Newspaper Page Text
, next Tuesday, Sept. 6tb., the
“Peetai Savings.System will begin op
eration at tbe poet omce In Waycross.
This ayetem, established .for tie ppr-
Po«e of providing facilities at Inter
est with the security of the United
States for repayment,: I* proving sat
isfactory In many places and will no
doubt grow In favor here. Accounts
may be opened by any person of the
age of ten years or over. No depos
it for less, than ohe dollar will be ac
cepted, or more than $100.00 In one
calendar month. Interest being al
lowed at the rate of 2 per cent.
Amounts less than $1.00 may be sav.
ed for deposit by the purchase of 10-
rept postal savings cards and adhe
sive 10-cent postal savings stamps,
. For Information call at money ar-
the morning News,
wing pleasant notice
barker, appears In The
iwa of today
"There till not be a great deal of
regret do^> In Judge Parker's circuit
because ol the fact that he has de
cided not t enter the race for govern-
or. This 1 not because the people
dp not dsi re to tee Judge Parker
honored In he highest possible .man
ner. They t(ouId, Indeed, be pleased
to see him kave anything he wants.
At the same, time there Is work for
Judge Parker to do on the bench, and
he has shown that lie has the capaci
ty for doing that wbrk willingly and
well. It may be something of a per
sonal sacrifice for him to remain on
the -bench, tut a patriotic man can
der or registration office and the,look right O’er the top of personal
clerk will he glad to explain tbe ays- J Interests. 1
j i. r, • That fast gone of ball was pulleo
The rejuvenated Order of Owls held j off last night. The Wild Cats took the
a crowded session at their “Nest”; gams from the Dudes, 8 to 4. It was
last night and transacted a great deal I a n exciting timl for an hour. Next
•f business for the welfare of the or-) Wednesday, 8 d m„ the Fats and
der. Many changes were made In its i Leans will openl lire again. These
^future management, and plans adop- games are creatli quite a lot of hot
ted that will establish It more flrmly
In the ranks of fraternallsm. The
business of the Order was placed tn
hands of a qualified board of trustees
and By-Laws and rules adopted for
future government. .
air. The o]d pn I
‘ Sunday. 4:30 j
will spealf to met
invited—all nfen
, Advertise In THE HERALD.
are giving the
on the diamond,
f., Dr. Langston
only. Every man
be same—no re
serve ^seats^_ Spe ial mptlc by the
quartett" Retneml :r the hour—4:30
Waycross will observe Labor Day,
practically alt the stores In city will
be closed and a general holiday will
be held. A double-header base ball
game will be held In afternoon, and
numerous picnics are being arranged,
weather permitting. Dr. W.
Scruggs will usher In Labor Day with
special sermon and service tomor
row,' Sunday night, at Central Bap
tist Church, and cordially Invite all
union men and their friends to be
The Herald force will celebrate La
bor Day with a rest, and In accordance
with usual custom no paper will be
Last night, Policeman Powell dis
covered a man trying to enter the
residence of Mr. W. A. Martin In
Deenwood. He gave chase, and fired
at the fleeing man several times, but
he made his escape.
Quitman, Ga., Sept. 1.—The Hotel
White House was burned this morn
ing at 2:45 o'clock. It Is a complete
loss. All the guests escaped. The
water pressure was Inadequate to
fight the flames, the water main hav
ing burst a few hours previous to tbfe
discovery of the fire.' Loss $12,000.
- ;Waycross, Ga., Sept. 2, Ml.
Editor JHerald:—
.The quicker the people of' Wayctoss
get down to “brass tacks" and real
lsa‘ thd very great Importance of se
lecting : a' man iii- every source'qualb
fled add fitted for the office of maybr
—the better it will be for all coqtfern
ed, We have a man tn view who
should be acceptable to ajl classes
and all Interests, because' lie Ik Dot
Only a man of most excellent ability
Gut la In every sense an Ideal man
and would be fair and honest and dis
charge the duties Id a highly satis
factory manner to the people.
It Is time to act In the intbrest of
Waycross. Ws suggest the name of
Col. Harry D. Reed for mayor.
The growth "of Wayorosa Is exem
plified lu many ways. One striking
illustration ol our Increase is shown
In the growing value of business
transacted In Mayor's Court. Wbeth-
jr the Increase of cases means a de
crease In morality or Increase In vig
ilance and capacity of police force Is
lard to determine. For the sake of
comparison. Herald man has taken
the'Mayor’s docket for month of Au
gust 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911 and thd
results are quite Interesting. During
August 1911, the docket shows 76 cas
es (lied on book, drunks and disorder
ly find fighting, 43 cases; drinking In
waiting room, G; shooting In city lim
its, 4; hitching ordinance, 4; street
tax, 6; miscellaneous charges, 14.
Total fines Imposed, $174.00. Including
forfeited bonds, $9fe.OO.
During the montii of August, 1910,
there were 68 cnles bolero Mayor.
Dismissed, 11; drujik and disorderly,
31 cases. Fines Imposed to amount
of, $243.00. This Includes a flue of
$100.00 for telling whiskey.
During month of August, 1909, 19.
cases before Mkyor. 3 dismissed;
drunk and disorderly, 17 cases. Total
fines Imposed $64.00. ,
August,. 1908, 16 cases before. May-
r. 10 Cases drunk and disorderly.
Total fines Imposed, $156.00, Including
$100.00 for selling whiskey.
Summary; -’ ’
August, -1911, Cttttfli, Fines $174.
August 1610, Cases r 58, Fines $246.
August, 1666, Castb*19, Finns, $ 64.
August, '1*08, Cases 16, Fines $163.
An examination of - docket shows
that Mayor'Cox during 1616 and 1911
baa had a great many caaes before
him, but at above resulta show, hla
policy haa been to temper Justice with
mercy and fines are light In moat
Wh'ether thin policy tends to
decrease these cases It a question
that tbe moraliat 'must solve. Bat
without queetlon the work at Mayor's
Court Is becoming dally greater and'
more burdensome, and the tlnfk must
soon come when Waycross will need
a recorder to try all theae caaes
dally and relieve tbe Mayor from
this responsibility.
33 Years
34 Yearn
J208 Pounds , . . .
h weight
...... . 86$ Pou#df\
5 feet 11 Inches
• ""'S'- 6 futVlneSe#
73 inchu
74 1-3 laches
17 Inchu .
!'• ; 16 Inches
14 1-2 Inches
•** 16 Inchu
-45 Inches
Chut .
53 inchea
34 Inches
• 33 Inches
26 Inches
28 Inchu
17 1-2 Inches
17 Inchu '
Chicago. III., Sept. 2—hi the Ameri
can League baseball park Monday af
ternoon Frank Gotcb, the world 1
champion wrestler, will defend hit
title against George Hackenschmldt,
the “Russian Lion,” from whom the
Iowa grappler wrested the champion
ship In a contest In this city on
April 2, 1908. Tbe bout hat attract
ed attention on both sldea of tha
lantlc and should prove the chqii
tid-blt that has been offered follqt
of, the game In a long whiles *Tbe
men will wrestle to a flalah, tfig win;
ner gaining two - falls out of thi
carrying off the lion's share
gate receipts besides a large tli
and the championship title.
Both wrestlers are reported today
to be In the finest fettle j[p^ r |be match,
and all Indications point to a desper
ate struggle for supremacy. In a
broad sense the contest will be one
of cleverness against strength and en
durance. Gotch Is acknowledged tc
be the cleverest wrestler who evqr
•topped on tho mat. Hackenschmldt
employs no llttlo sclence In his mov-
trouble. One of the most exciting,
matches be ever had was when ho
maLMadratl, tbe "Terrible Turk,’"
with an unbeaten record. The match
was for the world'a championship.
Notwithstanding the great strength
and weight of ’ the Turk, Hachen-
schmldt defeated him In Jnat 44 ae»-
onds. Not until be met Frank Gotob
did the big Russian know the sting
of defeat Hackenschmldt acknowl
edges that Gotch la the cleverest man
III'the game, but he declares that fa>
the coming match he will be .able, to-
undermine the strength of the cham
pion with hj^Tar greater atrengtb anffi
In the end will be returne dthe win
ner. V
A party ot automoblllsts have Just
feturnbd from a trip to Satllla river,
and report that thq riser Is at a stand
still, .and Is pebapa llowly falling
Apparently the danger It now over
and bridge and road are Ufa.
hut hla main reliance, always .has
been hla wonderful power of strength
and endurance.
Gotch Hue Defeated Them All.
Nearly all critics are agreed that
Frank Gotch I. the greatest wrest- Mr . Plrter ,***
ling champion since the days of Jack iSJhii .. ... uj
. ft was rumored on the attests this
morning that Aderman t Colvin W-
Parker would today make announce^
meat, of hit candidacy for the moy-
oralty of this city. The Iferaid re-
_ . . answer to the direct quutlon -as to
Carkeek, when the, latter wa. at hi. wheUier wouM ^ % ^
but. Not eo m,py ,y^r._a«o-Ootoh
If he would announce tbe ume today.)
Two negroes, charged with break
ing Into depot at McDonald, were ar
rested and brought to Wayerou last
night by 8pedal Agent Hill, of the
Coast Line, and are being held for
the Coffee county official!; Several
residences were burglarised at Will*-
coot lice this week, end thou negroes
are thought to bo Implicated In these
Big shipment ladles 2io neckwear
for tnly !0c -I>icklpi„.-
wa» working on a faryn In Iowa. "Far
mer" Bum, the old-time wrestler,
owned the farm, and It was a sort of
a trainer to Burns that Gotch atartei
In tbe game. That was In the year
13-0, 8lnce that time tbe Iowan has
Mr. Parker said that ha had about:
concluded to make tbe race; hut that;;
he would not make any announce--
meat yet, ns he had not completed'
writing hla platforM.
From this It would teem that urn
engaged In 331 matchu, not counting . .. _ „ _ , , J
_ ■ • ,. doubtedly Mr.' Parker will In a very,
many minor affairs, and of this num
ber he lost only seven, five of them
being handicap matchu, In which he
failed to .throw hla man ai many
tlmu as agreed. Gotch practically
became champion In 1606 when he de
feated Tom Jenkins at Kansas City.
Jenkina was then considered the but
In tbe country. Among other well
known wrutlera whom Gotch hat
mastered may ha mentioned Duncan
McMillan, Carl Pons, “Farmer" Burnt
Jim Parr, Ed. -ATherton, American,
Yankee Rogers, Dr, Roller Fred Bull,
and HJalmar Lundln. Hla greatest
match was with George Hacken
schmldt, when he won tbe champlpn-
Ship thru years ago. Gotch .won
wlthout-a fall, as Hackenschmldt gave
up after 2 hours andimlnutes ot work
on tbe mot with out any sign of a
Hack an Ail Around- Athlete.
There It probabty no stblste In the
world with a greater reputation than
George HackenachmldL Previous to
taking up wrestling be was consider
ed the strongest man in Europe, and
he was alto of* of tbe gruteat ath
lete,) in all-round work.. His first no-
able mat contest was with Paul Pons,
at that time the Gaeco-Roman cham-
■Ion of the world. Hackenschmldt
von the match In 46 minutes. His
tuccesn determined him to become a
rofosrloncl wrestler. In the succeed
ns yean he defeated all the best
net*.of Europe, without spy apparent
short time make formal announce-.
mont and enter the eontut with Mr.;
McGee and Mayor Cox, who It Is urn
derstood, are already In the race. .
Big assortment roen'i neckwear*
Just In.—Dleklnt stores. *
to sit on your.own porch and heholffi
tha beautiful residences that are
built nur you? And these dwelling*
not only give you an excellen envi
ronment, but Improve the value ot
your property.
of your own home, the world becom
es a very cherry place Indeed. Let
us help you to such a position.
A. AL Knight
- 1