Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 27, 1911, Image 1
NUMBER 145 ; School,—Rev. W. J. Carswell and Brother B. D. Purdell. The Sunday School aa character builder; -the . reapoualhUlty_.e| _th? Teacher,'—Brother John W. Bennett, and Itev. J. A. Clark, SUNDAY MORNINQ. Jti a. m. Remember tho Sabbath Day to k^sp it Holy, general dlicusilon. II a. m. Preaching, Rev O. P. OU- beit or Augusta, Ga. 2:30 p. m„ Sunday School Maaa Meeting; Open dlecuaelon on nceda of Sunday School work In Piedmont An- aoclatlon. 7; 30 p, m., Prayer and Pralee aerr,-. Ice. s p. m. Sermon, Rev. 0. P. Gilbert. tcrtuln dclegatoa on way through Waycroaa to attend tha great biennial convention ot 'conductor! In Jackson ville, between 6th and 10th of May, A CANNING FACTORY Mr. Geo. w. Dcen Introduced to the Board of Trade, Mr. Adama of Gaines ville, who .IS now In Waycroaa en deavoring to Interest the farmers and truck growers with a view of estab lishing a canning factory In vyny- croea STATE ORGANIZATION OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Pfbsldent A. M. Knight, Vico Pres ident J. L. Sweat and C. F. An drews were appointed delegates to called the convention at Barnesvlllo ca'-led to organise a State Association of the Chambers of IVs the natty little “Fixings- that lend grace and elegance to the summer man's apparel, nobby shirts, ties, pretty hosiery, with a dainty line of underwear. COWS AGAIN. Sympathy was expressed for the Indies yesterday, after preparing bean Glut wreaths of flowers for the dec oration of tho Confederate monument hnd to pile them up In an unsightly heap as high -up as possible on the monument to keep them from being Immediately destroyed by the wander Ing cbw. ceremony Commerce of Georgia. COSMOPOLITAN SECURITY CO. Mr. Greene and Mr. Deane of At- bjr.la, representing the Cosmopolitan- Security Company were In Waycroaa yesterday and were Invited to meet with the Board of Trade. Mr. Greene expressed himself an ■ being very much Impressed with the ' future of Waycrosw and will probably -arrange to esta|>llsh a depository and t agency for hi* great company here. |His talk was an Interesting one and] ho made many practical suggestions fir the future of Waycrors. Mr. Deane also spoke, and said, we like Waycross better than any place we have seen since we left Atlanta. Many other matters were discussed Including a projected new woodwork shop, 'furniture factory,. guano mill and the new White Way. To looloand feel “summery” is an easy matter tQ a man who trades here. No matter what a man’s size is, or what his iaste may be, we can •tit him in suits. If you -/t®!* HAN °8 rent. "* qwerty for sale or to In, ' Wo us eonstahUy receiving dnlrles fir desirable bouses,' stores •nd build in g sltes. WE HANDLE REAL ESTATE for some or tbe.lsrgest holders In ths city and ‘wilt be glad Tli#' feature! of the game were a tripple play l»y "Bookworms” and lilt- tin? of Smith, getting 3 single bits, . fine a home run. , • I Joe-up: Y. M. C. A., Simmons, ci; Nortel, 3b; A. Lowther, lb; Woods. 2b; Smith, c; Philips, ss; W. Lowther, p; DuBohe, If; Hengeveld, rf. Bookworms, Justice, 3b; Radford ss; Jones, c; Bland, 2b; Gardner, p; Parker, cf; Dorsey, lb; Lewis, rf; !Grsy, If. Summary: borne run. Smith, 3-beee hits, Dorsey; 2-bsse bits. Joust, W. Lowther. y Score by Innings:' Fights Scheduled For Tonlgh-,• Joe Coster vs Petty Kll M rounds, at Brooklyn, N. Y. - ( Dauber Jaeger ve Freddie Andrews 10 rounds, at Fond du Lao, WIs. to refer you to them ee to our method of conduction business. n •BHE Bunn-Bell, tONOOOl 2—7 to 6 Y. M. C. A. 0 4 1 2 I 0 2 o _i 0 , 3G Umpire: Will I-outher.' and Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCC ' ; AGENTS. s VOLUME £VIII Fifteenth Annual Convention Kings Daughters And Sons WAYCROSS, GA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911 AT THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Georgia Branch of The International Order Meets May 2-3-4, 1911. 1911, Program, Tuesday. May -2nd, 8:Ot Organ Prelude. Convention Called to Order—The State Secretary. Hymn—“Come Thou Almighty King.”' evotional Services—Rev. A. M. .nett. 'Welcome From Pastor—Rev. O. F. Cook. Music—Misses Perham. Welcome From the City—Mayor J. M. Cox . Greeting From Central Council— Mrs. I. C. Davis. New York City. Greeting From Ahsept Friends Th« Recording Secretary Welcome From the King's Daugh ters and gftns, Waycross—Mrs. T. J. Gurr. Anthem—”0 God Thou Art My God.’* ' Response to Welcome—Mrs. Nellie Kean Troutman, Macon, Ga. Music—Offeratory. Announcements and Appointments of Committees. Prayer—Rev. R. Brown. Adjournment Informal reception Immediately af- ilon. •. [ * WEDNESDAY MORNING ' Prayer Service 9:15 to 9:30 Regular Session 9:45. Hymn—Jesus Calls Us O'er Tumult. Devotional Service—Mrs. C. A. Rcwfand, Augusta. Minutes Previous Meeting. 4 Report Credential Committee, Roll Call of Circles. Report Executive Committee. Report Recording Secretary—Mrs. NJ 'G. Brewer, Savannah. Report Treasurer—Miss V. C. Ken nedy, Savannah. Report State Secretary—Miss Kate , Hall, Brunswick. Report County Secretaries. Report Circles, City Unions and Chapters. Announcements. Prayer. Adjournment. Lunch At Church—Daughters of the Confederacy. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 3 P. M. Hymn (Selected.) Devotional Service—Mrs. K. A. Oliver, Balnbridge. Minutes Previous Meeting. Roll Call. Report Circles, City Unions and Chapters continued. f Question Box—Mrs. I. C. Davis. Report Georgia Industrial Home— Miss Doilie Cartledge. Report Nominating Committee. Report -of Committees. Unfinished Business. Announcements. Adjournment. , . • WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8:00 P. M. Music, “He Lcadeth Me.” Report Central Council Member—. Mrs. C. A. Rowland. Solo, Voice Triumphant—Mrs. J. W. Se-lg. Report Conference Int emotional Order—State Secretary. " I Illustrated Lecture, "The Other Wise Man."—State Secretary. j Music—Holy, Holy, Holy. ! Anthem, "Rejoice In The Lord.” Announcements. Benediction—Rev. W. H. Heigham. Adjournment. THURSDAY MORNING. Polls open from 8:45 to 9:46 a. m. Election of Officers, Solo—Mrs. Howell. Devotional Service 9:30 to . 9:46— Mrs. Davis, Waycross. Roll Call. Minutes Previous Meeting. Unfinished Business. Music, “For All The Saints WhO From Their tabor Rest”, No. 430. Memorial Service—Mrs. I. C. Day is Music, “Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand,” No. 618. Announcements. Report of Tellers? (Continued on Page 8.) CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY The Memorial Day exercises were inducted yesterday, and \vere unus ually interesting and Impressive. A large crowd gathered at the school house, not only to pay tribute of mem df the old voierans who have passed away, but also to do honor to those who still remain with us. This is a sad, yet inspiring occasion, and it Is a grave wonder to the writer, (who Is unable .to claim the proud honor of being a descendant of these noble heroes), that so many fail’ U> take advantage of the privilege of taking part in this tribute of respect I to these' splendid heroes of the great- es* conflict that Is recorded In the world’s history, or to use their few opportunities to do honor to these grand old patriots, who in a few years must answer to their last “Roll Call.” All‘ honor to these splendid women, who with loving patriotic loy alty, are keeping green the memo ries of the heroic dead, and are hon oring and cheering the closing years of yie grey haired old soldiers, who represent today the/emnants of that gallant “army in grey” who fought so desperately for our Southland. The programme as announced was carried out very successfully. The singing by Mrs. Howell being very much enjoyed. Miss Wood’s recita tion, a pathetic story of jnyalty «ind courage was finely rendered. Col. J. S. Edwards delivered a thoughtful and earnest address along patriotic ana very^ appropriate lines, emphasizing the courage of the old veterans, the justice of their cause and the heroic The Piedmont Baptist Sunday School Asso. lunday Vri ’ffl&AfcS “‘tbo. %LV’ -.com- . df£| T MEETING HELD AT THE BOARD OF TRADE LAST NIGHT. A good crowd were present at the Board of Trade meeting last night, iind Ms of work was ddne for the ad vancement of tho good roads and oth er;, movements to upbuild Waycross and Wlregrass. A strong resolution was passed endorsing the proposed National Highway via Waycross, Bax ley, Reidsvillo, Augusta and Charlotte, N. C., to New York. A strong delegation was appointed to attend tho good roads convention at Buxley on Friday April 28th, to confer on plans for the building of bridge over Altamaha river near that point. The proposed now route to Jacksonville will be 276 miles shorter than the route adopted through At lanta and will be of inestimable, ad* vantage to Waycross. Resolution was passed thanking^Mr. Leahy and A. B. & A., railroad far the new dining cars put on A. B. & A. route. Senator Geo.-W. Decn, L. J. Coop er and Secretary Andrews were ap pointed a special committee to take up several Important matters with A. C. L. railroad, including morning Tho Piedmont Baptist Sunday School Convention will be held i First Baptist Church in our city, n.enclng tomorrow. Quite ,a number oi delegates are expected from the various churches and a good time is anticipated. The programme as announced (* us follows: . . Program, Sunday Sdliool Conven tion to bo hold with flic First Bap tist Church, Waycross, Ga.^ April 28, 29, and 30, 1911: » •* / FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH. 10 a. m. Devotional Exercises, Organization; Opening Address—By Judge T. A. Parker. 11 a. m. Introductory Sermon— Rev. A. M. McCool. 2 p. m., Enrollment of delegates. , election of officers, reports from schools. Discussion, What Should Be The Ain; of Each Sunday School—Rev. C. * E. Wren, and Bro. II. D. Howard. 8 p. m. The Sunday School as a Missionary Power—Bro. Geo. W. Anderson, Field Secretary Sunday School Board. SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH/ J911.” 9 a. ra. Discussion. Are The Meth ods Used In Our Sunday School to teach the chldren to glvo, founded on sound principles?—Rev. W. F. Thomp son, and Ilov. W. H. Scruggs. Do we believe in Sunday School?— Brother C. S: Meadows and Rev. A M. McCool. 2 p.m. A medium f*r Strengthennlgof imorcsts. between church and Sunday