Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 17, 1911, Image 4
V'AYCROSS EVENING HERALD Faster Egg Ihes l\ 5e The Paper. 16 DESIGNS Gem Pharmacy f T. S. Paine. Prop. | PHONE 52 I : I | THERE IS A GOOD REASON WHY I j YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH US. ! ] IF YOU DON’T KNOW, ASK YOUR I NEIGHBOR, IF .THEY DON’T I KNOW, ASK US. IF YOU ARE | FROM MISSOURI CALL TO SEE US I AND WE WILL 8HOW YOU OUR ! COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES AND CONVINCE YOU! HARDY BROS IPersona! [ j Miss Carrie Perham Social Ed.torj* I Col. lien T, Allen of Pe&rson, is ! I the city today on business Miss Ony May Grady who has been so Blek is now able to be up again. See those beautiful foulards all col ors at Benton’s. )00000<xxx>00000000<x>ooocooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo GREAT SPECIAL VALUES IN Mr. Mano of Atlanta is now with ihe C. Payne Co. Stylish Dress Goods Newest Weaves Exclusive Designs a. A. N. Kirkland, of Thomas- is in the city visiting Mr. and McKnlght on Elizabeth street. PHONG NO. 6 North Carolina Seed iPeanuts. ■ry and S*le* Stable*, i wayrroas, oa. Whipperwill Peas, Clay Peas, Iron Peas Buy before they go higher TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. Mr, R. L. Hunt who has been limgerously ill 1b improving slowly and is now able to sit up awhile. Miss Ester, Been of Weslyan Col lege spent yesterday and today here a ith relatives a. .1. B. Thrasher, who has been Ki< k is somewhat Improved to- AT THE FRONT You have to lie on your guard If jou ar ecauglit napping, it Invites tffraster. WAYCROSS DU8INE8S COLLEGE GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought after by men of affairs. Yj>u find them in leading resit ions of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open sesame to position and preferment. Our specialty is to lit you for business t to make the pay-roll larger: to In- ctease the salary of the "big man.” Enter At Any Time. Wnycr.*ss Business College WaycrooB. Cn. R. F. Zeiglar, Pres. NOTICE. Why not look neat and let us do your dry cleaning and pressing. Sat isfaction is our motto. The Waycross Pressing Club. 11 2t Phono 447. We take pleasure in showing th« Leys our clothing. 14 at and up to date Hue of Globe Dry Good* Co. The Wayrrlss Board of Trade to day telegraphed to Valdosta Board of Trade their congratulations on having secured the National Highway They having been lenders In the work that secured It. The Easter services at the Way- oss churches yesterday were very fine. t Mrs. E. G. Kirkland is visiting making their home with Mrs. E G. Kirkland at 32 Jane street Mr. and Mrs. Langford have a number of friends In Waycross who Welcomes them among us. The values are the be^t that spot cash and big: purchasing can procure. Do Not EVliss See ing our fine Line. OCR Millinery Department Here Today; Gone Tomorrow That will probably be the story of these Stylish Timmed Hats Pity we haven’t room to tel! about all the other good things, bu1 come and see them. Messaline silks 36 Inches wide. Black excellent quality. Very special at Benton’s The iAjwther quartette was much njoyed at Central BaptlBt Tabernacle last night. The quartett was com posed of Mrs Lowther and her three daughters. We regret to note that Chief Joiner of the Fire Departent is very 111 again On the advice of his Physician he left last night for Pensacola, Fla., where he wll again undergo special treat ment. «« 4 Miss Vera Sweat of Brenau college arrived Saturday morning to spend a day or two here with relatives. Mias Sweat was accompanied home by Mias I.uclle Grigsby They will retur nto- morrow night. See those beautiful shapes just re- HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS. *00000000000000000oooooooooooooooo O ooooooooooooooooo ! DEAD Mrs. H. M Pittman, mother of Mrs. S. C. Pltmas died yesterday morn ing at six o’clock at the home of Mrs. Pittman on Elizabeth street. Mrs. Pittman was eighty eight years oi age and has made her home here with her daughter for the past year The funeral service was held yesterday af ternoon conducted by Rev. A. M. Ben nett after which the remains were carried to Lumberton. N. C, for inter ment, accompained by Mrs. Pittman and Mr. Pittman „ SAVE MONEY-SAVE 1 ROUBLE Taffeta Kllka all color* 11.00 yard |e*lved at the Don Ton. nt Benton’s.. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Uavana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, 6a. 0>j PITTMAN CIGAR CO Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOFS! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGAROLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES. PRI CES REDUCED 50c to 35e Per Basket •FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT 25*. REMEMOER WE ALSO CARRY A ’FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA BLES AND FRUITS, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY BY CALL ING PHONE $22, GOODS DELIVER- CO BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. N. A. Joseph, NO. S2 AND84 PLANT AVENUE. Foley Kidney Pills, are tontc In ac lion, quick In results, and restore thr natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct Irresulsritlt Gea Pharmacy. KAPPA DELTA SORORITY. Atlanta, Ga.. April 17.—The annual national convention of the Kappa Del ta Sorority opened here tvday nt the Piedmont hotel with a large attend ance of membera from all parts of the country Mrs. Karl A. Rrownson, the Uhron of Douglas and Mr. Deen Mrs. national president, Is • among those Mrs. George Deen entertained her Deenwood Sunday School class Sat urday at "Maryland Farm.’’ After a delightful dinner an Easter egg hunt was enjoyed. Beside her class Mrs. Deen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sand ers of the Deenwood church, Mr and Mrs. B. W. Xorvell, Mrs. Cagon. Col. In attendance. There will be a num ber of social functions In honor of the distinguished visitors, the most bril liant will be the dinner to be given tomorrow eventhg OOOOOOOOOO T J CARSWELL PH. Oh M. D. Diseases of Children; Diseases of Women; Obsterlcs. * Residence 166 Plant Ave. • Phone 515. Office In Walker Building Phone 52S. OOOOOOOOOO Deen’s class are Indebted to her for a delightful day Mrs. E. O. Girfklund Is visiting relatives in Savannah this week After his long and most critical illness little Warren Langston will be brought home today from the King’s O 1 Daughters hospital. Although still very O weak It Is thought best to bring him OI home. Rev. and Mrs. Langston' friends rejoice with them in the de cided improvement in the condition of the little fellow. Mr. W. H. Ulmer, better known as Bill Llmer" has sold out his black- mlth shops to Mr. Rentz and has ac cepted a position on the Waycross Fire Deartment. Ulmer has been an active member of the volunteer department for many years, never misses a fire and we are glad to see he has secured a place on regular force as a city fire fighter. Every woman dreads the difficult task of sham pooing her own hair. To do tt thoroughly leave* her exhausted with aching head and back. With the Knickerbocker Shnmpoo Brush all the trouble of shampooing one’s own hair, or the expense of having U done. Is ended forever. The rubber teeth of the Shampoo Brush, made like Anger tips, vigorously massage the scalp, get the dirt and dandruff out, at nothing else will, and the water flowing through the teeth thor oughly rinses tbo hair. You can use eggs or soap —the Shampoo Brush rinse* better than say other device. Siuunpoo AH the ladies of the city who are interested are urged to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon ar. the Y. M. C. A. Building for the purpose of organizing the ladles auxiliary Mrs. Nixon of The Bon Ton has Just received a new line wash dresses and skirts. md | ri- Big Line Easter Novelties Chikens, Rabbits, Candy, Etc., also Pretty Cards at THE SEALS PHARMACY Tilt*. KFX-tLLSlOitK BOUND FOR FLORIDA. A family consisting of father, moth er and six children, the oldest about twelve years of age, from Ash county North Carolina, passed through the city this morning, enroute to Jasper Fla. The family were traveling In a two horse wagon. They had been on the road one month and a day. but with the exception of the horses, none of the party seemed any the wlrse for wear. They were all cheerful and apparently happy and were looking forward with pleasureable anticipa tions to the time when they would reach the end of their journey and make their home in the land of flow ers and plenty. We wish them well and commend them to the people along the remainder of their route. See notice of cottage for rent by J, T. Beaton. Subscribe lor the old Waycross Evening Herald. WORLD’S FAMOUS DYSPEPSIA PRESCRIPTION. » Drives Away Stomach Distress Ir A Few Minutes. C*“* Heartburn and Belch.ng. if you have anything the matter id<b yo\r stomach yon ought to know Knickerbocker Shampoo Brush For Cleanliness—Health and Beauty Knickerbocker Shampoo Brush Outfit No. 7— 3* inches in diameter, with 19 hollow rubber teeth 5-16 Inch in diameter and n inch long—will penetrate the heaviest growth of hair—six feet of fine white rubber tubing sod one single faucet connection guaranteed to fie any fau- <4 Aft cet. all oomplete. nicely boxed, price 8 pray brush pa for Body Managa and Sho war Bath, •2.00. $3.00 and $4.00. 8pacta! Barter'* shampoo Bre h SS.0S Siphon Attachment for homer? .itbout bathrooms..to* ■T Evary Spray brush and ham poo Bnuh Fully Guaranteed — Messy Bach if Unsatisfactory. Knickerbocker Spraybrusnes are for sale by leading Drug, Dept., Hardware and Plumbing stores everywhere. Get a Spray brush on your first trip down town. If your dealer does not carry them send bis name and the money. We will send direct to you, prepaid, on ren days trial. Descriptive booklet free. THE PROGRESS COMPANY. 55-210 Monroe SL, Chicago, Ill. right now that MI-O-NA stomach tab let* are guaranteed by G. R. Brinson «c Co., to cure Indigestion or any sickness caused by indigestion, such as the following, or money back: Sick headache, billlousness. dizzi ness. nervousness*, sour stomach, fer-1 man tat ion of food belching of gas, | heavy feeling at pit of stomach, vom- E ASY to find the why of the steadily increasing fame of Nunnally’s Candies. You’ll appreciate at once the fine touches that make them candies of distinctive good- ness. So enticing in appear* ance and so thoroughly good,' 1 And always fresh. LA GRANDE PHARMACY. H. BARNHILL, Local Agant ^ Waycross, Ga. 108 Plant Avay MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. Ladies! Save Money and Keep # m Style by Reading f'cCdTi Magazine and Using McCall Patterns KcOT. Stagi* slat wilt help you tljois styl ishly at s modcrato expense by keeping you pelted on the Llest fashion* in clothes and hats, 60 New Fashion Design* In esch issue. Also vsluabJe Id format hm on all home and per sonal matters. Only 60c a yesr. Including a fro* pattern. Sub scribe today or send for free sample copy. HcCoB Patton* will enable yon to make In your own home, with your own binds, clothing for yourself and children which will be perfect I’rtce—none higher than IS cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. * •, W# WB Qv* Y*e Fia* fnmb for getting sub- your frlend «- bend for free / Premium Catalogue and Ctah Prise Offer. Stop in at The Seals Pharmacy and (ting of pregnancy, or sickness caus-jfct* a f f ee sample of ZEMO and ZE- trd by over indulgence the night be- j M 0 SOAP. t ire. | The surest and moat economical »f your meals don't digest but lle| ,?eatment for eczema, pimples, dan- ie a lump of lead in your stomach: | < ,u ^ an( * diseases of the skin and If >ou have foul breath and loss cf! ® ca *P- not neglect this. T iey petite, a few MI-O-NA tablets win j vil1 ** ve > ou prompt relief and put put your stomach in fine shape In j on roai * t0 a cure - Good for short order. infants as well as grown persons. If you or any of your family auf-j ——————— ter from stomach trouble of any kind. fi()TPYX KlRNTYPlII C get a GO cent box of MI-O-NA stom- j * ifS 7? - Ach tblets at once. O. R. Brinson & j •~~*~~*~* s ~ s * t ****~* , * % ~ s ~*** s ~* .20, and drugffUU er.ry.here mai* 0 **- mon«r tick pl«n. % jf [Apr. 13. », M»F «. .» ^