mr Ibipkln TO THE PUBLIC. In the Southern driver and j u , 1() little pie. old ided. ely du-| t The little kid held ring tie* exciting race, amt when H n.iMy the horse was stopped, the dri ver war pit., as pnlo as n negro ran lint tie little kid was perfectly cool and self possessed. THAT COURT HOUSE RING. That court house "ring" we have cussed out so often round about election flutes, are not as bad as they are pufnted !T the yare bad at all This morning they gave evidence of a bin human I <; fnl attention. We are receivin' complete lino of toilet articles ana druggist sundries. Wo have the agon ev for the alegrettn line of candles, i ml a new and up-todate soda fount !s eurouto and will be Installed s We will be open Sunday's from 8 to 10 a m., and from 4 to 6 p. m. the sale of drugs. Thanking you for a share of your business, we are yours tc serve, KfSn CROSS PHARMACY... l’hono 440. ANNIVERSARY OF WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. 21 J. O. U. A. M. The question is often naked "What i? this Junior Order and Daughters ot America" which I hear bo much about in Waycross? Our answer is that the Juniors is a fraternal Patriot lc Order which was organized here three years ago and has not by leaps and bounds got Its growth hut by rteady promulgation of the following pnncipleg which are so dear to the hearts of every true American, hav Interested good men until today they have a Council which nny city might feel proud of numbering among its ternnl ord»r«. They have grown by advocating the following princi ples and to the best of their ability living up to them. Maintaining ana ptorooting the interest of Americans and to encourage them in business. To shield the American citizen from ffect; of unrestricted immigra tion, and to prevent the Old World fit m sending its off scourings and slums to take the bread from the mouths of American workmen. To pay an insurance on its members for the protection of his loved ones after so has passed into the great beyond, ’(edging our unqualified support of the American Public School system cud opposing with nil strength nny interference therewith by any politl- rellgious sect whatsoever. To encourage the reading of the Holy Pible in the schools, not to teach sectarianism but wholesome regard for Gods word. And unqualifiedly 01 opposed by the Futon of Church and ^♦C-OC’OC'OC'C-C-CO^O^OOOOOOC'OOOOOOOOOOO, S|M ,, Th ,, w things In brief Is want caused the Junior Order to grow in the land "kindly feeling, that make Interest story worth telling. William Withers, a white hobo, wanking his way on railroad, was con victed yesterday and fined $2<t. He was unable to pay his fine and the good hearted follows Ht the court house quietly went to work and rais ed the $2U amongst themselves, paid hts fine and sent him on the way re joicing. "Just a touch of nature, makes the whole world kin.” C A DOWNEY M D V VETENARIAN 18 Albany Avenue Waycross, Ga. Dav and Nlflht PS*>ne 698 SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither my sister nor mysolf might be living today, if It had not been for l)r. King's New Discovery/' write* A. D. McDonald, of FaystttvW* C.. R. F. D., No. 8, "For we i had frightful coughs that no remedy could help. We wore toid my sister had consumption. She waa very weak and had night aweata but your won derful medlclue completely cured ns both, it If the belt I ever used or heard of." For acre Ins**, cough* (colds, hemorrhage, lagrlppe. asthma, I hay fover, croup, whooping cough,—* jail brouchlcal troubles,—ita supreme Trial bottle free. 60c and $1.00. Ou*r- i.antced by All Druggists. Subscribe tor tho old V. ay cross Fretting Herald. reliable <*0000000000000000 ooooooooooooooooo OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE US! Waycross Savings and Trust Col FIVE WAYCROSS PAINTERS ADOPT 8- Local No. G02 of tho Painters and Decorators held an Important meet ing last night, and after carefully considering the situation adopted the s-hour day, as a standard days work. And the law will go Into operation c i May 1st. This will not be allowed to inter fere with any contracts ailready made, but will affect all future work in city. The Paintei KUii/.id in Waycross Xannette Alfriend. By a Junior. Misses Lucile Uippard By Mrs. Jennie Goodwin, f the i>. of A., Selections—By Barnhills Song By- Ad dress Duet—By and Ituth B Address- Councilor Musical Orchestra Recitation--By Kathleen Jones. Piano Selection—By Misses Kate Lyons and Willie Phillips. Recitatic Musical Orchestra Address Refresh) n—By Miss Ruth Hardy. Selections—By Barnhills By Rev. A. M. Bennett. well or- The la ) trouble dtlightfu hljsbi; the >d as practically all the promt- •e prepared to servo diluents npd those who have al;ended affairs at which these ladies persidod know that fur ther explanation is unnecessary. Kvery member of tho Junior Order, their families and the Daughters oi America are cordially Invited to come out, nna enjoy a social evening with us, Monday at 7:30 p. m. Sheod Collins, Secretary J. O. V. A 50c per tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted! | when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. Ail other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed j BSR* D&feMJEL The Dentist Folks’ Block HONOR ROLL OF 6TH GRADE A; MRS. HEIDT TEACHER. Bessie Owens. Corlnne Smith, Inez Kirkland, Yetta Fredetnan, Cather ine Hargraves, Annie Avant. An Exodus at Hebardvine. There seems to be a general exo* cus of employees from swamp work at Hebard mill. We have not ascer tained cause of trouble, but were in formed that more than 40 employes many with families, arc leaving for New York today. They are princi pally Swede’s and Scandinavian peo ple and probably do not understand conditions here in the South. We hope the trouble will in no way hinder the progress of the great en terprise and that it can be adjusted with satisfaction to all. WOODMEN OF T HE WORLD. CAMP 162k Meets first and third Thursday ‘n each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. ^ ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. V Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ^ ONLY *!RST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER «N TOWN \ vOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo unll It is :i mighty facto The Daughters of America are an ur. divided support of the Juniors. Waycross Council celebrate its third birthday next Monday night by hold ing an open house to the members of tie Juniors, their families and the D. cf A’s. The following program has been arranged for and assure a pleas ant social evening for everyone who comes. Program: WAYCROSS LODGE No. S05- F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON JECONO AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT ?:3C P. M. All Mason, Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. Musical Selection—Barnhill, ehestra. Recitation—By To!u Jones. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYT-«AS. Menu «T.rr Mold*' evening ,| :30 In Cutis Hal’ ’’tint act Member, ,•» requested to attend, aid rlaltln* Kolflta are moat Cnr- ! dtallj Invited to meet wtcb na CHAS. E. CASON, C. C. ! T. a Miller, K. o! R. * 3. * U. ot F. Unde Sam Is Proud OF MANY OF HI8 P08E88I0N8, AND HE HAS GOOD REA80N TO BE PROUD OF THE HARNESS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE HANDLING ONLY THE BEST SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, ALL WELL MADE AND HANDSOME. THE BEST MATER. IALS AND WORKMANSHIP CHAR ACTERIZE THIS HARNESS, AND IT CIVES EVERY SATI8FCTI0N TO THE PURCHASER. PRICES ARE ADMITTEDLY REASONABLE. ALSO A LINE OF RUNABOUTS, OPEN TOP BUGGIES, SPRING AND ARM WAGONS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. JONES BUGGY CO. Waycross, Georgia It Pays To Advertise!