Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 25, 1911, Image 2
WAYCnCSS TV3N!NC HERALD THE EVENING HERALD S HE*RALD PUBLISHING A, P. PerHam, 8r. A. P. Parham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Mist Carrie Perham, Personal, 8ociety and Local. The WaycroM Herald founded in 1885. Tbe Dally Herald founded in j 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr, i Telephones I Dubious Office 25 / Editorial Offie 25 Residence 268. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycross, Ga.. Post- office as second clnas mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF subscription. 1 Month * 46 8 Months ^-25 6 Months 12..>0 1 Year 15.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain- went*, where charges ate made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cents a line. notice to subscribers Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this fa the only moans that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR09S, GA., APRIL 25, 1911. be on the pc Ico. * seems at lust to alighting in Mex- —— That ’New York girl who knelt at churctr altars as if to pray and pick- cd pockets Instead, must have been reading magazine articles on li’.es of pious commercial pirate Kx Fifty Births On* Day's Record, ■J. C. Herrington, a farmer near Hah Ira. had, fifty births on his farm in one day. His wife gave birth to twins, a hoy and girl; two cows gar<? hitth to calves; one sow gave birth to nine pigs, another sow gave birth to eleven, and a hen hatched twen ty- six chickens. Ail of this happen ed on tho 15th of tho month. Mr. Herrington \r F3 years of age, ].h wife Is 37. The lounty surround- Irg Hahira is the best in the world, not excepting any. The people un happy and prosperous.—Valdosta Times, On. tbe package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without tbs ffee Hive. Remember the name, Fo ley’s Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem pharmacy. We are adding ever; full line of Soaps, I’erfu <i« r. .Jergens Oriental ; Tit led Talcum is the latcs Phone 3»»f. or call at Redd wants to the ha rent alst.” But, tho peek-a-boo •in skirt and would not he caught In its company. - Macon News. The Savannah Pret •'shift the discussion frt skirt to the peek-a-boo If we understand it waist abhors the ha lu Providence. It. I . Jtlie courts hn\c decided that a man can slap his wife for picking his pockets. Wo know a Way cross man who would f.«ve to ask In help If Ito showed «?- tempt to engage in such an under taking. —-+— The Dublin Courier-Dispatch be lieves that Hon. lloke Smith w^ll he elected Senator without announcing and that ho will accept. That paper then nominates tho lion. T. (i. Hud son for Governor. The, Courier-Dis patch Is, however, opposed to Mr. Smith. Hut it Is believed the Losls- laturo will hand hltu the prize. Adel News. Hardwick has introduced another bill which purports to prevent the f.i'er marriage or negroes and w hites nt.d Chinamen and whites lu the Dis trict of Columbia. This question, while handled In the States effective* ly Is still permitted In tho district ami the recent marriage of a ne gro** and a white man stirred the Gtorgla congressman to action. White card hoard ' Herald office. GUARANTEED DANDRUFF CURE Beware of the druggists who tells jou that any other hair tonic Is Just ■ah good as Parisian Rage—he knows better. G. R. Brinson & Co., Is the agent for Parisian Sage, and they won’t try to give you something Just as good*because they know that Paris ian Ha ;o is guaranteed to cure dan druff, stop tailing hair and euro nil diseases of the scalp in two weeks or money hack. They know that Parisiun Sage is highly recommended as the most pleasant and rejuvinatlng hair dress ing known. It !hake3 the hair fluffy and beautiful and Is not sticky or greasy. Fifty cents a large bottle at O. It. Brinson & Co. They will guar antee it. Made in America only by Giroux Mfg. Co. Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with tho Auburn hair on every package. 3-25-Q-8 Stop in at The Seals Pharmacy and get a free sample of ZEMO and ZE* MO SOAP. The surest and moat economical lieutment for eczema, pimples, dan druff and nil diseases of the skin and scalp. Do not neglect this. T iey will give you prompt relief and put you on the road to a cure. Good for Infants ns well as grown persons. MI O-NA on money back plan. Apr. !?, 25. May 4. FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION I.. McConnell, Catherine, 8t„ J3» mlrn. N. Y.. writes: "I wish to express *nj appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley’s Kidney Remedy hlch I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did. tbe work most effectively and proved to me beyond n doubt It is the most re liable kidney . medicine I have ever taken.” Gem Pharmacy. Governor Brown evidently believes •that tbe pardoning power should be exercised only in exceptional cases. He takes the position that while reo-’ on.numd.itIons should come through t tho Prison Commission, lie does not consider himself hound by the corn* mission’* s finding. The commission must consider the matter Ilrst, but • iliat tribunal’s view of a case nett! not Influence the chief executive’s Anal action. farm Seeds. We are' headquarters tor the best in all Farm seeds. IS Crus and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Peas, Sols Beans, Sorfhnms, Kaffir Corn, Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. 8 "Wood's Crop iuued Special'' monthly give* timely information as to :eed« to plant each month in the year, also prices sf Season able Seeds. Wri ’rite for copy. Whether we are pleased with Gov ernor Brown's decision la the Strip ling case or not, and while those of V* who algae J petitions'asking for executive clemency may be dlaap- ponted that the f ill pardon recoro- r . ndvJ fc> '■ i rjt-a ‘ •-t v. liltti, tbe pn tt-d \ - C e o* reviewing the case unJ tin forth alt reason < for r^tusln; to ”Ls testupt In tbit case the dtie procer* law** is one that must command tit reaped of all goal cliUena.—! Allrtry ktraM. THE .--**• State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAP OLIS, INDIANA, Deposits With 8tate for Guar antee of Policies, .... $8,000,000.00 Surplus to Policy Holdera, $1,174,606.0b Security l n a Life Insurance Policy Is the principal thing. One- wants protection that protecU without regard to general . financial condltlons.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all Its policy holders, tbe entire cash value of every outstanding policy. At this time tbe company has on deposit with the State, in first class securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIE8 ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG- LAND. J have been with this good company seventeen years and through Its agency have paid many thousands of de'lars to beneficiaries, Take no chance with Y° ur llf * policy but see me for “INSURANCE THAT INSURES/' V. L. STANTON, Manager. 1 ^ | WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. 4 ;| .* g SAVES TWO LIVES. ''Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, If it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery,” writes \. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C.. R. F. D.. No. 8, ‘Tor we both i frightful that no remedy •ouM h< la. We were ttid my sister had conaumption. Rue was very weu> itid had night sweats hut jour won netful medicine completely cured u- t*o»h. It Is the beet I ever used or beard of.” For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage. Ugrlppe, asthma hay fever, croup, whooping cough.~ all broechica! troubles,—Its supreme Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00. Gpar anleed by AU DnitfliU* PEOPLE REALIZE MORE AND MORE EVERY YEAR THAT ALL WORK IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYBODY. THE PROPER RECREATION IS LIKE OILING A MACHINE. IT KEEPS YOU FROM WEARING OUT, MAKES YOU DO BETTER WORK. If you work from the neck up, htat it, do brain Vork, you need to keep your body in good condition, or sooner or later you will suffer from If you work from the neck down, you will do better work and enjoy it more. Keep the Lawn Green A good sprinkling and good hoso and rather frequent going over with a lawn mower is the best prescription we know of for a smooth, even, per fectly kept lawn. Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Hoes and Spades C You must raise the earth before Jr you can raise a crop of anything, jJr aid here’s the tool to do the raising. ** ' 0 BIG STOCK. REASONABLE PRICES X Watt Hardware Co; j >00000000000000000 0000000000 0000000 Good Meat is Not Hard For You to Get ^ No matter how much trouble it is for us to get it, you have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh Meats of all kinds. A fresh supply just received. New City Market, A. J. BURKHALTER, Prop. 19 Albany Ave. Phone 427 * CIG STOCK OF BASEBALL GOODS AND FISH I NO TACKLE. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant.Ave. Phene 186 PARK PLACE* 1 High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms* close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. KOOK NS. 4 Southern Bold