Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 11, 1911, Image 1
NUMBER 133 WAYCROSS, GA, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1911 VOLUME XVIII An important delegation of gentle* men Interested in the National Highway route, via Doug las and Waycross, left for Atlanta laBt night, with the expectations of bringing back the highway to Waycross. Among the delegation was Hon. Drew W. Polk, mayqr of Fitzgerald; C. O. DuVall, secretary of Board of Trade of Dougins; Hon. J. C. Brewer, president Board of Trade of Doug las; Dr. Q. P. Folks, chairman of Highways Committee, and C. F. An- FORMER CONGRESSMAN A MAYOR OF CLEVELAND, O. THE CENTRAL BAPTIST TAB ERNACLE— DR. PHILLIPS IS PREACHING SOME FINE SER MONS. AND IT IS PROBLEMATICAL-AS TO WHERE IT. WILL GO. "‘be star attraction In an enter tainment for the children at the Chautaiiquo Wednesday was Loren/.o Walden, tho magician. It is the con sensus of opinion that many of his tricks of the mystic art have never teen surpassed. 11,18 entertainment was clover and artistic In the highest degree. A notable feature of his en tertainment is the unaffected ease and simplicity with whlch-he performs his tr.ysterouB feats. As a magician he is a revelation to Atlanta people. His performance jwns continuous mirth and mystery from start to finish." Screven County Banker Killed 1b A Street Duel. Cleveland. Gl. Ajiril 11.—^ora L. Johnson, twice congressman from the Twenty-first Ohio district, four times Mayor of Cleveland, champion | of 3-cent street railway fares and i prominent advoqnte of the single tax theories of the late Henry George, died in hsJ apartments at 8:45 .o'clock last night after a long illnejs. Death was caused by cirrhosis of the liver. He was 57 years old. Savannah, Ga, April 11.—The price of spirits turpentine made Its -expec ted drop yesterday afternoon. It Is tiew on the tobogan and It is proble matical as to where it will go. There were tales yesterday after noon of more than 200 casks of spir its at ffO cents a gallon which Is something of a drop from the high prices of a dollar or more at which the last previous sales were reported. Rosins are also not as high as they ▼ ere earlier In the spring. The cold weather of this week throughout the naval stores belt may have a tenden cy to keep prices up a little but the boost will be but temporary. tenslfy in interest. Last night des pite the weather, a large crowd as sembled to hear the gifted speaker de liver hfa evangel of hope, and a large number gave their hearts to God ami joined the church. Mr. Okas. But- lei and his wife sang together a, eweet melody and It was altogether a men In Screven county, was shot to death by C. E. Lee. a well-known far mer whose home is near 8ylvania. Shots were fired by both men, but My. Lee was unhurt, while three shots from his pistol hurled into the body of Mr. Hilton, every one of them in a vital place, ^ Eyowitresses state that Jhe fatal shots were fired when Mr. Hilton was being held by his friends, and at a time when he was helpless fur ther to defend himself. Statements differ as to what oc curred at the beginning of the fight. Some state that Mr. Lee fired the first shot, others that Mr. Hilton of Trade. These gentlemen have an appointment to meet the Herald- Journal Scouts at Kimlmll Houso to morrow at 10 o’clock a. m., when tho ertlre route question will be discuss ed and probably decided. The com mittee carry with them written state ments from county and city officers o:» the route, including J. M. Cox, mayor of WaycroslT M. Knight, piesldent Waycross Board of Trade; president of H. Thomas, chairman of county commissioners. Absolutely pledging the various coun ties and cities on roure to build the read from Douglas down, to maln- THE WAYCROSS COW The Waycross Herald recites the fact that.cows visit the post- office and other public placet In that city. Cows always did have a fondness for green things.— Brunswick Herald. The city can keep the cows fut of the postoffice oneday In the w^ek by closing the delivery window ori Sun day.—Savannah Press. DON'T SHOOT MAYO’8 DOGS. Do n’t shoot Mack Mayo’s dogs If y£u meet them In the woods. Mayo's fogs are not sheep killing dogs, they are wildcat dogs, and fox dogs, and coon dogs. There Is no harm in them, except to the wild varmints of The wilderness, which destroy our poultry tfnd pigs. Mayo’s dogs are hound dogs and are very valuable. Treat them kindly if you find them away from home and friends; and your kindness will not only be appre ciated by these dogs, but by their owners and friends (n'Waycross and ▼iclnlty. Dr. W. H. Buchi Auto Association; Dr. Price-had a fine meeting last night, and desple the * inclement weaher, there-was a good crowd pres ent to hear one of Dr. Price's usual ly good sermons. Dr. Price made a great talk and the singing was ex cellent. This is all Ihe information we have been able to obtnin of the meeting, as we could not he present ourselves. W*. would gladly publish all the details possible of these groat meetings, and shall appreciate the information every day. their localities. The Bible i yesterday was well attended. TOMATO PLANT8 FOR SALE, 35c HUNDRED AT HARDY BR08 1t. NOTICE. The G. I. A., will meet Wedpesday* afternoon at 2:30. Regular meeting. Secretary. Alanta, April 10.—United States Senator Joseph M. Terrell ia making m. attempt to attend the opening of the present session of Congress, but h* remaining qulely In Atlanta, en deavoring to go to Washington later Li the event anythng of supreme Im portance comes before the national assembly. FOR 8ALE. Throo choice residence lots for ale, cheap; Brunei and Marion streets. Apply to A. P. Perham, Sr., nr Herald office right now. 10 lOt Agues Prlerra, April 10.—Condi tions nro rapidly shaping themselves in tho states of Chuahua and Sonora for a crisis more sorlous thnn the losa of life In battle. Americans In theso two slates declare that unlesa t!,c rebellion Is onded with pence ov ertures very soon, all Mexico will ex perience a disastrous famine. iter Hats iter Shoes iter Shirts 1 iter Suits FOR MEN Jaskson, Miss, April It.—The an- rual meeting of the Mlssippl Medical Association has attracted to this city a largo gathering of loading physi cians and surgeons of this and tho neighboring States. Tho sessions were begun today and will continue over Wednesday and Thursday. ' Dr. J, B; Phillips will conduct a spe cial meeting meeting on Wednesday night at Central Baptist church, for the shop men and their families,. He cordially Invites‘every man to be present if possible. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are preparing an unusually, lino musical service for the occasion and ^ Dr. J. B. Phillips will preach a special &erniori,*he hopes the boys will come rut In a great crowd to hear him, bringing with them their wives, sls- ers or sweethearts, ( A special meeting of City Council was called last night to confer wltn the Board of Education on matters ‘ pertaining to tho Interest pf tho f schools of Waycross. But owing to sickness' and absence from, tfie city, council did not secure a quorum, only Mayor Cox, Aldermen Sinclair, Par ker and LeCount, being present. Stanton, Prof, E. A. Pound, V. L. K J. Berry and B. G. Parks repre sented tho school hoard and. the mat- discussed. The Line of Women and Childrens 1 ttr wan Informally committee main object wa» to place berore council the need of our public reboots for nn Increased npproprla. tlon to enable tho board ot education to Improve tho schools and moot the growing demands for more accomo dation for tho Increasing number of pupils, and to raise the standard of teaching. To do ttys ns suggested, may perhaps need some changes In existing laws. Co). I,con Wilson was Instructed to look Into the legal side of the question and be ready to re tire at next meeting. The Aldermen present expressed their desire to do ell In their power to sustain and In crease the efficiency of Che schools. And doubtless will find some why to meet the Board of Education’s views cn this matter. 1 BETTER Ok.IB IT QUICK for you sro not likely to get such an other real estate opportunity again In a hurry. VVE HAVE JUST THE HOUSE you arc after, and are prepared to- tell it to you for n really low prlcw and on the moat liberal terms. Don’t delay coming to see us about It, or piompter buyers will snap np the peat bargains. Seaman Uetftute boys waa a first class ex hibition and hotly ’ contested right t/irough and resulted, 7 to 0, In favor of the notary publics. The "Book worms" put up a fine clean game of tail and Bland, pitcher for the locals, made good as a heavy handler of the ball. The feature of the game waa n one handede stab by "Notary Public’s first baseman. And the hitting ot Jones for the "Bookworms’* was all- iM itiafliit