Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 01, 1911, Image 1
j )LUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1911 NUMBER 260 ? Jacquelfn E. Knight has severed onnection with A. C. L. Railroad fiftal, and is busily at work equip* J a set of effegant offices In South I building, where he will practice peine., Dr. Knght is a favorite t all who know him, and his gen- |face will soon be welcomed in Waycross homes. Thoroughly Rifled by experience and well equip he will be an important and ninenf addition to Waycross’ med fraternity. The Herald wishes i welcome. [CHANGES CLOSE FOR HOLIDAY 50FFEE EXCHANGE THE ONL\ ONE TO OPEN SATURDAY. pecial To The Herald, New York, Sept. 1.—At the end 01 plness today the New York Stock ge, the Cotton Exchange and ■“eading exchanges of the ine- closed for the Labor Day and will not resume business »esday. The only exchange to Open tomorrow is the Coffee ange, which decided against a fiay holiday because of the in- fin the September contract, de- OF SAMUEL FOBS MACON IMF. El HOLD TENTH ANNUAL REUNION PETITION FILED 'TO PREVENT AT FALMOUTH HOUSE. NEGROES FROM USING NAME OF ORDER. 1. Me Special To The Herald Portland, Me., Sept, of the Fogg family as their tenth annual reunion today at j \ the Falmouth House In this city. ' a George Fogg Osgood, of Kensington. 1t X. H„ presiding. Samuel Fogg, tlie J s progenitor cf the fami!\. lived in New | v Hampshire in the middle of the IT.lijp century, and his descendants are now widely scattered throughout the coun Macon, of Odd i\ Med •an in st Ting t< Lo< al lodges petition -r court •lly ror| N ' a,lo " :l1 GERMAN VEIS MEET AT DELEGATES FROM SEVERAL OF THE WESTERN STATES ARE IN ATTENDANCE. NEW BATTLESHIP UTAH IN COM. SURVEYING TOR STREET RAILWAY UNCLE SAM'S LATEST FLOATING j FORT WILL JOIN ATLANTIC j FLEET IMMEDIATELY. | The civil < ngin Special To The Her, Omaha, Neb., Sept e a lodge under the | 1 Odd Fellows Lodge e*nt composed of no tion, have idy hut white. dal they •moth try. MADERO NAMED FOR PRESIDENT BY ACCLAMATION Mexico City, Sept. 1.—With no dis senting; voice Francisco 1. Madero re ceived the nomination of the progres- party for president, but Dr. Fran cisco Vasquez, his old running mate and erstwhile agent of the revolution the elusiv and that nobody ( Ipermi-sion from Lodge of Odd Fellows. The petition for an injunction wil he argued before Judge Felton on day next week. '-•Ill to till- imnifl j 01 National oruanlzB without | »<“M tlie annual lie Independent ciatit ill lit tin COOPER TELEGRAPHS ENCOURAGING REPORT HE HAS WRITTEN GRAPHIC STO RY TO THE MASSENGALE AD VERTISING AGENCY. Mr. L. J. Cooper, President First at Washington, was grilled by par-; National Hank, is now in Wilmington, tislans of three other candidates for j n. C., representing the Waycross e vice presidency. ; Board of Trade in on effort fo secure When the convention adjourned to-; a morning train between Jacksonville night no other man for the vice pres-j and Waycross. A telegram has just idency than Vasquez Gomez had been j been received from Mr. Cooper, stat- considered. Jose Pino Suarez contin 1 ing that he has had interview with tied a favorite in the betting with AI-j Vice-President, Mr. .?. R. Kenly and fredo Robles Dominguez as second { Mr. W. J. Craig on the matter, with choice. A ballot tonight probably [ most encouraging results, and ex- would'have resulted In a division ofjpectB to return to Waycross with a honors for third place between Df. j satisfactory report. Vasquez and Fernando Iglesias Caide-j Waycross has been striving to geti' ) * ow * * ms written graphic ally of ron. ; tills service and if it can lie secured ( ex l ) erieiu , es to the firm in Atlanta it will lie very benelicient both toi ant * concludes with the ■ statement meeting Western Veterans’ association, em bracing the States of Kausas, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. The two conventions will join in a big pa rade next Monday. MASSENGALE WAS IN STORM a tiding I l tali. I of the st po ful ship question. afloat, was placed in commission ai the Philadelphia navy yard today. A representative of Captain Grant, com mandant of the yard, read the orders of the secretary of the navy pfladng tlie big battleship in commission, and then Cnpt. W. S. Benson read the orders to tlie navy department plac ing him in command of the Utah. With the band playing “The Star Spangled Banner.” the slurs aftd ■strip es were thrown to the breeze from the masthead. PAROLE SEEN FOR J. R. WALSH ONE OF THE OLDEST INMATES IN THE FEDERAL PRISON. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. !.-—Roscoe sengale, of the Alnssenvale Ad\ ing Agency had a nerve-raking < e in Charleston during the i hat he ver I port city itrazy about a sea adding that In ever "comes buck nvwny doesn't core if he to Charleston,” Mr. Massengale was a guest at the Argyie Hotel In Charleston, and when the blow was at its worst, lie declar cs that ho had to hug a pillar in the lobby to keep from being blown away Previously, the windows and doors of the Imtci had been blown out, allow ing Hie wind freedom of the lobby and corridors, where it whistled v round in its fury. by of lie lion d the fad that steam railroad splits the town, presents some very serious problems in con struction, and it is hoped that every one will be extremely considerate In this matter so that road may he built to meet needs of the ninny and at the same time prove a reasonably good investment to the stockholders. WALTER YOUNfi HAS ATTRACTIVE PICTURE Special To The Herald. Leavenworth, Has., Sept. 1.—When the parole hoard meets at Federal penitentiary here this month the first t use to h,. considered will lie that of John R. Wali li, the former Chicago hanker. Mr. Walsh entered the peni tentiary Jan. 19,^ 19ID, convicted of having violated the hanking law. Re cently President Taft refused to grant him a pardon, but it is believed In* will he paroled when tho hoard meets. At the direction of Attorney General Wickersham th«. outstanding Indict ments against Mr. Walsh have been quashed, thus removing the last ob stacle in the way of paroling the —. prisoner. Mr. Walsh this week on special To The Herald, tered upon his seventy-fifth year and j |) U j ut h, Minn.. Hept. I.—Fifteen is one of tlie oldest inmates of the hishotm and nuracsous clerical and Walter Youn, the “live wire” in real estate field, has a most attrac tive picture In his window today, which is arresting the attention of passcr’s-by. The painting is the plev- er and artistic work of Mrs. waiter Young. It. shows two bouses, one ft beautiful little bungalow, nicely ar ranged and surrounded with grass and beautiful flowers, underneath the words, "Your Own Home." The oth er picture is a plain typical one-story rented house with bare yard and fence and pickets half down, such a house r.» may be seen in many parts of Waycross today, tinhorn-.*!.' and unat tractive. Hndcrncnth both pictures appears tills pertinent query: “Which one do you live In?” Its a clever advertisement and sug gests thoughts of owning a homo to all that see it. CHURCHMEN MEET IN DULUTH. PALMETTO’S ATTRACT Federal prison, train passing through depot and ATTENTION OF YANKEES 1 crowded outside to get their ilrst An incident at depot this morn-j sJImp.'c of an avenue of tropical fo ing emphasized the effect of our J’al- i !i:. a i., and will, of course, remember motto avenue, when this morning a J Waycross all the better on this r-o- large party of northern tourists left ! count. ‘Labor Sunday" Will Be Observed In Waycross s become a recognized custom : city to so far as possible'Attend In y parts of our country where j a body and Join in doing honor to the uuse of labor. (labor H organized to celebrate the Sunday Immediately preceding Imbor Ji | Day, by the various labor unions at tending some church and hearing .i I! special "labor sermon.*’ I)r. W. If. Scruggs, with his usual thoughtful interest In labor and its kindred interests, has arranged to j bold such a service on Sunday night | next, September 3rd, ami extends on behalf of himself and church a warm invitation to all the union men in Dr. Scruggs has selected for bis subject "Jesus Christ and the Work ing Man,” and doubtless his sermon will prove deeply interesting to all who can attend and with special sing Ing and music a delightful meeting will he held that will appropriately usher in Labor Day, the day set apart by our great nation to do honor to the workers of our land. BRUNSWICK. WA YCROSS BARBECUE POSTPONED lay leaders of the ICpiscopal church throughout fhe Northwest assembled In Duluth today for fhe annual coun cil of the sixth missionary district. The sessions will continue over Sat urday and Sunday. The States rep resented include Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, Iowa, North and South Dakota and MinncRotn. Of course It Is ail right for a bride to wait until her husband is sound asleep, then wake him tip to nuk If he's asleep yet. Ti e good roads meeting and barhe- j river It has been decided to postpone cue that was planned to be held to; the meeting until later in the month, boost the good roads between Way-j o. h and Brunswick, is postponed to a later date. If was to have been held at Satilla River on l,abor Day, September 4th, and the arrangements for a great gathering were being made by the automobile societies of „ , . , i good road to Brunswick ns soon ft» ^»>crorz »,T»d Brunswick, but owing 1 |W I o the Li {fit *.v«r atd rtpidly ririur. Congressman W. G. Brantley, Judg.- i J. T. Myem and other distinguished ■ speakers were to have addressed the meeting, but their speeches will keep (and will be enjoyed later. Mean while, don't forget we mqit have that os* i hie. ISN'T IT GREAT to sit on your own porch and behold the beautiful residences that are built near you? And these dwellings not only give you an excolien envi ronment, but Improve the value of your property. FROM THE VIEWPOINT of your own home, the world becom es a very cherry place indeed. Let us help you to such a position. A.M. Knight & Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE <s AGENTS