Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 24, 1911, Image 5
waycross evening herald ^WOOOO ooooooooo^ Ian argument! n.i If you are not buying | '' Z your groceries from us * <1 you are making a mis- S |take,.fo- we ere cf'cr- f ! | ing big inducements for | 1 the economical house- * ’ ? wife, ar.d in addition * 1 | giving you the very f ' <i best of everything first * ^ « class in | 1 2 STAPLE AND FANCY I “ A % GROCERIES % ^ PERSONAL AND LOCAL Mrs. W. H. Ham Phelan, THE SALVATION ARMY. Don’t forgot the monster opcn-ntr tort ing tonight, weather permit tint?. to he conducte dby several staff ofU- AIR-TIGHT packages bring you Numully’s C. ndics at their best. These candies are so good that they arc well worth protecting until they reach you. What with their exquisite goodness and their freshness, no wonder that they have won favor. LA GRANDE PHARMACY. OFFICE TO CLOS IN SUNDAYS' ■Ut GROW# AMD SO feH FY ‘ w I** It hop UUK &A £ and at lower than the 5 lowest cut prices. Read tour advertisements; t give us one month’s ac- count and WATCH RESULTS Four thousand pounds * Rice going at 5c pound. * Chickens and Eggs every week from Tenn. Celery every Friday. Our Store is where you find everything except high prices. | WILSON GROCERYGO W. M. WILSON, Mgr. | Wilson Block. Phone 128 L>»oooooooooo< Mold.* Mrs. Kastenhuber, ; barrier. Mrs. Tx?ckhart, Mrs, .1 W. Belling' Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. T. \Y Morrison, Mrs.- John Cox, Mrs. li. P. Tzlar, Mrs. GrambJing, Mrs. Oils Bel). Mill George Mayo. Mrs. W. 12. Sirmans. Mrs. E. A. Fall. Mrs. .1. G. Blaine par: Miss Pa ire. Wm/< ptS; a m m , w f i JjjpflK k RUNAWAY WEDDING LAST NIGHT tj j About 10;I50 p. m., last night two young people woke up Judge McDon ald and requested him to perform the marriage service and the Judge with hife usual alacrity on such oeens- ’ Ions did so and made them man and wife. The contracting parties were Mr. A. \V. Sweat and Miss Lulu M. Henderson. Mr. Sweat Is with the 11) & O. Lott Real Estate Company. Mies Henderson is a charming young lady from Elsie. Opposition from the parents of the br^le caused the need for a runaway match. Foley Kidney i'lba an? tunic iu .» tion, quick in results, and restore tin* ; natural action of the kidneys and ‘ Madder. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. Sop those beautiful shapes just ceived at the Bon Ton. (Vneral Delivc Windows will Sunday theron OUR WOR!\ S!v£r wedding anniversary A very pretty anil enjoyable occas ion of Saturday evening was the cele bration of their Silver Wedding An niversary by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Radford, to which a number of friends were invited. Among a num ber of the beautiful mementos of the occasion was a handsome silver sei- AT THE MAJESTIC Claus, Radcliffe and Claus, Comedy Singers and Eccentric Dancers r. i-:. Miinihy. in cures catarrh. m i A Is CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED—First class milch cov; must be gentle, and fresh in milk. Mis. W. W. Sharpe, 4G Gilmore street. which Mrs. Radford is a member. Du- Oig the evening a delightful salad course and punch were served. Mrs. Radford was assisted by Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Bates. Misses Porter. Lucile Bates and VVH- Phtllips. A number of friends la so perfect that if Is really a pleas ure to sit and look at your 11 non after we return It to you. There is a sort •of freshness about all of OUR laundering ■that f&ti do not find In others’ work. We take particular ' pains with *hlte bosom shirts for dress occas-! Gla< b Ions, and launder them “spotlessly white.” A postal will brlns our w | cj!icd durlnB tl,e c " nlnK ' Amons ot for your collection. '" ora: Mrs - W ' W rhl,,1 >’ s ' Mr - “ n<1 Mrs. M. C. Lewis, Mrs. C. C. Free- man, Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Thomas. Mi*, and Mrs. Sberod Collins, Mrs. .T. I,. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes, Mrs. Jesse Fesperman, .Mrs. S. B. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Joiner. Mrs. W. T. Maynard. Mrs. W. G. Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Prolist, Mr. and .Mrs. H. R. P.ukor, Mrs. E. 11. Reed. Mrs. F. A. t Bates, Miss Monroe. Miss Mary Reed, cure *any ! - Hsses Bellinger, Miss Heygcod, Mrs *PrIce 25 IW. E. Bat’es, Miss l.ucile Bates, Miss 21 tf ' AN iHie Phillips, Mrs. C. H. Lowther. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PARK MOR RAND CO. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hitoh Ki'iiding. . RE-1NFORCED csncrete. Hor G doses “OW will case of Chills and Fever, •cents. jyktmmoth Exhibition Ot J-adlcs HAND BAGS PURSES and Ul 1 sorts of LEATHER GOODS at the I.aGranie Hotel within the next week ARE YOU INTERESTED? and would you like to see them and make a selection from the largest handsomest and swellest lino that will come South this year?. If so telephone us right awt.y and we will let you know when to come. You will remember that we exhibited the pret* tlst line last year that ever came to Waycross. This exhibition Is better ■till. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION DE. FARTMENT IN SOUTH GEORGIA, IS OU RAIM. TELEPHONE #5. Central Pharmacy. Yflnng-Rohertson Drug Co., Prop. FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms it 22 Gilmore street. 25 (f FOR SALE—Cabbages. $1.S0 per rrafe; greens, $1.10, per 70 pound «ack. Freshly cut and packed, only when ordered. Stock tender and de- arable. J. Scarborough & Son, Sa vannah, Ga. 4-6-.law 3w FOR RENT—To couple or to a lady; n nice large furnished front room, nenr the LuGrande Hotel; rent low. Lady often alone and wants company. Address J. C. R. Box 23G. 10 tf ' FOR SALE—Girls bicycle, Apply Miss Ellon Goodrich, street. FOR 'REN—Furnished no street. 1 church 11 tf. LOST—Heifer, ten months old, un marked, color red and white. Infor mation will bo appreciated by Mrs. O. M. Webster. 15 tf FOR RENT—Newly furnisac ocm. close in .Apply Herald office. Coughs, Colds, Croup and Sore Throat. G. R. Brinson & Co., guura IIVOMEf (pronounce ft H(gh-o-me) to <urc catarrh, acute or chronic; to are colds, coughs, croup and sore throat, or money back. Iu case of deafness caused by ca- tarh, there is no remedy so efficient. HYOMI2! is a liquid extracter from the eucalyptus trees of Australia, and* is a soothing, healing, germ killing antiseptic. A complete JIYOMEl ouflt consist ing of a bottle of HYOMI2I and an Indestructible hard rubber pocket in haler costs $1.00. For treating ca- tai rh or any throat or noso ailment pour a few drops into the inhaler and hi eat he. That's all you have to do» and as the air passes through the inhaler it becomes impregnated with antiseptic IiYOMKI, and this soothing, healing i.lr as it passes Into the lungs reach es every particle of the inflamed mem brnne, kills the germs and heals the raw, sore catarrhal spots. If you own a HYOMICI inhaler you t.Di buy an extra bottle of IIYOMKI for only 50 cents at (J. R. Brinson & or druggists everywhere. Free sample rial treatment, from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 11 21 5 PROVIDE FOR YOUR GABIES DY PUTTING MONEY IN OUR SAV INGS DEPARTMENT. WE PAY 4 PERCENT INTEREST, COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY, AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION MAK- ES IT ABSOLUTELY SECURE. CAPITAL $200,000 DEPOSITS .' $410,000 RESOURCES $700,000 First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. * - - - • • Georgia WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. BENTONS’ BENTONS’ BENTONS’ Special Snowing OF: MEW SUMMER SILKS -(■ LOST OR STOLEN—A Ruoycle, painted black, taken from porch a* 52 GJlmore. Return same to A. M. Knight, Jr., and receive reward. 22 fit FOR RENT—Seven room house, 13 Cl’more street. Apply 324 LaGrande Iil ilding, \V. B. Ellington. 22 fit LOST—Black and white fox tei*- Dei information concerning same will b'- rewarded by W. A. McXell at Mu ll al, Grocery Co. 24 3t EXPERT—Typewriter Repairing; phone 123. 21 LOST—Two black, white and fan blglc houndB, male and female. Male 3 years old and female 8 month b Return to McGregor Mayo. 24 St FOR SALE—485 acres fine farming land. Phone 419, Mrs. C. L. Younr- llcod. 24 fit Meseline 37 in. wide, black, cxcelleut quality, Special 98c yd. FOR RENT—Furnish cd( 7-rq-v house, all-improvements, for rent f ■ he r?.*”*mer; and garage, In Fernan Bna. Ha.; fine beach and fishln F». £u*e 200 fine pigeons and fancy ; chicken*, green. Address M. X. j Black, Femandlna, Fla. 24 5tj Meseline 36 in. wide in all colors, black, navy, white, pink light blue, yollow, old rose, tan and Persian Special $1.25 yd. Foulards! Foulards!! Navy, black, white, polka dots and figured. Special 60c, 95c Japonika Silk The soft silk for summer in every color and shade. Plain, polka dots and figured. 25c, 30c 35c, 48c yd. Taffetta Silk 36 in. wide, all colors. Special $1.00 yard. China Silk A spe C c 0 iaT s 50c yard. Talfetta Silk 18 inches wide Stripes, plaids and checks, colors, tan, brown, navy, black and white special 60c yard Satin All Colors Special 75 c H. J. Benton & ‘ J 1