Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 14, 1911, Image 1
VOLUME xvni WAYCROSS, GA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1911 NUMBER 136 OP MANSLAUGHTER IN CHARL- ' TON SUPERIOR COURT. After organizing’Charlton.Superior Court which convened at Folks ton on Monday and disposing of the civil business, the criminal docket was ta ken up,-with Hon. T„ Parker pre siding and Col. M. D. Dickerson, Sc llcitor General, present. The most Important case tried so far was that of Watter Crews, charg ed with murder in the killing of Wal ter Allen, at a shooting match at Bachlotz- the day before last Christ mas. The trial occupied a day and a half ‘ being ably prosecuted and de- Solicltor General Dickerson, ft'Ollff and Judge J. L. Sweat, rep-: ng the State and Hon. L. A. j Wilson and Col. John W. Bennett the j defendants, and resulted in a verdict J %)f guilty for voluntary manslaughter with a probable sentence < years Another murder case, that of the 8tate vs. Silas O'Quinn, which is at- “traeting much attention, Is now on . trial and will likely be concluded this evening. In a few days Waycross will have another business house added to the list of live enterprises. The John W. McGee Co., have eecured the store hi LaGrande building Just vacated by AT THE FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH LAST NIGHT. large congregation was present at the First Baptist Church last night end heard Dr. Price deliver one tc m6st pointed frank and fearless the Cable Piano Co., and will open up f sermons Waycross has ever heard. with a complete line of high class drygoods . ' Mr. John W. McGee left for North ern markets today to make Ills pur chase and he states he will have a line of clean new-up-to-date goods, that is unequalled in Waycross. John McGeo is an old experienced business man, and we wish him every success In bis new venture. HU subject was "The Sins of Socie ty." Selecting drinking, card play ing, dancing and theatre-goln^, as the four Leading sins of society. t)r. Price did not hesitate in hts remarks AT CENTRAL BAPTI8T CHURCH LAST N1GHT> Tho meetings at the Central Bap- .1. church continue with increasing interest. i God la wonderfully blessing the la bels of Dr. Phillips and Mr. Charles Butler, both in the stirring up to vigorous work the members of the Church and in the wonderful ingath- to call "a spade a spade". But with MEETING OF COAL DEALER8. St. Louis, Mo., April 14.—An Inter state convention of retail coal dealers met at Planters* Hotel In this city today and will continue over tpmor- row. Many prominent representatives of the trade are In attendance from Iowa, Kansas,- Missouri and Nebras- DR. TRANK FOLKS DANGEROUSLY ILL As Dr. Gus Polks got off the train froth Douglas this morning he recelv< ed the news of the dangerous illness of Dr. P. C. polks, his brother. Dr. Folks was taken suddenly ill last night and a diagnosis shows him to be suffering from a severe attack of appendecltis. His medical friends are doing all that is possible to relieve him and he will probably be taken to Atlanta this evening for an operation. 2pQ FAT TENNE88EE HENS, GOING CHEAP AT 2t WIL80N GROCERY CO. pledge hammer blow's, broke dow* the ordinary barrier of diplomatic talk end hurled truth after truth at hist interested audience. It was a very strong arraignment of these evils and produced a profound impression. Dr. Price is an educative preacher, rather than an exhorter, but fast .ght he showed that when be wished he could be tremendously emphatic in denunciation of evil, at the same time gently persuasive to lead his hear ers to a higher standard of living. The well trained choir gave some excellent singing. ering of membership, no leBs than MR8. KATE DOYLE, PROMINENT WOMAN POLITICIAN, 18 DEAD forty having allready connected them solves with the church as a result of the glorious revival. One of greatest Inspirations to Dr. Phillips is the presence of so many, men, they forming a large proportion of the con; gregation. The singing last night was as usual, excellent, and the sen n on was a strong searching appeal. Tonight will witness at the close of the service, the first baptismal service in the new building. Dr. Scruggs and Dr. Phillips will baptizes a large number of converts. Special singing will be arranged for by Mr. and Mrs. Butler and a great crowd is expected. Chicago, April 14.—Mrs. Kate Doyle who became known as Chicago’s fore most woman politician through her activities in behalf of the members of the Harrlaon families during their political campaigns since the father of the mayor-elect was a candidate for congress in 1873, died at her home yesterday after an Illness of ten days. Hats Shoes Shirts Easter Suits FOR MEN Easier Easter *to-JJate Line of Women and Childrens* . ‘rfX- ■ * * J ' SHOES at H. C. Seaman DOWS ENTERTAINS l Tomrrow Is “Tag Day” and every citizen will be given an opportunity to tuke part in making it a success. "Tag Day" is a day set apart in Waycross, to help out one of the gicatost, yea! the greatest charitable iiutitutions In our midst. The King’s Daughters Hospital. The good ladies | of Waycross inspired by the self- j sacrificing love that can only spring flam a woman’s heart, by labor ana loving effort have built this splendid institution in our midst. Already it ha* been a God sent blessing to neny sad and weary hearts, and 1ms enabled many pain-st/icken men and women to rise to health and strength again. Surely it is /our duty and will be our greatest pleasure, each one of us, to wear a "Tag" tomorrow and show by that our willingness to contribute something to- encourage and help these good women in this splendlly benoficlent work they have under taken. The Herald will wear one fag or pinny tags as it can, and calls on every man and woman to d*** all that they possibly can tomorrow to make these good women happy, with tho greatest "Tag,Day’s" Waycross#*has over seen. MAY RUN FOR GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES WILL NOT B ECANDI- DATE FOR RE-ELECTION FOR AGRICULTURAL. COMMISSIONER. ■Douglas Is always doing something that emphasises per progressive spir it, but last night she-surpassed her self and in a magnificent manner en tertained a very ’arge and represen tative crowd of visitors and citizens In Douglas' thorough style. The Chamber of Commerce of Doug las'were the hosts and the guests im eluded 'representative citizens from J en Hill, Ware, Irwin and Coffee oPuntieB, called together to discuss MASS MEETING On' Sunday afternoon next at four o’clock Dr. Phillips and Mr. Butler will conduct a maes meeting for men only at the Central Church. Those who remember Dr. Phillips great ad dreaa to “Men" when he waa hare and promote and dually clinch the >*fore, know a great .effort will bo made and hls brave, frank talk will In* worth hearing. At 4:30 Mrs. Butler and Miss Hern don will hold a great mans meeting fer women only at the First Metho dist Church, which haj been to kind ly placed at their disposal for that occasion. Mrs. Butler Is not only a beautiful singer, but Is also a “Irons frank speaker and her message to the women of Waycross will be well wprth bearing. matter of the National Highway, se lecting the “Short Way” through Fitzr gerald, Douglas and Waycross to Jacksonville. Fitzgerald sent a most representa tive crowd Including the mayor, city officers, county officers'and newspa per editors. Irwin had represertta- tUes presont. And Ware waa repre sented by Clerk of Court, Mr. Ed Berry; Dr, Gus Folks; Alderman Cal- tJn Parker;* Secretary Board of Trado C. F. Andrews; Waycrois Journal, L. V. Williams; Waycross Herald, Jasper Wyldlng; T. H. McMillan of Beach and Representative L. P. Tay lor. Coffee county and Douglas was rep resented by all her most Important officials and citizens, including May or C A. Ward, Judge Dart, President f , ■ ' - _ I Senator Deen brought Into the Her 4 J. C. Brewer and Secretary C. O. < k . . „ . j alu office his morning some samples DuVall of Chamber of Commerce apd .. , . of fine celery grown right here in many others. j Waycross. The stalks are twenty five The entertainment took placo atr ■ to thirty Inches long». succulent and Douglas Hotel and was a fine one.' > tempting. For years the Herald has Alanta, Ga., April 13.—Commission- or of Agriculture Thomas L. Hudson today made the positive announce ment that when hls present term expires he will not be a candidate for rele tion. This announcement, made this af ternoon, threw the political doposters into a whirl of conjecture and rumor run rife as to what the Amerlcus statesman will do when next election times comes around. It is generally believed that Mr. Hud son is acting on the presumption that Iloko Smith will avow himself a can didate for United Staes senator, la which case Hudson will run for gov ernor. Jt is pretty generally conceded that he does not Intend to retire alto gether from political life. Beyond the simple announcement that he would not run for the commlssionershlp of agriculure again, h* had nothing to ssy. The concensus of opinion is that he- will either maks the race tor the seat of the chief executive of tho state or enter the field against Dudley Hughes: tor the latter’s congressional seat In VAvihington. YOU MUST PAY LICENSE TO PEDDLE Tu Collector J. T. Strickland lay* you muit pay llcenao to peddle good* lu Waycroee, and proved bla caao today. Sol Koplan waa arreated (or ped dling without a State and j County li cense. He eelle'ruga and eurtnlm, ahlrta •id email warca. U waa elated that he peddled them all over town., H* aa convicted before Magistrate Wil ton this morning, blit was (reed on payment of the State and cotmty li cense, ISO, and tho coata' of caae. Merchants In town and others doing business on the atreeta are looking up their records on this matter,, as some of them fear they also may ba caught In tho net. SOME FINE CELERY President J. C. Brower presided, and the wonder Is that Waycross ever let each a live wire get away from them. He Introduced'the 'speakers, til of whom emphasised the Impor- tenro of the good roads and National Highway movement Editor .Jesse Mercer made a line talk, practical and Inspiring and am? gisted strong resolutions, they being adopted and sent at once to Atlanta Journal. The other tpeskera endore- «d the suggestions and a committee ir B j appointed and drafted resolutions pledging Ben Hill, Coffee, Ware, Pierce and Charken to build nnd tralntaln these good roads. Alto that if it waa necessary they would Join in with Nassau and Charlton to raise public subscriptions to build a Lrldge at Kink's Ferry. Among those who were called upon emphaaled the belief that Waycroee waa the right place to grow celery and Geo. Deen Is now proving It'. It ! would be a great money makng crop for tbs section. More rain for today It In sight this morning. . FOR 8ALE. Three choice residence lots, for ale, cheap; Brunei and Marlon street!. Apply to A. P., Perbam, Sr., at Herald office right now. 10 lot NO MATTER HOW PROMPTLY THE FIRE LADDIE3 may respond to an alarm, or how careful they may be In their work of Jaaper' Wyldlng, Waycroaa Herald; Hon. C. A. Ward, Mayor of Douglsajj Editor Oljders of Fitzgerald Leader, County Commissioner Daniel Gaskin, JOdenftan Calvin Parker, Hon. V. P. Adame and others. The outcome of the meeting will r,ot only boast the good roads move ment, but will bring closely together In friendly fellowship the citizens of these three live town*, Fltzgerld, to speak were,-Mr.' Jodie Mercer, l..- 0 gglae, and Waycross. V. Williams, Judge Dart, Dr. 0. P. EU bdalng the flamee, there la alwayr Folk*, Mayor Paulk of Fitzgerald; considerable damage. THE FIRE INSURANCE CO’S, we represent pays ell losses from Are- or from water used in putting out a Are. A' little lose Would cost yor- rneny years’ premiums. Think It over! A. !M. K.mgkt and Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE i»n aoent »-