Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 10, 1911, Image 7
VT"< THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CANBE MADE FOR, TH| PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE,' -ME PRICE IS *1 TO |I0. Wt RE-’ COMMEND THE |3 TO *5.CORSETS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 OliSSi THE C—8 CORSETS ARC GOOD IN Al» ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARB DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SQM’S LEADING' FASHIONS ' IN VIEW. SalS In WiyoroM Exetuslve V By. j ■fts EMte Fariell ' fed ot bid 'couch* .did 'cMds-by th* ban*. It woOms tad reUavaetb* Irritation la tb* throat ud looaens dp tb# cold. | bare always found It s reliable couch cur*.” Gam Pharma#* tooth ([• |j^l_ I__I ^Why p«3MM.00to iwve your tooth cxtrectadjjf charges. Everything guenoiteedQ The Dentist Cabbage Plant* at 30 Reed street, Friday or Saturday, to ceata per hun dred. OWN A Waycross Savings and Truft Cot CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone! Carriage and AutoaoMIe Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F.O. SMITH, I WAYCROSa COUNCIL NO. tt , fcftEAa. I " -Vaacadlary Monday arsons la Rad Eaa’a Hall. Lott-Hltcb building at * * "■ Vtaltlag broth art cordially tartiac to maat with us. [ Sberod Cortina, L. Carl ColUsa. Rec-8ecty. CouncUoi I For either rente »r nroni,* htdne I dleorde *. for ana,-. 1.11 *u,ii.ti Itarr Ir—#ul*|ltl»iL ’the ’V: > 1» PUIo. •• n bonett ana «**.•>!•# *di cine fn- Vidner and bladder- alaor ■dera. Cem Pharmacy. ' C IS Albany A vacua Waycrnta, Oa Day and Nt»h« Han* HE ADVERTISE in the HERAL* New Goods A re Arriving' Daily WILKES Next to P. N. Harley Hardware Co, THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Goods Are Arriving Daily LADIES we wish to call your attention to our line of DRESS GOODS which are up-to-date in eyeiy particular. We have all the latest ;h Fabrics, such as Satin, Foulards, Taffettas, Marquisettes, San Toys, Messolines. Etc., that cure BEING SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES DRY GOODS w' Good qualit, 40 in White Qp Lawn, special price per d Muslin Underwear The prettied iine of skirts, corset covers, edt., are shown here to go at special prices. SHOES! SHOES!! Extra Good Quality 40 in. White Lawn, very sheer quality, worth 15c yd. Special Price 125c Per yard Lonsdale Cambric, yard 14c wide, best grade, special Good as Gold Bleaching, Standard 10c grade, special price 89c 10 yards See our line of Curtain Swiss, Scrims, Draperies, Etc. Men's Suits and Odd Pants Our line of Suits and Odd Pants are up-to-date in every detail, made up with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants. We also carry a full line of Mohair suits. WILKES The Progressive Store, We have Shoes to fit every member of the family. We carry the celebrated Todd & Hunt Club line of ladies shoes in velvet, suedes, patent and kid leathers. Our line of soft soles baby strap oxfords are by far the snappiest line of chil- drens shoes ever shown in Way- cross. , We carry Digg’s, Vannerman’s and Hunt Club Shoes for men. Every pair guaranteed for service andfordtyle.. 200 pairs of Ladies Silk $1,25 values to go as long as they ladt per pair . . Hose 97c Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor DiuingXtos on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THE QEORQM, SOUTHWESTERN A WMfc RAILROAD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. Meala larved any time *arout*> at rea.onlble price*. Schedule*: Southbound: Northbound: Lr. Atlanta 7:45 a* L*. Albany 11:1# soon Ar.tioriUla 3:»# pm L*. Cordd* 1:0 P“ Ar.JBbany * 3:4# pm Ar. ANaata pm •ftdk ARB THE FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE E0UTHI Quickest Time. Try it. Bert Service. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS! Wo would appreciate It a favor tt any Of our aubacrlbari who tall to get their paper .regularly, WOULD AT ONCE, let ua know, either by card ar phone No. ZS, and w« win Imme diately Investigate. and- try to reme dy it In view of ear rapldiy^lbcreae- lng circulation and the Mg liana we now lend out dally, thii !• tb* only way we cab know whether our car rier lioya ar* doing their duty, and •e at* very analour that erary NEW and OLD aubacrtbar abould got their ■taper with utmuat regularity for their taka* and oar own. A* W* know what It mean* to ml** to read Tha Herald If only-tbr one day. <g It Tfc* Circulation Manager. i TO THE PUBLIC. hWo bare opened a drug store at No. II f Lott atreet In the Southern building, and will appreciate a share of your patronage. Our itock la en llrely new drug* of the beat and pur eil quality. Our preacrlptlon depart ment la In charge of Dr. R. L. Weed, who comes to ue very highly recom mended, and any business entrusted to Mm will receive prompt and care fill attention. We are receiving complete Hoe of toilet article* ana drugglat'sundries. W* bare the agen ov for tb* alegretta Hue of candles, tod a new and up-todate aoda fount !* enroutu and will bt Installed soon. We will be open Sunday's from S to 10 a. m., and from 4 to I p. m„ for file sale of drug.. Thanking you for n abar* of your business, we ere yours to tarve, RED CROSS PHARMACY... .. 6 6t Phone 440. It Pays To Advertise! WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP ISA Meats Brat and third Thursday *» each month. Masonic Hart. Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. Wehav.Hvtral million BlahCvaie react Pi eel Cabbage Manta which will be Id floe shape for tran*planMa|r Dow the prat of Feb- ro ary to the first of AprlLand in order to wove them when read/ we have derided to aell at theloitrrwlnii redact<i price* f. o. b. MeggeU. ItolMBthhrwMh’lleMNilMltrMtt WieMHlIIW Wflth rrai#MliN kverf «i Ur** qa*atiU** will 4* well U v«u m befcre »i»--i*t their order! Ov mbmbI fMratia* H foil * —* eryfmo with eaeh pewfeae*. • ali pvilAbd. boa’s 4dlAF nr- • kw«i> wtprese rain t» all pilule, boat 4*lEF nr- dvriig if yns »ui real blew grade pUate at Uw (Vine nt wtAer*- £*w»jj(g#^C r' % 'H*' , ■