Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 22, 1911, Image 8

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• i—uard'» Salre anil went id a The (iment appeal I* from th
fr.rml and got a half box (ram Ra- cUlon rendered b)r the Judies o
eerl Gardner. We aeat to yon and appel'ate divtiton. who dlsmlaaei
yot two box**. Now a'l the arare writ ot habeas corpus Patrick at
uiv cone but one or two and they are in Brooklyn about a yetr axo.
• tins off fait, and we highly recom- j — ——
.nftided It v> curry, uj I Ike aeara (rpja FOR RESULTS.
tin' smallpox, and Iravra tie akti * ADVERTISE IN THE HERAl
I mar Sir:
.My hiiHbnnd liatt hiul
hit* fwm for fifteen yen
l.CH’.i Ireutcri by four or
In fail. I've trli'd ever;
nor hoard of. Klghteen
\\c didn't think hod 11 v
My mm hoard <
< Idod to try It.
and witflout near*.
[ Fannie Watson.
I.owIh Wntson.
Hownro of the drugjlslg who tella
you that any other hair tonic la just
as good uh Parisian Sage—he knows
(J. It. Brinson & Co., is the agent
for Parisian Sage, and they won't
try to give you something Just as
good, because they know that Paris
ian Sage is guaranteed to euro d
Mr. Clifford Groover of the Geor
gia Children’s Home Society, will de-
r an address at the First Pres-
bvicriati Church tomorrow night at
toj> falling hair and <
i of the scalp In two w
c« luiiiem ed to use It 1 had t
Ms sore with a disinfectant I
ilu) hot have never had any
my since This Haggard anh
flee disinfectant and 1 helh
Mould have cured him if he hm
known li in time 1 spread the salv.
on tali pieces of muslin, cut tin
*d*o «if the sore, and lay on the rnv
pails, which eases him. and now In
\ inddn't he without the Haggard')
r. (iriHiver is a nntlvo Georgian,
a graduate of Merc***- University,
has spent considerable time in
study and social work in the north
anil Is now engaged la a splendid
Christian \ - ! in'thls statt*. *
I Jo Is an able and Interesting spenlc
cr; and today, when Christian peo
ple are thinking more about the pra -
iu.nl application of the principles of
large bottle at | Cmlstlanlty than ever before, n dls-
They will guar*' cusslon of the Christiana duty In re
be j They know that Parisian Sage la
ash highly recom mended as the r c’t
e | pleasant and rejuvinatlng hair dress-
f«»r Ing known, ft makes the hair fluffy
s a]and beautiful and Is not sticky or
It i greasy. Fifty cents
had !g. H. llriusoti & Co.
jnntoe It. Made iti America only byjlation to the social problems of the
i Giroux Mfg. Co. Buffalo, N. Y. The | bout, will no doubt draw a largo con-
girl with the Auburn hair on every I sregation to hear Mr. Groover,
package. 3-25-QS J ■■
i Mr. Clifford Groover, State Agent
NOTICE. | of the Georgia Children's Home Si>
j The. Ladles l?ntcm .Mission Society j defy is spending a few days la
! vlll bold their next quarterly meet-1 Waycross in the Interest of the So-
jtng Monday afternoon at p. ra..[ c iety , s work.
a: Trinity church, and cordially in- j n discussing this splendid move-
Me all the ladles of the church to bo nient with The Herald this morning.
t sent.
Sgned by Co
exj-ect to continue to use It, and hope
to have still greater results from It
I take pleasure In recoraniemllns
tins great salve to anyone afflicted
with a cancer, and If they will only!
try It, then they will find out what a
g*»at healer It is
Very Slneerlly Yours,
Mrs. I. M. Smith.
Haggard's Salve Cures Smallpox.
Waycross, Ga,, 3-22-11.
Mi. Haggard:
Dr. Bradley and Dr. Johnson pro-
ottneed our Utle girl. Trudle Watson. ’ latest appeal by Lawyer Albert
bavin* th# smallpox and they to*d Pattrlck. who Is serving a llfo sen-
ra to use sulphur and lard, and wejtence la Sing Sing prism for the
used It once and we were directed to murder of William Marsh Rice
Special To The Herald.
Albany, X. Y., April 22.— 1 The court
of appeals has Used Monday as the
tine for hearing arguments on
M". Groover said:
“The Georgia Children’s Home So-'
ciety Is organised in this State under t
the auspices of the National ChU-J t>at have been neglected and are
dten’s Home Society. The particular-growing up under # vicious surround
work of this society is to receive and, Ings where they may and will res-
provlde for destitute, neglected. 111-*pond to good influences? There can-
heated, abandoned and orphaned not be found a proposition that
white children; to seek out suitable pay larger dividends.
These Happy Children, the First .lx ward. o( the eGorgla Cbl-dron'. Homo Society. .Will be made happier .
when placed In good home.. I» Ihere a borne In Ware county too Good for inch children - Tho«e *
Desiring to adopt children should address The Georgia Children'* Home Socle
* ’-v. Bix 1624. Atlonta, Georgia.
family homes for those that are nor
mal and protect their Interest by
proper contact and it Is fundamen
tally a home placing movement, hut
It seeka to extend adequate aid to
any child that Is fa trouble anywhere
the state.
It ta a non-sectarian work, yet gen-
ulrel? Christian In Its scope and pur
Does It Pay.
**Does It pay to place the tittle
it .'endless, orphan children, or thooa
•’A dollar spent In engrafting a llt-
t'x» child .into a clean. Christian fam
ily tree will do more for the produc
tion of a useful life than a thousand
dollar* spent afterwards In Its refor
ih« Georgia Children s Home Society
ami forwarded to the address of (he Americas, Ge, 'April IX.—Re rival
'Octety. Box IK4. Atlanta. Ox. or to rerricee at (drat Methodist church
Mr. A. P. dies, treasurer, cere Can- «!U begin Sunday morning at 11:03
ttal Rank aad Trust Corporation, At- o'clock. Rer. S. B. Belk, paa.tor ot
Unto. G*. ths-PSASKrtct. Methodist- church.
HEART DISEASE ENDED Atlanta, will arrive next Mond.y and
LIFE OVER OPEN GRAVE lake charge of the nicotines that .
Oswego, N. Y., April 22.—Joseph nlpht.
Clancy, son of a wealthy Oswego merj
chant, fell dead on the brink of a
newly dug grave In St. Peter’* cem-
eiery. here late yesterday. He was
talking with the grave digger who
Tad just flushed his work, when 1 j
heart disease ended his life.
Valid Reasons Why You Should Gi e Us Your
We have made it possible for you to buy your goods at StridJy Cash Prices
and get 30, 60 and 90 days to pay for them. Thus enabling you to furnish
your Home Without Extra Co^f.
On all Installment Accounts that make their weekly or monthly payments at
our office We Give Ten Per Cent Trading Coupons That Are Worth Their
Face Value in Trade at Our Store.
We wiil Isave you Money on Your Purchases it matters not whether you buy
for Cash or on Time.
We carry the best Selected Stock in the City; From the Cheapest to the Finest
of the Latest Designs. All of our Goods are Bright, Fresh and New. We have
no Shop Worn Stock.
We are Constantly Offering Great Values. At all times searching the best
Markets of the Country in order to be able to offer you good goods at Low
Prices. It will Pay you to Trade with us.
We Appreciate Your Patronage and Extend every Courteous Treatment.
Our Financial Responsibility and Business Standing Justifies us in asking
for your Trade.
The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good.
Walker-Hood Furniture Company.