Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 12, 1911, Image 6
> «p!f WE TEACH YOU BOOKKEEPING AND ALL ATTENDANT BRANCHE8. WE TEACH YOU 6H0RTHAND AND ALL NECE88ARY BRAN- ES. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BOOKS. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE ABSTRACT OF LAND TITLES. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA- TION8. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNOER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT If you can’t attend personally we have nn excellent mall courae that fully prepares you In any of these department!. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. oooooooooo MARVIL&O QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND • O EMBALMERS, O Telephone 500 Day or Ngbt * O' Private Chapel and Morgue « oOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo WL HINSON & CO - UNDERTAKERS AND , - EMBALMERS. Phone 91 and 153. * ooooooooooo Uncle Sam Is Proud OF MANY OF HIS POSES8IONS, AND HE HAS GOOD REASON TO BE PROUD OF THE HARNESS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE HANDLING ONLY THE BEST SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, ALL WELL MADE AND HANDSOME. THE BEST MATER. IALS AND WORKMANSHIP CHAN- ACTERIZE THIS HARNESS, AND IT GIVES EVERY SATISFCTION TO THE PURCHASER. PRICES ARE ADMITTEDLY REASONABLE. QOOOOOOOOOOO O WILSON o o BENNETT <> o & LAMBDIN o O Attorney* & Counselor* At Law O oOOOOOOOOOOo oooooooooo ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O O Waycrcss, Ga. O OOOOOOOOOOOo ooooooooooo DEEN& BURNETT <* ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O Room 308 La Grande Bldg. O Waycross, Ga. O 000+000000o OOOOOOOOOOO o W J GASSETT <> O CONTRACTOR & BUILDER O Reidence 48 Margaret Street O Phone 103 Waycross, Ga.. .O oOOOOOOOOOOo ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VET ERANS! Camp 819, U. C. V., Waycross, Ga., April 10, 1911. A special meeting of Camp S19,TJ. C. V., is hereby called to convene ar the court house in Waycross at 10 o’clock a. m., on Saturday, April 22. 1911, for the purpose of revising the roll of members, arranging for the observance of Memorial Day on the 26th and transacting other busi ness of importance. All Confederate Veterans residing in Ware and adjoining counties, whether members of the Camp now or not, are urged to attend. Dy order of J. W. Strickland, .7. L. Sweat. Adjutant. Cant Comdg. 10 6t OOOOOOOOOOo G R LOVELACE DENTIST Office In Redding Block, Over • Star Clothing Store OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo J B BAGLEY M D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office n Southern Building OFFICE HOURS. • 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. ■ oooooooooo ooooooooooo A FLEMING M D <> O Office over Oom Pharmacy ■ O In Southern Building. OOOOOOOOOO N EXT time you walk by the store, we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest sleepme- ter made—the best looking —the best built—the best running. You needn’t take our word for it, we keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. $2.50 Little & Odom, Jewelers and Opticians. On the package when you buy Fol ey’s Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without ths Bee Hive. Remember the name, Fo ley’s Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. Am S. & Am ffeff. “The .8 Northi 7:20 am 8:00 am 9:20 am : 11:00 am 12:05 pm 10:4 -dard ol Excellence In Passenger Service. JULES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 1911. i ; ' Southbound: ■ pm Lv. Brunswick Ar. ) pm Lv. Thalman Ar I pm Lr. Waycrosa Ar. i pm Lv. Douglas Ar ; pm Ar| Fitzgerald Lv. 8:10 pm' 7:25 pm 6:10 pm 4:35 pm 3:30 pm 10:46 am 10:00 am 8:45 am 7:10 am 6:05 am “ TRV THE WANT ADS O O o ./OOOOOO o C L REDDING <> ATTORNEY AT LAW. O Upstairs Redding Block. O WAYCROSS.'— GEORGIA. O ooooooooooo ALSO A LINE OF RUNABOUTS, OPEN TOP BUGGIES, SPRING AND ARM WAGONS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. JONES BUGGY CO. Waycross, Georgia oooooooooo ' JOHN S WALKER <> ► Attorney and Counselor At O ' Law. Office upstairs Southern Hotel. WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. OOOOOOOOOO j|W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN 8URGEON. Office In LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Postofflce. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p. in. O O O O OOOO O O O O BYCK ELECTRIC ■ o SUPPLY CO O All Kinds of Electrical Work < O and Supplies. < O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. • O 20 I-ott Street. Fhone 299. < oOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo O BenJ. J. Parks Harry D. Reed O O PARKS & REED <> O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O Southern Hotel Building. O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOO'O B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Pbone No., 683 Be sure you are right, then go ahead and let me figure on doing your build Ing. All work guaranteed to give- per fect satisfaction. Best of references furnished If required. SOUR STOMACH. OOOOOOOOOOOO O DR LEWIS o o JONATHAN BURCH o O PRACTICE LIMITED TO O O Eye, Ear, Note* Throat and O O Chronic Diseases. O O Residence 168 Plant Are. O O Office Redding Building. O Office Hours: 6 to 12 a. m. O ❖ 2 to 5 p. m. colored people. O - O O <• <> O o o o & 8:20 am 7:13 pm Lv. Thomasvllle Ar. 9:25 am 8:22 pm Lv. Moultrie Ar. 10:35 am 9:30 pm Lv. Tifton Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am 5:33 pm 8:05 am 4:30 pm 7:05 am 12:15 1:40 2:01 2:48 Lv. 6:34 S: 15 pm 10:35 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 12:15 am Lv. Cordele Lv. 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:23 am Lv 4 Montezuma 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe L^ 2:58 am Lv. Talbotton Lv. 3:40 am Ar Manchester Lv. 3:45 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:06 am I,v. Woodbury Lv. 4:59 am Lv. Senoia Lv 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv. 3:25 pm 1:38 12;50 12:45 11:10 ; 10:30 10:25 i 10:04 ; 9:09 ; 7:30 i 6:00 am 4:40 am 4:14 am 3:30 am 3:23 am 2:00 am 1:20 am 1:15 pm 12:52 am 11:54 pm 10:16 pm Ar. 10:45 am 3:30 am Lv. Manchester 11:55 am 4:50 am Lv. LaGrange Ar. 3:50 pm 8:45 am Lv. Talladega Ar. 6:55 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. 4:30 pm 12:45 am 3:25 ,pm 11:45 pm 11:30 am 7:45 pm 8:30 am 4:45 pm Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night trains between Thomas* vllle and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready tor occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from al) incoming trains at Atlanta, including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin* cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. Louis. Connections at other junction points are well adjusted and are shown In the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention is called to the establishment of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt. E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt* Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Os. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent. For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD Six houses now ready to rent in RIVERSIDE PARK. More new buildings in prospedl. One Or Two MI-o*na Tablets and Presto! 8our Stomach Is Gone. If you want a perfect stomach; want to get rid of food fermentation, gas eructations, heartburn, bloating after meals and any stomach distress MI-O-NA stomach tablets sold and guaranteed by G. R. Brinson Co. the one sure, speedy remedy. And mind you It Is guaranteed with out any red tape and without any strings attached, to cure any case of indigestion nausea, billiousness, ner vousness o matter how long standing, or you can have your money back. If you have any stomach trouble whatever try MI-O-NA on the above liberal basis. Y*»u *vr. pv* your stom ach in tip- top shape In a few days so that you can cat vtfiat your appe tite dictates without fear of heaviness or fermentation. Just get a fifty cent box of MI-O- NA -etcmach tablets today. They ore small and easily swallowed and if taken regularly will surely cure any case of stomach trouble. pc wise and get a box today, by Q. R. Brinson Co, and druggists everywhere. Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo. N. Y n will furnish a. free trial treat ment uon request. 21 30 ll A number of the be& resi dence lots left, better buy be fore all are gone. Now is the time to secure a business lot cheap—stores will be needed. - Riverside Park Co n 9 u Wm Vv • i / A. M. KNIGHT, President.