Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 10, 1911, Image 3
A Good Mineral Water Is No Longer a Luxury, But a Necessity of Vital Importance. Your health depends largely upon the water you are drinking; more sickness) is caused by impure water than through any other channel Be on the Safe Side—DRINK WAT £ R “The Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters" It’s prescribed by most eminent physicians with unerring effect in the treatment of the.following diseases: la disorders caused by Uric Acid, Rheumatism, Kidney and Blad der affections, Gout Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bottled Only at the Springs— Bowden Lithia Water is a delightfully palatable TABLE WATER. Drink it freely—it is healthful all the time. Order of vs direct, to be shipped to you from the Springs the day order is received, or order from your druggist or grocer. furniture Repairing and Upholstering, We ere still doing business it tbs same old ataad, 21! Brew er Street near tbe Court House. We will repair—clean up and revarnlah your old furniture, end make It new—We also do all klnda of, upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. All our work Is etrlotly cash when finished—No work deliv ered without tbe money—Work loft tn tbe abop thirty days af ter It !• finished will bare stor age chargee added and wID be liable to be gold for chargee, J. ("Waite & Son. Phone 2*4 S2 Brew*' St. Lane Bottles (F. 0. B. Lithia Springs, 6a.) Vi nlns JI M fir Iks empty tatths. SMItStl ttort SccflOwj »:|u. $2.50 Sweet Water Park Hotel, Lithia Springs, Go., will open May tit, PPWDEN LITHIA SPRINGS WATER CO. 132 pMchtmi St Atlanta, Georgia (TV Valuable Book Free! WHAT PIANO WlLCYCU BUY FOR YOUR CHIU? TO BEGIN Mil*- 1C ONf YOUR CHILD’S PROQRES WILL BE DETERMINED tv YOUR IF YOU WI8H TO’KNOW WHAT IS THfe BEST PIANO TO BUY, LET U8 KNOW ANO WE WILL SEND YOU P08T PAID, FREE. A LARGE BOOK CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF EVERY PIANO ON THE MAR- KET, GIVING THEIR STANDING, GRADE, QUALITY, AND STORES OF VALUED INFORMATION FOR THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER. WE SELL THE CELEBRATED CHlCKERIND, MC PHAIL, LAFFAR- GUE, BREWSTER, HENRY F. MILLER, BUSH * LANE, FOSTER CAM BRIDGE, AN OOTHER PIANOS, BUT THIS BOOK WILL TELL YOU OF EVERY PIANO MADE ANO MAY SAVE YOU HUNDREDS-OF DOLLARS- THOHASVILLE, GEORGIA: C. C. Cocroft MuoicCo. I ££ sa-ssiEs* JifiSKst IFT&CO. .’‘.SCL.muI I FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS s: kidney kid bladder disorders- Mary C. Abbott. Wolfeboro, N. H, says: *‘l was afflicted with a bad case at rbed- matlam, due to nrto add that my kid- myf failed to clear out of my bipod. t w*t to lame li my feet, ]otnta, aod Back that a wsa uoay fer me to step. I twed Foley Kidney Pills for three due when j was able to gat up and opr* about and the pains were all gone. This great change In condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pitta and re commend them to -anyone anffering as I hire,” Gem Pharmacy. lailiaai San Money and Keep'fa ss Style by Raiding McCaD’. MifunMinJ Uiiif McCall pAttmi Wsfirs* . Mm® K« p “fl5Sflia’% cloth,, sad bau. 10 New Fashion Unite, We hare Just received a car of ear corn that It sound and free of bugs and Ineecta. We shell and grind tbit corn at needed, which Insures our customers fresh MEAL and FEED STUFF. Our GROCERIES are also fresh and our PRICES arc RIGHT. Try u» for your nest months GRO CERIES. MAY’S MILL AND FEED 8T0RE. Phone No. 3. Foley’s Kidney Pills What Thar WIU Do for y M They will cure yoiir backaoho, strengthen pour kidneys, cor. wet urinary IrreguUrlUta, build up the worn out tissues, and •liminato tbe excess uric acid that pluses rheumatism. Pre vent Bright'! Disease and Dis kette, and ret tore health and strenetb. Refuse substitutes. FORSAIE BY GEM PHARMACY Very Serious I l»H»'veiy*oriouamatter to ask 1 few one medicine sad have the wrong one glvcfi yon. For this reason we «iga you in baying to becenftajoget tbeganulne- AiMMdw' | Liver Medicine | I The reputation of thla old, nil*. IreatahUibed. Udoasaot laHat* M fomor towt m >s»ssssss.ssss< ADVERTISE ;N THE HERALD, POTTER & McMAHAN TAILORS atid BARBERS. •Tdilpring AtJReasonable Pikes. THE IA GIMNDE BtRBER SHOP -WiPUdCAve. ,i,c., LaGfaddelBldg. !»♦♦»♦♦♦»«■ 4rkik of OHio.'cmr 6f Toledo L«e»» CoudWiiae.* Frank J. Cheney make! oath ttat he ii senior' partner of the firm of K 3. Cheney * Cb„ doing btiilMU fa the City of eledo. county and State aforesaid, and that said Era will pay the sum • of ONE HUNDBRD dollars fbr «aM> date it Catarrh that cannot b* cored hy the n>e of Ilall’e Catarrh Core. FRANK 3. CHBNBT. Jfwoiu te before me and apbacylbad In-my preience, this sth day ot De cember, A. DMttt (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public-. Ball’e ettarfb Cura Is t|lt« In ternally, and toft directly on the Wood and mucous rurfagea of tits system. Send for tallfmihlala (geo. F. J. CHBNBT * CO, TOritdo, 0. Sold by ell Drughfite, 76c. Take Hall’s Flmlly Fills (dr con- IC^COOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOO "for backache, rheumatinm, kidney or bladder trouble, sod urierrv If.-e-wletftic*. Foley Kidney Pills purify lo.’t vitality and visor, FOR SALE BY GEM PHARMACY TME.FAaimc monthly* spec IAL INTRODUCTORY OFEER. (nia Psdtae VeaUm. « Krthid. 'or»., li a SeaeUfully fUettrhted mneth- hr.MSSttiM wtuch*tmaf|)li ijifBtmp. th)a about (he rcao«rca».4rt ttpettl*. nttlea ft the eaanfry lying Wut. of IBs RbcTUtv. ft tella aboat the Gem eminent Reclamation Project*, free Government laid ad talli about tha dbtrtcie adapted to fruit rtittbg, dairy ing, doaltfr ralithg, etc. It has eplsa- dld stories by Jack London ad ether noted astkors. The price la ft-** a year, hut to la- troduco It ve will sead aiz months tor Afty cents. Thla offer must be accept, ed oa or before February 1, lltL Send your name nl address accom panied by fifty cats la stamp* tnd team all about Oregon, Weahlngton, Idaho, and California. Address: The PaciOlc Monthly, Port :>*Dd, Oregon, Jamtt QEOR.QIA SOUTHERN RDA RAILWAY MMt AMrft EMMfasft to MUM ' U‘ collection wltbA. C; I*,' tram wave roes via (Rftea ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE,'CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, LOUIE, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Conchas ad Pullman efeaperrso through without chug*. Dtalii Cat ftarvtos. •*»#*<•***..**’ .gii TRAINS OF A, B. * A. R. R. CONNECT AT COROELE WITH* TRAINS OF G. B. * F, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA And all points north and south. ' FOR INFORMATION as TO rates; Routes, OR echioules to any point north or wtirr, APPLY to any aoent of this com pany, OR ADDRESS, gpeWPU j f C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, ), W. Jamison, T, P. A. . _. MACON QA. MACON OA. MWHHH Atlantic Coast L,lne Schedule. ARRIVALS AT WATOROSS, DEPARTURES. S Prom Savannah tala Ui I:IS am Train 1U ,.12;M pm train ft v „tl rr»to,H from Montgomery Crain H .... .'.....Sinaia Train m, »»• From Batabridga' A ThomawSIa Frtia 111.....; ..SiNato From Alba/ Trail tt.... .4:« pm frtia SI ........ ...tiSt sha rraln »2 .... . Train »1 ; ..«:«» pm Train N From Chlctgo aaS Nortweet Train St L C. Special (vla:Albur)....4:IS am Dials Flyer (via Tlftan) South Atlautlc Limited From BrunawtA Train M Train SS from Jacksonville Train SS Tram SS tO:» Train ft ISiU pm fnln SS toils pm From Tampa, High Sprlaga via Du pont .<;» am Oils am „fi40 am .. 4:00 pm .0:66 pm For Jeeup aid BarcnaU Train SS.. .ai..'..*iH i rmn its Utio. i train iso Train 2S-... ....... For Hontgomerp Do .....v..r B7.. i.. ....7:10 par ,....^:10 pm ...UiUpaa iwLm- •“- tsiEt pw .lift am ........SilO pm For Chicago and Northwest F. 0. Special (via Albany}.. 10:60 pm • DUle Flytr (via Tlftou) ....10:10 pm * South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:60 **' For Brunswick Train 01 10:06 am" Train 07 6:10 pm' . For Jacksonville Train 66 (Dixie Flyer 6:40 *•> Train Ot 6:00 am- Tain 33 0:40 amc rain 21 6:15 paa-- For Tampa, High Spring* Crain 41.... ...... .,.,7:26 pm Praia 42 0:00 am' For through Schedulje, Pullman reservations, etc. Call On E. U. North, A. 0. P. A. ‘ R. B. Pollard, Ticket Agent Savannah 31a. ' ^ Waycroaa. G*..