Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 20, 1911, Image 5
& AN ARGUMENT If you are not buying your groceries from us you are making a mis take, for we are offer ing big inducements for ithe economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very best of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the lowest cut prices. Read our advertisements; give us one month’s ac count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at 5c pound. C h i ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where ' you find everything except high prices. SPECIAL SALVATION ARMY MEETINGS Adjutant Wm. S. Quirk and Corps Cadet Keither White of Atlanta will conduct a special servlco in the Par ker cla38 room Thomas street near !C.. Friday 21st, 7:30 p. ra. Staff Capcala and Mrs. Crawford, •with their Assistant Ensign, Maude I JIolz, will also conduct a special ser-, I vice In the Parker class room, Mon- j . day night next at 7:30 p. m. \ Salvation Army Monster Open Air Meeting. Several Staff Officers of the y.’my, some of whom are giving a special service in the Parker class room, others passing through the town only, v ill conduct a rousing open air meet ing Monday. 0:45 p. m. W. M. WILSON, Mgr. i Wilson Block. Phone 128 r ♦o»ooo<x>oooooo»o» OUR WORK fa so perfect that It Is really a pleas ure to sit and look at your linen after we return It to you. There is a sort of freshness about all of CUR LAUNDERING that you do not find in others’ work. We take particular pains with uJrite bosom shirts for dress occas ions, and launder them “spotlessly white.” A postal will bring our wag- ot for your collection. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A McCollough and family desire to .return ^hanks to their kind friends of Waycriss and vicinity who so thoughtfully nnd loUngly supplied quanities of beau tiful flowers to decorate the bier and grave of their dead son and brother yesterday, and in other ways gave evidence of their sympathy in this tie hour of their sore bereavement. We will will always remember them with feelings of the deepest grati tude. J. P. CASON SMILING. Depifty sheriff J. P. Cason was smiling broadly this morning He ^ hat just returned fro mtaking to the | state poor house the escaped convict Columbus Hanks, that he captured the other day, and this morning's mail brought him a check for $50.00 re ward. This is tho convict that gave rise to a complication between two states and an applicaion fo rreauisi- tion as being guilty of a murder in FernandIna, Fla. PARK MOR RAND CO. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building, f RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. ■5 or 6 doses “666” will euro any cue ot Chins and Fover. Price 25 AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR Who does not know of the value of sage and sulphur for keeping the hair dark soft glossy and in good condi tion? As a matter of fact, sulphur is a natural element of hair, and a de ficiency of ft in the balr is held by many scalp specialists to be connected with loss of color and vitality of the hair. Unquestionably, there is no better remedy for hair and scalp troubles, especially premature gray ness, than sage and sulphur, if prop erly prepared. The Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put up an ideal remedy of this kind called Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy and authorize druggists to sell It under guarantee that the money will be re funded if It falls to do exactly as represented. This preparation is offered to tho public at fifty cents a bottle and is recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY. Try discounting your burdens by counting your blessings. 21 tf ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. Mammoth Exhibition or Ladles HAND BAGS PURSES and ul' sorts of LEATHER GOODS at the LaGrande Hotel within the next week ARE YOU INTERESTED? and would you like to see them and make a selection from the largest Tundnomcst and swellest line that will come South this year?. If so telephone us right awr.y and m will let you know when to come. You will remember that we exhibited the pret* tlst line last year that ever came to Waycrois. This exhibition Is better still. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION DE PARTMENT IN SOUTH GEORGIA, 18 OU RAIM. TELEPHONE 99. Central Pharmacy. Yonng-RobertsoD Drug Co., Prop. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Makes Home Baking Easy SAVES FLOUR BUTTER EGGS And makes the cake lighter, tlner flavored, more sightly, and Insures Its freedom from alum. Royal Cool Book—800 Receipts—Free. Send Name and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. HEY ILL GROW AND SO L MONEY IN OUR BANK AT THE MAJESTIC Claus, Radcliffe and Claus, Comedy Singers and Eccentric Dancers CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch co-v; must be gentle, and fresh in milk. Mii. W. W. Sharpe, 46 Gilmore street. 3? *t. FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms at 22 Gilmore street. 25 tf FOR SALE—Cabbages, $1.80 per crate; greens, $1.40, per 70 pound ^ack. Freshly cut and packed, only when ordered. Stock tender and de ferable. J. Scarborough & Son, Sa vannah, Ga. 4-6-law 3w FOR RENT—To couple or to a lady; a nice large furnished front room, near the LaGrande Hotel; rent low. Lady often alone and wants company. Address J. C. R. Box 236. 30 tf GOLF TOURNAMENT AT LAKEWOOD OPENS Special To The Herald. Lake)ood, N. j„ April 20.—With the opening today of the annual Si ring Golf tournament of tho Lake- wood Country C-Iub the competitive golf season of the metropolitan dis trict was fairly initiated. The tournament will last three days and the feature event is the teUm match open to teams of four members representing clubs in the United States Golf Association. PROVIDE FOR YOUR BABIES BY PUTTING MONEY IN OUR SAV INGS DEPARTMENT. WE PAY 4 PERCENT INTEREST, COMPOUND- ED QUARTERLY, AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION MAK- ES IT ABSOLUTELY SECURE. CAPITAL $200, .06 DEPOSITS $410,000 RESOURCES $700,000 First National Bank OF WAYCROSS . - - • • Georgia Waycross. Archbishop Farley's Birthday Special To The Herald. New Vork, April 20.—The Most Rev. John M. Farley, head of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of New York, received many congratulations today on the occasion of the sixty- ninth anniversary of his birth. WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENT8, CALL, OH WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HI8 PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. BENTONS’ BENTONS’ BENTONS’ NEW GOODS FOR SPRING STYLES Japonika Silks IN MAN 8PRING SHADES, SPECIAL 25o 30c 35c and 48c FOR 8ALE—GIrla bicycle, new. Apply Mlsii E’.len Goodrich, .lane street. 12 t FOR REN—Furnlihed room 5 church street. 14 If. . L08T—Heifer, ten months old, un marked, color red and white. Infor mation will be appreciated by Mra. O. M. Webster. 15 tf FOR RENT—Newly furnished 10cm, close in .Apply Herald office. St True friendship is as beautiful as ., U Is rare. In happiness added Joy; In trouble a needed comforter. One of the tragedies of the century would involve compelling .those per sons to take Lorlmer back who “put him over” at Springfield, by that $100,000 bribery fund. -2- FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. L. McConnell. Catherine, BL, El mira, N. Y„ writee: "1 wleh to expreee my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley', Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad caee of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work moet effectively end proved to me bovond a doubt It lx the most re liable Kidney medicine I have ever ‘aken." Gem Pharmacy FOR deSULTS. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. Foulards! Foulards! SPECIAL 60c 76c 95c Mesaline 36-INCH WIDE, VERY BE8T QUAL ITY! ALL COLORS. SPECIAL, #1.25. Cotton Voiles ALL COLOR8, PLAIN, SATIN 8TRIPE, RIBBON STRIPE, SPECIAL 18c 22c 25c 35c 40c 75c White Linens 36-INCH WIDE SPECIAL, 20c 25c 35c and 50c New Styje Fans kinds—Just Beau- All tiful 5c to $3.00 NEW LOT Figured Lawn Special at lO cts. yd. White Demity 10c 12 1-2c 15c 20c White Wool Stripe Suiting SPECIAL FOR SUITS AND SKIRTS SPECIAL, 60c YD. Ladles’ Jabots and Collars SPECIAL VALUES, ..10c 15c 25c 45c VISIT OU RREADV-TO-WEAR DE PARTMENT, 2ND FLOOR BARGAINS IN ’ LADIES’ COATS. SKIRTS, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ALL READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS, AMERICAN LADY C0R8ET8. Ladies’ White Canvas 1-STRAP PUMP8. NEW LOT 8PECIAL #1.9 Children’s and Misses ’ White Canvas •STRAP PUMPS, NEW LOT 8PECIAL 90c, and 98o m Childrens’ and Misses* One Strap Pumps PAT. LEATHER, OU NMETAL, TAN AND VICI, 76c 85c 98c #1.29 #1.90 #2.00 ToddShoes, Slippers,Pumps, AND TIES FOR LADIES. LADIES 1AND 2 STRAP PATENT LEATHER PUMP8, SPECIAL, #1.50 #2.00 #2.90 and #3.00 Ladies’ Pumps, 6LIPPERS, TIES, IN PAT. LEATH. FR, GUN METAL, TAN, VICI, 8UEDE, VELVET. MANY NEW SPRING 8TYLE8, SPECIAL VALUES #2.50 (3.00 #3.50 and (4.00 American Lady Corsets, i Kabo Corsets, Kneeland Oxfords IN MANY STYLES, PAT. LEATHER, Tompson’s Glove Fitting| TAN 0UN MerAL AND v,c '- 8PE * F . CIAL #1.50 #2.00 1160 ##.00 Corset. | for kzn, snappy shapes: TOMPSONS GLOVE FITTING COR- UNION MADE, PAT. LEATHER. GUN BE.-. 'METAL, TAN, VICI 13.50 #4.00 H. J. Benton & Co kiirVf-sf 'Are IBbS