Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 22, 1911, Image 5
WAVSBOSS EVENING HERALD AN ARGUMENT If you are not buying ‘ your groceries from us I you are making a mis- ' take, for we are offer ing big inducements for the economical house wife, and in addition giving you the very hest of everything first class in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and at lower than the lowest cut prices. Read our advertisements; give us one month’s ac count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds Rice going at 5c pound. C h i ckens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. WILSON GROCERYCO W. M. WILSON, Mgr. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦O^OOOOOOOOOOOI PERSONAL AND LOCAL For Mrs. Ham and Mrs. Phelan. Mrs. H. 8’ Redding was “At Home* ( to a number of her friends at he t beautiful new home yesterday after* noon in compliment to her visttoi Mrs. VV.-H. Ham and Mrs. Sale Phe lan. Mrs. Reddings home, which is one of the prettiest in the city was simply perfect in its daintiness for the occasion, an abundance of pink rotee being used in the decorations. Mrs. Redding, Mrs. Ham and Mrs. Phelan stood in the front parlor to ret eive the guests. Assisting in re- , celviug were Mrs. T. W. Morrison, jMib. J. M. Cox, Miss Annie Paine. iMts. Walter Young and Mrs. J. W. ! Bellinger. In the front hall Mrs. J. E Wadley and Mrs. It. P. Izlar ser ved strawberry punch. In the dining room Miss Noble, Miss Watt, Miss Lockhart and Miss Izlar served an ice course. A large number of friends called during: the hours. AT TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH | Rev. J. B. Thrasher, pastor of j Tt inity Methodist church will b ein i h*s pulpit at both hours tomorrow. The public is cordially invited to at tend these services. OUR WORft la so perfect that it is really a pleas ure to sit and look at your linen after we return It to you. There is a sort of freshness about all of OUR LAUNDERING you do not find in others’ work. We take particular pains with white bosom shirts for dress occas- * Ions, and launder them “spotlessly white.” A postal will bring our wag- si for your collection. ^ Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PARK MOR RAND CO, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. s or C doses “666” wni cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25 cents. 21 tf KINGS DAUGHTER’S NOTICE. The City Union King’s Daughters are called to meet Tuesday afternoon aE 3:30 at First Methodist Church. Ail members urged to be present. Mrs. E. H. Reed. Leader. Mrs. S. Broadwater. Sec. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Divine services and preaching at 11 a. in., and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 9:45 a m The pasor will preach in the morn ing and Mr. Clifford Groover at night Special music for morning. Solo by Mrs. Howe!!. Violin solo by Miss Moore. The public Is invited. See notice of cottage for rent by J. T. Beaton. FIR8T-METHOtllST CHURCH. Reed and Gilmore Streets. Osgood F. Cook, Pastor. Tomorrow morning at the 11 serv ice the pastor will begin a short sc ries of sermons on the “Brotherhood of Man”. At the evening service be ginning at 7:30 o’clock the subject w. 8 *l be continued. Special attention iJ be! :g given to the music and the spendid choir will be prepared with a tine program of special music. Con- giopaional singing is also encouraged by the use of familiar hymns. The Sunday school which meetH at 5.30 p. in., with Mr. V. I.. Stanton ."8 superintendent is one of , the best. An.'pJe provision is made not onJy for the children but for adults who will find a place of great interest aim helpful instruction. Strangers, visitors, new-comer fhe cUy and -non-members of cl urch are especially invited to the sei vices and assured a welcome. After several months of work the pastor is greatly eneouvaged by the response of the church. The iuter- ev« in the work and the attendance ur n the services ar pleasing and in spiring. Eighty new members have been added to the roll 'this year. ■aku Home Biking Easy Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made f rom Royal Crape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM,NO LIME PHOSPHATE EY LL GROW AND SO ILL MONEY IN OUR BANK THE AGONY OF A BABY UNDER A SKIN AFFLICTION. Seo those beautiful shapes just ceived at the Bon Ton. AT THE MAJESTIC Claus, Radcliffe and Claus, Comedy Singers and Eccentric Dancers CLASSIFIED GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mary and Pendleon Streets. Tho Rev. Wm. Hirst Heiglmm, Rector First Sunday after Easter, April 23, 1911. Holy Eucharist. 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer, and Holy Eucha rist. It a. m. Sunday School, 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. All those without other church en gagements cordially Invited. Week Day Services. Tuesday, Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. i. Thursday, Holy Eucharist, 10:30 a, i. Friday, Litany, 5 p. m. law'n, new P.lg shipment colored patterns, 10c. t Humphreys & Williamson. Mammoth Exhibition Cl Ladles HAND BAGS PURSE8 and ■ si 1 sorls of LEATHER GOODS at the LaOranJo Hotel within the next week ARE YOU INTERESTED? and would you like to aee them and , n.ake a selection from the largest Landgomest and awellest line that will come South this year?. It so , tt ';\ hone us right awt.y and we will let you know when to come. You will remember that we exhibited the pret* Hat line last year that ever came to Weycroea. Thie exhibition Is better ■till. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION DE- . PARTMENT IN 80UTH GEORGIA, IS OU RAIM. TELEPHONE 05. Central Pharmacy, Yoang-Rohertson Drag Co., Prof- WANTED WANTED—First class mll*h cow; must bo gentle, and fresh in milk. Mis. W. W. Sharpe, 46 GJJmore street. 1? ♦!. FOR RENT—Newly furn’shed rooms at 22 Gilmore street. 25 tf FOR SALE—Cabbages, $1.80 per crate; greens, $1.40, per 70 pound sack. Freshly cut and packed, only when ordered. Stock tender and de- bTable. J. Scarborough & Son, Sa vannah, Ga. 4-6-law 3w FOR RENT—To couple or to a lady; nice large furnished front room, near the LaGrande Hotel; rent low. Lady often alone and wants company. Address J. C. R. Box 236. 10 tf FOR SALE—<3frfs bicycle, Apply Miss Ellen Goodrich; new. Jane FOR REN—Furnished room 5 church street. • t4 tf. LOST—Heifer, ten months old. un marked, color red and white. Infor mation will be appreciated by Mrs. O. M. Webster. 15 tf FOR RENT—Newly furnished locm, close In .Apply Herald office. 31 V/ANTED—A woman to do cooking „,id general house work, 52 Church street, Mrs. D. 8. McClellan. LOST OR 8TOLEN—A Racycl*. painted blank, taken from porch a< 52 Gilmore. Return same to A. ^1 Knight, Jr., and receive reward. 22 6t FOR RENT—Seven room house. 43 Gilmore street. Apply 324 LaGrande Building; W. B. Ellington, 22 6t EXPERT—Typewriter phone 123. Repairing: 21 Iw Latest novelties in Lace Collars. Jabots. Beit Pins and Belting. 25c onJ 50c. 21 3t Humphreys ft Williamson. Is all tlif. more terrible boeuusi can’t tell you how it feels. But there is relief at hand—not only relief but a permanent cure from prickly het, rashes, hives, eczema and all other skin affection so prevalent among in fants during the summer months. If you want to see your baby rest easy once again—and a look of relief spread over its little face, just apply ttiis splendid remedy ZEMO. We be lieve honestly and sincerily that in ZEMO you will find tho cure you have been praying for. Wo can tell you in nil truth that wo have made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple but sure rem edy. And to prove our absolute sincerity, we have instructed all druggists sell ing ZEMO, to refund the purchaser money if the very first bottle does not bring relief. Used persis tently thereafter ZEMO is hound to cure. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP make the most economical as woll as the clean est and most effective treatment lor affections of the skin and scalp wheth er on Infant or-grown person. Fold by drugglsB ever/who-t nn* agents, the Sea PROVIDE FOR YOUR BABfrE8 BY PUTTING MONEY IN OUR SAV INGS DEPARTMENT. WE PAY 4 PERCENT INTEREST, COMPOUND- ED QUARTERLY, AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION MAK ES IT ABSOLUTELY SECURE. CAPITAL $200,000 DEPOSITS $410,000 RESOURCES $700,000 First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross, Georgia WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BU8INE83 GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND ONE OF. THE FIRM WILL 8EE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTERE8T HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BE8T PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. BENTONS’ BENTONS’ BENTONS’ Special Showing :OF: ixst: NEW SUMMER SILKS Meseline 37 in. wide, black, excelleut quality, Special 98c yd. Meseline 36 in. wide in ail colors, black, navy, white, pink light blue, yallow, old rose, tan and Persian Special $1.25 yd. Foulards! Foulards!! Navy, black, white, polka dots and - figured. Special 60c, 95c Japonika Silk The soft silk for summer in every color and shade. Plain, polka dots and figured. 25c, 30c 35c, 48c yd. Tafletta Silk 36 in. wide, all colors. Special $1.00 yard. China Silk Special 50c yard. Talfetta Silk 18 inches wide Stripes, plaids and checks, colors, tan, brown, navy, black and white Special 60c yard Satin All Colors Special 75c yd. ¥ 1 'J .. Jf m 1 . .-■-SI H. J Benton & Co. Hhs