Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 17, 1911, Image 2
■iiijiinnn~«T*r l "'"T *y? 1 .‘ ■ .... WAYCROSS EVEN tNG HERALD THE EVENING HERALD . Published By — THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, 8r, A. P. Perham, Jr. Editora and Proprietor*. Mist Carrie Perham. Peraonal, Society and Local. The Waycross JP*raJd founded in 1885. The Hally Herald founded in 1892 by A. P. Perham. Sr. Telephones Buslntjs Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 , Residence 268. Every Afternoon Except 8unday. Entered at the Waycross, Oa., Post- office ax second class mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Monti, I 3 Months U-25 6 Months $2.50 1 , Year $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments. where charges nre made, will be charaed at advertising rates of 5 cents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, an this I3 the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS. GA., APRIL 17, 1911. Senator Lorimor may possible 1 to call “Hltiky Dink" to the rest-u 4* Of course the Mint Julep Associa tion takes very little interest in poll tlCAl straws. Peace may he hovering over Mex ico, hut it shows no strong Incllna tion to light. 4* 80 Oyster Ray lias voted strongly local option. Oyster Ray? Oyster Hay? Where did we hear that name before? 4* — The truth about mothers-in-law Is that they have kept many sons-in law from having to work for u living. “F'orlda reports a cabbage head weighing fourteen pounds," says an exchange. Political or patrli variety. "Shipwreck de Luxe," the rescued passengers of Hie Princess Irene call ed their experience. We shall yet hear of railroad collisions a la cart. Anyhow, a Roman knows enough about mathematics to figure out how many spring bonnets her husband’s cigar bills will buy. —4.— "Uncle Joe" Cannon is determined that the people shall understand he is In his seat and not In a sarcoph agus. Men cannot talk and act like Govern or Wilson of New Jersey without run ning very grave risk o fhavlng the j eople trust the Presidency on them. Abe Uuef, San Francisco grafter has started a Rilfie class among: his fellow convicts. Abe ought to be thank ful for the blessings of adversity. ALL EYES ON WILSON. I The course and success of Governor Wilson is being watched and comment ed by the Democratic as well as by tile influential part of the Republican press of the country. The adoption of Wilson's progressive policies and the strong following he has secured In ef forts to eliminate the power of money ttom politics is destined to have its Influence throughout toe entire coun try So keen an observer as Mr. Ho- au flecords him the higliest praise 11 Governor WiIron has an eye to tie presidency lie has certainly not let that ambition interfere with the carryin otg oufhl vs 12.215666 aK he undersands it. 4* Buffalo Bill interviewed in Philadel phia. relative to bis alleged aspirations for a United States Senatorahlp, and asked as to his politics, said that he v.as a Republican, "more or loss." out 1 his day. H probably looking for the right trail to the senate. The "less" Republican- ism. us measured by the record of that party under a number of past adminl- trations, he evinces, the more champ* 1,1 vvJJl have for landing. The friends of Carter Harrison ot Chicago claim that he was made May or of Chicago through the efforts of his wife. The moral of which is that political candldies sould have wives like Mrs. Hairlstm. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO LUCAS COUNTY,)ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is' senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of oledo. county and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, and aots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con ciliation. SAVES TWO LIVES. “Neither my alscer nor myself might be living today, If It had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery,” writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C., R. F. D., No. 8, “For we both had frightful coughs that no remedy could help. We were toid my sister had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your won derful mediclno completely cured us both. It Is the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds. hemorrhage, logrfppe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough,— all brouchical troubles,—Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00. Guar anteed by All Druggists. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. That New York girl who knelt at church alters as If to pray and I picked pockets instead, must have been reading magtxlne articles on the lives of pious commercial pirates. ! —+— , The Amherst professor who be, de clared swearing i, the universal lang uage and t, neeewary mu,t hnve been brought up in the ''Uncle Joe Cannon achool ot philology. I Wo nre headquarter, lor the beat in ell Farm seeds. Gnu and Clover Seeds Seed Cora, Cotton Seed, Cow Peu, Sole Beane, -1 Sortfiums, Kaffir Corn, r 5 Millet Seed, Founts, etc. q 'Wood's Crop i ■ • u e d Special' monthly given timely information a, to seeds to plant each month in the year, oiao prices of Season able Seeds Write for copy, mailed free on request T.W. WOODI SONS, Seedsmen, • Richmond, Va. j Statistic compiled by BUM-.erlHes shew the a.u Ifcst -u-e ;,v :; i.> C. Cuba 1 •- . the rcducioa or alohuon .many article* cf trade, etpnx'i'y. and the facts ft*ndpaUer.i treaty. TU; plain them away. ° | FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY at benefits —AN APPRECIATION. McConnell. Catherine. Ft., K — V Y. *-+*•*«■ **? tvft-N m ov-rffiF ■n> appreciation of the great koov t derived from Foley's Kidney Horned> which I used for a had case of Kid .rey trouble. Five bottles did th* work most effectively and prov*>J u. re** beyond n doubt It it the most re liable kidney medicine \ have evet taken.” Gem Pharmacy. THE State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Deposits With 8tate for Guar antee of Policies, .... $8,000,000.00 Surplus to Policy Holders, \ $1,174,006.00 Security 1 Q a Life Insurance Policy is the principal thing. One wants protection that protect* without regard to genera! financial condltlons.Tbe STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all iti policy holder*, the entire cash value of every outstanding policy. At thl* time the company has on deposit with the State, In first clast securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE A8 8ECURE A8 THE BANK OF ENG* LAND. * *' I have been with this good company seventeen years and throjgh its agency have paid many thousands of deHart to beneficiaries. Take no chance with your life policy but see me for “INSURANCE THAT INSURES/* V. L. STANTON, - Manager. r WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. PEOPLE REALIZE MORE AND MORE EVERY YEAR THAT ALL WORK IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYBODY. THE PROPER RECREATION IS LIKE OILING A MACHINE. IT KEEPS YOU FROM WEARING OUT, MAKES YOU DO BETTER WORK. If you work from the neck up. htat Is, do brain work, you need to keep your body in good condition, or sooner or later you will suffer from If you work from the neck down, you will do better work and enjoy It more. EIG STOCK OF BASEBALL GOODS AND FISHING TACKLE. What Is the Use? irake fh* can.jt iz' Why po! use llectric Lights? O’ strusglin-.; along with dim, waving ichts that blow out or into the cur- f; ins, when the wind blows. If they I'on't do that, they do use up all the good ai:- in the room and endangers your health. It’s not expensive. It'3 convenient. Ir’s safe. "With the rew MAZDA LAMP you get a soft, white, brilliant light, that doesn't hurt your eyes if jou want to work or read. Investigate the PRESENT PRICES of Electric Light. Investigate the new MAZDA LAMP. Ware County Light and Power Company. )co<>oooooooooooooooooooo<x>cooo^-ooo<x> Keep the Lawn Green * A good sprinkling and good koso and rather fre/juent going over with a lawn mower is the best prescription we know of for a smooth, even, per fectly kept lawn. Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Hoes and Spades You must raise the earth before you can raise a crop of anythin*, erd here's the tool to do the raising. BIG STOCK. REASONABLE PRICES Watt Hardware Co. >00000000000000000 0000000000 0000000 ; W. H. ULMER, f i Wheelwright and Blacksmith, ; Horseshoeing A Specialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, just in rear of Singleton iFurniture Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 186. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Norton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 v Sonlfcern Hotel Btaf l<