Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 15, 1911, Image 1

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AYCROSS VOLUME XVIII WAVCROSS, GA, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1911 NUMBER 137 mm INDAY MEETING as» meeting for men only at the al Baptist Church on Sunday at |clqck. Special singing by Mr. iMrs. Bqtler and sermon by Dr. a. Subject: "The Men Wo Dr. Phillips cordially invites i men of Waycroas that can to JELLS or KILLING 35 YEARS ADO JOHN CA80N SLEW HUNTER POPE AT MADI80N, FLA. meeting for women and girls Nrst Methodist Church on Sun- 4:30 p. m. When Mrs. Chas. will speak on the subject of Century Women.". It is hoped : a’gathering of women will et M#a. Butler and Miss Herndon at meeting. ular morning service at 11:00 sermon by Dr. Phillips. Adel, Ga., April 15.—Recently a Pensacola, Fla., paper published the story of the death at Troy, Ala., of John L. Trotman and seated that he was none other than John Cason, who had killed Hunter Pope, a bril liant young lawyer at Madison, Fla., thirty-five years ago. Cason and a relative of Pope’s had difficulty and Pope remonstrated With Cason. Pope was killed and Cason fled, going West, but in a' few years settling at Troy, Ala., and changing his name to Trotman. In a Methodist revival some time ago. Tretman is said to have revealed his I identity. He was highly esteemed in eat evangelistic service at night bis town and was never arrested for m. Mr, and Mrs. Butler J the crime. He died recently. \ at all these services. Every i who can come will be welcomed. INCERT WILL BE POSTPONED n uccount of the new set of la ments ordered by the Waycroas ind not arriving before Monday or r, the band concert scheduled eAfelght will be postponed. Art?ng?ments may be made to give > paired concert on Sunday after- loonlfrom 4:30 to 6:00 o’clock. DEATH COMES TO MAN WALKING IN CEMETERY Columbus, Ga., April 16.—The fun eral, of former Alderman L. A. Camp, whose sudden death occurred while he was walking In a cemeery at Montgomery, Ala., a day or two ago, to-k place from St. Paul’s M. E. Church this morning at 10 o'clock, the services being conducted by Dr. W. Colson and the Interment was Ltnwood cemetbry. Mr. Camp was for a number of yetrs mayor pro tern of Columbus and one of the city’s ifiost prominent citizens and leading business men. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ELECT OFFICERS The Damascus Comandery No. 18 held their annual meeting last night c^id elected the following officers. These annual election are always held on "Good Friday” all over the world. J. D. Mitchell, Eminent Commander J. H. Latimer, Generalissimo. W. J. Hodgson, Bapt. General. Rev. R. A. Brown, Prelate, D J. Blackburn, Treasurer. . .J. Mitt Wells, Recorder. H. Lester Marvil^ Senior Warden.' F. P. Howell, Junior Warden. L. M. Stewart, Standard Bearer. J. H. McCrahle, Sword eBaret. W. J. Clark, Warden. C. W. Wiggins, Sentinel. GAME BASEBALL THIS AFTERNOON SOLDIER BOYS IBASKTOKEN, A special train went through Way- cross laBt v ;night, bearing the boys of the Kentucky Military Institute back to Kentucky again, In accordance with thelfc custom. FTor years the toys have been spending the winter at Sarno, on the East Florida coast, where the MiJlitary Institute has a winter college. Its quite an original idea, this of having two locations, but it gives the students a line op portunity for outdoor training and work during * winter months and makes the college very popular. * NOTICE TO THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR The proceeds of “Tag Day" goes to King’s Daughters Hospital. Help the ladles. It is a good cause. DAMA8CU8 COMMANDERY NO. 18, . WAYCR088, GA. Regular Knights Templar Easter services will be conducted at the First Methodist Church tomorrow evening, Sunday April 16th, at 7:4b o’clock. You are therefore ordered to be an appear at the Asylum In full dress uniform with side arms, at 7:00 p. ra., to form ranks and march to church. All visiting Knights emplar a: cordially invdted to partJcPpate ji this ceremony. • By order: D. Mitchell, J. Mitt* Wells, Emminento Commander. Recorder. LAST NIGHT This afernoon at 3:30 there will be a good game of ball between the "Bookworms and Douglas. On Monday another gome will be played, between the Presbyterlal In stitute and the "Bookworms.” Buy a ticket and go see our boys play ball FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WA YCROSS MAYOR’S COURT. The Mayor’s court did not bring in much revenue for the city today. Several were summoned tor doing business without license. A Gentleman’s Haberdasher It’s the natty little “Fixings” that lend grace and elegance to the summer man’s apparel, nobby shirts, ties, pretty hosiery, with a dainty line of underwear. To look and feel “summery” is an easy matter to a man who trades here. No matter what a man *s size is, or what his taste may be, we can fit him in suits. H. C. Seaman HARDWICK WANTS DISFRANCHISEMENT OK NEGRO—14TH AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION REPEALED. Washington, April 16.—A bill waa introduced In tbe House yesterday by Representative Hardwick of Geor gia, providing tor tbe repeal of tbe 14th amendment to the constitution. _ The measure seeks to prevent con gress from limiting ‘the representa tion' of the aouthern states because o' the dlsfranchlaement of the negro which curtails the voting population of tile state,. , The hill la as follow?: "That the 14th amendment to. the constitution of the Vnlted States ‘be and the same Is hereby repealed." AN IMPROMPTU BANQUET. nev. Geo. M. Stuart, the noted Evangelist nnd Mr. J. B. Pepper of Tenessee, made an unexpected visit to Waycroes lapt night and met a few representative Methodist friends at the MOrando. During the sup per tho very Interesting movement to establish a Mothodlst summer colony at Wnynesvllle, N. C„ was discussed and quite a good deal of stock was subscribed for. Amc’ig those present were Messrs H. Murphy, W. W. Lamb din, Herbert Wilson, H. J. Benton, Jno. T. Hopkins, T. J. Darling, J. 8. Hardy, C, H Hui;Vy, ., L. PlrB Presbyterian church of Waycroas Rev. R. A. Brown has just returned from a meeting of Snvannah Prcsby- cry and reports to hie faithful work er, that their church has made some vonderful strides In their work. The live largest churches are, Sav annah with a membership of 396 re ceived into tbe communion last year 13 on profession and 37 by letter making 60 In all. Waycroes with a membership of 339 received laat year. 21 on profet- sbn and 44 by letter making a total of 66. Westminster of Savannah with membership of 260. Valdoata with a membership, of 221 Brunswick? with a membership of 204. It la worthy of note that Waycroae leads In her Increase In her member ship, with Savannah First chureh sec ond, We are glad to see our church e« trying to keep In pace with the great Increase In population. Tho Waycroas church Is one of the young churches, and has grown stead- i! ; - each year uutll now they take their pla e as pecond In the Presby- tory. When Rev.- Brown came here fltteen years ago this’church of thlr- ty-aix members was under the care of the Homo Mission Committee and was receiving funds from said Com mittee to support their pastor. It Is gratifying to note that tills .has been In many respects the vory host year of the flftoen. There has been a greater Increase this than In any previous year of the church’s history, It Is worthy of note that the offer ings of tho people hove averaged A GREAT GATHERING THERE TO HEAR OR. PHILLIP'S SERMON AND THE SINGING OF MR AND MRS. BUTLER. It was an Inspiring sight to stnnd In Central Baptist Church last night nnd look on the wonderful sea of faces turned toward Dr. Phillips as he preached a great sermon of vital truth. The crowd present taxed the capacity of the' building and many stood In the doorways. Mrs. Butler sang beautifully and the staging or the choir and congregation Inspired Dr. Phillips to make one of the great est sermous he has ever preached here. Weary from a most arduous days work, ho seemed to forget hla weariness, and Inspired by the migh ty crowd, delivered hie message with tremendoue power and conviction. Hla subject waa "Abner Tbe Fool" and he handled hla text in a moat original and effective manner. At the close of the eermon Dr. Scruggs conducted! (he Baptismal ser vice and baptised a great number in the new pool, it was a srevlce long to be remembered. JUDGE AND DEPUTY HAVE CLOSE CALL Deputy 8herlff C. A. Bennett and •fudge H. W. Wilson had quite a serious accident yesterday afternoon. They were driving into town afte. attending to some Important’ busi ness, whon Sheriff Pittman's Tekaa racer commenced to kick and Anally precipitated them from the buggy. Deputy Bennett had a Very close shave of receiving a broken nec.i, and la suffering a good deal of pain to day. Judge Wilson hurt bis arm and choulder severely and la today wear ing a sling. The horse broke looso from, tho damaged buggy but wa* caught later. DR. F- C. FOLKS. We are glad to report that Dr. F. , Folks la much better this morn ing. The InDamatlon has subsided, the fover le lowor and he la resting easier. Great bopoa are now held out, that he may recover' without, ne cessity for an operation. Crawley, Ed Berry, U . Cooper, V. - L Stanton, E. A. Pound, W. h. Him! about *14 per member for tho year. Williams, J. E. Vann,! It la hoped that God may be great- •on* C. N Dr. M. M. Johnson, \f.< W. Ansley, C. A, Powell, Dr. W. K. Meeke, Rev. O. F. Cook, Rev. W. Langston, Rev. Thrrebei and others. A KINDLY ACT. Yesterday two white boya were sentenced to chain gang for 30 days tor trying to beat their way on'a train. Mr. W. 1 T. Brinson saw these two poor fellows handcuff ed together and hla sympathies were aroused, and he Immediately went to work and raised subscription* suf ficient to pay their fines and gave them a little money to help them on their way. ’ One of the culprits was a mere boy; stranded In Florida ana trying to get home to hie people. Today they wlP be released and go on their way rejoicing. "O, /he rarity of this Christian Charity." ly honored this yoaf by all of our pastors and people putting their hearts and bands together the great cause of saving souls. 9G0 DOZEN FRESH TENNESSEE EGGS GOING AT 20 CENTS A DOZ. AT THE WANDERED FROM HOME. A pretty little Shetland pony I* •haring with tbe grey bud dog tbe honora at present as “mascot" at the Fire Department. And Is nickering out his pleasure at tbe rest and at tention It la receiving. The pony was found wandeytna alone and unprotected several nights since and Up. Henderson took charge of It and carried It to tbe fire ela tion, where It Is being cared for until claimed by ilf owner. If no claim ant appears toon, tbe boys say they will keep It as a permanent maxcot for the city. SMALL BLAZE. AT ICE PLANT. An alarm called out the fire boys today to a small blace at the Ice plant The Ice did not burn very rapidly and was practically extinguished before FOR SALE. Throe choice residence lots for ale. cheap; Brunei and Marion streets. Apply to^A. P. Perbam, Sr., at Herald office right now, 10 lOt NO MATTER HOW PROMPTLY THE FIRE LADDIE8 may respond to an alarm, or how careful thoy may bo In their work of subduing the names, there Is always considerable damage. THE FIRE INSURANCE CO’S, we represent payB nil losses from fire or from water used In putting out a fire. A little loss would cost yor many years’ premiums. Think It over. A. M. Knigkt and Son REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE (jJFf, 5 AGENTS-