Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 20, 1911, Image 8
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD Valid Reasons Why You Should Gite Us Your Palronafle: First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh EIGHTH It is CONCEEDED we have M ^DEJGOOD ON EVERY PROPOSITION we have OFFERED. We have made it possible for you to buy your goods at Stridlly Cash Prices and get 30, 60 and 90 days to pay for them. Thus enabling you to furnish your Home Without Extra Co^l. On all Installment Accounts that make their weekly or monthly payments at our office We Give Ten Per Cent Trading Coupons That Are Worth Their Face Value in Trade at Our Store. We will 'save you Money on Your Purchases it matters not whether you buy for Cash or on Time. We carry the best Selected Stock in the City; From the Cheapest to the Finest of the Latest Designs. All of our Goods are Bright, Fresh and New. We have no Shop Worn Stock. We are Constantly Offering Great Values. At all times searching the best Markets of the Country in order to be able to offer you good goods at Low Prices. It will Pay you to Trade with us. We Appreciate Your Patronage and Extend every Courteous Treatment. Our Financial Responsibility and Business Standing Justifies us in asking for your Trade. 16 PLANT AVE. The Store ol Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good. Walker-Hood Furniture Company. PHONE 499 OF PAST WEEK Columbus, Ga., April 2«»—The Geor- Kia mid Alabama Industrial Index •ays In Us regular weekly Issue: "Althointh Inflicting severe losses. In some instances practically wiping out the huslnesa portion of the com munity. the extensive fires In several Georgia and Alabama towns within recent weeks will pave the way for improvements which otherwise might have been Indefinitely delayed. At Fayette. Ala., where the flames de vastated the entire business section, the worn of reconstruction has begun j a new (300,000 electric light and I power plant. A (130,000 lumber com pany was chartered at Pansey. Ala. Talladega county, Alabama, nwnrded of the maintenance of the service is about (2,230,000 a year. The general superintendent of the service is Sumner 1. Kimball, who contract for remodeling Its court j held this pvsitlon ever since it house. Dougins. Ga., Cuba, Ala., Fort j "at created fort yyears ago, and in Valley, (la , and Cornelia. Ga. will • his annual reports there has appeared vote on IhmdB for public improve | more unintentional romance than In tuenra. Marahnjlvllle, Ga., -awarded j any other document that come from contract for the erection of n (100,*'the Government Printing office. 000 school building. The new hotel i — that is to he erected at Macon, Ga.,! TO FLY OR DIE. will he a 10-story structure, and, In- eluding cost of site and furnishings,! Col. .1. S. Berger seems to be up will represent an luvestm *nt of (600,; against it in Savannah. Its a ease 000. j o p "fly or die," according to The Sa- •A new fertilizer factory and oil I v.-.^zinh Netvs. in earnest, and the n ‘of modem, attractlv Ion. Ga.. a number destroyed were handsome, substan tial structures whoso destruction Is a great loss, and yet the net result of the Are In that city will be a more modern business section. The same la true of other places where fires occurred, although these two are con •pleuous on account of the magni tude of the losses. **A week of splendid progress Is reported by the two states. The new rorp yratloua formed are 1S In num ber, with capital stock of (t.f*l3,6O0. mill are to be established at Moul trie, Ga. A phosphate e *mp:— Union City, Ga., will.double the capac ity of its plant. A company wrv ....J chartered to build a railroad from a buildings nrej ,u),nt nt ‘ nr Ga., to Thomasville. ype. In Dal-1 0 *-** the buildings J — FORTY YEARS OF IFF SAVING Washington, D. C., April 20—To day marked the fortieth anniversary ot the establishment of the United States life saving service. An act of April 20, 1871, authorized the ^5oc* l nde Sam I: a pretty hard propo sition to tackle, and Br.>. Berger ap pears to have sailed pretty close to tiio wind. The absurd statements published about Aviation Trusts, etc., are very amusing. Especially the in terview relating fb Mr. Joe Downey. {When we remember he was frank enough to state when in Waycrosa, that he did not pretend to he an avia tor, only an exhibitor, and did not even take his machine out of the freight car here. Our sympathies] j generally lean towards the underdog: * c 0rn 'but In this case, we think the gulled public are the underdogs, and if these men are deliberately gulling the pub lic, we have an idea Uncle Sam will IliiU out the truth. If they can fly, we hope they will; hut the cards jzeem against them just now. REMAKABLE SPECIMEN AT CAPITOL MUSEUM Atlanta, Ga., April 20.—-A new ana altogether remarkable specimen has been added to the freaks of the mu seum at the capitol. While two lit tle children of Lieutenant Robinson of the county police were playing on their father's farm Sunday afternoon they killed a queer snake and brought 1* to town. It was about three feet long, and thick ns a man's thumb. It had .a head shaped like an eel, and while t« belly waa soft and scaly like that of an ordinary snake, its back was a hard, long shell, almost like glass in its smoothness arid solidity, to make the thing moro curious, it had two long slits along its sides, hich, apparently, had opened and shut like a bellows when It breathed On its tail there was a short, horned stiuger. Apparently there was poison hag. New banks are reported for Clove- oiapm su, isii, auinoru.cu me wre-j ... «... ^ . . I Alderman Sinclair states he voted land. Ala., Slugletou, Ala., and Dar-; rotary of the Treasury to establish i Jen, On. At Augusta. Ga.. there was statlous on the coast of l.ong Island* chartered a $600,000 granite com winy and New Jersey, and to employ crews I A company was Incorporated with J of trained surfirien at «a compensationI $250,000 capital at Macon, Ga., to | r.ol to exceed (40 a month, promote and assist in Southern de- Subsequent legislation has extend- veMpiuent. Among the many land ; ed the service to all the ocean and dealt reported was the purchase of' lake coasts of the country. 'At the gome 25,000 acres of timber In Pierce'dose of the last fiscal year the llfe- and Wtype county, Georgia, by a saving establishment embraced 281 ttewly formed $200,000 lumber com-; stations, 201 being on the Atlantic pany. I coast, 60 on the lakes, 19 on the Pae- **A cotton mill In Jefferson county, j ifle roast, and 1 at the falls of the Atlanta, le to Increase from $220,000 to asatnst Alder map Brewer's motion to adopt "Reeds Parliamentary 'I-aWs** for guidance of City Council, as he proposes to suggest the adoption of “Mutqnis of Queensbury’s Rules,’* with Dr. Robinson as referee. Eastern League Opens Its Season. Providence, R. I., April 20.—The Eastern League opens its champion- snip season today, with Montreal, Its capital j Ohio, Louisville. Sineo ’87* the life j playing at Newark, Toronto at Bal- A* • b?ve riven afi*‘3 nearly 2?.*' ti mere. I?**chcp*fr at‘.TeV?cy City and'STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO ! Hall’s Catarrh Cure. CASE AGAINST CORN PRODUCTS COMPANY Montgomery, Ala., April 20.—The suit of the Dreyfus Brothers and oth- Montgomery concerns against the Products Refining Company came up for trial today. The Mont gomery concerns aver that the Corn Products Company and allied com panies form what is known as the Glucose trust and that the existence of the combine is t violation of t> * antitrust law. Wireless Stock Dealers On Trial. New York, April 20.—Col. C. C. Wilson and bis co-workers in the United Wireless Telegraph Company who are alleged to have swindlea small investors throughout the coun try out of several million dollars tbrough a stock selling scheme, were arraigned for trial today in the Uni ted States Circuit Court. The indictments charge the defen dants with misuse of the malls in a plan to defraud. Gave Up Hope “I suffered five years/with awfu! pains, due to woman ly troubles,” writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad- bourn, N. C. "They grew worse, till I would often faint I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting in my side; also a headache and a backache. „ , . I gave up and thought I would die, but'my husband urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the /first bottle helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, I could do all my work. All the people around here said I would die, but Cardui relieved me.” Cardui Woman’sTonic For more than 50 years, Cardui has been relieving woman’s sufferings, and making weak women strong and well. During this time, thousands of women have written, like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic remedy for women. Cardui strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. . Write to: Ladies’ Advisory Dept. Chittaooon Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tena.. for Special Instruction*, and 04-pace book. "HomcTrcatmcat lor Women,” sent bee. J <3 j Good Meat is Not Hard For You to Get * No matter how much trouble it is for us to get it> you have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh Meats of all kinds. A fresh supply just received. New City Market, A. J. BURKHALTER, Prop. 19 Albany Ave. Phone 427 be I, senior partner ot tbe Ann of P. J. Cheney £ Co., doing business in the City ot oledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said arm vIU pay the snm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for sack case of Catarrh that cannot he cared by the nse ot .*J i . ‘ realtyc; - . • t-OA eh!;, dllattera in' which 147.0b* 7*iT:ilo ;.t Ptov dehce. The >:■ j e*'*1' Ifii and norTeae wore !nvt:'v(.cl Vrt! 'pfr; !rty wit! ronttune until September — ’V*j tv railed at tI3S,WOjNO sired. The eihcdaie cslllr.- for 1M samce. I S • r.-, cMlt.+eV. txCci .foyer: jiny t.'.ueh cf the wy LUCAS COUNTY,)ss. FRANK S. CHENEY. comber. A. D. 1SSS. (Seat) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Core la taken in-j ternally, and acts directly on blood and mneous surfaces of the' system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Soy by all Druggists, 75c. Frrnk J. Cheney makes oath that in S-.-tlr-rre.M’f.Te teentt subecrlhej-j. k*ke -Wail£_Pantile PHis-for con- n-y pretence. thls^Ct'a day of De- >:i.->ot.'a •v • ' -