Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 20, 1911, Image 4
V'AVCROSS EVENING HERALD SOAP! . .We have Just received a large quantity of Toilet Soap Packed three wrapped cakes to the box. Aasorlod colors We offer this for He the box. Gem Pharmacy T. S. PAINE, PHONE 52 P. 8. — DON'T FORGET THAT WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. IPersonal 1£ Miss Carrie Psrham Social Editor _ | Many a girl marries in baste and ; repents in the divorce court. Only a girl with tiny feet and a genuine complexion enjoys being caught la a rainstorm. THERE 18 A GOOD REASON WHY YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH U8, IF YOU DON’T KNOW, A8K YOUR NEIGHBOR. IF THEY DON’T KNOW, ASK US. IF YOU ARE FROM MISSOURI CALL TO SEE USi ,r,1Irl AND WE WILL SHOW YOU OUR! COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES j AND CONVINCE YOU! Mrs. J. L. Burch who has been ill for several days is better.. Judge A. P. Perham and Master Paris perham returned this morning short trip to Atlanta. HARDY BROS Miss Minnie Cole haB returned af v a short visit tp friends at Savan- Mr. Tom Paschal is at his post again at the Herald office, after be ing confined to his home for several Mrs. Sale Phelan of Montgomery will arrive Friday morning to lie the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Redding. Mrs. Redding will entertain fomor- nw afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Phelan and Mrs. Ham. McGregor Mayo Boardtng, Livery and Safes 3tablet. Tel jean 8t Wayrro.,H, Ga PHONE NO. 63. AT THE FRONT You have to be on your guard If you ar ecaught napping, It invites dif aster. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATES ARE NEVER 8LEEPY HEADS. They are sought nfter by men of affatra. Yfm find them in leading positions of trust. Our IMIM.OMA Is an open sesame to iKisitlun and preferment. Our specialty is to tit you for business, to make the iiny-roll larger; to In- ctease the salary of the “big roan.” Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Way crons, Ca. R. F. Zeigier, Pres. North Carolina Seed i Peanuts. Whipperwiil Peas, Clay Peas, Iron Peas Buy before they go higher TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. STOMACH PRESCRIPTION. Ask About Ml-o-na—It Give* Relief In Five Minutes. U. R. Brinson & Co., will tell you th&t they guarantee MI-O-NA to re lievo promptly and cure permanently all diseases of the stomach and in digestion or money back. Have yon gas on ytomneh? One or two MI-O-NA stomach tab lets and the misery is ended. . Are you bilious, dizzy or nervous? MI-O-NA stomach tablets will put yen right In a day; give relief in 10 n inutes. Now, dear reader, don’t go on svt ft ring with stomach trouble. Be fair Col. A. P. Spence returned last night from a pleasant trip in t’offeo county. Col. Spence and his four brothers drove through Coffee county tq visit relatives and held a sort of family* reunion that they, much en joyed BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs. J. W. Bellinger entertained at Bridge yesterday afternoon in com pliment to Mrs. W. II. Ham, who la Mrs. H. S. Reddings' guest, and Miss Kvingham f^oble who is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Wadley. The attractive home had been made dou- attractlve for the occasion with lovely decorations. Mrs. Marsh was awarded a dainty work bag for mas- lag top score. The guest prize, a lovely fan and exquisite pair of silk sto< kings were presented Mrs. Ham anu Mlsg Noble. Mrs. Bellinger’s guests were, Mrs. W. H. Ham, Miss Noble, Mrs. Eustace Sirmans, Mrs. T. \V. Morrlaon, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. J. G. Steinhelmcr, Mrs. Rad Hitch, Mrr. Ben Redding, Mrs. J. E. Wad- ley, Mrs. R. P. Izlar, Mrs. O. A. Ihelan, Mrs. Walter Young, Mrs. Mobley, Miss Lockhart, Miss Paine, Mrs. II. S. Redding. MARRIED Last night at nine o’clock at the GREAT SPECIAL VALUES IN Stylish Dress Goods Newest Weaves Exclnsive Designs The values are the be^t that spot cash and big purchasing can procure. Do Not Miss See ing our fine Line. OUR Millinery Department Here Today; Gone Tomorrow That will probably be the story of these Stylish Timmed Hats Pity we haven’t room to tell about all the other good things, biq come and see them. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS. I ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo' to yourself; throw aside prejudice home of Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Brown, Now In Waycross * E. R. Toeqne, of Savannah Desires to announce that after an absence of several months he has fully recovered his former good health and is again ready to serve his cus tomers and the general public in the Dry Cleansing and Pressing line. His work is well kown as the kind that is giving the best satisfaction to tils patrons. Soliciting your favors. E. R. TOCQUE, Mgr Tocque’s Dry Cleansing & Pressing Phone 345 45 Pendleton 8t. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers." Clear Havana Filled Cigars. 4Aanuf«ctu r ed In Waycross, Ga-, % PITTMAN CIGAR CP Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOFS! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI- ■CES reduced 50c to i5c Per Basket •FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT Me. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A ■FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA. BLES AND FRUIT8, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS 8AVE MONEY BY CALL- ING PHONE 632, GOODS DELIVER ED BEFORE PHOrtE IS RANG OFF. N. A. Joseph, IH0. 52 ANDS4 PLANT AVENUE. mid try MI-O-NA. It is a great doc tor’s prescription. No doctor ever wrote a better one. And money back if you don’t say MI-O-NA i* worth its weight In gold. Sold by G. K. Brinson & Co., and leading druggists every where. 50 cents a largo box. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson says: “Pains and distress in my stomach and n general stomach coroplant was en tirely cured for me by the use of two hexes of Ml-o-na stomach tablets.’’-— 50$ Pearl st., Ypsilanti. Mich. Write Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y„ for free trial sample. Apr. 20, May 2 11 Mrs. Sarah Charlotte Jeffers of this cliy, and Mr. Frederick Jackson Mills of Quitman were married in tl:*» presence of a few friends and rel atives. Rev. Brown officiating, Mrs. Jeffers is well known in the city and has a large number of friends here. Ms. and Mrs. Mills will make their home In Quitman, Ga. o oo <>0000000 o O T J CARSWELL PH. G-. M. D. Diseases of Children; Diseases of Women; Obtterics. Residence 16$ Plant Ave. Phone 515. Office In Walker Building Phone 52S. 0000-000000 Valdosta is to have a big musical festival which will continue through Friday night, Saturday matinee and Saturday night. Friday night programme will be given mostly by local talent with n chorus of 200 vole e<, also a chorus of 150 children. The choruses have been in training for O' ibe past month. For Saturday nf- O j ternoon and night Damrosch’s Or O chcstra front New York with a num- Ojber of vocal stars will be heard. Mis. Eugene Downer DImmock and Miss Clyde Lott will go over to Val dosta to attend the festival. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD FOR RESULTS. Foley Kidney PtUs a tv tonic In so -Gon, Quick In remits, sad restore tie natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct IrrsgularlUas. Ml Pharmacy. Big Line Easter Novelties Chikcns, Rabbits, Candy, Etc., also Pretty Cards at Family Groceries Every good housekeeper appreciat es a good reliable grocer. That’s what we claim to be. We give at all timos the Best and Freshest in the market, and at prices that make the other fellow’s open their eyes. Our corn meal is ground fresh every day. MAY’S MILL AND FEED 8T0RE. Phone No. 3. KRYPTOK FAS vision Without in the lens You read and look afar with equal facility, but no one ob serve* that you are wearing bifo cal* because the usual ‘‘lines” are absent Wear the genuine KRYPTOKS awhile and you will never willingly return to old- style bifocal glasses. Now your eyeglass troubles end. Consider the joy of the eyeglass wearers who have found In the STANARD EYEGLASSES, All that you have wished for in comfort and security. We can give you a degree of comfort you may have believed impossible. I^To matter what shape your nose. Seminole Optical Co. Office 204 Southern Building. Ph ne 281. Waycross. Ga. Tho Toric lens increases the field of vision. REV. BOB JONES PAYS RESPECTS TO WOMEN Atlanta, Ga., April 20.—“Modern Woman” was terribly arraigned by KBob Jones, the evangelist, In a ■»rmon to women only at St. Paul’s Methodist church here Sunday. He took as his text the verse, “She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” Mr. Jones did not presume to say that there were not still many women, but he declared that'Voa kind as a whole, as represented by ‘modern womanhood’ had fallen from her pedestal, and was too often “dead” to modesty, “dead” to the fine sensibilities of old, dead to the real ization that motherhood was woman’s highest duty. ►. ij V-awi Mr. Jones has just completed a successful two-weeks revival service here. He will preach within the near future at Blakeley, Ga., and Hawkins* Tl »e- , i. THE SEALS PHARMACY TIH2 BBULI QTOIMt TENNESSEE JY, M. C. A. MEETS Special To The Herald. Jackson, Tenn., April 20.-—‘‘Thc Men and Religion Forward Move uent ’ is the special theme for con sideratlon at the Y. M. C. A. Stat« vention which opened here toda; S’ v ftu an unusually large attendance £ to remain in session until Sunday. ♦ One of the special t m .aturea of the program Is a great evangelistic meet* irg for men, to be addressed by Wo. Bryan. 1 ” OHIO STATE LEAGUE 8TART8 Newark. 0„ April 20.—The reor ganized Ohio State League starts ia session today with each of the 6lgfat clubs optomlstlc over Its chances for the pennant. Th erace starts with Lancaster playing at Chlllicothe, Morion at Springfield, Lima at Ham ilton, and Portsmouth at Nowark. The schedule calls for 14) games, with the finish on Labor Day. WEDS BRITISH ARMY OFFICER. Special To The Herald. Ottawa, Ont., April 20tb.—Christ Church Cathedral w'as thronged witr distinguished members of society to day upon the occasion of the wedding of Miss Lola Beatrice Powell, third daughter of the late W. F. Powell and Mix. Powell, of this city, to Captain Eric Montague Seton Charles, Royal Engineers, Dublin. STOOD ON HIS HEAD ALL NIGHT AND LIVED Auburn, V. Y., April 20.—Charles Stokes, a laborer, Is a patient at a ] sonnel of players and managers.^ local hospital after standing on his l.ttam on the circuit has signed many head all night, a prisoner in a nar- new players and five of the six clubs row grain chute into which he had j tave new managers at the helm, fallen head first. Opening Day In Virginia League, Lynchburg. Va., April 20.—With all signs pointing to a successful sea son and a closely contested pennant- race, the Virginia League opens its season today. Danville opens at Richmond, Petersburg at Norfolk and Fnanoke at Lynchburg. \ The league this year is virtually a new organization as regards thejf thejmjer- rs.4ffih The mishap occurred in the barn of John Hunter, a local attorney. Stokes entered the barn to seek a night's lodging, It is said, and in walking about'In the dark, plunged into the chute. Hi* arms were pinned to his side and, unable to move, he was fcrced to inhale tho suffocating grain chaff all night. He was discovered by a companion, who summoned the police. When pulled out Stokes was,black In the face but apparently uot se riously hurt. American Philosophical 8ociety. 8fecial To The Herald. Philadelphia, Pa., April 20.—Scien tists from all parts of the Unlfd»i States and Canada are In attendance at the general meeting of the Amer en Philosophical Society, .which opened here today for a session ex* tc over three days. One of the most interestia* fea tures of the convention win be a lec ture of Prof. Srante Arrhenli^of Stockholm, of the physical condition of the planet Mara. V