Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 17, 1911, Image 1
Waycross Evening Herald. VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1911 NUMBER 138 I. S. Sergei* Arrested By Uncle Sam S CHARGED IIFION-KALDOSTA ROUTE WINS NEW/^PRK-ATLANTA NATIONAL V^IQHWAY EXTENSION. FIRST BAPTIST jPhillips Meeting Greatest Revival BERGER CLAIMS ARREST IS AN : ► EFFORT OF THE “AVIATION TRUST.” I By Special Telegraph to The Herald. Savannah, Ga., April 17.—J. S. Ber ger, of New York, proprietor of Ber ger’s Aviators who gave a series of aeroplane exhibitions in different towns in South Georgia recently has been placed under arrest here charged ■with using the mails with intent to defraud by writing letters claiming •*jKewd the world’s best aviators under hhf control Berger is now here w INVEST ONCE; WILL DO SO A1 Jc-'l — A well known Florida baiter,'Tt-S Hall, of Ocala, made Waycross some time •^Atlanta, April 16.—Announcement WSV piade today that the Tifton-Val- l d.>Bfa route wins the New York-At- r,i J$jta national highway extension in- !fw-- i’lorida, via Jacksonville. The ** ce ws made from six competing j hat routes and was picked because it wasj big! CLOSED THEIR REVIVAL LAST NIGHT. j The Price-ScholHeld meetings at 1st Baptist church closed last night. The meetings have been very successful quite a number uniting with the hureli and I lie church membership inspired and educated to x of Christian service.. believed to ifTer the best and shortest i The singing of Mr. Scholfleld lias way in combination between Atlanta been niueh enjoyed and has left be- apd Jacksonville. j hiud him a well trained choir for fu- f he route is approximately 350 mil- j ture church work The closing ser- long. extending in a generally vice was Impressive and interesting investment in j southeastern direction through Geor- j and will long he rememebred by all ;o, purchasing j gia,to Florida and thence almost due j who heard them. IN IDE HISTORY OF WAYCROSS lots in Riverside Park. When the de-least io Jacksonville. Among the prln- j mand for houses in Waycross became j cipal cities and towns through which known to Mr. Hall he Immediately J it. will pass are Griffin. Barpesville, j orders for the erection of six I Macon, Perry, Cordele, Tifton and j his fliers and his machines. He says I houses on his .property. The houses I Valdosta in Georgia and Madison. Live ( his arrest is an effort on the part of have been completed, and Mr. Hall j Oak and Igike City in Florida. | the “Aviator Tru/t" to run him out of has just returned to his Florida home J Nearly all the counties along the business. He has given bond for $1,000 ' a ft er inspecting the Waycross Invest-1 proposed national highway extension I to answer the charge before a united J ment. “I am well pleased with what have given nssurancerf'that the roads | CNE THOUSAND SOULS FOR CHRIST—A CALL TO TMC WAYCROSS CHURCHES. It Is difficult to quietly chronicle the wonderful meetings held by Dr. Phillips and Mr. Chat*. Butler at the (ontral Baptist church yesterday In point of numbers and In the wonder ful outpouring and manifestations of ’.be Holy .Spirit, they stand unequalled in tho recent history of I life of Waycross BEAT DOUGLAS States commissioner on Saturday. FAIR TONIGHT WARMER TUESDAY !l have invested/in Waycross", he said ! before leaving. ”! passed through | Waycross n number of years ago, and when the cMy began its great stride I forward I made an investment by j buying lots. I have kept up with the ; progress of your city and I am great- | ly pleased at the success Waycross i has enjoyed I believe in your city, ! and am going to make other invest- The cool snap comes to an end to- menta.in time to come, morrow according to the weather fore cast sent out oday. Tonight will be fair, as will Tuesday and warmer con ditions are assured. •The very latest new shapes just received at the Bon Ton Millinery Store. IN ONE OF THE PREETIEST BASE will be improved at once anJ the selection of the route, it is estimated j will mean the expenditures of thous- BALL GAMES TH 'S SEASON, nnds of dollars and the consequent \ development of the territory travers ed. Mr. H. Sweat of the Airdoir.e is of faring tonight the “Hollands”. Com edians and Acrobats See them. Fine bill on at the Airflome tonight the “Hollands” In their clever act. Come out. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. A \ A Gentleman’s Haberdasher It's the natty little “Fixings” that lend grace and elegance to the summer man's apparel, nobby shirts, ties, pretty hosiery, with a dainty line of underwear. To look and feel “summery” is an easy matter to a man who trades here. i ' No maiter what a man’s size is, or what his taste may be, we can fit him in suits. t H. C. Seaman In a hard fought game of baseball last Saturday which resulted in a victory for our hoys was one of the best games seen here this season both teams played good hall and both pitchers also put up a good article of spitbails, etc., and at tlie end of the ninth inning the score stood 4 to 3 in favor of the “Bookworms.“ There will bo another good game this afternoon nt .7:30 between the Bookworms and the Presbyterial in stitute of Hlackshonr, and they oxpect to put it all over tho hoys. REPORT NOT CORRECT. Tho report sent from Waycross to the Savannah Mornings Nows yester day stating that tho revival services at the Central Baptist church had closed was incorrect and is in keep ing with some other reports sent from Waycross. Tho services at' the Cen tral Baptist Tabernacle will, provl- denco permitting ho continued dur ing the week nnd until Sunday night next and perhaps longer. earnestly pleaded with them to ndoht [a brave cle;.'» stand for God. a great ! crowd of mm. several hundred hi I number mivrd forward completely surrounding Ur. Phillips, asking for prayer and tn'-.ng a stand for God s A *fvne that must linger long in tne memory of nil who saw it. Grea. strong men wImi tears puling i!j »*n their faces, <crtecrating their II.*»:» and taking a stand for Christ. Dr. his long work he never witnessed A SPLIT SWITCH GIVES TROUBLE A split switch n A. C, h, yards, de railed five heavily loudc</ freight cars yesterday The wrecking crew got busy and after a troublesome oxjierl- i succeeded fh getting tho track cleared late last night.. No one was hurt. EDWARDS SENDS COPIESOFADDRESS Congressman Charles G. Ed wards, of Washington, has sent a number of copies of the address he recently made in drainage to George W. Been, president of the Georgia Drainage Congress and to Secretary C F. An drews. The copies of this address will be distributed to parties Inter ested in drainage. The address tells In detail what can be accomplished It a state drainage law is passed in all states not now having drainage laws, and shows what a drainage law would do for undeveloped lands In Georgia. The morning meeting was jyell at tended and Dr. Phillips delivered a etiong, earnest appeal for a consecrat ed Christian membership.. ' But it was at tho afternoon meeting for men that the wot derful power of God be came so greatly manifest. The oc casion almost baffles description. Tho hurch was crofdod with men and Dr. Phillips Uml just delivered a ; emend- otisiy strong address on the life of • 3nmpso i using Incidents In the car eer of ‘he strong man to emphasise great practical truths. In the clos ing part of his great talk, carried away by his tremendous earnestness he unconsciously left the platform nnd moved dowr the aisle amongst the great congregation of men and as ho asks the Christian people to help him. It means this, that if those hundred of men live up to what they expressed a social revolution will take place in Waycross nnd a religious revival such us she has never seen before. It is a call definite nnd clear cut to every Christian man in Waycross, whether he be Baptist. MethodiBt, Presbyter ians, United Brethren and whatever other church ho belongs, to sink pre judice and line up behind this great preacher of the gospel of Christ and assist in completing a revival that 111 shake the entire city. The night meeting was a glorious^ one. The church was crowded every available scat and bench occupied. Dr. Phillips spoke on the subject "Pre pare to meet They God” In earnest forceful language he depicted the grav ity of delay nnd tho Inevitable day that must come. At the close a great number came forward and Join- led the Baptist anil Methodist cheren. Tho sweet singing of Mr. nnd Mrs. Butler added greatly to tho power of the meetings. At tho afternoon’s men’s meeting Mrs. Butler sang most beautifully “The Holy City and by re- quest will repeat it again on Tues day night. Dr. Phillips announced that these special meetings will continue one week more. His slogan is ft thousand Souls for Christ In Waycross, and he BEING ERECTED MR. VIRGIL PARKER HAS 16 RESIDENCES UNDER CON- 8TRUCTION. Building activities In Waycross are on the boom and the sound of the hummer and saw can be heard m e\ ery direction. ,Mr. Virgil Parker, the populnr contractor, in talking to u Herald reporter said that never has he been as busy at a tthe present time, and ho says he has 16 houses in course of erection now. Among the latest started by Mr. Parker, Is two two story seven room residences for Mr. H, B, Lee on Keme- hart street and one 7 room residence for Mr. W. D. King, on Ware Btreet. The other contractors of the city also reports a great Increase In build ing all over the city WAYCROSS GARDEN8. Quite u number of 'Waycross citi zens enjoyed green pens and now Irish potatoes grown In tlielr own gar duns, at their Easter dinners yester* day. The recent rain has made all the gardens grow along fine and ex emplify the truth* of tho sajlig. “We can g|ow anything In Waycross. New linn of dainty neck wear at Bon Ton Dainty neck wear at The Don Ton AT THE Y. M. C A , TUESDAY All the ladles of Waycross arc in vited to meet in the Y. M. C. A„ par lors on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 for the purpose of organizing the la dies auxiliary The state secretary Mr. J. V, Read will be present There will be a genarl inspection of the en tire building Special mixture of pnneb will be served free Secretary Xorvell will do the mixing. NO MATTER HOW PROMPTLY " THE FIRE LADDIES may respond to an alarm, or bow careful they may be In tbeir work of subduing the flames, there It alwayr. considerable damage. THE FIRE INSURANCE CO. we represent pay all ioasea from fire or from water used In putting out a fire. A little lota would . coat yor“ nitny years’ premiums. Think It over. A. M. Knight and Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS.