Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 21, 1911, Image 4
Personal Mias Carrie Perhem Social editor Mr. J. n. S.r.ieoas, of Atlanta, la a visitor in Wayeroas today. Col. Bryant, ot he Atlanta Journal In the city today. He la always .el oi.io '.litre. *CAND*4#LANT At 'HARM. Itinoiti; SOAP! ..We hav$ ju*t received a large quantity of TolJet Soap Packed three wrapped cakes to the boa. Assorted colors. We offer this far lie the box. Gem Pharmacy Ts. PAINE, PHONE S2 P. 8. -• DON'T FORGET THAT WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. THERE IS A GOOD REASON WHY YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH US. IF YOU DON’T KNOW, ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. IF THEY DON’T [KNOW, «A8,K US. IF YOU ARE I FROM MI880URI CALL TO SEE U8 |AND WE WILL SHOW YOU OUR .'COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES AND CONVINCE YOUI HARDY BROS STOP! Are you looking for a first clnsa | Boarding Stable? If so, we believe we can meet your requirements. Our terms are reasonable and can assure you of first class aeivlce. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Sales Stable*. Tebcau Bt. Waycro-s, Qa. PHONE NO. 6'J. p rmr See Miss Eddie Parnell, for yoiit millinery, new shipment of bats Jusi received. 21 2t A large number of Way cross peo ple attended the funeral of Mr. S. F. Floyd at Hoboken yesterday. Phone 72 or 443 for fresh cream pot's, maccaroons, pound cake or tea cakes, Waycross Bakery. Mrs. J. C. Ballaw f of Washington. D. C., is in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs, l^ang on Eads street. Mrs. D. D. Raybon and little dau ghter Ordell, of Lake Como, Fla., are in the city guests of Mr. and Mrs. •V. F. Raybon. Miss Eddie Parnell has just receiv ed big new shipment of hats. See them before they are picked over. 21 2t. * . AT THE FRONT You have to he on your guard If gou ar ecaught napping, It invite* i dlraater. • t WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought after by niea ot affair*- Y)iu had them Ip leading foslUtuM of trust. ■/' ’ 1 t X Our DIPLOMA le an open ee-eame to position and preferment.’ Our •peclalty In to fit you for business; to malte tl»o pay-roll lamer; to In- create the eatery ot the "bis man." Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Warerow, Go. R. F. Zeljler, Pros. North Carolina"Seed iPeanuts. Whipperwill Peas, Clay Peas, Iron Peas Buy before they go higher TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. 7he Central Baptist Tabernacle wa-r well filled again last night and a number of now .Members were added jo the etnreh. G ,EAT SPECIAL VALUES Stylish Dress Goods Newest Weaves Exclusive Designs The values are the be^t that spot cash and big purchasing can procure. Do Not Miss See ing our fine Line. OUR Millinery Departmeni Here Today; Gone Tomorrow That will probably the story of these Stylish Timmed Hats Pity we haven’t room to tell about all the other good things, but come and see them. Big ’ .election ladles white law; V'aUtl, 6Gc to $1.60. 21 .Ot , Humphreys & Williamson. WORLD’S ""FAMOUS OYSPEPSIA PRESCRIPTION. " It brivs«"A\*,»y Stomach Dlstr.ss In A Few Mlnutot, Stop* Heartburn and Belohlng. jW ’ • ,» . have 'anything the matter wPb your storajrb you tjught' to-tnow right' now that MIO-N'X itodfachWab- lols..gry guaranteed b$r 0. R. Brinson it Co., to cure Indigestion or any sickness caused .by. Indigestion, such as the following, or money back: Miss Carrie Perbam will be pleas- eil to have you phone or mail her any aoclal or peraona! news. Pbons 26, or address. Miss Carrie Perlmm, Herald office. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS. Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 Mrs. S. J. Jones of Balnbrldge Is In the city the guest of Mrs. Alice Nison. Mrs Jones has vlalted Way- cross a number of tlinea berore her marriage as Mist Verena Russell. Big shipment colored lawn, new patterns, 10c. 2' 3t. Humphreys A Williamson. r Top daintiest oream pulls, macca- roons, tea cakes or pound cake can ba gotten by phoning 72 or 413, The Waycrdsi Bakery. wdoDMEN MAKE MERRY. Smoke! “Oran Chico's”, “Yer Best Smokers” and “Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear lavasa Filled Cigars. Manufsctured In Wayoreu, Dm Ip flTIMAN CIGAR CD Tomatoes! Tomatoes! (vTomatoesi GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEA* ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRf. CBS REDUCED 5lc to 35c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT He. REMEMBER WE ALEO CARRY* A FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA. ISLES AND FRUITS, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY BY CALL ING PHONE 622, GOODS DELIVER. CD BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. Vicory Tent Woodmen of the World held a delightful aoetal gathering last right and Invited the Woodmen's Clr- Sick headache, hlllloueneai,. dlrsl- c le ot ladles to’Join with them la the nees. nervousness, sour stomach, fer- > -ltasurea of the evening. An Inter mentation of food, belching ot gas, UC [| nR programme,of music and alng- heavy feeling at pit ot atomech, vom- Itiug of pregnaney. or eleknAt cant. ed t by over Indulgence the ntghf be- fire. II your meals don’t digest but lie like a lump ot lead In your’stomach; It you'have foul breath and lose ot appetite, a taw MI-O-NA tableta will put your atomach In line ahape In ibort order. It you or any of your family gut ter from atomach trouble ot any kind, sat a so cent box ot Mi-O-NA atom ach tblata at once. O. R. Brloaon A Co , tad druggist! everywhere aell oooooooooooo o fna was provided,, and delighttul re- (reshments enjoyed during the inter vxla. The Woodmen nre making e» ccllent progress In Waycroaa. PRETTY WEDDING IN GILCHRIST PARK A merry party gathered .at the home' ot Mr. Jaa. Barrowman’s In Gilchrist Park to wltneaa the mar. rtage ot hit’ daughter. Miss .Annie to Mr. G. U Dinkins, one ot our bust, ling young business men. The home wax crowded, as the handsome young bride ws», given over by her tether to the keeping of the bridegroom. T J CARSWELL O Rev. J. C. Pumphrey performed the PH. O. M. D. o cetemony. The popularity of the Diseases of Children; o young .cpuple wa eattested by the Dlsaaata of Woman; o many and various presents they re- Obitsrlca. o celved. Residence 1SS Plant Avo. o — —•; Phons BIS. o Try discounting your hurdana by Offlpo In Walkar Building o counting" your bleaslnga. Phona 528, O OOOOOOOOOOO ADVERTISE in the herald Big Line Easter Novelties Chikens, Rabbits, Candy, Etc., also- Pretty .Cards, Notice to the Public Tocque’t Dry Cleaning and Presa- ln.t Co., of Waycroaa has no connec tion whatever with the shop called the Tocque Shop of Savannah, Ga. Mr Tocque baa had nothing. idrdo with that ehop since October, 1910.,.' Respectfully youra, L R. Tocque, Phone 345 45 Pendleton St. WAYCROtS, GEORGIA. tion of the anniversary ot the battle pi San Jacinto, In which Texas pion eers broke the Mexican power for all time. Never before did the peo ple ot the entire southwest section of. the State take so much Interest In the celebration ae they did this year end, the result was the unprecedent ed success ot the carnival and par- ticuarly of today's anniversary cele bration. The decoration throughout the city wet on a more elaborate scale than ^ver .before In’the history of the'eity and the dower pageant was an- event of Indescribable, beauty, .and magnld- 'fence, particularly Interesting V| and attractive were, the big , electrically propelled floats, 'loaded-with dowers and beautiful young women or bear ing groups' representing many of l the KRYPIOK Iffiout line in the lens You rad and look afar with equal facility, but no one ob serves that you are wearing bifo cals because the usual “lines” , nre absent Wear the | KRYFTOKS awhile and] never willingly rel Style bifocal glasses. Now your eyeglata troubles end. Consider the |oy of the eyeglaas wearers whP. have found In the STANARD 'EYEGLASSES. An ’that ydu.'h.ayYfvished tor la and events In .the history ot the L6ne‘ Star State. Family Groceries Gvery food housekeeper appreciat es a good reliable grocer. That's what we claim fo be. We give at all times tbs - Best and Freshest in the market, and at prices that maks the other fellow’s open their eyes. Our corn meal le ground fresh every day. MAY’S MILL AND FEED STORE. Phone No. 1. ’ SAN ANTONIO’S FLOWER BATTLE Special To The, Herald. San Antonio, Texas. April 21—This Yean’ annual spring capilrel, which fcs’jXiracted mahy’Mnupandm ot vis- lion tram all parts of ! tfto Southwest to this city? culmlaa‘-J la today’s ‘Battla of glowers" th’ commemora most Important and stirring scenes . comfort’ and 1 security. We can give ... , "'"you a degree-’Of comfort you may have believed impossible. No matter what shape your nose. Seminole Optical Co. Office 204 Southern Building. ' Ph he 281. , ’ Waycross, Ga The Tortc lens Increases the Held of vision. Big aupply of card board, all col ors, just received at Herald. tt Klaxon, beautiful shear quality, yd wide. Special value,, 15c. 21 3t Humphreys £ Williamson. Economical Housewives want flour that never fails—that makes; the most bread to the sack—that gervea eyery baking need. . " So they use nothing but William Tell Flour—and have "good luck” every day they bake. v _ C For William Tell bread Is a marvel of lightness—its cake melts In you? mouth— its pastry makes the cook famous. . One sack will prove itself—order todaW' William Tell Flour