Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 21, 1911, Image 8

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Valid Reasons Why Yon Should Gi c Us Your
We have made it possible for you to buy your goods at Stricftly Cash Prices
arid get 30, 60 and 90 days to pay for them. Thus enabling you to furnish
your Home Without Extra Co^t.
On all Installment Accounts that make their weekly or monthly payments at
our office We Give Ten Per Cent Trading Coupons That Are Worth Their
Face Value in Trade at Our Store.
Vv e will Fsave. you Money on Your Purchases it matters not whether you buy
for Cash or on Time. ’
We carry the best Selected Stock in the City; From the Cheapest to the Finest
of the Latest Designs. All of our Goods are Bright, Fresh and New.. We have
no Shop Worn Stock.
We are Constantly Offering Great'Values. At all times searching the best
Markets of the Country in order to be able to offer you good goods at Low
Prices. It will Pay you to Trade with us.
We Appreciate Your Patronage and Extend every Courteous Treatment.
Our Financial Responsibility and Business Standing Justifies us in asking
for your Trade.
The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good.
Walker-Hood Furniture Company.
To The Superior Court of Said County
Th« petition of William II. Crumb,
• Darwin Crumb and Char Ion \V. Kee
ler. respectfully shown:
1. That they desire for thetuselv
<v, tlielr associates, successors and
assigns, to be conijUtuted a body
corporate under the name and style
f«r the term of twenty yearn with
the prhiloge of renewal at the ex*
plrution of said time as provided by
2. The object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to Its stockholders.
2. Tin* particular .business propos
ed to be carried on by said corpora
tions Is as follows: !
To carry on the business of rivll, I
mechanical and electrical engineer!
8i.o dealers In and manufacturers o|
aP kinds of machinery, tools and I in
ntements of every kind and dcscrip
| farming or planting and to improve, I
I develop and operate fruit and agrt-
cultural lands; to raise, produce, buy,
sell, exchange and deal In trees,
points, shrubs, cereals, and all kinds
tf frail, nursery, vegetable and farm
products; to buy, sell, lease, and hold
Utuoer, timber lands, tracts nnd
rights; to maintain and operate saw*
t; ills, and to buy and sell lumber
and other wood products, as well as
to manufacture same; to inanufac-
tine, buy. Bell and deal Iti rosin, tur
pentine and naval stores; to conduct,
a general real estate business nnd to
In.y mid sell lands either upon its
ev.n account, or as agent or broker!
for others and to charge commissions |
same; to conduct a cominN. v
onimissaries, and to buy, sell and j
deal generally In goods, wares and I
merchandise of all kinds;
To conduct its business as above I
stated in all its branches, and to
vote of the stock. Petitioners also foiegoing Ib a true copy.
sire that said company shall have
ihe right to issue preferred stock to
anv amount not exceeding One Hun
dred Thousand Dollars, In addition
to said reunion stock, and to increase
< r diminish the same, either common
or preferred, from time to time as Is
desired by the majority of the stock
holders, and to give such preferred
stock such rights and prlvlllges and
inch relative rank nnd dignity as the
i.ockholders may consider advisable.
i. Petitioners desire that said
ompany shall hnv
rlihta, prlvlige
This April 21st 191T.
(Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk.
4-21*1 a w-4w
Special To The Herald.
New* York, April 20.—In the pres
ence of a large gathering of promi
nent society people Miss l^julse Tif-
fi..iy, eldest daughter of Louis C.
Tiffany, and Mr. .Rodman de Kay
Gilder, a son of Mrs. Richard Watson
Gilder, were married today at the
all the pow’ers,! "home of the bride’s father, 27 East
and Immunities com-! Soventy-second street,
ion nnd Inridrrt to corporations gen-1 'Ihe bride was attended by her sis-
rally under ;K> tavy. Including tho j ter Miss Dorathy Tiffany, md Mr.
uiier and authority to transact nnd I Glider’s best man was his brother,
I „ , , .... for some time been investigating the
irry on an> and all of its business | George de Kay Gilder. Mr. Gilder I •
s above set forth, to contract nnd ho , 1
.unrooted with; to borrow and lend j "
oncy; to execute Its promissory. In New York City.
Dies, bonds, debentures or other ev-1
Good Meat is Not Hard
For You to Get
No matter how much trouble it is for us to get It
you have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh
Meats of all kinds. A fresh supply just received.
New City Market,
A. J. BURKHALTER, Prop. fcjr
19 Albany Ave. Phone 427,
day. Wheeler nnd slinw were arren- assert, the price which the company
tin at the request of Post Offlce In-j received for the products of Its fac-
| spector Charles H. Clarahan, who had j loi-j did not even cover the cost of
, graduate of Howard, class of! connection of the firm with the pro-}
and Is in the electrical business j raoll<m of the American Rubber Com- j
’ pony, a $5,000,000 corporation, organ
ized under the laws of the State of
Maine, which is said to control a
secret process for producing rubber
one or more business officers, Idi-nces of debt; to any amount, ana 1 DYING MAD-CHILD BITES
r.Td without restriction to Improve, to secure same by mortgages, pledges, MOTHER TWICE, IN AGONv
! ..... whites wriih Jal small cost and large profit.
Hod, to build construct and repair!r*a»iage, operate, buy, sell, lease or tiust deeds or any other form of sat- lorK. April -u. vvnue wrua j
railroads, telegraph and telephone otherwise disuse of any other prop-1 isfactory security; to receive In pay- * n o riie agony of liydrophebia la*5t j l ® ^ . T °
works, I eri), real or personal, in any of the n ent for its cnpital stock, either com- Bight, 7 year old Susie Mandoline, of era 0 cer * w
gas and electric
tunnels, bridges, viaducts, canals, states, territories, districts or colon-1 mou or preferred, or for any bonds
betel*, wharves, piers or any work j la! possessions of the United States i or other obligations it may Issue, any
of Internal improvement, public use j aud in foreign countries, as way from | real or personal property, money,
or utility. i t‘n:e to time become convenient and . franchises, choses In action, labor or
To acquire, by purchase lease o. j necessary,
otherwise, any nnd all kinds of realj -t. The principal place of busiuoss
and personal property, including lm- ] <4. said corporation shall be In the
proved and unimproved real estatcand ; Ciiy of Wnyeross In the County of
Wild lands wherever situated, nnd toiWsre and State of Georgia, but peti-
Attn. hold. sell, mortgage and encum- j Goners desire that said corporation
tier same; , si all have the right and privilege to
To survey, subdivide, plat and lm- j Uansact business elsewhere in the
ftove lands and real estate for pur- State of.Georgia or. In any other
poees of sale or otherwise, to con- Si ate or Territory of the United
struct, erect and operate thereon. States, and to establish branches and
teHdlngs, machinery and appliances, agencies of same elswhere in this
-roadways or tramways; to develop {State or In any other State or Ter-
md maintain, construct and operate-ritory as may be deemed expedient
artesian wells and pumping plants, j f. The capital stock of said cor
t.-gether with irrigation and drain-potation shall he One Hundred Thou-
agtt canals and ditches, and to fur- sand Dollars ($100,000.00) divided
ebb water for agricultural, domes- into One Thousand (1,000) shares of
tie and other purposes; to lay out. fptr value of One Hundred Dollars
develop. Improve and promote, towns, |$100.00) each; but petitioners desire
’dries, farms, farm settlements sno thpt the said ccrporatldri.shall bate j Filed In offiue this 21st day of Apr!!
-colonies, and commercial, ajricultu- Mae. right to lacreasc*-‘or diminish j 1 hit.
4 raT, tetxtrttt* a id dthes enter : tcld capital nt.*e,eyer^lt.gt«IL#« e flt l (Signed) E. J. Berry. Clerk.
t ... .V- *
v.irtli Bergen. N. J., broke from her
mother’s grasp and sank her teeth
Into Mrs. Mandoline's cheek and ey»>.
gaged In the investigation of the
case about $600,000 in stock of the
company have been sold at various
s**rvlceo, property rights, or other
consideration satisfactory :to its di
rectors or stockholders; to amend
or renew Its articles of incorporation
a*, any time during Its corporate ex
istence in any manner and to any
extent allowable under the laws of
the State of Georgia by a majority j
vote of its stock; the foregoing enu
meration not being intended to limit
or restrict in any manner the pow
er? of said company to which it Is
entitled under the laws of the State
of Georgia.
Wherefore your petitioners pray
that an order be granted incorporat
ing them in accordance with the fore*
going; and they will ever pray, etc.
Wllaon, Bennett A Lambdln,
Petitioners Attorney.
blow. Tl.e mother .creamed with 500 or more small In
pain and the child fell back dead,
Mrs. Mandoline will be brought to
the Pasteur Institute here today, for
The child was one of ten bitten by
a mad dog ou January J.
to carry on iVe bes!»**** "offrom’ tine to time*
veutors. most of them In New Eng
land States. It is charged by the
federal officers that Wheeletf, who
was formerly the treasurer of the
rubber company, and his associate,
in selling the stock of the corpora
tion, used the mails to circulate In
formation concerning the conditioa
cud prospects of the rubber company
which they must have known to bi
misleading and deceiving.
Among other things, it is clamea
j by the government, the promjters
j ot the company in their efforts to at-
• tract purchasers of the stock, had
8 t :eclal To The Herald. j made the statement that there was
Boston, Mass., April 21.—The joint a profit ot 150 per cent on every
case against Warren B. Wheeler and j pound of rubber turned out by the
Ht liman Shaw of Wfeeeler ft Shaw, j company’s factory In Hyde Park.
Inc., who were arrested two weeks:This statement, the federal officers
ogo, charged with having used the fray, was not supported by the facts (will work other advantages.
null* in a scheme to defraud, was in the esse, and constituted s frau- [ —
celled for hearing before United dulent misreore^eutatiox At a mat-! '-vevvvy'fc I/m'Mtr z PiTTT **
j Savannah, Ga., April 21.—Savan-
j nah’s postofflee business has grown
j to such an extent that it la found
necessary to have a letter station
provided for the southern section of
the city.
Announcement is made by Capt.
Yfenry Blunn, Jr., Postmaster, that
on July 1st next Savannah’s first sub
letter station will be placed in op
This means that a branch po3tofflce
will be established that will have th©
authority to perform all the services
of a regular postoffice. There will
be boxes to rent and money orders
and other such thing*' will rite issued
Lorn there.
Capt. Blun has been wanting this
additional service for sometime but
the department has only Just consen
ted to let him htve it It will mean
the more rapid dispatch of mail to
the southern section of Savannah
where a large proportion of 8avan*
nah’s population now tt*Id$p and
! h*r*by cyVtlfy thtl the above tod I'crapilitkmerriHoy** to.tVlb city to- - ler ’of-
... nL