Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 25, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD The blew Store With I I ThefVewGoods WILKES Next to P. N. Harley Hardware Co. TELEPHONE NO. 596 iYe Sell For Cash and For Less IALS IS WEEK Filks ALL TAFFETAS, FOULARDS, MESSALtNES AND SATINS, IN $1.25 VALUES. 87c yd. Hursette Silk IN COLORS, 35c VALUE, 23 cents. Embroidery and Lace BABY IRISH FLOUNCING, WORTH $2.00 YARD, yard 1.63 BAND8 TO MATCH SAME; Yard 99 dts. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COR< SET COVEF* EMBROIDERY, 19 dts. yard GOOD LACES, WORTH 5c YARD AND OVER Per yard 4c 50c VALUESIN TABLE LINEN PER YARD, 43 cents. Our line of dress goods are the talk of Waycross. We invite your inspection and solicit your patronage. For the next few days we are going to give a few special prices on goods and it will pay you to lay in yonr spring and summer supply while these great reductions are on. Remember we have no shoddy or shelf-worn goods to offer you; everything new and up-to-date. ALL OUR $18.00-AND $20.00 MEN’S SUITS MADE BY ONE OF THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSES IN THE COUNTRY, IN ALL THE LAT- $14.97 OUR COMPLETE LINE OF $15.00 VALUES IN SERGES, GREYS, TANS, ETC. EVERY ONE A MODEL OF PERFECTIQN, $11.87 THE BEST LINE OF $12.00 SUITS IN ALL THE LATEST FABRICS, $9.97 WE ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF SUITS, WORTH FROM $8.50 TO $10.00 AT ^T.9B $1.25 VALUES IN TABLE LINEN, PURE LINEN, 93 cents WE CARRY THE ROYAL WOR CESTER CORSETS..PRICES RANGE 47c to $2.87 WILKES The Progressive Stoxe. CORSET COVER8, 15c, 22c, 45c DRAWERS 22c, 39c 45c SKIRTS ..73c, 89c, $1.29, $1.87, $2.48 LARGE SELECTION OF CHIL DREN’S UNDERWEAR. Ladies’ Skirts THE VERY BEST $6.50 AND $7.00 SKIRTS TO BE BOUGHT ANY- WHERE, MADE UPON THE. LAT- ESI STYLES, IN PANAMA, VOILES IN BLACK AND BLUE $4.73 ALL LADIES 50c, 65c AND VALUES IN LADIES WAISTS 47 efts. Linens 75c VALUE, PURE LINEN LAWN, EXTRA GOOD VALUE 48 cents BOLTS 10 14 LINEN EKEETING JUST THE THING FOR WHITE LINEN SKIRTS, $1.00 VALUE TO GO AS LONG AS IT LA8TS Per yd. 69c LARGE ASSORTMENT COLORED LINEN8, SOLID AND STRIPES, ALL 50c VALUE8 39 cents. Muslin Underwear THE SNAPPIEST PATTERNS IN GOWN8 EVER 8HOWN HERE, ARB $1.25 AND $1.50 VALUES, IN ALL THE LATE8T 8TYLES, 98 cents ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦»♦»»♦♦»»»< ►♦♦♦ THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PRICE 18 $1 TO $10. WE RE COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 CORSETS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARE DE8IGNED WITH EACH SEA LEADING FASHIONS IN Sold In Wayero.. Exclusive ' ' * il i Hiss Eddie Parnell ' Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. •1N CONNECTION WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN A GULF • RAILROAD BETWEENATLANTA AND ALBANY. Meal, aerved anytime enroute. at rea.onable price.. Schedule: Southbound: Northbound: V Lr. Atlanta TM6 am tv. Albany * 12:10 noon AT. cordele. ' l:$0 pm Lv. Cordele 1:40 P“ AT. Albany • »“ Ar. Allnnta T:45 pm THESE ARE TH$ FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quickest Time. Try it Be^ Service. „»W, H. Leahy. Gen. Pan Agt. Atlanta, Georgia. A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE I. a valuable family friend. Foley’a Honey and Tar fulBlla tbla condition exactly; Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th St., Easton, Pa., state*: ' “Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley’a Hooey and Tar and 1 nm never without n bottle In the hou.e. It eoothes and relieve* the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. -I have o' iays found It a reliable cough curf 1 Gem-Pharmacy. CASTOR IA Forlnfanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Cabbage Plants at SO Reed it reel, Friday or Saturday, 20, cents per hum dred. . Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Scheduler of Train* Effective January 2, 1911. Notice:—The arrival and departures are given ae information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 1. Miles Station 0 Hebnrdvllle, Oa. Lv. 5:30 am 2 Waycro.s (Albany ave) 6:35 am 8 Lavlnla * 6:60 am 10 Fredel Ar. 5:66 am Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel 2:45 P m 3 Lavlnla $ :6 ® P m 2 Wayero.. (Albany ave) 3:05 pm OHcbardvllle . 3:10 pm Trains No. I and No. 2, dally, tx cept Sundae. Ini’. V. Hr,bin*, A,. undent. Oar MM. Grad* Free* Proa, Cab. n Plains ar. now read. Tor dlitrlbu- tlooT it lilrapoMlbl. to Ml »n, beuoror more nlttble punt, theo oorai. wenie nothing not we bert eeed. from old row er. of nndlwnted repouUon. Try oui»ad beconrlni-M/ Don’t look for clieep **ed. or plant, from wbich to Brow crops, butacck pat.** drttrerr I pnm rs«AG ta All point*. ML Qfb—n C<^ Box g. FLAT DUTCH ' NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS! We would appreciate It a favor If any of our .uh.crlbera who fail to get their paper regularly, WOULD AT ONCE, let no know, either by card or phone No. 25, and wo will lltljne- dlntely Investigate and try to reme dy it. in view of our rapidly Increas ing circulation and the big l»ue we now send out dally, this la the only way wo can know Whether our car rier hoy. are doing their duty, and we are very anxlou. that evert’ NEW tmd OLD iuti.erlbor Mould get their paper with utmo.t regularity for their sake* and our own. A. wo know whet it means to ml.a to read The Herald If only for one day. 28 3t The CIrcfilatloil Manager. It Pays To Advertise! WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. El Jr. O. U. A. M. Meet* every Monday evening lo Red Men's Hall, Lott-HItcb building at > p. m.' Vl.lilag brotbere cordially In Thee • to meet with u*. She, ml Collin., U Carl Collin. Ree-Seety. • Councilor For either ..’lire V hepm.’ ktJnj dlrordera, for annoy ml -'diuiu. narv .lrregnlaritla, take Wnl j Wi’re' Pllli. An honest and efffi’Hrr, edi- cine for kidney and bladder ilsor- dera. Gam Pharmacy. , WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. [ • camp iei Meet. Brei arid third Thursday <n each month. Maconld Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C- D. P. Woolley, Clerk. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON 1ECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS* AT 7;3C P. M. All Matona Invltejl to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W- J. CLARK, SEC. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 37 KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS. • o;,x Meets avrry Monday evening al :30 In f / H *t ’’ant ,,e Members •"> requested &i to-attend, and visiting Knight* are moat 'or Hally Invited to meet with u>. CHAS. E. CASON, C. C. T. II. Mlllor, K. of R. A S. ft M. of F. C A DOWNEYm M- D V ,VETBNARIAN- IP Albaav Avenue Wayero**, Os’ i Cray and Night P.iane 6M. 50c per tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extractad when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. Ail other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed j OR. DANIEL - The Dentist Folks’ Block OOOOOOCKX-OOOOOOOO I OWN A HOME c WE LOAN VOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE & | YEARS; MONTHLY PAYfAENTS^ — F — ~ - g { Will stilt you a lot on same t£rms—s£e us! Waycross Savings and Trurfl Co' ^^♦oooococooooaoa ooooooooooooooooo’-' 0 OCXfOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOAOOAOOOOOOOO CARRIAGE PAINTER. 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and. Automobile Painting " i NEATLY I EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCO Wehave *everil million niah Grade Frost Proof Unbbege 1’lanU which will be in line aha pc- for trftn«pl»nUnr from the dr«t or Feb ruary to the am of A prJl.and la order to more thorn when readr wo here decided to eell at the following reduced price* f. o. I», Megfctt: . IUa*0«Et$LMprrlAM»tO»AMBt$LM twr IJW? Cfenp PlMtM Mm tn ilfHM Don't rtrUy or- dvr to* I from want rv»l high end* l-to$U t UM