Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 22, 1911, Image 4
Wftvenovs GVCNINO HEm» SOAP! „. We have just received a larne quantity of Toilet Soap Packed three wrapped cake* to the box. Assorted color*. We offer this ior lit* the box. Gem Pharmacy T. S. P\INE, PHONE 52 [Personal I Mist Carrie Perham Social Editor £ j Fox and l^awrence, the team with , tbe goods at the Airdomc ngxt week. j Commencing tomorrow' the Sunday . School of Grace Church will he held a* 3:30 instead of 3:00. few Miss Ellltsnon is spending 1 days with Mrs. J. P. Ulmer in Val P. 8. — DON'T FORGET THAT WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. THERE IS A GOOD REASON WHY YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH US. IF YOU DON’T KNOW, ASK YOUR j drfe,a - NEIGHBOR. IF THEY DON'T' KNOW, ASK US. IF YOU ARE | Th * Central Baptist Tabernacle F POM MISSOURI CALL TO SEE U8 Vftt died t0 overfl O w,a « a * aln l° 8 t AND WE WILL SHOW YOU OUR ( nl ' :W COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES! j Tomorrow will be a great day for ! t|ifcr churches In Waycross and we hepe they will all he w'ell filled. Mr. \V. A. McNeil spent yesterday In Jacksonville, retunltm. last night, ^mpanled by his son, Mr. Johnnie McNeil. .ooooooooooooooooo ooo-c»<>v*c><>o«>o<><><><><><> cw<x>oooooooooooo_ GREAT SPECIAL VALUES IN Goods Slylish Dress Newell Weaves Exclusive Designs Don't fall to see the last appear* r.t here of Happy Doc Holland and the great Alferretta at the Alrdomo tonight. Livsry and Sale* Stables. ' Waycrr PHONE NO. «J. North Carolina . Seed tPeanuts. Whipperwill Peas, Clay Peas, Iron Peas Mr. and Mrs. I*. A, Hay, accom pan led by Master William Sharpe, Jr. left this morning in their wurd to spend the day. for Buy before they go higher TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. Big selection Indies white law v-ulsts. (13c to $1.50. 31 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Herald is not publishing the uenther report today, simply because yoi. have got the weather before you ant can examine it for yourself. The values are the be^t that spot cash and big purchasing can procure. Do Not Miss See ing our fine Line. OUR Millinery Department Here Today; Gone Tomorrow That will probably be the story of these Stylish Timmed Hats Pity we haven’t room to tell about all th( other good things, bi come and see them. The Herald regrets to learn that i. Geo. W. Dcen has been sick for to ore three days past, and Is,still ccuftned to the home. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS. > OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo Miss Carrie Perham will be plea*' ht napping, It Invites ed to have you phone or mail her any social or personal new*. Phons 25, or address. MIsa Carrie Perham, Herald office. AT THE FRONT You havo to he un your guard Sou ar dlf aster. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought after by men of [ rl SOLUTION APPROVED •(Taira. Y)>u find them in leading | BY VOTE OF 28 TO 15 roiltions of trust. *| . r Our DIPLOMA I* an open sesame Albany, N. Y., April 22—The res- ♦o position and preferment. Our f uimion approving the election of Uni- •peclally Is to (It you for business; ! t t .,j state seuator* by direct vote to make (ho pay-roll larger; to In- paused the senate today by a vote crease the salary of the "big man.” I G f 28 to 15. Enter At Any Time. r. W. C. Douglas of Baltimore, ac companied by Mr. G. P. KdenfleW nnd D. C. Harris of Swalnsboro, are iu the city today prospecting. The Herald assumes the responsl hiiity of inviting the entire popula tion of WayciosH and surrounding country to come out to preachng to il arrow. There will he services in nil the churches. The Herald learns that the addi tions to the Central Baptist Church during Mr. Phillips late meetings num her* seventy. The entire member- slip of the church is now’ between four and five hundred. Wnycnss Business College Waycross, C*. R. F. Zelglsr, Pres Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, ‘‘Yer Best Smokers” and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Mnnultetu'tH In Waycroas, Oa. 0|i PITTMAN CIGAR CO Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI. CES REDUCED I-teachlng at Dccnwood tomorrow t ploven o'clock by the pastor. Rev. Sunders nml at 7: SO by the ftxtra large Turkish Hath an,! tn - " .titIcy Langston, P. L. The lUn k Towels, special bargain, IS l-Jcj nubile Is cordially Invjteil to the eer- SI ::t Humphreys t Williamson. *» »»• »"<* » f" 11 »ouse Is .desired, es- -- - I poclally to hear Rev. Laugvton. FOR 8ALE. Three choice renldcnce loti for ale. cheap; Brunei and Marlon streets. Apply to A. P. Perham, 8r., at Herald office right now. Childrens Mercerized colored l.nce I«o*e, regulnr 25c value*, bargain 1$ cent*. 21 3t Humphrey* & Williamson The Diocesan Convention of tho Flplhcopal Church meets May 10-12 at Thoniasvllle. Delegate* from Grace Church, Waycross. will be at follosw: 10 lOt' Messrs. John E. Wadley, Heyward H. Bi.rnet. Julius A. Wall. The parish branch of the Womans Auxiliary will be represented by Mrs. Mary E. Parker. Mrs. James Polk Stewart. Mr*. Claduta Out, Mr*. .Tulin* A. Wall. reliable 50c to 35c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT Me. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A -FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA BLES AND FRUITS, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY BY CALL ING PHONE S22, GOODS DELIVER. ED BEFORE PHONE IS RANO OFF. Subsc'lb* tor the old Waycross Evening Herald. oooooooooo o o T J CARSWELL ° PH. O. M. D. Disease, of Children; Diseases of Women; Obstsrics. - Residence 166 Plant Ave. Phone 616. once In Walker Building' Phone 676. oooooooooo Notice to the Public Tocque’s Dry Cleaning and Press- in/ Co., of Waycross has no connec tion whatever with the shop called tnfc Tocque Shop of Savannah. Ga. Mr Tocque has had nothing to do with that shop since October, 1910. Respectfully yours, DIRECT VOTE MEASURE WINS SIGNAL VICTORY Washington, April 2*.—Advocates of the election of senators by direct tote of the people won a signal vic tory in the senate today when the resolution passed by the house was referred to the committee on judic ial y. The house resolution is simil ar to tbe one reported from the sen ate judiciary committee last session and the reference today Insures fa- voiable action. E. R. Tocque, DIRIGIBLE PAR8EVAL HANGS WRECK IN TREE Phone 345 45 Pendleton 8t. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Brunswick. Germany. April The dirigible balloon Parsevnl KRYPIOK nut ymoj* Without in the Lens You read and look afar with equal facility, but no one qb- lervet that you are wearing tja| f' cab because the usual * are absent. Wear the genuine KRYPTOKS awhile and you will never willingly return to old- style bifocal glasses. Now your eyeglass troubles end. Consider the Joy of the eyeglass VII wearers who have found in the tnet with a mishap ten miles north J 8TANARD EYEGLASSES. of this place today and was forced j ^11 that you have wished for in to make a rough landing. The pass- J comfort and security. We can give engers escaped injury and the air ship was not seriously damaged, though it lies partly in a swamp and will of necessity be dismantled nnd bo sent to Tlitterdeld by train. you a degree of comfort you may have believed Impossible. No matter what shape your nose. Seminole Qplieal Co. Klaxon, beautiful shear quality, y< vide. Special value, 15c. 21 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Office 204 Southern Building. Ph no 281. WaycrosrfhOa. The Torlc lens Increases the .fly^Trof vision. Family Groceries MISSIONARY MEETING. The Union meeting of the Home am! Foreign Missionary societies will meet at First Methodist church Mon- at 4 p. in. A special and Inter- e»ting program on Home Mission werk has been arranged and all la dies are Invited, especially the menv iter* of the other M. EL churches. No fees will be collected. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD Big Line Easter Novelties N. A. Joseph, NO. SI ANOS4 PLANT AVENUE. Chikens,. Rabbits, Candy, Etc*., olsa Pretty Cards at Kverj- good housekeeper appreciate a good reliable grocer. That's what we claim fo be. We give at all imes the Economical Housewives Best and Freshest in the market, and at prices that make the other fellow's open their eyes. Our corn meal Is ground fresh every day. MAY’S MILL AND FEED STORE.. Phone No. 3. Big supply of card board, all col ors, just received at Herald. ENLISTING RECRUITS IN QUEBEC FOR REBELS THE SEALS PHARMACY THE BCXVLI STORE Quebec, April !J.—Recrultt far the Mexican luaurrecto army arc being! sought In Quebec by a Mexican who ' ha. approached aereral members of lue artillery and Infantry corp3 here. J So aecretly hap he conducted hit campaign, however, that the measure of success attending ll cannot be as certained. want flour that never fails—that makes the most bread to the sack—that serves every baking need. So they use nothing but William Tell Flour—and have “good luck” every day they bake. i For William Tell bread is a marvel of lightness—its cake melts in your mouth—j its pastry makes the cook famous. * One sack will prove itself—order today. William Tell Flour It your grocer cannot supply'Tra-liim'TrtfcTthme'TMOBFE*-CO., - - . Whole sale Ola moo tors aqd the/ *U1 tye that you rl It