Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 27, 1911, Image 6

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD .. - - ■ - -- | V 9 ■' we teach you bookkeeping and all attendant BRANCH E8. \ WE TEACH YOU SHORTHAND* AND ALL NECE88ARY BRAN* ES. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BOOKS. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE AB8TRACT OF LAND TITLE8. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL 8ERVICE EXAMINA TIONS. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT If you can’t attend personally wo have nu excellent mall course that fully prepares you In nny of theso departments. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. Uncle Sam Is Proud OF MANY OF HIS POSE8SIONS, AND HE HAS GOOD REASON TO BE PROUD OF THE HARNESS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE HANDLING ONLY THE BEST SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, ALL WELL MADE AND HANDSOME. THE BEST MATER IALS AND WORKMANSHIP CHAR ACTERIZE THIS HARNESS, AND IT CIVES EVERY SATISFCTION TO THE PURCHASER. PRICES ARE ADMITTEDLY REASONABLE. ALSO A LINE OF RUNABOUTS, OPEN TOP BUGGIES, SPRING AND ARM* WAGONS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. JONES BUGGY CO. Wayoroes, Georgia ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VET ERANS! > .' * i Why pay *$1.00 to have your tooth extracted when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteedJ OR. DANIEL Hie Dentist Folks’ Block Wraor rarmr sane sangaaeg O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O MARVIL&O QUINN <> O Formeily Lott, Fain & Co O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMERS. O O Telephone 500 l)ay or Nght O O’ Private Chapel and Morgue O O 0 0 0*00 oo o o o o O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O WL HINSON & CO ° O UNDERTAKERS O O AND , O O cMBALMERS. .O O- Phone 91 and 153. O OOOOOOOOOOO0 OOOOOOOOOOO0 O WILSON o O BENNETT *> o & LAMBDIN o O Attorney, A Counselors At Law O oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO0 O ANDREW B ESTES <> O ATTORNEY AT LAW O O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bidg. O O Waycrc»s, Ga. O O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O DEEN& BURNETT <> O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room 308 La Grande Bldg. O O Waycross, Ga. O O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O V WJ GASSETT <> O CONTRACTOR & BUILDER O O Resdence 48 Margaret Street O O Phone 103 Waycross, Ga.. .O O OOOOOOOOOO 0 o oooooooooo 0 O G R LOVELACE <> O DENTIST O O Office la Redding Block, Over O O Star Clothing Store O oOOOOOOOOOOo OOOOOOOOOOO0 o J B BAGUhY MD <> O PHYSICIAN * SURGEON O O Office n Southern Building O O OFFICE HOURS. O O 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. O 0OOOOOOOOOO0 0OOOOOOOOOO0 O A FLEMING M D ° <» Offlee over Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern Building. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO O O OO'"* O O O O OO O O CL REDDING ° O ATTORNEY AT LAW. -O O Upatalra Redding Block. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O o o o o o > 0 0 0,00 o OOOOOOOOOO 0 o' JOHN S WALKER o O Attorney and Counselor At O O Law. O O Office up stairs Southern O O Hotel. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. Of o ooooooooooo 0OOOOOOOOOOO O BYCK ELECTRIC o O SUPPLY CO o O All Kind, of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO 0 0ooooooooooo O BenJ. J. Park, Harry D. Heed O o PARKS & REED ° O ATTORNEY* AT «LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO 0 Camp 819. U. C. t., Waycross, Ga., April 10, 1911. A special meeting of Camp S19, U. . V., 1* hereby called to convene ar the court houie In Way cross at 10 o^lock a. m., on Saturday, April 22, 1911, for the pUrpoie of revising the roll of members, arranging for the observance of Memorial Day the 26th and transacting other bus!- rsa of importance. All Confederate Veterans residing In Ware and adjoining counties, whether members of the Camp now or not, are urged to attend. By order of J. W. Strickland, J. L. Sweat. Adjutant. Capt Comdg. 10 6t DODCTOR PRAISES D. D. D. Although an M, I)., I acknowledge A. B. &A. R.R. •‘The St* 8Ch l Ncfthboui ; ird of Excellence In Passenger Service.” -LES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 1911. Southbound: <>medy. I). I). D., reaches case*? ol -Dr. Ira-T. (labbert. Caldwell, Kan. “My cure hep&h from the.first a: as smooth as a baby's. I take a thousand dollars for what D. D 7:20 am :us Lr. Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pm 10:46 am 8:00 am 6:4*. pm Lv. Thalmau Ar 7:26, pm 10:00 am 9:20 am 8:00 pm Lv. Waycros, Ar. 6:10 pm 8:45 am 11:00 am 9:4() pm Lv. Dbuglaa Ar 4:35 pm 7:10 am 12:05 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fitzgerald Lv. 3:30 pm 6:05 am 8:20 am 7:15 pm Lv. Thomasville Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am 9:25 am 8:22 pm Lr. Moultrie Ar, 5:33 pm 8:05 am 10:3b am 9:30 pm Lv, Tilton Ar. 4:30 pm 7:05 am 12:15 pm 10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pm 6:00 am 1:40 pm 12:15 am Lv. Cordele Lv. 2:05 pm 4:40 am 2:01 pm 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm '4:14 am 2:48 pm If 23 am Ly Montezuma Lv. 12:60 pm 3:30 am 2:56 pm 1:35 api Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am 4:22 pm 2:68. am Lv. Talbotton Lv. 11:10 am 2:00 am 5:15 pm 3:40 am Ar Manchester Lv. 10:30 am 1:20 am 5:20 P/n 3:45 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 10:25 am 1:15 pm 6:41 pm 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Ly. * 10:04 am 12:52 am 6.34 pm 4:59 am Lv. Senola Lv 9:09 am 11:54 pm 8:15 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv. 7:30 am 10:15 pm 10:45 am 3:50 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:80 pm 12:45 am 11:56 am 4:50 am Lv. LaGrauge Ar. 3:25 pm 11:45 pm 3:50 pm 8:45 am Lv. Talladega Ar. 11:30 am 7:45 pm 6:55 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. 8:30 am 4:45 ptn * Snn*o, of Chlllicotbe, Ohio. These are just samples of letters we are receiving every day from grate ful patients nil over the country. “Worth its weight in gold,” “All my pimples washed away by D. D. D. M "I found instant relief,” ‘‘D. D. D. is little short of miraculous." These are the words of others in describing (he great skin remedy, D. D. D. Proven by thousands of cures, for ten years to be absolutely harmless and reliable in every case of Jkin trou hie no matter what it is. Get a trial bottle today! Instant re lief-only 25c. H. 8. Redding. TRV THE WANT ADS’ j|W. R- THOMAS. M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LeGrande Building. Room 324. Over Poetofllce. Hours: 9 to 11 s.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p. m. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR ANO BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Phofie No. 5S3 Be sure you are right, then go ahead and let me figure on doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to give- per fect aatfsfactfon. Best of references furnished if required. oooooooooo o DR LEWIS o JONATHAN BURCH <> practice limited to o Eye, Ear, Note, Throat and O Chronic Disease*. O Residence 169 Plant Are. O Offlee Redding BuHdlsg. O Office Hours: 8 to. It a. m. O 2 to 5 p. m. colored peop’e. O •5 00 0<>00000 O THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY’S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. The Paclfflc Monthly, of Portland, Ore., is a beautifully illustrated month ly magazine which gives full informa tion stbout the resources and oppertu nltiet of the country lying West of the Rockier It tells about the Got ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government land and tells about the district* adapted to fruit raising, dairy Ing, poultry raising, etc. -It has splen did stories by Jack London and other noted authors. The price Is 91.50 a year,, but to in troduce It we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must be qccept ed on or before February 1. 1911. Send your name and address accom panted by fifty cents In stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington. Idaho, and California. Address: The Paclfflc Monthly, Port iand. Oregon. 1 a m tf PATENTS ^ksbk,* a «“• ***** D. SWIFT & CO. FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. U McConnell. Catherine, SL, El mlrm, N. Y„ write*: -I with to expreet my appreciation of the great good I derived tram Foley’, Kidney Remedy which I need tor a bad caae of Kid oey trouble. Fire tgpt-.l.l did the work most eltectlxely and proved ti me beyond a doubt U la the ooxt re liable kidney medicine I have ever, taken." Gera Pharmacy. - y ; f Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night train, between Thorns*- vllle and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all Incoming trains at Atlanta, Including the South Atlantic Limited from Cln* cinnatl and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. Louis. Connections at other Junction points are well adjusted and are shown In tbe schedule folder which can be’secured from any agent of this company. Attention le called to the establishment of connection! at Atlanta tram train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with tbe South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. W. H, J-eaby, General Pass. Agt. E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent. For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD * Six houses now ready to rentjin RIVERSIDE PARK. More new buildings in , prospedl. A number of the be& resi-. dence lots left, better buy be fore all are gone. ;a aga Si