Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 22, 1911, Image 2
W A VC ROSS EVENING MERALO THE EVENING HERALD E HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Parham, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietor*. Mica Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. CO. The Waycroaa Herald founded in 1885. Tho Dally Herald founded In 18*2 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephonea BustntJs Office 25 Editorial OlJle 25 Residence 2C8. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at. the Waycroae, Gn.. Poat* office at second das* mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street. rates of subscription. Month I -45 Months - IL25 Months $2.60 Year $5.00 8PECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, msolutionn and notices of entertain- tnente. nh«-ro charges aro made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cent* a line. ie, (station, of nation wide Import and ii.tdated upon by the great majority of the people, should be kept n view. The menace to} the adoption of these measures is a nominally Repub lican senate. This should not. and will not, deter the Democratic house In redeeming Its pldges to the peo ple. If through the opposition of the upper chamber, these immensely l»n- ortant reform measure shall fail, the Democracy will go before the people in 1912 with additional strength and cl# Im for the support of the country NOTICE TO subscribers Subscribers to Tho Herald that do not receive tho paper promptly and airly will please ring-up the Circu.a- Uon Manager and report the trouble to him. a* this Is tho only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of tho United States Court of tho Rout hern District of Georgia. WAYCR03B, GA.. APRIL, 22, 1911. yourself earnestly Brooks. itly to >.eo what lo and then do' It.—Phillips the 4*— t porks In the i that she'll And laloon skirl It's our hf-t stand with Ijer hands In Madison Advertiser. 4.— it Is oMtliiiftcd that the peach crop along the lines of the Central of Georgia railroad will not exceed sev- e* hundred cars this year. I*ast year four thousand cars were handled. The Albauy Chntsuqmi opens Sun- d*\ (tomorrow). The Albany Cha- tauqua is n great institution, one of the finest in the State. We wish It great success. * ORDERLY PROCEDURE Much effort Is being manifested by the opponents of tariff reduction to tP’broll the Democrats In the house at.d senate at the extra session, to the end Hint harmony In proceeding may bo so checked as to dostro.v pres eni prospects for a presidential vic tory in 1912. Division of the Democratic majori ty. ns between the conservatives and progressives. Is sought to lie indicat ed and fomented, while conciliation between the tegulttrs and Int-ur-tentn on tho Republican side Is set forth sc assuring n failure of any legis lation which the Democratic party Is ptdged to carry out In congress at the earliest possible opportunity. In order to further Increase chan ces of embroilment the name of Mr llryan Is being used ns a factor t« w!#ien the breach between those l)on> Oersts who stand for local high pro Uctlon and the vast majority of the Interests of the public at large. The program laid out ly the house caucus of Democrats will avoid. If * carried out. as we believe It will be. j all the snags which the entrenched J Interests are endeavoring to put In tl e way of reciprocity and general f tariff reform. Mr. Ryan himself, through hts Commoner, has express •4 himself unequivocally In Its fa vor. In the first ratification of the Ca nadian treaty without amendment. Next, such legislation as will Imme- diaely cut down the price of the ne* msnrlen or life by the levellnir of lie Chinee# wall tariff barrier erec- tfl and tided to by successive Re- fcMtcnn admiaistration—a revision schedule by schedule. With this alone accomplished the Democracy can *JEO on before the Vnrhtry with a record of confldenc<* not misplaced sad promises perform ed' It Ume remains to assure the admission of New Mcxlr » a H Arl»o- ■«. and the making of tn equttaSi? congressional respportlonmeaL very 'The gardens and truck patches in the neighborhood of Way cross are growing beautifully and there Is prom i*e of abundant green stuff in the neat future. WINNING. ft takes a little courpgo And a little self control, And some grim determination If you want to reach a goal. It takes a deal of striving, And a firm and stern set. chin, No matter what tlie battle. If you’re really out to win. home men keep their religion in or.tfj storage alt days out of seven. Even when a woman faces a mir ror she may be blind to her Jnioe'*- feel ions. Any, wny, the girl who whistles sel dom has occasion to unpucker her He. A woman Is either happy or nils- etauie, depending upon tho way she feels about it. Every woman should have an aim iu life-even if she can’t hit the aids of a barn with a hrek. Once a bachelor who thought he knew tt all married a widow, only to discover he was still In the kinder- Ei.rten class.—Chicago News. 8top in at The Seals Pharmacy and a free sample of ZEMO and ZE« MO SOAP. The surest aad most economical 11 eat ment for eczema, pimples, dan druff and all diseases of the skin and scalp. Do not neglect this. T tey will give you prompt relief and put you on the road to a cure. Good fop infants as well as grown persons. MI-O-NA on-money back plan. Apr. I?, 25, May 4. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic In ao tlon, quick In results, and restore the natural action of the kidney* and bladder. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. !,. McConnell. Catherine, Bt.. El- tulrn. N. Y., writes: **I wish to express my appreciation of tho great good I derived from Foley'a Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt It Is the most re liable kidney medicine I have ever taken." Gem Pharmacy. WOOD’S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. We ere headquarter, tor the but in all Farm need*. Crus and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Peu, Sola Beans, Sortfiums, Kaffir Corn, Millet Seed, Peannta, etc. 'Wood’s Crop lnued Special* monthly give* timely information aa to. reed, to plant each month in the year, alao prices ef Seaaon- able Seed, write for copy, CASTORIA ForInfant8_andChildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAP OLIS, INDIANA. D,po,lt, With 81,te for Guar antee of Policies .... ♦8,000,000.00 Surplu, to Policy Held.ro, ♦1,174,006.00 Security l n a Life Ia.ur.nce Policy U the principal thine. On, want, protection that protectt without retard to general financial condlUona.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of ,11 It, policy holder*, the entlrfi cub value of every out.tandlng policy. At thle time the company hM on depoalt with tho State, In flrat class securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENQ- LAND. I have been with thle good company aeventeen yeara and through tla agency hare paid many thouaanda of dr'lara to beneficiaries. Take no chance with four lire policy but aee me for -INSURANCE THAT INSURES.” V. L. STANTON, Manager. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. SAVES TWO LIVES. -Neither my (later nor myialf might he living today, It It bad not baa *» Dr. King's New Dtjcovsry," write* A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C, R. r. D., No. I. -For we both had frightful cough* that no remedy could help. \V« were toid my alsler bad consumption. 8ht waa very woak and had night awoata bat roar won '.erful medicine completely cured u> : oth. It I* the boot I ever used or heard of." For tor* lung*, cough* cold*, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma hay fvrer. croup, whooping cough.- all bronchial trouble*.—It* .uprtrue. Trial bottle free. 50c aid $t.w. cHar well. Bat the two former piece* of wood by All Druggist*. ■n PEOPLE REALIZE MORE AND MORE EVERY YEAR THAT ALL WORK IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYBODY. THE PROPER RECREATION IS LIKE OILING A MACHINE. IT KEEPS YOU FROM WEARING OUT, MAKES YOU DO BETTER WORK. If you work from th* sack np. htat 1*. do brain work, yon seed to k**p your body In good condition, or aooner or Inter yon will goffer from Iu It yon work from tho nock down, yon will do bettor work and enjoy It more. I I A BIG STOCK OP BASEBALL GOODS AND PISHING TACKLE. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Ptent’Ave. Phone 184 A Ceiling Fan For $20.00 VVE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF NEW TROJAN 2 BLADE CEILING FANS THESE WILL BE INSTAl*’ — FUN FOR TWE CALL UPON L FORMATION. i Ware County Light and Power Company. JCOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Keep the Lawn Green A good sprinkling and good hose and rather frequent going over with a lawn mower Is the best prescription we know of for a smooth, even, per- v fcctly kept lawn. Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Hoes and Spades-*' You must raise the earth before you can raise a crop of anything, aid here's the tool to do the raising. BIG STOCK. REASONABLE PRICES Watt Hardware Co. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG Good Meat is Not Hard For You to Get No matter how much trouble it is for us to get it, yQu have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh Meats of all kinds. A fresh supply just received. New A. J. bu: 19 Albany Ave, Market, ALTER, Prop. Phone 427 jmm PARK PLACE I High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. -*i J - W. D. Morton, Agt. | BOOM WO. I Southern Belel Bias