Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 01, 1911, Image 6
> * FRIDAY, SEPT. X, 1M1, FRIDnE, SEPT.' t, Mil. INSTITUTE CO-EDUCATIONAL MOTTO: Thoroughness and Discipline JUDGE T. A. PARKER, Chairman of Trustees. WAYCROSS, RAY President if ARK MOR RAN!) CO. **ginef.rs and contractors. Loif-H’tch BnlldJnj; HE-INFOHCEO Pa liman electrtc-llghted ninepins eon os sight trains between Thomaa Tin* and Atlanta, Tla Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready (or oeenpue.' ai. :00pm. Train ly vlng Atlanta at 10:15 pm. cats connection* tram a! lncoolns train* at AtlanU. Including tb« Sooth Atlantic United from Clo clnnatl and the DUta Fllyer from Chlcaio and 81 Louis. Connactlona a other (unction point- are veil adjusted and art ahown In the acbadult (old* which can ha accnrt V'om any agent of thla company. Attention la calk. m *W va'aMJ-tnant «| connactlona at Atlanta (rota train arriving at Atlaaa. ».*• an, w.u ffe* JwK. Atlantic Limited loevloi Atlanta at t:«5 an. tor Cincinnati and Chlengo, and the Dtxto Flyer trarlnj Atlanta :;l? am. (o' Chicago and 8t Loula. W. it. Loab>. General Paaa. Agt- B. H. Falk Aiit.Gca. Paaa .IsX. AtlanU. Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel Trarclln ’'•V'arnror A rent. WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMIT shop I pieces, etc. Wa will pleaae or' re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 36 tt Plant and Albany Avenue. from Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. A feeling of otdnest accompanies the dlacorery of the drat gray halra, which, unfortunately, are looked upon as herald, of advancing age. Cray halra, however, are not alwaya an Indication or advanc ing age, for maay people have gray halra quite early In life. Of conrae. It la un- natnral, and indicatee that there la aonu- ffclng wrong with the individual and that Nature need, assistant* In correcting the trouble. The name la trua of hair that la constantly railing ont and becoming thinner every day. If averythlng la right with Natnnv the hair, even In com para-' lively elderly people, thonld be long, thick and gloaay, without'even a streak of gray. The Ideal *Mi«t,nt to Natare In re storing and preserving the hair Is Wy eth's Sage and Snlpknr Hair Remedy, a clean and wholesome dressing for daily ure. Tt not only removes dandruff, hot strengthen* weak, thin and falling hair i and p-olnotea tta growth. A few appli-1 cation* will restore faded or gray hair I to it* natural color. i ThU preparation (a offend fo the public, al fifty acuta a bottle, and la We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Caah or easy term*. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. To those wishing low prices and •any terms, we can please, anything In furniture and tsretshlnt good*. Special orders will twelve oar care- tu] attention.' I Home Fumltwe, Company, IS tl Plant ard Albany Avenue. lul-rt-ile ft.* Tie lion,Id. A faculty of Experienced and well trained teachers. Well arranged builyings, modemly equipped. Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees at our best Universities. Very superior advantages in Music, Violin, Organ, Expression, Art, Book-Keeping, Stenography, Typewriting, and Normal Training.. Special Advantages in Bible. Located in the most inviting City in all South Georgia, noted for its Religious and Educa tional advantages; its Railroad Facilities,* its Refined Lawabiding Citizens. NO BEER SALOONS ^ • The rates are exceedingly moderate, as follows: Literary tuition, $3,50; all Special Branches $4.00; Board $11.50 per Scholastic Month. Next Session Begins Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1911. For catalogue or further information apply to '*U:e Standard olExcetll?ncc in PassenjjerService." 5CHK9Ul.ES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 1911. NurtbbvuLd: Southbound: 7::o am 6:1)0 pm hr. Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pin 10:15 an 8:00 am •'8:40 pm Lv. Thalmni; Ar 7:75 pm 10:00 an 9:20 urn B:C0 pm Lv, Waycroio Ar. 8:10 pm 8:45 an 11:00 am U:40 pm I,v. Douglas Ar 4:35 pin 7:10 an 3t;05 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fltzferald Lv, 8:30 pm 6:05 in 8:30 am 7:15 pm Lv, Thomaavills Ar P:25 am 8:23 pm Lv. Moultrla Ar. 10:85 am 9:80 pm Lv. Tltton Ar. 6:50 pm a:30 an 6:33 pm 8:05. an 4:30 pm 7:06 an COAL! COAL! COAL! When you wont good coal, ask for Red Ash. ThcvMonteveUo la the coal that makes Red Ash. I also hdve a cheaper grade of coal. Have them c :. hand nt all times. Also dry stova wood of all kinds. Telephone 70 for prices. Quick service to any part of X tho city. Ansley Coal Company, 24 tf W. W. Ansley, Prop. 1 doses "666'' will cure any ,case of Chills and Fever, price, 25 corn's. 7-20* tf Big supply of card hoard, all col :>rs, Just received at Harold. 52:1.1 pm 1:80 pm 1:01 pm 1:48 pm 1:58 pm 4:82 pm 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 6:4| pm 8.34 pm 8:15 pm 10:55 pm 11:16 am 18:84 am 1:28 am 1:35 am 2:68 am 8:40 am 8:45 am 4:08 am 4:68 am 6:40 am Lr. Fitzgerald Ar. Lv. Cordal* Lv. Lv. Vienna . Lv, Lv Montezuma Lv. Oflythorpe Lv Lr. Talbottoa Lv. Ar Manchester Lv. Lv, Mancbaiter Ar. Lv. Woodbury Lv. Lv. Senola Lv Ar. Atlanta Lv. 8:25 pm 1:05 pm 1:38 pm 13:50 pm 12:45 pm 11:10 am ' 10:30 am 10:25 am 10:04 am 0:09 am 7:30 am 6:00 an 4:40 an 4:14 an 3:30 an 3:25 an 8:00 aa 1:30 aa 1:15 pa 13:53 ut 11:54 pm 10.-15 pa 6:46 am 3:50 am Lv. Maaobaa'.ar Ar. 4:30 pm 13:46 31:55 am 4:50 am Lv. (AGram* Ar, 1:35 pm 11:46 1 3:50 pm 6:46 am Lv. Tailed*- Ar 11:30 am 7:45 pm (.'a! pm 11:45 ant Ar, Birmingham Lv. ,m 4:45 pm For First Class SEEBERALD oooooooooooo O J H BREWTON <> O DENTIST. O O 420-422 LnGrande Building O <> Wavcroas, Georgia. ( O OOOOOOOOOOOO CABINET WORK. I am atlll at the tame old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all klnua of cabinet work, upbolstcriag, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the past alx years I think 1 know how to give you the Ind of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember f. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Make?, 22 Brewer street, phone 294. 22 tf —*— Special low prices and easy terms 1 on bed room aulte*. iron beds, odd A Harmless Remedy, Made SFfjffiS 1 .jjasitrmyg" *"-! m: * ct D. SWIFT & CO PATKNT lAWYIRU, . 303 Seventh Si.. Washlnr.tcn. 0.1 Atlantic Coatit i Train 93 - 4:55 am | ITaUi 9i 9:55 am j Train 9J 6:00 | Fr: in Chlcagu Lt"l Nortw»st jC. Special (via Albany:,... 4:55 aw i Dixie Flyer (via Tilton)....5:85 am loath Atlantic Limited 6:36 am I You- Brunswick Train 96. 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pm .-'rum .lacksoiville Train 22 6:55 pm Train 32 .10:15 pm Train 94 10:25 pm rtaln 92 10:45 pm From Tamus, High Springs vl* Du pont Crain 42 7:25 pm Fo* through Schedules, Pullman E. U. North. A. G. *>. A. Rsvsunsh ,Oa ARRIVALS AT WAV CROSS. >T..ui Savannah YSln 183 6:60 am Train 185 13:50 pin Train 21 6:55 pm Train 57 10:10 pm ■Vi m Montgamary Train 63 6:15 am .tain 180 .......6:45 pm From Bnlnhrldga * Thomaavills' Train 153 10:05 am s-vom Alban, _ Train 58.'. Train 182 Train 130 Train 2/ r Montgomery Train 159 .......6:10 *M| Train 57 i-J:26 pn For Cambridge and Thumasyilie. Train 186 M^T For Albany Train 82 ..., . Train 96 7:b0 I Train 90 . . ;6: I0|| For Chicago and North*' (■ C. Special (via Albany). 10:601 Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) .. 0:8o/ South Atlantic Limited.. For Brunswick 5 -'. Train 91 I0:ll Train 97 8:f uickaonvllle Train 95 (Dixie Flyer .' .5: Train 93 ■ 5; Train 33‘ 6: rain 21 6: For Tampa, High Springs Inin 43 reservations, etc., Gall On R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent j . I Wav-roea. CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIQHT STREET. OPPOSITE . .WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIAL! RUBBER TIRES PtF* CM UYM'LS H9