Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 14, 1911, Image 2
mgBB 1 v :• • •;■•■•■ rv «■ T!• -. ti- .r '•■■■" ■ -• ''♦• •■ tmm irpu FOR 10 CENTS - * *• will NM postpaid oar KMgOUS COLLECTION BIG STOCK OF BASEBALL GOODS AND FISHING TACKLE. 1. MeConn.ll, Catherine. Kt.. l~ mirk, N. T„ writes:' “I wish » eagre*: raj, appreciation of 'the great poor Prcldcnt Taft'e expl.m.nlhrp* that Up thought he would have the trtM 'S In Tens to aa io hare them there Jn oafo they wrro needed sounds rear ooable. 1 WAVCROSS EVEPUNO. HERALD THE EVENING HERALD Published By HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Parham, 8r. A. P. Parham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrl# Parham Personal, Society and Local. The Waycroaa Herald founded in 1886. Tho Dally Herald founded In 2892 by A. P. Perbatn, Sr. Telephones BusIniJs Office 26 Editorial Oflle 25 Residence 268. ‘THE CITY OF RQSE8” IS NEW NAME FOR VALDOSTA Nearly all of the visitors who have come to South Georgia during the last Bering have been greatly surpris ed at the abundance of roses In all of the south Georgia towns, and espec ially Valdosta, where so much atten tion has been paid to the planting ot Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroaa, Oa„ Post- office as second class mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane 8treet. RATE8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Month 6 Months 61.15 Months a 62.50 Year • 65.00 SPECIAL NOTICE AH obituary notices, cards of thanks, •resolutions and notices of entertain ments, where charges aro made, will charged at advertising rates of 5 -cents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do «tot receive the paper promptly aDd early will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him. a* this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR080, GA. APRIL 14, 1911. Mr. Carnegfo's dove of peace has been seared away from tho Mexican - border. —+— If Illinois pejple lierslst in meet- 1nj; and passing resolutions that de mand the resignation of Lorlmer ^oe Hailey his defender ho tempted to *o into the stulo and lick a few of the fresh ones? It is said that many of the lawns :d flower yards In thli city cannot be surpassed and much of * their beauty Is due to the fact that nearly every yard has Immense rose vines loaded with splendid blooms. Ten or fifteen years ago Valdosta adopted the name of “The Sea Is land City" on account of the fact that this city la such a large sea is land cotton market, but since the campaign was started to beautify the city there have been many sugges tlons to adopt another name for the town, "The City of Roses." The work of beautifying the flow er yards and lawns there this year .‘in? been traried on to a greater ex tent than ever before. Another most serious objection to f.o resignation of Stolypiit is that it ,n be a long day before Russia has a other premier with it name so easy remember, and to cesing. spell without Champ Clark is now spoaker of the House hut he did not drive that pair of Missouri mules down Pennsylvania atenuo as he promised. Champ miss- .cd a great opportunity of showing 'what a drlvor he la. 4* Another thing—what Is heaven go ing It feel like to those who spend all their time talking scandal?—Dal las News. They will never get close cuough to it for It to feel like any thing.—Florida Tlmes-Unlon. H- Richard Crocker who was vlslttna New York, lays that nobody Is going to drag hint into the New York sena torial fight. It Is a great man who know* when he Is a "has been.” Many of our public men havo bad their la te^ yoars emblttorod by not seeing that point + II Is snld that Mra. Hetty Green, the richest woman In the world. Is fiotng to try high life In New York Spain. Ho will glvo up her |9-a- month fiat In Hoboken and go to the Plasa Hotel In New York, where she complained that "It cost a dollar to breatho and two dollars to siieese.’*— Vuldosta Times. —+— A Wllkeibarro, l*w.. widow U ao particular that .ho ha» turned down 160 aultora becauao ahe doesn't think they come up to her "atnndard." H,r Dm* husband must have been a good man If Its so bard to Dud a better J one.—Dea Moines Tribune. Or he ] may have been to bad that she j wasn't willing to tgke the risk again. * —Florida Tlmes-Unlon. f +- OUR WORK I* ao perfect that It la really a pleas ure to alt and look at your linen after vv return It to you. There Is a sort of freshness about all ot OUR LAUNDERING Ilia! you do not llnd la others' work. We take particular pains with v Mto bosom shirts for dress occas ions, and launder them "spotlessly white." A postal will bring our wag- or for your collection. Wilson STRAIN LAUNDRY PHONE 9. Furniture Repairing and Upholstering, Wa are atlll doing basinets at tba same old stand, ft Brew- er Street near the Court House. We will repilr- -clean up and rovarnlsh your old fprnlture, and make It new—V7e also do sll kinds of upbolstarlng—re pair trunks, stilt cases,' ate. All our work 1s strictly cash when finished—No work dellv- efed without the money—Work left In the shop thirty days sf- fer |t |a finished will hare stor es.' charges gdded and will be Habit to be told for charges. J. i. Halle & Son. Phona 294 S2 Brav*«p It ADVERTI8B IN THE HERALD. Japan must, be Blight ly dazed when U hoar* of all the things that It it going to do to the United States? Fashionable women turned out to the polls In Milwaukee lit large num bers Theoretically women of that ■ort may sot want a ballot but they «eem to uae It If It is there tor them. ■ Prof. Schuman caFs Mr. Taft’a inter national peace proposal* a dream. Any way, it fa a nice dream. President Taft la doing what he can ■to^colrt the fn!V. hr.? , ttorno reefcks* pnea must ha\e their omucement. c ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT/ AVcgclable Prepomion&rAs hntj flu? Stonsriw aiidflow£fif Bilal CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes DtgesiionJCfeetfi ncssand Resi.Contal’snciiia- Opium .Morphine nor;H^al Not Narcotic. > ofOrdDt&'lWimm Pinpkia tied- . JbcJmru* \ AcUfc&tt- I HrotZ/tf ( n , l St. teSwffi! wtaptcnnnai facSiroib Si f Jnn:urc_of NEW YORK. rattlccd Exact Copy of wrapper Apcrfecl Remedy forCorislIjia- t Ion, Sour StoiaKh.Dla'ritei Worms ,Convulsioiis.Ecwri:Ii ness ami Loss OF SLEEP. In Use For Over Thirty Years t -r THE State Lire Insurance Company nr IMniAklAn as an isinsaala A OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Dsposlts With 8tats for Guar antee of Policies, , Surplus to Policy Holders,. . $3,000,000.00 $1,174,606.06 Security l D a Life Insurance Policy lg tho principal thing. One wants protection that protect! without regard to general financial condltlons.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of gll its policy holders, the entire cub value ot every outstanding policy. At this time the company hu on deposit with the State, in first class gecurl- tlet, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. What Is the Use? O:! struggling along with dim, waving lights that blow out or Into the cur* tfins, when the wind blows. If they* c-on’t do that, they tio use up all the Why not good air In the room and endanger, your health. j , , »„% ft use Ilectiic It’s not expensive. It’s convenient It’s safe. With the new MAZOA ’ LAMP you get a soft, white/brilliant Lights? light, that doesn’t hurt your eyes if you want to work or read. Investigate the PRESENT PRICE8 of Electric Light. . Investigate the new MA2DA LAMP. Ware County , ■ Light and Power Company. ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG LAND. I have been with this good company uventeen years and throagh Its agency have paid many thousand! ot dcMara to benaflclarteg Take no chance with your life policy but aee me for -INSURANCE THAT INSURES." V. L. STANTON, Manager. WAVCROSS, GEORGIA. PEOPLE REALIZE MORE AND MORE EVERY YEAR THAT ALL WORK , 18 NOT GOOD FOR ANYBODY. THE PROPER RECREATION IS LIKE OILING A MACHINE. IT KEEPS YOU FROM WEARING OUT, MAKES YOU DO BETTER WORK. It yon work from the neck np, htat la, do brain work, yon need to keep your body In good conditkm, or eooner or later yon will (niter from’ h. It yon work from tho neck down, you will do better work and enjoy It n-ore. "WE HAVE THEM” HOUSE LeHer Lock Boxes With Clip For Papers. The very thing you have been wanting for years; fastens on the house. The mail carrier [wil| always have a place to put your letters and papers. Prices Are Reasonable 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1,50 Watt Hardware Co. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo »»9B99»9»98989f0»t»l W. H. ULMER, Mheelwright and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing A Specialty. $ Next to Wilson Laundry, just in rear of Singleton i Furniture Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed, PARK PLACE P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 184 High class Subdivis* ion for-white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. • - *. ■ • W. D. Norton, Agt. BOOM NO. 4 Snlktn letel Bln?