Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 17, 1911, Image 8
*tmmm WAYCR03S EVEN ING HERALD Valid Seasons Why Yon Should Gi -Patronage: Us Year First Second Third It is CONCEEDED we have M\DE GOOD ON EVERY PROPOSITION we have OFFERED. We have made it possible for you to buy your goods at Strictly Cash Prices and get 30, 60 and 90 days to pay for them. Thus enabling you to furnish your Home Without Extra Co^t. On all Installment Accounts that make their weekly or monthly payments at our office We Give Ten Per Cent Trading Coupons That Are Worth Their Face Value in Trade at Our Store. Fourth Fifth We witi save you Money on Your Purchases it matters not whether you buy for Cash or on Time. Sixth Seventh EIGHTH We carry the best Selected Stock in the City; From the Cheapest to the Finest of the Latest Designs. All of our Goods are Bright, Fresh and New. We have no Shop Worn Stock. We are Constantly Offering Great Values. At all times searching the best Markets of the Country in order to be able to offer you good goods at Low Prices. It will Pay you to Trade with us. We Appreciate Your Patronage and Extend every Courteous Treatment. Our Financial Responsibility and Business Standing Justifies us in asking for your Trade. )h/ The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Goci 16 PLANT AVE WaikertM Furniture Company. PHONE 499 c ■>< ONI. LIBRARY SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL OPENS OPENED TODAY FOR DAYS SESSION TWO Thousand* of Visitors From All Parts ' Of The World In Attendance. Toronto. ry boardu many atnu tttiio nre nt the «*!«*’ ‘Ontario l. opened he :>nt . April 17. -The libra- »f nearly all large n,,, H visit i*r ell lea and town* of On j |mm| isprescnted by delegatus j j F ■nth annual meeting of th rnr> Association which j JO at the Public Library fen II I .mid.» irk of tin elatlo of the Ulna the library the RubJiHv cussed by •duration r ehildtVT the April 17.— Thousands of ora from all parts of the world, i of them from various Hritisli i and from the Failed States, are ered together at Stratford-on-Avon I fend the opening today of the of this year's two Shakespeare vals The festival which I in the old town o nthe Avon today j will continue until May <* and M*'- j Pens m and his company, assisted u/ ; players from London, will «lve' dally j performances at the Memorial Then- jter. The program will comprise pracl ported from the grand jury, which i .er today to resume its investigation '"'he Indictmeut of K. X. Leseur, son :n law of ex-speaker ('annon, on * porjtuy charge, la Raid to be one of the most pressing matters before the rtnnd jury. Mr. Lcseuer, who made a fortune out of the local street rail way system and who Is now president • ;f ihe Danville National Hank, sailed for Du rope last month soon after th von investigation was begun. GEORGIA LIBRARY A CONFERENCE FOR EDUCATION thmef. days session of this ORGANIZATION COMMENCED \ODAY. AT ATHENS, GA. ttralljr all the Hard f >ur noted laj stery play by the Opened Their Annual Session Simul taneously Here Today. SOCIALIST SUICIDE AT PHILADELPHIA THt SOUTH MEETS AT JACK SONVILLE THIS WEEK. .la.kse ‘our teen I eotiferen vllle, Fla., April 17.—The! of the the the tr.t ee for -Falucntton •ets in Jacksonville this ween ee days' session This organ!- hldi has been doing splendid i past few years. Is one of unique in the South. Its un- Athens. Gn., April 17.—With a largo! number of members In attendance !. nth annual meeting of the Georgia I Library Association opened here to- j day. to remain In session until Wed nesday. The executive committee i held a meeting tlds morning and the | rest of the day was devoted to social J, iuL'fcourse between the visiting mem-, brs and sightseeing. The first busi- j ness session wil he held this evening I is unusually Interesting and Includes’ among other interesting features ad-, dresses by Dr. J. H. T. McPherson, t president of the Georgia Library Asso- i '•aMon and Mr. Henry E. Leglor, lib-i r.tiian of the Chicago public library. ! Miles City, twenty-tilth u Montana Ste and the tweu tauul April 17.—The neetlng of the rs Association sixth annual conven- •kgr. tion of the Easerit Montana Wool growers Associate afmultuneously her for three day j . j defying idea Is to interest laymen in r I'hllndvlp'.ila. April 1«.—I.raxlua nj Uliwi'Ni a» a civic reap-MHlhlllty. ! ttpen letter addressed to lit* Soelallat j Witlm Its membermhlp arc prominent party in which he romlcuinoil the hna-1 men of nearly every walk In lire. Ineaa men of Ibis country ami urged) whose , bjeet In liar.dlnp ttviether Is j Statistic compiled by the federal authorities show the mutual benefits that have resulted to the Philippines, Cuba and he Failed States through the reducton or abolition of duties on many articles of trade. This Is rets el procity, and the facta make the standpatters groggy. They cannot ex plain them away. haw nhich opened 1 that the work for Socialism be eon- to reduce the pereenlaKe of Illiteracy. - *lav. io coniinue , Hnued. I’anlel Klaaam Voiinp. a well- and thereby raise the standard of J jf«n cannot folk and net like Govern j Socialistic topics. J clttaenship. | or Wilson of New Jersey without run- RuYAL $ BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Oght Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts and the food Is finer, more tasty, cleanly and wholesome than the ready made found at the shop or grocery. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. thousand members of thus liAtlen and other visitor* Aw interestloit program ha* lu*ei pant'd for the three days of the two conventions and the most notable feaunre are the races, riding, calf- branding and steer-tying contests Which will be held dally and to the wlner* of whlfh Jhandaotne prizes will bo awarded at the close of the' gathering. Tbt ' urden of the conference this ,\ll| he the adptntion of edttca* it Jlfe. and more particularly to ao organ ■ commPed suicide by taking cyanide this city potaasium today nt hi* home In ».>en prn- j Narbrvfh, a suburb of this city. Ills body wan discovered by a maid j th* rtral life of the South. The pro- j„ pi, employ. jsmiir.ee of Ihe ycneral meetlnss and the teveral deparmental meetings tnd 'onnd table conference* will pro vide f .r the discussion of various phaa es ft, titia central theme. ....... J i ■■■«*■ ■■ . ! alng very grave risk o fhaving the; »eople trust ihe Presidency on them. D WE GRAND JURY III SESSION! SEEDS Good Meat is Not Hard For You to Get FiCSfc, RtUswteJpBr* 'jssssssssss: iNCiii orrn FOR fO CENTS w*«tn ‘ The Amherst protestor who has de- j dared swearing la the universal lang* Danville. HI. April 17.—Interesting uage and 1* necca*ary muat have been Cannon ••F'oriia reports a cabbage held jpHghlBg fourteen pound*." says an development In relation to the allege t brought up In the **Vnde J- wxchinc*- Political or patch variety, election fraud* In thl* Jistrlct are ex- achool of philology. ‘ ■FTF FAMOUe COLUCTION SSSeSsL- • S I GT | m ha) ri»Mi lit No matter how much trouble it is for us to get it, you have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh i Meats of all kinds. - A fresh supply just received. New City Market, A. J. BURKHALTER, Prop. ' 19 Albany Ave. Phone 427. ) i