Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 20, 1911, Image 1
' V . ' ■BPS m? ! *■ - *f • E Tv 9 ' AW - Evening Herald. volume XVIII BIDS FOR NEW COUNTY JAIL <# ▼32 . The bldg for the new county jal! W al Iturned in this morning by 32 o’clock. Pour bids were made each acconiprtni dewith a certified check for $2,500. 1 ho bids will be opened at 1 o’clock but final decision wH| probably Be layed until inspection of several up- todate jails have been made. The plans for the jail show a very comniodious structure. For sometime the question of a concrete building frez been discussed, but so far the matter is open. Opinion seems tp lean in favor of a brick building t3 correspond with the Court House, le old building adjoining the t House are for sale, and the Jail will probably be built a lit- 'tie to the left of the Court house and to face Albany Avenue. THE SEWERAGE AT GILCHRIST PARK Alderman C. A. LeCount has now completed preliminary survey for the proposed new sewerage to Kings Daughter's hospital and Gilchrist Park and finds a good level can be secured There will be more than 11,- 0C0 feet to be laid. In a few days specifications will be prepared and bids advertised for for the construc tion of the sewer. , WAYCROSS, GA, THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1911 NUMBER 140 LOCAL FIRM HAS LOWEST BID PARK MOR RAN COMPANY GIVES LOWEST BID FOR JAIL. . NEW OPTICAL FIRM OPENED CHILD WELFARE The bids for county jail were open- I at 1:30 and were as follows: Paully 'Jail Company, Brick, $31,- 194.50; Concrete $35,467.43 South Eastern Jail Company, Brick* $34,985.00, Concrete $37, 009.00. Park Mor Ran Company, Concrete $34,984.00; Brick $33,995.50. The bids were very close, but tho lowest bid as will bo seen above was given by the local firm of Par Mor Ran Company and they will probably secure the job. Mr. Morgnn. senior member of the firm, was the builder ot the Roman Catholic Priest home also the concrete bridge on Tebeau April 20.—Ar- [ street and is an experlnced builder FELONY CONVICTS The joint meeting of County Com missioners and the City Council of Waycross, that was called for today is postponed until the next reguia> aleeting of county commissioners on r First Tuesday in May. The pricipal matter for discussion tween these two important bodies j Central ill the qusetion of the Felony Con- • will he THEDEKOVEN MALE QUARTETTE MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 24TH— THE ELEVENTH NUMBER OF THE LYCEUM COURSE. The last number of the Lyceum course for the season of 1910-11 be given uext Monday evening at tho School Auditorium. This >ne of tho best numbers of that the county loans to tlie the course. ci*y for street work. The position ! The quartette is made up of selee- taken by the County Commissioners trd vocalists who sing many of the 18 that unless the city is willing to. old songs. ut.- the convicts to build up in first j They Introduce many novel featur- class style the important thorough-: et, making the entertainment highly fares leading to Court House, the Interesting. Every number will bo county will take away the gang and build the streets themselves. T.'iey point out with a great degree of truth, tha here is not a single street that runs through the city to Washington, rangements are about completed for|°* the « e contract*. Another In- ^ ^ c()ulUy , road8 good con . the second International Congress on' Etance of WaycroBS Enterprise, Sl.ild Welfare, which is to assemble We beg to call attention to an- . other valuable addition to the medic al or optical fraternity of Waycross. The Seminole Optical Company have opened extensive offices Southern Building and are now pre pared and equipped to do first class optical work for Waycross. They will be wecome by many and we hope for them a successful career here next week under the auspices of tho National Congress of pothers. The sessions will last an entire (week. The addresses and discussions will treat of the relations and duties of home, school, church and state to child welfare. Each phase of the general subjects will be discussed by eminent specialists. Prominent persons from all parts of the United States and Canada and from several of the countries of Eu rope have accepted invitations to take part in the congress. ADVERTISE L, IN THE HERALD Subscribe tor Waycross Evening Herald. old reliable BIRTHDAY OF THE RULER Bucharest, April 20.—The seventy- second birthday anniversary of King Charles was Joyously celebrated throughout Roumanla today. Messa ges of congratulation were received by the King from many of the rulers of Europe. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. FOR RE8ULT8. ditlon with the possible exception m the Blackshear Road. They claim that the county at much trouble and expense are building, and keeping in repair good road to the cJfy line and that the city Is falling to fix up the main road to meet them. That county people claim that coming in from Waresboro and other points they would rather haul their-produce 10 miles over the county road than the 1 1-2 in the city limits. 'They further claim that the convicts are being used for private purposes to wit: they quote the aviation ground aa an example, sidewalk pavement alio for opening up road through private property or new property at' t thQ expense and neglect of the estab* ' Jlsbd public roads of the city. This is briefly tho position appar ently taken by the County Commis sioners, of course the city have an other .side of tho question. A Gentleman's Haberdasher It’s the natty little “Fixings” that lend grace and elegance to the summer man’s apparelnobby shirts, ties, pretty hosiery, with a dainty line of underwear. rendered with a spirit and harmony that will please the most critical. Don’t forgot the date—Monday, April 24th. WATER DOESN’T HINDER BAPTISTS DEATH OF MB. 8. F. FLOYD. Wllh deep regret we chronicle tho death of Mr. S. F. Floyd, at Hobo ken yesterday, and the funeral will take plnce today at about 4 o'clock. Floyd leave* a wlfo and four, children, tlireo girl* nnd one hoy. Mr. Floyd wns one of tho beBt known nnd most popular men of the community, a friend of all who knew him, kind-hearted and generous to a fault. When hlB health wna good ho was a keen progressive business man and had oxlcnslvo turpentine Inter ests, nnd wns for a long time con* ndeted with tho firm of Downing Co, Mr. Floyd's health hns been falling fur some time, and ho has been away In Asheville, N. C., for awhile hoping to recuperate, but disease had secur ed too Arm a hold and ho has at Inst succumbed end all who know him untie In mourning the death of 3. F. RIVERSIDE PARK Riverside Park, Col. Toomer's sub division has an Innovation, In the shape of a handsome automobile,! spelcally .made for tho purpose of J looking after and selling Riverside Pnrk property. 0 The auto is handsomely fitted up and nowly painted arid has. the name “Riverside Park" in gold letters in front. Altogether It Is a handsome and useful improvement tor this com pany. DR. J. B. PHILLIPS HAD A GREAT MEETING. Rain doesn’t bother the Baptists of Central Church a(ppare^tly, for last night despite the rainy weather tho church was well filled with a good congregation of earnest hear- Mr, and Mrs. Charles Butler sang ‘Shadows”, in their usually delight ful manner, and Dr. ■Phillips preach- groat sermon on subject, “Sow ing nnd Reaping, Whatsoever a Man Sows That Shall He Also Reap.” It was a most powerful and searching talk nnd the mighty truth frankly given were blessed by the Holy Spir it in the hearts and lives of many who were present. Tonight Dr. Phillips will deliver a special sermon on “The Sin That Damns", and all are invited to hear it. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are arrang ing a special musical service to begin at 7:15. These great meetings will close on Sunday njght, and no opportunity should be lost to hear these speakers and singers for God. CANADA’S NAT. ART GALLERY BAPTIST MIS. To look and feel “summery” is an easy matter to a man who trades here. Floyd. No matter what a man's size is, or what his taste may be, we can fit him in suits. H. C. Seaman CITY COURT. Two cases wore tried in the City Court this morning before Judge J. C McDonald. O. P Mattocks plead guilty to sell ing whiskey arid was sentenced to $250 or 12 months on the chain gang. A negro boy about 12 years old named Carl Jones, charged with lar ceny from house, plead guilty and was sentenced to $30 fine or 6 months on the gang. SEMINOLE OPTICAL CO. strictly optical parlor. No other business connected. You will not have to leave the city to get your glasses now. Save the time, expanse, and trouble of going away. We are well equipped to give you the best work. We make a specialty of the Torlc Lenses and Kryptoc In visible Bifocals, also the standard mounting that will fit any nose, Office, Southern Building, Room 204, Phone 281. 20 ltd 1w Special To The Herald. Ottawa, Ont., April 20.—Few events have attracted the Interest of art c 'unolsetirs throughout the Dominion during the last few years in so great a measure as the opening today of National Art Gallery, of Canada, in this city. Iu view of the national linportanco the event His Excollency Earl Grey had boon requested to preside over tho opening ceremonies, which taavo attracted hundreds of distinguished vmitors, artists nnd art lovers, to this city. Tho collection Is large and contains representative works of nearly ail the noted pulnters of the Dominion. Columbia Musical Festival Opens Special To Tho Herald. Columbia, S. C., April 20.—Music- lovers from several states havo ar rived here to attend the three-days spring musical festival which openoo j here today. One of the attractions j is Victor Herbert, accompanied by i his famous orchestra and a number jot. noted soloists, Including Mme. j-Eleanora de Clsnoro, the mezzo so prano of the Chicago opera company, Mrs. Agnes Kimball, soprano; Ullla Knelling, contralto; Evan Williams, tenor; Harry J. fellows, F. Nerl De-’ Luca and Frank Croxton. Boston, Mass., April 20.--A two days' meeting was begun In Ford Hall today In celebration of the for* tteth anniversary of the Baptist Mis* sionary Society, which was organized in the Chardon Street Baptist church In this city in 3871. This afternoon Miss M. A. Green of Prlvidenco presented an address reviewing the history of the society and an historical poem was read by Rev. Henry Colby of Ohio. Tomorrow will bo devoted to the appeals or the missionaries and. tho claims of their work. A memorial service for departed officers and mis sionaries will conclude the anniver sary. FOR 8ALE. Three cholco rosidence lots for ale, cheap; Brunei and Marlon streets. Apply to A. P. Peril am, 8r., nt Herald office right now. 10 lOt / See notice ot cottage for rent by J* T. Beaton. TO MEMBER8 OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR You are urged to be preaent at choir practice at the church tonight at 7:30. We wlah to arrange all our muilc for Sabbath. Dr. J. O. Rlppard. Her. R. A. Brown. See those rheat5*"u! ehnpea Juat re ceived at the Bon Toni NO MATTER NOW PROMPTLY THE FIRE CADDIES mar roapond to pn alarm, or hew careful thor may be In their work ot aubdulng the flame*, there la alwayr considerable damage. THE FIRE INSURANCE COS. we repreaent pay all loaaea from Sr* or tram water used In putting out a Ore, A lUtle lota would coat yow many year*’ premiums. Think It over. A. M. Knigkt JS and c*on REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE agents.