Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 25, 1911, Image 3
fw« SPRING SPECAILS SkS! Dainty Flowered Dimities 20c LOW -Excursion Rales Via The A. B. &A. R. R. TO ALBANY, <5A., APRIL 23-30, AC- COUNT THE GEORGIA CHAUTAUQUA. Tlckes will be on sale, April 22nd to 29th, inclusive; with return limit, May 1st Further I (formation Cheeefull Furnished by Ticket Agent. W. H. Leahy, A. D. Daniel, O. P. A. T. P. A. Atlanta, Georgia. Foley’s Kidney Pills What They Will Do for Yon They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build ap the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Die- bates, and rertore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. FORSAIE BY GEM PHARMACY Very Serious It Is a very serious matter to ask | for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLacFdraughT liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia- I ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It docs not imitate other medicines. It is better than I [ others,. or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than ell others combined. SOLD IN TOWN $ ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo'ooo' STATE OF GEORGIA WARE COUNTY. To The Superior Court of Said County The petition of William II. Crumb, Darwin Crumb and Charles W. Kee ler, respectfully shows: 3. That they desire for themselv es, their associates, successors and assigns, to be constituted a body corporate under the name and style of "W. H. CRUMB & COMPANY” ft r the term of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of said time as provided by A Valuable Book Free! WHAT PIANO WILL YOU BUY "OR YOUR CHILD TO BEGIN ML'F- 1C ON? YOUR CHILD'S PROQRE8 WILL BE DETERMINED BY YOUR ANSWER. .». * - , 1= YOU WISH TO KNOW WHAT !S THE BEST PIANO TO BUY,-LET U3 KNOW AND WE WILL SEND YOU POST PAID, FREE, A LARGE EOOK CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF EVERY PIANO ON THE MAR KET, GIVING THEIR STANDING, GRADE, QUALITY, AND STORES OF VALUED INFORMATION FOR THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER. WE 8ELL THE CELEBRATED CHICKERING, MC PHAIL, LAFFAR. GUE, OREWSTER, HENRY F. MILLER, BUSH A LANE, FOSTER CAM BRIDGE, AN DOTHER PIANOS, BUT THI8 BOOK WILL TELL YOU OF EVERY PIANO MADE AND MAY 8AVE YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. , ' THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. law. !. The object of said corporation Is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. The particular business propos ed to he carried on by said corpora ls is as follows: To carry on tho business of civil, mechanical and electrical engineers ar.u dealers in and manufacturers of cl 1 kinds of machinery, tools and Im plements of every kind and descrip tion, to build construct and repair railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, water gas and electric works, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, canals, hotels, wharves, piers or any work of internal improvement, public use or utility. To acquire, by purchase, lease o. otherwise, any and all kinds of real and personal property, including Im proved and unimproved real estateand wild lands wherever situated, and to own, hold, sell, mortgage and encum ber sabie; To survey, subdivide, plat and Ini* pove lands and real estate for pur poses of sole or otherwise, to con struct, erect and operate thereon,, POTTER & McMAHAN TAILORS and BARBERS. ^Tailoring AtlReasonsble PJices, THE LA GRANDE B4RBER SHOP lOiPlantJAve. LaGrandeBldg. otherwise dispose of any other prop erty, real* or personal, in any of the stated, territories, districts or colon- i:d possessions of the United States and in foreign countries, as may from t’mo to time become convenient and necessary. The principal place of business cf said corporation shall be In the Uli/ of WaycroBs in the County of Were and State of Georgin, but peti tioners desire that said corporation si.all have tho right and privilege to t’ansaft, business elsewhere In the Slate of Georgia or In any other S»nto or Territory of the United States, and to establish branches nnd agencies of same elswhero in this Slate or in any other State or Ter ritory as nmy bo deemed expedient. f. The capital stock of said cor poration shall bo One Hundred Thou sand Dollars ($100,000.00) divided into Ono Thousand (1,000) shares of V'jT vuluo of Ono Hundred Dollars $100.00) each; hut. petitioners desire that the said corporation shall hnve the right to increase or diminish said capital whenever It shnll sco fit extent allowable under the laws of tho State of Georgia by a majority vote of its stock; the foregoing enu meration not being intended to limit or restrict in any manner tho pow ers of said company to which it Is entitled under the laws of the State of Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray tLnt an order be granted Incorporate ing them in accordance with the fore going; and they will ever pray, etc. Wilson, Bennett & Latpbdln, Petitioners Attorney. Filed In office this 21st day of April 1911. (Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk. ! hereby cortlfy that the above and fo:cgoing is a true copy. This April 21st 1011. (Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk. v 4-21-luw-4w buildings, machinery and appliances, | from time to time by a majority rcudways or tramways; to develop vote of the stock. Petitioners also aid maintain, construct and operate artesian wells and pumping plants, together with Irrigation and drain- desire that said company shnll havo (lie right to Issue preferred stock to nnv amount not exceeding Ono Hun- nge canals and ditches, and to fur- dred Thousand Dollars,. In addition nish water for agricultural, domes- to said cqitninon stock, and to Increase tic and other purposes; to iny out. e r diminish the same, either common ; develop, improve and promote, towns, or preferred, from time to time us is | cities, farms, farm settlements anci i desired by the majority of tho stock- r*< 'FOLEY IIDNE5T PHIS ■ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, t ;d i-rlrrry irregularities. Foley Kidney Pilis purify f "• -* »*— 1 — »<*-* ">••»». -id v-csr i-.itlr-itea. ror. i/.LC BY GEM FHARMACY j colonies, and commercial, agricultu- t ral, manufacturing and other ontcr- to carry on the business of farmir-g or planting and to improve, develop nnd operate fruit and agri cultural lands; to raise, produce, buy, sell, exchange and deal in trees, plants, shrubs, cereals, and all kinds tT fruit, nursery, vegetable and farm products; to buy, sell, lease, and hold limner, timber lands, tracts nnd [rights; to maintain and operate saw- ! n Ills, and to buy and sell lumber [and other wood products, as well as io manufacture same; to inanufac- tu e, buy, sell and deal in rosin, tur pentine and naval stores; to conduct ^ it general real estate business and to | |,i.y and sell lands either upon its own account, or as agent or broker for others and to charge commissions for same; to conduct a commissary or commissaries, and to buy, sell and dral generally In goods, wares and Merchandise of all kinds; To conduct its business as above stated In all Itc branches, and to have one or more business officers, holders, and to give such preferred stock such rights and priviliges nnd such relative rank and dignity as the stockholders may consider advisable. 6. Petitioners desire that said company shall have all the powers, rights, privliges and immunities com mon and Incident lo corporations gen- {-rally under tho law, including the power and authority to transact and carry on any and all of its business r.s above set forth, to contract and bo contracted with; to borrow and lend money; to execute its promissory notes, bonds, debentures or other ev idences of debt; to any amount, ana to secure same by mortgages, pledges, trust deeds or any other form of sat isfactory security; to receive in pay ment for its capital stock, either com mon or preferred, or for any bonds or other obligations it may issue, any real or personal property, money, franchises, chosos in action, laboi' or services, property rights, or other consideration satisfactory -to Its di rectors or stockholders; to amend or renew its articles of Incorporation nJ without restriction .to Improve, a*, any.time during its^corporate ex*; manage, operate, buy, self, lease or iatcnce in any manner and to any 8TATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO LUCAS COUNTY, )ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ia senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business m the City of oledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said Ami will pny the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hail’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials frat. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Tolado, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Tako Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL8 Are tonic In action, quick In re sults. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. H., says: “I was afflicted with a bad case of rheu matism, due to uric acid that my kid neys failed to clear out of my blood. I was so rhme in my feet, Joints, and back that it was agony for me to step. 1 used Foley Kidney.Pills for three days when I w*a able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. This great change fn condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and re commend them to anyone suffering as I have.” Gem Pharmacy. FOR LAQRIPPE C0UQH8 1 8TUPFY COLDS. Take FdE ,oney .and Tar. It qufekX jjgS’d etpetf. the cold t 1* 7.anloin, no , mm, . _ cpfates, la safe ai macy. It contains no ire. Gem Phatv